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Displaying results 4831 - 4860 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madhumi Mitra, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Will Klein
Engineering Education, 2022situations; and displaying empathy by perceiving the current challenges of the pandemic, and theextent the underrepresented populations are disproportionately affected.6.0 AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the Maryland Space Grant Consortium (MDSGC) for fundingthe research and summer internship and travel scholarship to Mr. William Klein.7.0 References 1. Ravindra, K., Singh, T., Vardhan, S., Shrivastava, A., Singh, S., Kumar, P., & Mor, S. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic: What can we learn for better air quality and human health?.Journal of infection and public health, 15(2), 187–198. 2. Chang, H. H., Meyerhoefer, C. D., & Yang, F. A. (2021
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohsen Azizi, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
what modifications are required, through end-of-course/workshop surveysand evaluations. For each of these surveys and evaluations, a standard rubric was prepared andprovided to the participants with consultation with the EAC members to properly reflect theproject activity objectives. These formative and summative measures are listed in Table 2. Table 2. Evaluation plan including formative (F) and summative (S) measures. Activity Description Evaluation Measure Continuous consultation and feedback from (i) New course and laboratory External Advisory Committee (F & S); Early and end-of-term
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 5
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Milonas, New York City College of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
will be available to answer questions and offer guidance to attendees. • Goal: The goal of this session is to provide female minority students in the bachelor STEM degree programs with the opportunity to connect with junior and senior female minority students in the same program and gain valuable insights and confidence from their experiences. Peer-led activities have been shown to create a sense of community and increase retention of minority students [18]. Building a supportive network can enhance the academic success of these students.The findings from these initiatives will be reported at a future ASEE conference.Work Cited[1] C. Botella, S. Rueda, E. López-Iñesta, and P. Marzal. "Gender diversity in STEM
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Shehla Arif, University of Mount Union
oflearners. This involves uncovering implicit biases in our own training as engineering educatorsthat favor one set of learners6.Documenting the continuing race, ethnicity, and gender-based achievement gaps in science &engineering (S&E), the National Science Foundation concludes, “Maintaining the preeminenceof U.S. S&E higher education, while serving Americans of all backgrounds, represents acontinuing aspiration.”7 Data collected by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rightson access to Mathematics and Sciences courses in high schools across the nation indicatessignificant demographic-based gaps.8 “Nationwide, 78% of high schools offer algebra 2, 48% offer calculus, 72% offer chemistry, and 60% offer physics (Table
Conference Session
Critical Reflections on Engineering Ethics Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Claire Lynne McCullough P.E., High Point University; Svetlana Chesser, Auburn University; Brian J. O'Leary, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Bart L. Weathington, WECO Solutions
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
incident(s) had occurred. Choices given for gender were male,female, and other, which the user was asked to describe. Options given for ethnic origin wereCaucasian, African American, Hispanic/Latino, Mixed Race, American Indian/Alaskan Native,Black African, Asian, and Indian/S. Asian. Given the relatively small number of responses fromethnicities other than Caucasian, we combined all other ethnicities into a single variable.Respondents were given an open-ended question regarding major or work category. In theanalysis, “STEM” was interpreted to include all majors/job categories in mathematics andengineering, and sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology, but not social sciences. Non-STEM was all other fields, ranging from social sciences to
Conference Session
Innovative and Impactful Engineering Leadership Pedagogy
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Meg Handley, Pennsylvania State University; Mihee Park, Pennsylvania State University; Ashley N. Patterson, Pennsylvania State University; John Jongho Park, Pennsylvania State University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development
his or her needs for belongingness and uniqueness” (p.1265). Team member perception of belongingness and uniqueness creates feelings of inclusivitywithin a team setting; behaviors related to these areas are described in Shore et al.’s (2011)framework for inclusion as shown in figure 1.Figure 1Shore et al. 2011 Inclusion FrameworkFrom “Inclusion and Diversity in Work Groups: A Review and Model for Future Research”, byShore, Randel, Chung, Dean, Ehrhart, and Singh, 2011, Journal of Management, 37(4), p. 1266.The Authors 2011. Promoting feelings of inclusiveness requires intentional behaviors, and leaders are in aposition to practice these behaviors to foster inclusive environments within teams. Their uniquepositions within the workplace
