. How well this process is conducted is the primary focus of quality in narrative research.Indicators of Quality in Narrative SmoothingRecent work has sought to establish frameworks capable of assessing the quality of qualitativeresearch methods. In line with Walther et al.'s work, we define quality interpretative research asresearch that is "idiographic in nature, in that it emerges from the unique perspective ofindividuals or groups but is transferrable to and meaningful for other contexts" [22]. We findgreat utility in tools such as Walther & Sochacka’s Q3 framework, which provides a versatileguide for implementing quality across various qualitative methods[23] . Tools such as this helpresearchers assess how they produce and manage
confidential.Furthermore, no attempt to oversample women or minorities was made in collecting the sampledata. All results are cross-sectional.InstrumentsThe self-reflection survey contained a total of 41 questions. Questions about learning outcomesrelevant to technical skills were developed based on Davis et al.’s conceptual model for capstoneengineering design performance and assessment and ABET’s student outcomes #3 [1]. Questionsrelating to non-technical outcomes were adapted from scales developed by Chandler et al. to studyentrepreneurs’ competencies [49] and scales developed by Keinänen et al. to measure innovationcompetencies of students in the applied sciences [50]. Table 1: Likert-Scale Survey Items associated with Student Learning OutcomesItem
professional development model as a lens.Participants were nine sixth grade science teachers from three rural and Appalachian schoolsystems who engaged in the first year of the VT-PEERS project. The participants wereinterviewed prior to the first intervention activity, at the end of the first academic year, observedduring interventions, and asked to fill out an online questionnaire to capture their demographicinformation. The interviews lasted approximately 30-minutes. Pertinent questions for thisanalysis were: “What influenced your decision to participate in this project?”; What role(s) doyou expect to have during this collaboration?”; “What role(s) do you expect other partners(Industry or University) to have?”Through open coding (Miles, Huberman
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]. Founded in 2013, the focus of this capstoneprogram is to develop innovative technical solutions to pressing clinical and translational healthchallenges. Undergraduate and graduate students across engineering disciplines (e.g.,mechanical, electrical, biomedical, chemical, and materials science) are partnered with healthprofessionals (e.g., physicians, nurses, dentists, therapists, pharmacists) to solve unmet healthchallenges. In the first quarter, teams of 3–5 students work closely with the health professional(s)who originally proposed the unmet health challenge to develop a deep understanding of theunmet health need, including potential markets, stakeholder psychologies, prior solutions,intellectual property considerations, regulatory
Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, Mar. 27 – 28, 2020. 2. Michael, R.J. and Piovesan, D., “Use of Engineering Software Programs for Self-Directed Learning,” Acad. Process Educators 2018 Conference, Gannon University, Erie, PA, June 2018. 3. Pollino, M., Sabzehzar, S., Michael, R., “Mechanical Behavior of Base Isolated Steel Storage Racks Designed for Sliding-Rocking Response,” Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 25 – 29, 2018. 4. Piovesan, D., Church, D., Herron, S., Oldham, C. Sebald, M., Michael, R., Bitticker, S., “Orthopedic anterior cruciate ligament evaluator (or A.C.L.E.),” Proc. ASME 2015 International Mechanical
3 higher; EGR 2600. Co-requisite(s): EGR 2710 EM 2900 - Advanced Machining (*) 3 MET 2800 EM 3100 - Additive Manufacturing Processes (*) 3 EM 2900 EM 3200 - Advanced Additive Manufacturing (*) 3 EM 3100 Total Credits Required 18 (*) New coursesThe courses EGR 1710, EGR 2710 and MET 2800 are currently part of the MechanicalEngineering Technology program and they will lay the foundation needed for students toprogress towards more complex subjects. The courses EM 2900, EM 3100 and EM 3200 are newand will be focused on advanced manufacturing
, while a factorial analysis yielded an adjustment of factors to 4 dimensions with acumulative explanation percentage of 65 % (with a KMO equal to 0.812 and a Barlett's test ofsphericity equal to 0.000). The Exploratory Factor Analysis performed in this study wasPrincipal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation. Table 2 shows the items of eachdimension and the correspondent Cronbach´s Alpha.Table 2. Items by survey dimensions on sense of belonging, self-efficacy and perceived support from the institution. Dimensions Items Sense of belonging- 1. I feel comfortable asking a teacher for help when I don't understand the subject interactions
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offering online sections of courses to students that want the flexibilitythat they facilitate, if their primary concern is student performance. We found no statistically sig-nificant difference in the overall performance of students that elect to take a course online relativeto those that elect to take it in person. Taking courses online may, however, have a substantialnegative impact on a student’s sense of belonging. This effect is particularly pronounced for un-derrepresented minority students and first generation students, but not present in women.References [1] B. Bizot and S. Zweben, “Generation cs, three years later,” On the Internet at https://cra. org/generation-cs- three-years-later/(visited August 2019), 2019. [2] T. Camp, W. R
