, the nation s posture in scientific progress and technological progress parallelshigher education s support of that which promotes the future strength of the nation s graduatescientific research manpower base for science, as well as equally important support of that whichpromotes the future strength of the nation s graduate professional engineering manpower base fortechnology. Of the two different activities, America s slip and loss of momentum has not been inscientific research and its dissemination. However, it is now evident that America s technologythrust for civilian and peacetime economy must be strengthened. The challenge is improvingtechnology competitiveness and revitalizing graduate professional education to developalternative
state, the requisite equations for the model are given below:dn A = − S rA , n A (0) = n A 0 (3) dzdnB = − S rA , nB (0) = nB 0 (4) dzdnC = S rA , nC (0) = nC 0 (5) dzdnD = 3S rA , nD (0) = nD 0 (6) dzdT − S ( ∆Hrxn )rA q = + , T(z=0) = T0dz n A cPA + nB cPB + nC cPC + nD cPD n AcPA + nB cPB + nC cPC + nD cPD (7
: System View of the Project3. Implementation Issues and ExtensionsAs shown in Figure 1, there are four programs, X1, X2, Y1, and Y2 that work together but arelaunched separately to create the illusion required in the assignment. The students quicklyrealize that one needs multiple clients and servers. Program X2 has two subprograms, a BSDserver component (X2bsd-s) and a TCP/IP client component (X2tcp-c). Similarly, program Y1has two subprograms, a TCP/IP server part (Y1tcp-s) and a BSD client (Y1bsd-c). Module X1 isa BSD stack client for BSD stack server X2bsd-s while module Y2 is a BSD stack server forBSD stack client Y1bsd-c. Further, X2tcp-c is a client of the TCP stack server Y1tcp-s. Themodules are launched from right to left. Server Y2 is
. Problem based learning must employ industrial examples. Introductory modules must support broad-based advanced ET majors. In te g r a te d C u r r ic u lu m M o d e l F a ll S p r in g Sum m er F a ll S p r in g Requirements of accreditation agencies In t e g r In t e g r In t e g r E T C o re E T C o re E T C o re must be met
computersavailable to them but have witnessed their growth and distribution. This paper reviews the historyof the changes in electrical engineering departments in the United States to incorporatecomputers. It ends with projections into the next century of the challenges ahead.II. The Early Years (Before 1960) The early years of computers coincided with rapid growth in many other areas ofelectronics to which electrical engineering departments, as they were then almost universallycalled, had to adapt. World War II saw great advances in radar and a recognition of the need formore research and graduate education, which greatly impacted electrical engineering departmentsin the 1940's and 1950's. The need for education in electronics gradually crowded out
Professor Robert J. Hefner in developingthe workshop format and the Users’ Guide.References1. S. K. Gupta et. al., Integrating numerical computation into BSME curriculum at RIT, ASEE St. Lawrence Section Meeting, Buffalo, NY, 1985.2. S. K. Gupta, Gaussian elimination with maximal row pivoting and scaling, Proceedings of the 1988 ASEE Annual Conference, v5(1988)2205-2207.3. S. K. Gupta and R. J. Hefner, Creative problem solving strategies and tools, ASEE St. Lawrence Section Page 2.383.4 Meeting, Seneca College, ON, 1992.4. R. J. Hefner and S. K. Gupta, Problem Solving Tools in Engineering Education, ASEE St. Lawrence
. Page 2.127.3 Frequency Resolution: The FFT finds coefficients of the harmonic signal at anincremental frequency,∆f, which is determined by the data sampling rate divided by the numberof points acquired. This ∆f can be interpreted as the width of a frequency bin that is centered onfcent. The smaller the width of the bin, the higher the resolution of frequency. It is important tonote that changing the sample size or sampling rate will change the resolution, and that changingsampling rate alone modifies both the Nyquist cut-off frequency and the center frequency. F R E Q U E N C Y R E S O L U TIO N (H Z) 10.00 1.0 0
2.241.6 220 VAC LIN D ER C Y ST FLUI (RO SC XI-1000 R TE D S/R2 TE C YLIN
------------------------------[1ST TEMP RANGE]----------------------------130 T = 209135 V = 4.922140 S = .0016145 GOTO 295REM------------------------------[2ND TEMP RANGE]----------------------------150 T = 175155 V = 4.86160 S = .0032165 GOTO 295REM-----------------------------[3RD TEMP RANGE]-----------------------------170 T = 150175 V = 4.784180 S = .0048185 GOTO 295 Page 2.463.9 Session 3220REM-----------------------------[4TH TEMP RANGE]-----------------------------190 T = 125195 V = 4.667200 S = .0082205 GOTO 295REM-----------------------------[5TH TEMP RANGE]-----------------------------210 T
k2 x3 Figure 1. Vehicle Suspension System Theme Problem.In this system m1 and x1 are respectively the mass and displacement of the chassis while m2 andx2 are respectively the mass and displacement of the axle and wheels (the unsprung mass).Coefficient b represents the viscous damping of the shock absorber, k1 the stiffness of the springsand k2 the stiffness of the tires. Displacement x3 represents the road profile which serves as theforcing function for the system. A meaningful set of parameters for this system are: m1 = 360 kg m2 = 30 kg k1 = 15 kN/m k2 = 65 kN/m b = 0, 600, 1200, 1800 N-s/mFor all exercises the students are asked to predict the system response