Conference Session
Continuing Professional Development Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bekir Mugayitoglu, University of Wyoming ; Mike Borowczak, University of Wyoming; Andrea Carneal Burrows Borowczak, University of Wyoming
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Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
reuse. These lessons can guide professionaldevelopments for not only K-12 teachers, but also for engineering educators in cybersecurity andcomputer science.Funding:This work was supported by the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) and theNational Science Foundation (NSF) through the CS for All: RPP - Booting Up ComputerScience in Wyoming (WySLICE Award #1923542) and Sustaining Wyoming’s AdvancingReach in Mathematics and Science (SWARMS Award #1339853). Any opinions, findings, andconclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of NSF.ASEE 2021 ReferencesAbramovich, S. (2016). Understanding digital badges in higher education
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 10
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Medha Dalal, Arizona State University; Adam R. Carberry, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
education must continue. Our work adds to the conversation by providing directevidence of school, district, and state administrators’ perspectives. We will continue to engage inmultiple reflections and discussions with administrators across the nation in the coming years asthe e4usa scales up to create district-level partnerships. The study has implications for how schooland district partnerships may be developed to allow for reciprocal support as pre-collegeengineering education continues to grow.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work primarily supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)under NSF Award Number EEC-1849430. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s
Conference Session
Industrial, Professional, and Practical Contexts of Engineering Ethics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dayoung Kim, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Shiloh James Howland, Brigham Young University; Brent K. Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
better seethe “everyday ethics” in her workplace.Internships, along with other types of experiential learning including service learning, student-faculty research, study abroad, and capstone courses, have been identified as high-impactpractices for enriching student learning [13]. For instance, AAC&U’s College Learning for theNew Global Century notes that such experiences offer “rich opportunities for connectingknowledge with choices and action” [14, p. 36]. However, as Beatrice’s and Palano’s experiencedemonstrates, students may have “had the experience but missed the meaning” [15, p. 151,quoting T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets]. Thus, there remains an open question about what could bedone to help students learn even more, especially closer to
Conference Session
Best Paper, Best Diversity Paper
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
James Buchholz, University of Iowa; Jae-Eun Russell, University of Iowa; Venanzio Cichella, University of Iowa; Casey Harwood, University of Iowa; Shaoping Xiao, University of Iowa; Pablo M. Carrica, University of Iowa
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
students to pursue careers in naval science & technology (Kiss, 2011; Lundquist,2014). Because there are relatively few institutions in the United States that offer comprehensivenaval architecture programs, there is an opportunity for smaller programs to help meet the needby developing quality curricula on Navy-related S&T subjects, and to make students aware ofpotential careers in this area.The program discussed in this paper has been developed at the University of Iowa, whichprovides unique challenges for attracting students with interest in naval science & technology. Itis therefore important to cultivate that interest through exposure to relevant curricular topics andengineering challenges. In addition, due to the limited faculty
Conference Session
Team Facilitation and Effectiveness
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
P.K. Imbrie, University of Cincinnati; Jutshi Agarwal, University of Cincinnati; Gibin Raju, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Engineering Education for the 21st Century," in Symposium on Engineering and Liberal Education, Schenectady, NY, 2010.[4] T. S. Isaac, O. J. Kolawole, A. A. G. Funsho and O. J. Adesiji, "Reviewing Engineering Curricula to Meet Industrial and Societal Needs," in 2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Dubai, UAE, 2014.[5] M. F. Ercan and R. Khan, "Teamwork as a fundamental skill for engineering," in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Hong Kong, 2017.[6] K. Sheppard, P. Dominick and Z. Aronson, "Preparing Engineering Students for the New Business Paradigm of International Teamwork and Global Orientation," International Journal of
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 2 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Mohamed ElZomor, Florida International University; Gabriella Santi, Florida International University; Piyush Pradhananga, Florida International University; Mais Kayyali, Florida International University; Lu Zhang, Florida International University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
