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. This diversity results in a datasetthat currently comprises twenty-five years of data that includes 1,014,887 unique undergraduate,degree-seeking students. Of those students 210,725 were ever enrolled in engineering. While theoriginal database contains only eleven institutions, the plan for MIDFIELD has always been toexpand the database to include all public institutions in the United States that offer undergraduateprograms in engineering. An award by the National Science Foundation (#1545667,$4,010,978.00, 03/01/16 to 02/28/2021) will support increasing the number of partnerinstitutions to 103. Students in the expanded MIDFIELD will comprise over half of theundergraduate engineering degrees awarded at U. S. public institutions and
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2012 and 857in Fall 2013. Because of a university-wide initiative, the President decided in Fall 2013 to admitmore students to the Colleges of Engineering and Business. The California State Universitysystem-wide placement testing program in basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills consistsof the English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) examination.Students who do not earn a score that indicates they are ready for college level English mustenroll in the remedial course(s) as determined by their score. Placement into an English courseis based on the student’s EPT score as follows:EPT Scores First Semester Second Semester0-138 LLD 1 LLD 2 or English 1A139-146 LLD 2 English 1A147-180
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the E and ET academic career. At the end, I would like to mention that some of these suggestions will work while others may not, based on the faculty’s personality and way of implementation, but it’s always good to try. References Accreditation Criteria from Policy and Procedural Manual, Adams, Robin S. and Felder, Richard (2008) “Reframing Professional Development: A Systems Approach to Preparing Engineering Educators to Educate Tomorrow ’s Engineers, Journal of Engineering Education, Pp.239-241. Austin, A. E. (2003). Creating a bridge to the future: Preparing new faculty to face changing expectations in a shifting context. Review of Higher Education, 26, 119-144. Boice, R. (1992). The New Faculty Member, San Francisco, CA
Workshop should have less speakers Other (please specifiy)Figure 2. Results from the panelist survey based on how the event could be improvedThe results of the attendee survey mirrored the panelists’ responses on the organization andlength of the workshop again noting that it was a well-organized event and the length wasappropriate, though a small percentage felt the event was somewhat long. In addition to thesequestions, the attendees were also asked to reflect on their thoughts regarding workshop content,suggestions for future events, if they would consider attending again and most importantly thebenefit(s) from attendance.The attendees overwhelmingly replied that the topic was of interest to them and that some
authorswish to express sincere gratitude for their financial support received the duration of the project.Bibliography1. Their Future Is Green: The Clean-Energy Economy Promises An Engineering Jobs Bounty – Training GraduatesWith Right Skills, American Society for Engineering Education PRISM, pp. 38-41, 4/2010.2. Blue Green Alliance | Clean energy assembly line report: Environment, Development and Growth: U.S.-MexicoCooperation in Renewable Energies, ISBN: 1-933549-78-5, December 2010, Duncan Wood, Woodrow WilsonInternational Center for Scholars.3. U. S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review, 2013 Annual Energy Outlook 2013 with Projections to 2050 (Early Release
university for six courses which were part of two tracks: a common introductorysequence and a sequence for honors students.3 Professors and teaching assistants of these coursesclassified their respective section(s) of “Introduction to Engineering” and generally hadagreement in most areas within each of the eight main outcomes; however, discrepancies intopics were discovered within sections covered by each outcome.In the self-study, the results were organized by main outcome where a three-color coding systemwas used to show the level of agreement between instructors.3 An outcome marked as greendenoted that the outcome was covered in each section of one or more courses. An outcome
4institutions. To assess whether the program content matched the interests of the participants,participants were asked to indicate the type of institution(s) to which they plan to apply.Institutions were categorized into four groups: research intensive, research and teachingintensive, teaching intensive, and community college. Participants were also asked to indicate ifthey were interested in tenure or non-tenure track positions. As shown in Figure 2, participants’interests shifted throughout the program. Although no conclusive tends were observed with theparticipants’ change in the type of institution to which they were interested in applying, this datadoes reflect the sentiment of indecision that was observed in the post program interviews