of challenge presented bythe four plants and 20 specifications. The plants include: 1. A lightly-damped type 0 system: 25 (s + 15) Gp(s) = (9 + 4s + 100) Page 2.12.2 2. A type I system: 2 (s + 10) Gp(s) = (s2 + 4s + 10) 3. A nonminimum phase system: 2 (--s + 10) Gp(s) = (s2 + 4s + 10) 4. An open-loop unstable system: 2 (s + 10
of the coupler during the animation. The linkage presentedhere is a crank-rocker mechanism, which can be assembled in a colinear configuration. Thislinkage was selected because of the interesting nature of the coupler link space centrodeand the motion of the output, link. The position solution for the linkage is obtained with a.Newton-Ra.phson method and the use of kinematic coefficients. The details of this approachare presented as is the specific MATLAB code required to produce the position solutionand the animation. IntroductionOne of the main impediments to learning dynamics of mechanisms is the visualization ofthe mechanism motion. Several commercially available software p a c k a g e s such as
students can be asked to consider. These questions address the “How?” question in the Kolbcycle1. There are 16 possible combinations of switches, and therefore 16 possible equivalent resistances and corresponding current values. Can you list them? Page 2.65.3 Session 26592. Let us consider S1 , S 2 , S3 , S4 to be “1” when a switch is open and to be “0” when a switch is closed. For what combination of switch closures is the minimum value of Re (maximum current level) obtained? (When S1 , S 2 , S3 and S4 are closed (S1 = S2 = S3 = S4 = 0
by the National Science Foundation tointegrate the long-standing research advances, achieved by the University of Tennessee (UT),Knoxville, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), on ceramic-matrix composites(CMCs) into the interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate level curricula of Materials andMechanics at UT.PROJECT COMPONENTSResearch Significant high-quality and innovative research progress covering a broad class oftechnologically important areas of CMCs, including fabrication, characterization, modeling anddesign, has been accomplished at ORNL as well as at UT since early 80's[1-39]. The researchadvances of CMCs are ready for being integrated into curriculum development. The continuedresearch efforts are currently being
. Page 2.384.5 Composition of Combustion Products ( mc=.8g/s ) 16 14 Composition ( % ) 12 10 %O2 8 %CO2 %CO 6 4 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
capacitance in quasistatic equilibrium in inversion toavoid undershooting into deep depletion. 3. Models for MOS Capacitance CharacteristicsFor an MOS structure built on a uniformly doped semiconductor the Poisson equation [5] can besolved exactly to get the electric field, Es and the total charge the semiconductor has stored in itsspace charge (or depletion) layer, Qs as a function of the electrostatic potential ψs its surface hasreached under the influence of the gate field applied. The resulting equations are given below. 2. k. T . ψ s . Εs ψs F ψs q. L D ψ s Qs ψs ε Si. Ε s ψ swhere β
researchinvolving TQM and personality? Two issues surface as one asks this question: (1) In the KBTSreliable? and (2) Is the KBTS valid? This paper reports on the first of these two questions.KBTS AS A PERSONALITY MEASURERThe KBTS uses much of the same construct as the MBTI. With the KBTS and MBTI, personalitytypes are derived from four preference scales. These dimensional scales are: Extroversion -Introversion (E-I), Sensation - Intuition (S-N) , Thinking - Feeling (T-F), and Judgment -Perception (J-P). The KBTS uses 70 questions (less than the MBTI) written to test preferenceswith respect to the four preference scales. There are sixteen unique “personality types” formedfrom the four personality preference scales (24=16). Example personality types would
Session 3548 Development of a Wireless Communications Course for Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) Curriculum Ahmed S. Khan DeVry Institute of Technology 1221 N. Swift Road Addison, IL 60101 E-mail: khan@dpg.devry.edu Amin Karim DeVry Institute of Technology One Tower Lane Oakbrook Terrace
Session 3525 SOLAR SPLASH AS A CAPSTONE DESIGN PROJECT Kurt J. Colella U. S. Coast Guard Academy Derek T. Schade USCGC FORWARD (WMEC-911) Scott Aten USCGC SPAR (WLB-403)Introduction The senior-level design project is the capstone experience for all graduating engineeringstudents. Senior design is the culmination of the design integration process, where the student’spast experiences with design are called upon to successfully complete
the design process, and vary between groupmembers. Thus in the early stages of design, a sketch of an approximate configuration of theproduct may be useful, but detailed drawings will be required later for designers interested in aparticular subsystem. However, level of detail is not the only issue; we believe that differenttypes of information are required at different stages in design.1.3 Function, Behavior and Structure P F S D Reformulation P: Problem F: Function Synthesis Be: Behavior
1950’s, devised a partial factorial method of experimental design that requires farfewer trials than the traditional full factorial scientific method. His method combinesengineering techniques with statistical methods in such a way that rapid improvements in qualityand cost reduction occur when optimizing product designs and manufacturing processes. “FordMotor Company was one of the first companies in the United States to recognize the value ofTaguchi’s approach to quality. Ford brought Dr. Taguchi to Dearborn, Michigan, to teach itssuppliers these techniques in 1981.” (Magowan, 1991). “The quality of Japanese automobiles isattributable largely to the widespread application of the Taguchi Method.” (Roy, 1990). It is imperative that