) was 3.67,use of script support (SS) was 3.21, use of storytelling (S) was 3.29 and ability to controlemotions (CE) was 3.57. Based on the student self-assessment responses (Figure 3), the areasthat received the lowest average ratings were the inability to include storytelling techniques(S), effectiveness to use script support (SS), as well as incompetence to engage audiences(EA). Students expressed that their strengths were content preparation, organization and timemanagement, yet these skills received a rating of approximately 3, indicating that theirstrengths are still considered as underdeveloped. Therefore, results indicated that there is anopportunity for improvement and mastering all the different presentation criteria
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University; Stephanie Cutler, Pennsylvania State University; Thomas A. Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3): 223-231. 3. Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, H. J., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 4. Bender, D. D., & Weimer, M. (2005). The phenomenology of change: How do individual faculty manage the instructional change process? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec. 5. Borrego, M., Froyd, J. E., & Hall, T. S. (2010). Diffusion of engineering education innovations: A survey of
Conference Session
Labs and Experiential Learning
2021 Illinois-Indiana Regional Conference
Abdussalam Alawini, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Peilin Rao, UIUC; Leyao Zhou, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Lujia Kang; PING-CHE HO, PureStorage
Tagged Topics
Labs and experiential learning
a relation (table) in the relational database. Figure 3: The Neo4J (graph) version of the university database presented in Section 2.1Figure 4 shows the Cypher query for Q1 and Q2 . The Cypher version of Q1 (Figure 4(a)) issimilar to Q1 ’s SQL version. We first find the Student nodes and use the WHERE clause toselect students with the name ‘James Smith’. Then, we RETURN (output) the Major property ofthe student. Figure 4(b) shows the Cypher query equivalent to Q2 and demonstrates Neo4J’spower in querying interconnected data. The graph pattern matching clause shown in the MATCHfinds all Students measuring ECE and taking a class (represented by the relationship Has). TheRETURN clause group the result by course name and COUNT student
Conference Session
Pre-K12 Track - Technical Session II
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Jacqueline Handley, University of Michigan; Elizabeth Birr Moje
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Pre K-12 Education
experiencescontributed to understanding how we might think to make the teaching of engineering, andspecifically problem definition, in K-12 settings more inclusive. Overall, these findings add tothe growing conversation inclusive classroom environments, that make more explicit connectionbetween youths’ out of school knowledge and practices in school settings.Works Cited[1] S. Sismondo, An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies, 2 edition. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. ; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.[2] G. Goggin, Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life. Routledge, 2012.[3] B. Latour and S. Woolgar, Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts. Sage, 1986.[4] C. L. Dym, A. M. Agogino, O. Eris, D. D. Frey, and L
Conference Session
Computing Track - Technical Session II
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Amber Manning-Ouellette, Iowa State University; Lora Leigh G. Chrystal, Iowa State University; Allie Parrott, Iowa State University
Tagged Topics
Computing, Diversity
communication pedagogy. Communication Education, 61, 80‑88. DOI:10.1080/03634523.2011.632017Carlone, H. B., & Johnson, A. (2007). Understanding the science experiences of successful women of color: science identity as an analytic lens. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(8), 1187-1218.Chase, S. E. (2018). Narrative inquiry: Toward theoretical and methodological maturity. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. (pp. 546-560). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory. London: Sage Publications.Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2018). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Dugan, J. P
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Steinbrink, Gannon University; Karinna M Vernaza, Gannon University; Barry J Brinkman, Gannon University; Theresa Vitolo, Gannon University; Adam Finn Nogaj, Gannon University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Systems Engineering from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and a M.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Notre Dame; her industry experience includes shipyard project management and consulting for Off-High Vehi- cles projects for GE Transportation. She was awarded the 2012 ASEE NCS Outstanding Teacher Award, 2013 Gannon University Distinguished Faculty Award and 2013-2014 Gannon University Faculty Award for Excellence in Service-Learning. She is one of the Principal Investigators of three NSF S-STEM and one ADVANCE-PAID grants.Dr. Barry J Brinkman, Gannon UniversityDr. Theresa Vitolo, Gannon University Theresa M. Vitolo is an Associate Professor (retired) in the Computer and Information Science
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sami Maalouf, California State University, Northridge; Anwar Alroomi, California State University, Northridge
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