, interest, and capability of faculty to teach a course.That said, even when a more diverse instructional team is assigned to teach a course, there arechallenges to be overcome which may prohibit instructors from trying new teaching methods orcourse structures.The first challenge to changing teaching methods and course structures is a two-pronged issue:there is an expectation and momentum towards keeping things the same as years past, as well asthe large amount of work to overturn the traditional teaching methods. In each of the examplesthat were given in this paper, the instructor(s) invested no small amount of effort in revising thecourse(s) to suit their designs. The time and energy required to do these revisions is not alwaysavailable to faculty
Paper ID #37759Learning Styles Impact on Ill-Structured Problem Solving Processes ofEngineering Students, Faculty and ProfessionalsKyle P. Kelly, Michigan State UniversitySecil Akinci-Ceylan, Iowa State University Secil Akinci-Ceylan is a PhD student in Educational Technology in the School of Education at Iowa State University.Xiangxiu ZhangDr. Kristen Sara Cetin, P.E., Michigan State University Dr. Kristen S Cetin is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.Dr. Benjamin Ahn, The Ohio State University Dr. Benjamin Ahn is an Associate Professor at The Ohio
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structural barriers. Engineering needsto transform into an environment where LGBTQ people can thrive through authenticparticipation if engineering fields hope to benefit in the myriad ways promised by professedvision and value statements throughout the field.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2046233. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] E. A. Cech and T. J. Waidzunas, "Systemic inequalities for LGBTQ professionals in STEM," Science Advances, vol. 7, no. 3, 2021, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abe0933.[2] B. E
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Aconsisted of 19 minutes of silence (34% of the video), whereas when working on the same partof the project, Group B’s recorded meeting had 48 minutes of silence (86.26% of the video).Overall, students spent a large portion of their time together not engaged in codable activity(70%) including sitting in silence, or discussing non class topics, such as schedules and athletics.Data across both groups totaling 16.2 hours was used to make the following table which showsthe percentage of time and the unique number of times that students engaged in a code.Table 5: Activity of Groups A and B Code Total time % of Total % of CodedCode Name Color (s) Unique Times Time
, demonstration of various tessellation resolutions (Figure 3), and a 3-linkmechanism capable of being configured in revolute-revolute and revolute-spherical jointconfigurations (Figure 4). Figure 3: 3D printed teaching aids made for the course. R-R configuration A disassembled view of the 3-link mechanism S-R configuration Figure 4: 3D printed three-link mechanism to demonstrate revolute (R) and spherical (S) joints.These tools were used in the teaching of concepts related to DfAM, mobility and degrees offreedom, CAD (movable assemblies), and 3DP considerations in
addressing the challenges of providing hands-on, experientiallearning in the context of distance learning. By implementing the recommendations arising fromthis study, institutions can help ensure that African American students in laboratory-basedengineering technology courses receive the necessary support and resources to succeed in theireducation and future careers.References [1] S. Bernadin, T. Mulay, and H. Chi, "Creating a Virtual Learning Environment for Increasing Awareness of Blockchain Technologies at a Minority Serving Institution," in 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2022.[2] I. E. Allen and J. Seaman, Online report card: Tracking online education in the United States. ERIC, 2016.[3] S. Asgari, J
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specifications, and facilitymanagement strategy.Keywords: Facility engineering, Facility condition assessment, engineering management,engineering educationIntroductionOrigins of the facilities engineering profession can be traced to organizations supporting the builtenvironment. The industrial revolution in the early 1900’s brought to creation a diverse array ofbuildings, factories, and equipment to support the evolution of the United States of America. Toaddress the challenges associated with a rapidly growing industry, in 1915 thought leaders in plantengineering assembled a forum in Boston, Massachusetts of mechanical engineers, mastermechanics, and chief engineers in plants. This forum discussed common problems and facilitatedthe exchange of ideas in
within the framework of University of Toledo IRB protocol 201808.DisclaimerOne of the authors may receive royalties from sales of the zyBook detailed in this paper.References[1] A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid, R. Lysecky, A. Knoesen, R. Amirtharajah, and M. L. Dorf, "Student performance improvement using interactive textbooks: A three-university cross-semester analysis," in ASEE Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2015, doi: https://doi.org/10.18260/p.24760.[2] A. Edgcomb, J. S. Yuen, and F. Vahid, "Does Student Crowdsourcing of Practice Questions and Animations Lead to Good Quality Materials?," in ASEE Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2016, pp. 1-15, doi: https://doi.org/10.18260/p.23899.[3] K. E. Chapman, M. E