significantly @ q All Female Engine&s n=135 0 All Male Engineers n=6g2 Figure 2: Distribution of the responses of male and female engineering students on the Sensing/Intuition Index of the ILS. Page 2.212.3The distribution of female and male engineering student responses on the Sensing/Intuitionscale of the ILS are shown in Figure 2. Both male and female students are mostly Sensing ,58%S and 61 %S respectively. All students claimed to be “aware of their surroundings”, tobe “realistic” rather than “imaginative” and they found it easier to to learn “facts” rather than“concepts”. The male responses
collection ofinformation (which often included antidotal information from current farmers operatingtractors with various degrees of seatbelt restraining systems), request equipment to makemodels to test out ideas, and to present drawing of potential solutions. An important partof the project was to address team building and team work. Operational issues of teammember interaction were often addressed and resolved when the team and an advisor(s)were acquainted with a situation. Many times the quality of interpersonalcommunication(s) was the centerpiece of working together. The midterm progressreports were reviewed by the faculty and comments made to assist with project closureduring the next to the last week of the laboratory program. Emphasis was
with people. Figure 1 is an attempt to show Thermodynamics to a linear thinker. It is ordered andlinear as we presented the course, but for that person, it was the key to understanding that thesubject was not that complex, and that there was a reason we covered all that “stuff”. Theoriginal was written quickly and was less neat: in fact, it was also less linear. A friend who usesthis method in programming tells his students to be messy: neatness means it was done after-the-fact, as this was. Equilibrium (Quasi)?? Processes, States Properties (u,h,s,p,T,v,Cp,Cv) Ideal gases variable specific heat constant
science and engineering principles best afterapplying them in a laboratory experience, we have made a laboratory an integral part ofthe course. Through the National Science Foundation ILI program, two analytical toolshave been obtained to allow students to perform compositional analysis and somestructural analysis on polymeric materials. These tools are a Fourier Transform InfraredSpectrometer(FTIR) and a Thermal Analyzer. The thermal analysis equipment willperform Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC) and ThermogravimetricAnalysis(TGA). Several projects have been used in class using plastic components fromthe automotive industry. Projects are also assigned which require student groups tochoose a manufactured object and identify the material(s
formwater, and the water is subsequently removed in a Nafion counter-current dryer. The purge gasfor the dryer can be ambient air or nitrogen from a pressurized gas cylinder. The SF6 in the flowexiting the dryer is measured with an electron capture detector (ECD), and pumps are located atthe downstream end of the flow system to minimize dead volume and response time(approximately 0.5 s). The output from the ECD is an analog voltage signal (0-5 V) which canbe directed to a data acquisition system for storage. The lower detection limit with the RydockScientific microanalyzer is about 5 pptv. The instrument weighs 4.5 kg, is 46 cm by 15 cm by 30cm in size, and can operate on battery power in the field. It may be used in two modes: 1) as apost-sampling
Station, Mayagüez, P.R. 00681-5000. Vocie: (787) 832-4040 ext. 3823Fax: (787) 833-6965; e-mail: jzayas@exodo.upr.clu.eduJohn S. LamancusaAssociate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Director of the Learning Factory, Pennsylvania StateUniversity. Address: Mechanical Engineering Department, 157 Hammond Buiding, Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, Penn State University,University Park, PA 16802. Voice: 814-863-3350; Fax: 814-863-7222;e-mail: jsl3@psu.eduJens JorgensenProfessor, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2600. Voice: (206)543-5449; Fax: (206) 685-8047; e-mail: jorgen@me.washington.eduFile:papers/asee97-session2313.doc
engineers withtraining suitable for the defense industry. Indeed, a number of engineering educators haveviewed engineering education from 1945 to the early 1990’s as primarily structured to supply theeducation needed for defense, and later space-based, activities.However, with the end of the Cold War, significant activity relating to a major change inengineering education has been and is currently taking place. Within the next few years,engineering education seems likely to undergo as significant a change as at mid century.Moreover, in addition to structural changes in engineering education, technological develop- Page 2.193.1ments related to the so
’ are engineers who will be able to prosper in the workplace of thetwenty-first century. We all agree that many changes took place in the workplace duringthe 1990's which are certain to continue. In order to produce graduate engineers with theappropriate skills for this new environment it is necessary to change the process by whichthey are trained. The conference presentation will include a discussion of the factorsaffecting curriculum development, a program overview, and also address departmentalissues pertaining to the process of curriculum re-structuring.The PreliminariesDramatic changes took place in the workplace during the 1990's which have affected theway engineering is practiced, and they will continue as we enter the new millennium