programs, and mentors. For FGS in engineering majors, many of the studies thatwere conducted looked at the barriers for FGS and posed the research in a deficit model. We aimto reframe this mindset and look at the capital and assets that FGS possess and how they navigatestructures of engineering. We also want to understand what culture and support leads to successin engineering. Martin et al. [13] began the turn in questioning the “deficit” framing of thisgroup. We aim to build on this research with our study. We will use mixed methods tounderstand their experiences and the capital, beyond networks, that they used to persist inengineering. Building off of Martin et al.’s [13], [14], [40] work, this project focuses on identitydevelopment alongside
) and macroethical situations (e.g., anengineering profession’s social responsibility considered collectively) (Herkert, 2005). Thisexists against a backdrop of increased attention on companies’ efforts on corporate socialresponsibility (CRS), given that “companies perform their CSR duty to fulfill their socialobligations not only to extend their market reach but also as a strategy to fulfill the socialobligation[s] placed on firms by society” (Lin, Banik, & Yi, 2016, p. 108). Looking at these side-by-side, it is almost unsurprising that some researchers such as Smith et al. (2021) would call forthe need for grounding engineering ethics education around CRS efforts to enhance students’ roleethics.Codes of ethics arise frequently in
descriptive statistics, and t-tests were performed to compareresponses from the midterm survey to responses from the end of term survey. The quantitativeresults from questions Q1-Q4 are shown in Figures 2–5, and the responses to the open-endedquestion Q5 are discussed below. (a) Responses (b) Statistics (p = 0.195).Figure 2: Responses to Q1: “The specifications grading scheme helps me learn in this course.”In (b), the red line indicates the median, the blue circle indicates the mean, the top and bottomedges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the whiskers extend to data points notconsidered to be outliers. Outliers, if they exist, are plotted as red +’s. Responses from the
network. Page 22.1306.12References: 1. cross-tab. (2009). Online Reputation in a Connected World. Retrieved from: 2. Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2008). Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives. Philadelphia: Basic Books. 3. Hoofnagle, C. J., King, J., Li, S., & Turrow, J. (2010). How different are young adults from older adults when it comes to information privacy attitudes and policies Retrieved from: 4. Debatin, B., Lovejoy, J. P., Horn, A.-K., & Hughes, B. N. (2009
Release v. 2 accessed October 15, 2008.[15]. G.E Hoachlander, and R.D. Mandel, Developing Materials for Industry Based Education, NSF-ATE, (2002).[16]. H.W. Hodgins, Into the Future: A Vision paper, Produced for the Commission on Technology and Adult Learning co-sponsored by ASTF and the National Governors Association, (2000).[17]. Greenville Technical College, Office of Planning and Grants. 2002 Fact Book and 2001 Fact Book.[18]. A.K. Gramopadhye, B.J. Melloy, S. Chen, J. Bingham, Use of Computer Based Training for Aircraft Inspectors: Findings and Recommendations, In Proceedings of the HFES/IEA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, (2000).[19]. R. Held, and N. Durlach, Telepresence, Time Delay and
; Development, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 5-22. [6] Hong, N. S., Jonassen, D. H., and McGee, S. (2003). “Predictors of well-structured and ill-structured problem solving in an astronomy simulation.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 6–33. [7] Jacobson, M. (2000). “Problem solving about complex systems: Difference between expert and novices.” In B. Fishman and S. O’Connor-Divelbiss (Eds.), Fourth International Conference of the Learning Science, Erlbaum Publishing, Mahwah, NJ. [8] Hmelo-Silver, C. and Pfeffer, M. G. (2004). “Comparing expert and novice understanding of a complex system from the perspective of structures, behaviors, and functions.” Cognitive Science, Vol. 28, pp. 127 -138. [9] Smith
defined self-regulated learningas “learning that results from students‟ self-generated thoughts and behaviors that aresystematically oriented toward the attainment of their learning goals” (p. 125). In addition,Bandura9 showed that self-efficacy beliefs impact performance because these beliefs representpeople‟s perception of their capabilities to perform a task at designated levels. These researchershave provided empirical data on causal or correlational relationships between self-efficacy andepistemic beliefs and self-regulated behaviors and performance in subjects such as mathematics5,10 .During problem solving, students assess the difficulty of the task while disambiguating theimportant from irrelevant information. According to Jonassen11