with accessibility codes? 3. Will the organization provide on-site orientations for students? If yes, will the orientations include the following: a. Hours available for students to be at the learning site(s) b. Informing students where to park c. Informing students of the closest public transportation options d. Procedures for checking-in at the learning site(s) e. Procedures for students and supervisors to track students’ hours f. Organizational dress-code g. Tours of the learning site(s) h. Introduction to the students’ work areas i. Introduction to other employees/volunteers j. Confidentiality training: k. Safety and emergency
Conference Session
Technical Session 1c
2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Aldin Malkoc, Arizona State University ; Mackenzie Honikel, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering at Arizona State University; Jeffrey Thomas La Belle, Arizona State University
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Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section
incorporated into engineering majors to ensure that studentare learning, retaining, and applying material efficiently in their core engineeringclasses 5. However, the missing need is having a resource, such as externalvalidators and teaching assistants, effectively assess and ensure students’ properapplication of engineering concepts are applied.Research conducted in the 1990’s suggests that active teaching by the instructorwill increase student engagement, which results in a better understanding ofmaterial6. Other studies performed show that active teaching compared to atraditional style of teaching results in higher grade point averages7. A studyperformed in an engineering course at Utah State University found that studentstaught via project based
Conference Session
M2C: Learning by Design 2
2019 FYEE Conference
Jonathan R. Brown, Ohio State University; Irina Kuznetcova, The Ohio State University; Ethan Kirk Andersen; Nick H Abbott; Deborah M. Grzybowski, Ohio State University; Christopher Douglas Porter, The Ohio State University Department of Physics
Tagged Topics
Diversity, FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
State University Dr. Deborah Grzybowski is a Professor of Practice in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University. She received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and her B.S. and M.S. in Chem- ical Engineering from The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on making engineering accessible to all students, including students with visual impairments, through the use of multiple pedagogy models including VR, art-infused curriculum, and 3D printed models.Dr. Christopher Douglas Porter, The Ohio State University Department of Physics Dr. Porter obtained undergraduate physics degrees from Universitaet Leipzig, and from The Ohio State University. He completed his M. S. and Ph. D. in physics
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Meg E. West, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
required undergraduate transportation engineering course(s) address a minimum set of core competencies (“learning domain”). • There should be a common set of knowledge tables that map the learning domains which could be used by instructors across universities as the basis of the required course(s). • There is a need for effective strategies that provide contextual active learning environments for students in these courses. • There is a need to develop collaborative tools for sharing transportation engineering curricular materials across instructors and institutions.In response to these outcomes, around 20 transportation engineering educators created theCurriculum Subcommittee of the Institute of
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Curriculum Innovation
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Ruhala, University of Southern Indiana; Laura Ruhala, University of Southern Indiana; Eric Sprouls, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
%for the pre-engineering students. Page 13.5.9Table V: Retention of engineering students who started Fall 2002 and were enrolled inENGR 101.Engineer ing Level Number of Student in Number of those Student Retention Rate Engineer ing 101 still in engineer ing (After thr ee year s) (Fall 2002) (Fall 2005)Pr e-engineer ing (star tingmath level is less than 25 1 4
Conference Session
Case Studies & Engineering Education Around the Globe
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karim Altaii, James Madison University; Hennia cavallini, University of Costa Rica
Tagged Divisions
Reading Assignment Laboratory/ Recitation/Miscellaneous Module I Energy Issues and Concepts S: Serway 6th Ed. H: Hinrichs 4th Ed. 1 July 9 Course introduction; Energy H/ 1/29, 87/92 Meet in the Heat Transfer issues and concepts Lab 2 July 10 Conservation of energy; S/ 580-595; 605-607 Temperature; Ideal gas model H/ 33/57 3 July 11 Heat transfer by conduction, S/ 623/631 Lab 1 (UCR
Conference Session
Investigating Alternative-energy Concepts
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; Keith Coogler, Sam Houston State University; Dominick Fazarro, Sam Houston State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
ambient energysource to storage device is needed to avoid voltage drops in the wires. For the purpose of placingstorage devices closer to every energy source, a detailed routing investigation will be conducted.References[1] Hinrics A. R., Kleinbach M. (2002). Energy: Its Use and the Environment. 3rd Edition,Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc.[2] Yildiz, F., Zhu, J., & Pecen, R., Guo, L. (2007). Energy Scavenging for Wireless Sensor Page 14.1050.12Nodes with a Focus on Rotation to Electricity Conversion, American Society of EngineeringEducation, AC 2007-2254:[3] Rabaey, J. M., Ammer, M. J., Da Silva Jr, J. L., Patel, D., & Roundy, S. (2000
