(CEED) at Virginia Techfor providing us with the opportunity to host a workshop for incoming students during theirsummer bridge program. This material is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant No. 1943811. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] American Society for Engineering Education, “Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology, 2022,” American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, D.C., 2023. Accessed: Mar. 27, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ira.asee.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Engineering-and-Engineering-Technology
with research. 4. A dedicated staff member whose job is to be a student liaison and plan/coordinate and facilitate REU events is a critical addition to the leadership team.Acknowledgements: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundationunder Grant 2149667. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, Advanced Technologies for Gas Turbines.Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2020.[2] National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, Commercial Aircraft Propulsion andEnergy Systems
challenges.Examples of these challenges include integrating FPGAs with sensors to achieve intelligenthome energy management or optimizing air conditioners for precise temperature control. Theoverarching goal was to explore a range of science and math concepts, such as binary arithmetic,Boolean logic, combinational circuits, finite state machines, and memory read-and-writeprocesses. Additionally, students had the opportunity to engage with guest speakers who areexperts and role models in the field of computer hardware engineering.Measures and data sourcesBefore and after the seminar, students completed Romine et al.'s [15] Student Interest inTechnology and Science (SITS) survey. The SITS instrument assesses individual interest inscience and technology
partial when teachers eitherdidn’t get to the end of the challenge or did not implement major elements of the challenge (e.g.,not having students do presentations at the end of the challenge).Figure 1. STEM-ID Implementation by Grade Level Challenge and Teacher 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Systems Cell and System Visualizat Desig Syste Visualizat Desig Phone Investigati DesigTeachers Data s ion n Data ms ion n Design on n123
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experience. This led the college to discontinue the global experience as a graduationrequirement and adopt a strongly encouraged global experience in undergraduate programs. Thestudy abroad advisors at the college and university continue to emphasize advantages of taking partin the available options. Testimonials from students who had a global experience show the positiveimpact on their lives and education. Availability of scholarships specifically for study abroad helpsto motivate students to take part in these programs. References1. Open Doors Report US Study Abroad (2023) https://opendoorsdata.org/annual-release/u-s-study-abroad/2. TTU Catalog https://catalog.ttu.edu/3. TTU study abroad web
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a/ init RCE D N rela oot cau IO r iat NAT ddress ive EVEL oo e ed EMI a to O s r tiv lat DISS tive to ad PME t c to se es itia re
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deployment.Future work. This paper has presented a proof-of-concept version of our application, Walkand Draw. As such, we envision the following efforts as future work. First, we aim to revisethe interface to provide a more user-friendly experience. Second, we plan to incorporate bettermechanisms for saving and sharing student work. Third, we plan to deploy Walk and Drawto our target population of students to ensure that our application satisfies their needs.AcknowledgementsFinancial support for this project was provided by Grand Valley State University. The views andconclusions contained herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent theopinions of the sponsors.References[1] Caquard, S. (2013). Cartography I: Mapping narrative
agree”, a three “neutral” and a one “strongly disagree.” While students may have felt more belonging with MBL, the effect was not significant. On average students felt more belonging than uncertainty in both version of the course (scores < 3).Table 4 - Data collected from the AEQ-S survey and the Belonging Uncertainty Scale presented as mean +/- stdev for traditional (T) andmastery-based (MBL) course offerings. Statistics for two-way ANOVA are also
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Paper ID #43886STEAM Outreach Incorporating K-12 Teachers and Youth Robotics WorkshopsMr. Norman Henry Philipp P.E., Ed.S., Pittsburg State University Norman’s professional work experience includes consulting and lecturing on Construction Management, Architecture, Engineering Design, and Project Management. Mr. Philipp recently completed an educational specialist degree (Ed. S.) in continuation of his dual bachelors and dual masters degrees in the fields of Architecture and Engineering (B.Arch., M.Arch., B.S., M.S.). Mr. Philipp currently serves as a full professor in the College of Technology at Pittsburg State
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. The76 authors believe this semi-private exchange between two peers results in better understanding of77 the topic. Some students have expressed that they felt more confident asking seemingly trivial78 questions from a classmate whom they had felt comfortable to take the quiz with. To facilitate a79 productive discussion the instructor frequently checks the progress of the teams and provides80 feedback. S/he then uses the remaining 20 minutes of the class time to solve and explain the81 problem, and the quiz grade is awarded to all who participate in the discussion, regardless of the82 correctness of their submissions. A student who participated in a similar quiz format in a83 different mechanical engineering courses
students that contained a question thatcould have been answered by reading the syllabus. The occurrences were tallied and totaled at theend of the 12-week 2023 session. A revised approach to syllabus review was developed within the technical contract reviewframework which demands the reviewer pays attention to the details and ensures all aspects arecompliant to the intent(s). The instructor incorporated aspects of this framework into anassessment assigned after students were instructed to read the syllabus (Farmer & Hu, 2018). Thisassessment included select-response and open-ended questions that guided the student in thepractice of technical contract review. After a brief description and examples of such terms asobservables, conditions
% 36-40 Years 3 0 3 2.7% 41-45 Years 2 1 3 2.7%The end of the survey included four optional questions, two of which had multiple-choice styleanswers and two of which had free-form text answers that were then parsed into appropriategroups: • Did you earn your graduate degree(s) in the US? o Yes o No, but there was a similar academic culture (e.g., Canada) o No, and there was a noticeably different academic • Is English your first language? o Yes o No • What is your gender identity? • What is your race/ethnicity? Table 2 shows
rationale in higher education: An overview of the contemporary legal context," Social Justice, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 138-152, 2003.[8] J. Centeno, "Why We Need More Faculty Of Color In Higher Education," 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.forbes.com/sites/civicnation/2021/05/12/why-we-need-more- faculty-of-color-in-higher-education/?sh=73a8986664f2.[9] V. Johnson-Mallard, R. Jones, M. Coffman, J. Gauda and K. Deming, "The Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Faculty Scholars Diversity and Inclusion Research," Health Equity, vol. 3, no. 1, 2019.[10] P. S. A. J. J. K. Felten, A. Long, T. Lubicz-Nawrocka, L. Mercer-Mapstone and R. Verwoord, "Reimagining the place of students in academic development," International Journal for Academic
relating the material to real-world use. Also, I would like to highlight TA (because I don't see a specific spot for him) because he has been an incredibly valuable resource for the lab portion of this class. He has been the most attentive and helpful TA I have ever had. He will always help you understand the material and has done a great job supporting the students.In addition, Students suggested to improve the course. The suggestion request sentence was“Make a suggestion(s) for improving the course.” All the responses were as follows. o The lab sessions can be extended. I really liked the content and the material during lab sessions. The only improvement could be having more time to practice with more lab sessions
and workforce development. We aregrateful for the valuable inputs we received from professional organizations, particularly theInstitute of Transportation Engineers and the North Carolina Department of Transportation, indesigning the program. We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpfulcomments and suggestions. Finally, we extend our gratitude to the program evaluator, thesupport team at Suitable, and the administrative staff at NCA&T, especially Deborah Hamptonand Nicholas Allen, for their assistance with all program components.7 References 1. Walker, J.L., Chatman, D., Daziano, R., Erhardt, G., Gao, S., Mahmassani, H., Ory, D. et al. Advancing the Science of Travel Demand Forecasting. National
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