sources for engineering and technologyinformation. The paper is divided into five sections: J.B. Johnson: an Engineer, Scholar, Pioneerin Informatics and Humanist; The First Years up to the 1950’s; The Sixties and Seventies; The1980’s through 2009; and The Ei Village and its Creator John Regazzi. Each section describesmajor changes, improvements, management and editorial decisions introduced. It also presentssome information on the people that have made The Engineering Index (Compendex) a valuableresource such as J.B. Johnson, Bill M Woods, John E. Creps, and John Regazzi.IntroductionThe prominence of The Engineering Index as a technical and scientific information service hasbeing recognized through the years. In 1976, Mildren1 described it as
defined a series of objectives for adesign project than the designer- whether in a consulting office or in a classroom- want to findout what the customer really wants. Questions such as: what is an economic project? How doyou define the best design? What is a safe design? What are the factor(s) that will affect thedesign the most? Phrasing it differently, knowledge resides in the questions that can be asked andthe answers that can be provided (2) .A sequence of inquiry characterized by a hierarchy: certainquestions need to be asked and answered before other questions can be asked. There is a setprocedure which constitutes the inquiry process in an epistemological context. Taxonomies ofsuch a procedure or inquiry process have been extended to
Effectively 3h Understanding of the Impact of Engineering Solutions in Global, Economic, Environmental, and Cultural/Societal Contexts 3i Recognition of and Ability to Engage in Life-Long Learning 3j Knowledge of Contemporary IssuesThe EPSA method is a discussion-based performance task designed to elicit students’ knowledgeand application of engineering professional skills. In a 45-minute session, small groups ofstudents are presented with a complex, real-world scenario that includes multi- faceted,multidisciplinary engineering issues. They are then asked to determine the most importantproblem/s and to discuss stakeholders, impacts, unknowns, and possible solutions. The EPSRubric, an analytic rubric, was developed to measure the extent to which
our researchsubjects. The categories and codes are being refined iteratively using both inductive anddeductive approaches, which allow us to leverage our prior knowledge of the domain of interestas well as our growing familiarity with the collected data. The current categories include: • National Cultures Involved: Including host location and culture, and guest culture(s). • Situation-Motivation: The main reason or motivation for the situation or case, such as ex- patriate assignment, greenfield plant start-up, cross-national collaborative project, etc. • Situation-Cultural Dimensions: Relevant cultural dimensions evident in the case, such as those drawn from Hofstede’s work (e.g., power distance, individualism vs
approach.Object-oriented methodologiesThe usage of object-oriented methodology in constructing engineering and businessapplications has grown exponentially since the early 90’s. Object-oriented softwaredesign focuses on objects versus functions and functional decompositions. An object isintroduced as a distinct entity, containing its data and functions. The main features ofobject-oriented methodology are encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.Encapsulation refers to wrapping object attributes and behaviors in an enclosed entity,inheritance deals with object reuse, and polymorphism concerns with object havingaccess to a behavior where the knowledge to the access is known at runtime.ObjectObject encapsulates the attributes (data or member data) and
outcomes L-S based onprofessional societies input and departmental requirements. In preparing for this new curriculumand related assessment practices, the senior-level M. E. capstone design course “Plant andFacilities Design” was selected in October 2000 as a pilot course, for the development of thestudent capstone portfolio concept and the capstone outcomes assessment process.In particular, the M. E. Department wished to determine best methods of demonstratingachievement of seven “difficult” or “non-traditional” program educational outcomes which havenot classically been “taught” as part of the M. E. curriculum. These include: 1) an ability tofunction on multidisciplinary teams; 2) an understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility; 3