arecollected at the due date of the assigned section(s).Students from five cohorts at a public research university generated the data presented here.Cohorts during the Spring semester of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 included 98, 98, 94, 66,and 57 students, respectively. Students withdrawing from the course were not included in theanalysis, which differs from some previous work [25]. The majority of the students were in theirfirst year (freshman) majoring in either chemical engineering or environmental engineering. Thedata are presented in aggregate for one or more cohorts, which may be a limitation as thediversity of the individual learner is lost. The modality of the 2018, 2019, and 2022 cohorts wasin person. The 2020 cohort was partially in
Competency standard for professional engineers," Engineers Australia, 2019. Accessed: April 2023. [Online]. Available: https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/publications/stage-1-competency-standard- professional-engineers[3] R. Lawrence, "The promotion of future opportunities and possibilities for engineering graduates," Australian Council of Engineering Deans, 2020. Accessed: April 2023. [Online]. Available: https://aced.edu.au/downloads/Engineering%202035%20report.pdf[4] R. Lingard and S. Barkataki, "Teaching teamwork in engineering and computer science," in 2011 Frontiers in education conference (FIE), 2011: IEEE, pp. F1C-1- F1C-5.[5] J. Burdett, "Making groups work: University students
significance of teachers’ Well-being and the use of faculty developmentprograms. Nevertheless, there lies the need for a basic approach to address the Well-being ofteachers. In regards to this review study, there are heterogenous range of programs thatsupports the Well-being of teachers.References[1] Guerriero, S. (ed.) (2017), Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession, Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris.[2] Williams, K.C. and Williams, C.C. (2011) “Five key ingredients for improving student motivation,” Research in Higher Education Journal.[3] Schleicher, A. (2018), Valuing our Teachers and Raising their Status: How Communities Can Help, International Summit on the Teaching
participation of students, faculty, and staff in a visit from the public school. Overthe course of several planning meetings, the team outlined a rotation schedule that achieved 3main objectives: (1) Provide exposure to the campus infrastructure; (2) Engage in hands-onactivities related to civil and/or environmental engineering; and (3) Interact with college studentsthat may have shared their identities and experiences. Table 1 presents an overview of theschedule outlined.Table 1: Outreach Event Schedule Time Agenda Topic Speaker(s) Location CEE Chair Architectural Building 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions
administration of the pre/post surveys and Dr. DavidDelaine for his insight on intervention design.ReferencesR.D. Austin, G.P. Pisano, “Neurodiversity as a competitive advantage: Why you should embrace it in your workforce,” Harvard Business Review. May-June issue, 2017.A. Bolhari & S. Tillema. 2022. Enhancing Engineering Students’ Innovation Self-Efficacy through Design of K-12 STEM Projects Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. https://peer.asee.org/40763J. Buckley, A. Trauth, S.B. Grajeda, and D. Roberts, “Gender and racial disparities in students’ self-confidence on team-based engineering design projects,” presented ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019.S. Y., Chyung, A
timepoints: beginning of Batch 1’s firstsemester (September 2022), end of Batch 1’s first semester (December 2022), and start of Batch2’s first semester (January 2023). They will be referred to as pre-survey (2022), post-survey(2022), and pre-survey (2023) in this paper, respectively. Note that the data from Batch 1includes both Engineering and Non-Engineering students, as all students were required to takethe Principles of Design course, whereas data from Batch 2 only includes Engineering students,as their survey was administered as part of the Introduction to Engineering course. Based on anintention to not overburden the students, each construct was captured using a set of three to sixquestions, hence a total of nine to thirteen Likert scale
ofstakeholder awareness skills and identify the area(s) of development (gaps). The results provide us withinsights to develop effective teaching strategies to address these gaps.Study participants were tasked to complete a scenario-based assessment proposed by Grohs, et al. [1] thatfocuses on systems thinking and problem-solving as engineers by responding to a scenario that addressedtechnical and social contexts. The activity focuses on participants’ responses to a given scenario and theprompts intended to guide respondents in a systems-thinking approach. Data were collected electronicallyand analyzed using qualitative coding methods by applying the assessment tool rubric to evaluate studentresponses using systems thinking constructs from the framework
this way, futurework will allow for development of targeted interventions aimed at improving help seeking in theundergraduate engineering student population.References[1] S. K. Lipson, E. G. Lattie, and D. Eisenberg, "Increased Rates of Mental Health Service Utilization by U.S. College Students: 10-Year Population-Level Trends (2007–2017)," Psychiatric Services, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 60-63, 2019/01/01 2018, doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201800332.[2] D. Eisenberg et al., "The Health Minds Study: 2014 Data Report," 2014.[3] D. Eisenberg, Lipson, S. K., Heinze, J., Zhou, S., Talaski, A., & Patterson, A, "The Healthy Minds Study: 2021 Winter/Spring Data Report.," 2021.[4] D. Eisenberg, M. F. Downs, E. Golberstein, and