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jan Machotka, University of South Australia; Zorica Nedic, University of South Australia; Andrew Nafalski, University of South Australia; Ozdemir Gol, University of South Australia
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
shown in Figure 6. Page 14.98.9 Figure 6. PSpice schematics for the simulation.The second model is based on the calculated system transfer function shown below and used forthe MATLAB simulation. 1 s 2 ∗L3 − L2 + − s ∗R2 − R3 + −H (s) ? C  L
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University; Charles Bunting, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
was video-taped. Students were asked to verbalize what theywere doing as they took the practical examination and, if necessary, were prompted by the TA.Coding is currently being developed to analyze these videos.The second technician aspect students were trained in was analyzing and graphing acquired data.Students were shown how to upload data from the test instrumentation to LabView then exportthis data to Matlab. Data was presented in the form of Smith charts, and graphs of S parameters.Students were also shown how to distinguish theoretical from measured data. The measurementsperformed by students and data presentation assignments were designed to illustrate limitationsof the measurement instrumentation. Specific data analysis tasks
Conference Session
Integrating Computer-based Technology in the Civil Engineering Classroom
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Vinod Lohani, Virginia Tech; Parhum Delgoshaei, Virginia Tech; Chelsea Green, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
temperature probe provides an exponential curve (Newton’s law of cooling), the displacement of a falling ball onto the motion detector provides a power (quadratic) function and the force sensor can be exited linearly.Three sensors (i.e., temperature, force, and motion detection) are used to develop this activity.The system setup and LabVIEW output are shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.Figure 3. DAQ activity setup. The analog signals from temperature and force sensors are filteredout from noise, amplified and converted to digital (0’s and 1’s) in the Vernier SensorDAQ(middle). The Motion Detector implements these conversions internally
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design Constituents
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Farison, Baylor University; Zhuocheng Yang, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
developed to administer this new responsibility, 2) the experiences of the first three years of program evaluator visits, 3) the institutions with ABET EAC-accredited multidisciplinary engineering programs, 4) the number and names of the multidisciplinary engineering program(s) at each institution, 5) the ABET EAC accreditation history of these programs, 6) a look ahead at the projected future evaluator workload, and 7) other issues related to this new accreditation role and to recent changes in the process.IntroductionOne of the significant distinctions of a substantial number of baccalaureate engineering programsis that they intentionally do not align naturally with a currently so-called “traditional discipline”(such as
Conference Session
Best Practices in IE Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Elam, Texas A&M University, Commerce; E. Delbert Horton, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Sukwon Kim, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Bob Wilkins, Texas A&M University, Commerce
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
, engineering economy, discretemathematics, and probability and statistics. Using the brief description that Industrial Engineersimprove processes, students were taught to think of equations as models for processes. Theindependent variable(s) is (are) the input(s) to the process and the dependent variable(s) is (are)the output(s) from the process.Systems of linear equations, matrices, and truth tables from discrete mathematics were taught tohelp prepare students for the computer programming courses and the linear algebra course taughtby the Mathematics department. Both of these courses were prerequisites for the first operationsresearch course taught in the Industrial Engineering degree program. It was emphasized thatlinear programming was mathematical
Conference Session
Capstone Courses II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Stewart Slater, Rowan University; Mariano Savelski, Rowan University; Robert Hesketh, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
engineering solutions.Educational ApproachThe traditional and probably most common method of introducing aspects of green engineeringhas been through a senior and graduate level elective course on environmental engineering, withan emphasis on process treatment. Courses were developed that focus on methods to minimizeor prevent waste streams from existing chemical plants in the 1990’s. The educationalprogression mirrors the progression in industry. In industry initial efforts were applied to wastetreatment whereas current efforts are aimed at reducing the total volume of effluent treated aswell as the nature of the chemicals treated. Currently, many of the environmental and pollutionprevention courses have been replaced by courses in green engineering