such as GPAs, scores in prior courses from which the knowledge is to betransferred, etc. To date however, this has not been done. Finally, the think aloud methodologyused in this study has been shown in the past to positively influence student performance suchthat this activity may overestimate actual student performance “in the field” (Gagne et al., 1962;Davis et al., 1968).4. Presentation of DataThis paper presents data taken from the analysis of a single interview from this study. In this casea faculty member in a mechanical engineering department was the participant. Two main themesemerged in the analysis of the data; (1) the extensive use of reflection by the participant inevaluating their problem solving approach and solution(s); (2) the
the response, the next prompt (as shown in Figure 2.4(b)) is prepared to classify the students’ responses into the given categories. The prompt provides clear and specific information (as a context) for guiding ChatGPT response, i.e., assigning the persona, the categories to which the responses should be classified, the question(s) for which the student responses are collected, giving enough time for the model to think, and explicitly mentioning the boundaries in case the model is not sure about prediction for any of the fed students’ responses. Figure 2.4(a): Providing Bandura’s research work as a context. Figure 2.4(b): Prompt prepared for data classification. 2) In the second prompt, we have included
, University of Dayton Kelly Bohrer is the Executive Director of the ETHOS Center, a community engagement center connecting students, faculty, and staff with NGOˆa C™s around the world for technical projects as part of immersions, teaching, and scholarly activity. She also is thDr. Kellie Schneider, University of Dayton Kellie Schneider is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Management, Systems, and Technology at the University of Dayton. Prior to joining the faculty at UD, she was an instructor in the Freshman Engineering Program at the University of Arkansas. Her research interests are in the areas of engineering education and community-based operations research.Mrs. Marjorie Langston Langston
/s) and must decelerate to a speed of 220 mph (100 m/s) at landing. During re-entry, thenose and leading edges of the wings experience temperatures as high as 3000 °F (1650 °C).1One of the major decisions to be made during the shuttle development was the design for thebooster rockets. Options included using liquid or solid-fueled boosters, and whether the boosterswould be expendable or reusable. NASA believed that solid rocket boosters would be lessexpensive to develop, even though they had had higher projected operational costs than liquidboosters. The shuttle was the first manned spacecraft to use solid rockets.1 There is somespeculation that the Air Force pressured NASA to use solid fuel boosters because they wanted todevelop the
? What is a safe design? What are the factor(s) that will affect thedesign the most? Phrasing it differently, knowledge resides in the questions that can be asked andthe answers that can be provided (2) .A sequence of inquiry characterized by a hierarchy: certainquestions need to be asked and answered before other questions can be asked. There is a setprocedure which constitutes the inquiry process in an epistemological context. Taxonomies ofsuch a procedure or inquiry process have been extended to computational models(4) , to theintricacy between asking and learning(5) , and would also apply to the questions students askduring a class and/or tutoring session(6).There are two classes of questions within a design context; the first is the
embedding empathy in graduateengineering education would also lead to impacts on undergraduate students given graduatestudents’ unique role as both learners and teachers.References[1] “Grand Challenges - 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering.” Accessed: Jan. 30, 2024. [Online]. Available:[2] J. Walther, S. E. Miller, and N. W. Sochacka, “A Model of Empathy in Engineering as a Core Skill, Practice Orientation, and Professional Way of Being,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 123–148, 2017, doi:[3] B. Penzenstadler, G. Haller, T. Schlosser, and G. Frenzel, “Soft Skills REquired: A Practical Approach for Empowering Soft Skills in
Construction 4.0.Buildings, 13, 2535.[2] Forcael, E., Ferrari, I., Opazo-Vega, A., & Pulido-Arcas, J. A. (2020). Construction 4.0: A literature review.Sustainability, 12(22), 9755.[3] Karmakar, A., & Delhi, V. S. K. (2021). Construction 4.0: what we know and where we are headed?. Journal ofInformation Technology in Construction, 26.[4] Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) (2023). ABC 2023 Tech Report. Retrieved January 4, 2024 from[5] McKinsey & Company (2023). From start-up to scale-up: Accelerating growth in construction technology(webpage). Retrieved January 4, 2024, from
