papersare paraphrased or summarized under the allowed "reuse portions of the above paper in otherworks" clause. Proper references are given at appropriate places.References1. Freeman, S., S.L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M.K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M.P. Wenderoth, Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014. 111(23): p. 8410-8415.2. Theobald, E.J., M.J. Hill, E. Tran, S. Agrawal, E.N. Arroyo, S. Behling, N. Chambwe, D.L. Cintrón, J.D. Cooper, and G. Dunster, Active Learning Narrows Achievement Gaps for Underrepresented Students in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Proceedings of the National
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broader cybersecurity concerns inautonomous robotics, we followed up with focused ROS tutorial assignments that would get thestudents familiar with the middleware before refining Figure 1’s high level architecture.Additionally, students were given an assignment where they learned about encryption through aguided tour of common techniques using Python libraries. The students applied these encryptiontechniques by making ROS messages that used symmetric encryption on their payloads. At theend of this first semester, students presented the key aspects from cybersecurity and autonomythat would be relevant to solve the challenge problem in the second semester.In the second semester, we set up an agile-lite development process and meeting schedule
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interim presentations, team members gain presentation skills and confidence over time. In the past, and to our surprise, students suggested increasing the number of presentations in place of technical report(s) and this increase was implemented.5. ECE Award for Outstanding Senior Design ProjectSince 2004 when changes to the senior design format were made, it was observed that studentteams were undertaking more advanced projects even though these projects required more effort.These advanced projects result in very successful outcomes. To reward these projects and thedesign team members, in 2008 an ‘ECE Award for Outstanding Senior Design’ was introduced. Acommittee composed of three faculty members listens to the final presentations
will be presented tothe students in Fall/Spring in the middle schools and these are also available at ImageSTEAMwebsite ( Finally, we will continue offering the workshop in the next summerand more lesson modules will be developed and the content will be available on the projectwebsite.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the U. S. National Science Foundation for sponsoring the research through agrant NSF-ITEST-1949493 and 1949494.References1 Enz, T. 2019a. Artificial Intelligence and Entertainment: 4D an Augmented Reading Experience. The World of Artificial Intelligence 4D. Capstone. ISBN 9781543554762.2 Enz, T. 2019b. Artificial Intelligence at Home and on the Go: 4D an Augmented Reading Experience. The World of
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any number of ideas, with a broad range of complexity and practicality as desired. This environment would also enable inter-disciplinary collaboration with other departments that share the lab.• Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality: Three different types of VR/AR technologies are prepared in the lab: (1) standalone VR systems, including three Meta Quest 2 VR headsets; (2) standalone AR systems, including three Microsoft HoloLens 2 AR headsets; and (3) a computer-tethered wireless VR walking system, including an HTC Vive Pro 2 VR headset, an HTC VIVE Wireless Adapter, an Alienware Aurora R13 desktop, and a KAT Walk Mini S professional VR treadmill. These VR/AR technologies, by establishing an immersive experience, enable
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making the rightdecision on the best model to teach the thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, the results of thisstudy will be shared and discussed with the department curriculum committee.References1 W. Dempster, C.K. Lee, J.T. Boyle, “Teaching of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics using Interactive Learning Methods in Large Classes”, Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Quebec Canada, June 16-19, 20022 D. Boettner, S. Norberg, R. Melnyk, J. Highley, M. Rounds, and A. Ö. Arnas, “Teaching the Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics through an Integrated Systems Approach,” Proceedings of the International Mechanical
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to correlate Fluid Mechanics grades using gatewaymathematics (Calculus I and II) and engineering course (Statics and Solid Mechanics) performancefor VMI classes of 2020 and 2021. Additionally, this paper aims to identify the relationshipbetween these courses and graduation GPA, expanding on Ramniceanu et al.'s work.3 Lastly, coreCE courses will be examined for correlations with grades in a specific CE sub-discipline designcourse to indicate success in that discipline.VMI offers elective courses for five CE sub-disciplines, namely-water resources, environmentalengineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, and transportation engineering.Table 1 lists all the 400-level elective courses under each sub-discipline. This study
consistent semesters of instruction in ThermoI, similar to the Spring 22 semester, should be implemented within the department, as well. Inreviewing this data, the authors plan to continue analyzing performance based off of Thermo Iconsistency of instruction and to determine if stricter guidelines or assignment requirementsshould be put in place for every instructor of that course to best foster student success later in thecurriculum.References1 C. Deak, B. Kumar, I. Szabo, G. Nagy and S. Szentesi, "Evolution of New Approaches in Pedagogy and STEM with Inquiry-Based Learning and Post-Pandemic Scenarios," Education Sciences, 2021.2 J. Malesic, "My Students are not ok," New York Times, 13 May 2022.3 M. H. Keshavarz, "A Proposed
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….[and] highest principles of ethicalconduct.”4 Recognizing the “direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people,” thedocument further states that engineering “require(s) honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity,and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare.” 4The fundamental canons of the code of ethics require that Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall: • Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. • Perform services only in areas of their competence. • Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. • Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees. • Avoid deceptive acts. • Conduct
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how to ideally balance both short319 and long-term student desire.320321 4.0 Acknowledgements322 ENW would like to thank Dr. Tonya Stone, Dr. Emily Spayde, and Mr. Dustin Spayde for323 providing the survey to students in their classes. NAH would like to thank MSU’s Bagley College324 of Engineering (BCoE) for their financial support via the BCoE Undergraduate Research Award.325 MWP and MKG would like to thank the Department of Mechanical Engineering for their financial326 support of this work.327 References:328 1. Khalaf K, Balawi S, Hitt GW, Radaideh A. Engineering design EDUCATION: When,329 what, and HOW. Adv Eng Educ. 2013;3(3):1–31.330 2. Dym CL, Agogino AM, Eris O, Frey DD, Leifer LJ. Engineering