differences might seem natural before any formal designtraining occurs. They also inform educators about gaps in expected student performance inparametric tools and suggest that pre-designer education should emphasize multidisciplinaryproblem-solving to avoid narrowing student competency for those interested in designprofessions.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant #2033332. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.The authors would also like to thank ShapeDiver GmbH for their support in providing theresearch team with access to
wasassigned to a different team. This dyad served as a pilot test for the study, and resulted in severalminor modifications to the protocol for the other participants, including having each participanttell a user story for a concept they did not create.User StoryP1 initially told the user story for her own concept, taking on the perspective of a persona theywere provided in class—“Scarlett.” This persona was used to supply many of the contextualdetails included in the user stories, including Scarlett’s occupation, recent move, and love of theoutdoors. The entire user story took around ten minutes to tell, with P2 taking over telling theuser story after P1’s initial attempt in the first several minutes, suggesting: “Maybe this wouldwork better if we
profile. We highlight some patterns next. Figure 3. Comparison of clusters C2 - C5 based on z-scores of self-efficacy measures. Error bars represent 95% Confidence Intervals (see Table S3.6 & S3.8 for detailed statistics). Figure 4. Comparison of clusters C2 - C5 based on z-scores of workplace factors. Error bars represent 95% Confidence Intervals (see Table S3.6 & S3.9 for detailed statistics).6.2.1 Expected Engineers C3 (29.8% of the sample)Many of C3’s attributes fit the stereotypical image of engineering and suggest that C3 mightdescribe the traditionally-expected engineers. 1. Excelling in engineering tasks: C3 stands outas the only cluster that highly engages with engineering activities
further expand somefields as we know them.There is also a growing body of work looking at data science applications in engineering [6].Although we know it may be applied or beneficial for the broader field and its subfields (e.g.,mechanical, industrial, chemical), we are limited in our understanding of how non-computingengineers may apply it in their work or practice. With that said, it is necessary to understand hownon-computing engineers may apply data science in their work, as this remains a challenge in thefield. In the context of engineering education and practice, Beck et al.’s article suggests addingdata science as a “competency” in chemical engineering both in “the university curriculum or ina professional development context.” They also
engage with potential customers, analyzing the market's reception and financialfeasibility of their ideas. EM13’s reflection on the significance of seeing the broader context,beyond mere problem-solving, underscores this point: “I think what gave me confidence ininnovation and entrepreneurship is understanding the bigger picture. It’s not just solving aproblem, but also trying to sell it to someone, having someone pay for it. […] Askingquestions like: what's the problem you're solving? Who are you solving it for? Why are thealternatives inferior, and why is now the right time to solve this? What’s the marketopportunity?”Expanding on this, integrating this big-picture perspective early in the learning process iscrucial for understanding the
division division nal Co-construct Construct rs o Self-authorship Pe knowledge knowledge Discover community al Participate s s ion with guidance Pr of e COP Beginner practice Master & and discourse expertise Belonging LID r
indrawing our conclusion. Nevertheless, this work has an added value as a basis for us toconduct more extensive research in the future. Additionally, academics will have a wideropportunity to explore deep learning to produce more novel educational solutions since ourstudy discovered that only a small number of studies had investigated the application of thisAI technology.References[1] M. King, R. Cave, M. Foden, and M. Stent, “Personalised education From curriculum to career with cognitive systems,” 2016.[2] T. J. Sejnowski, The deep learning revolution. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2018.[3] J. S. Groff, “Personalized learning: The state of the field & future directions,” 2017. [E-book]. Available: https://dam