volume, ∑ is the rate of entropy dt j Tjflow in the form of low-level heat across the control surface, ∑ m& s i i i is the rate of entropychange associated with mass flow into the control volume, ∑ m& s e e e is the rate of entropy changeassociated with mass flow out of the control volume, and υ& cv is the rate of entropy productionwithin the control volume. For a closed system the
” of the disciplines and muchless agreement on many of the other concepts, with several barely mentioned. Most faculty feelthat their definition of AED is the same as their school’s, but many express uncertainty about theexistence of a national definition. Similarly there is considerable agreement that more than onediscipline (Architecture, Structure, HVAC, Electrical, Construction Management) is required toconstitute AED, but there is marked disagreement about what specific ones should be included,with opinions ranging from two to all five.IntroductionDesign is what most of our graduates do Some of course will work constructing other s designs funding and approving designs or perhaps analyzing the successes and failures of the design
, Audi, Bosch, Department of Defense, German Telekom, Junghans, Metso, Siemens, Thomson ISI, and UPM Kymmene. Prior to joining the Smith School he was Assistant Professor for E- Business at National University in San Diego and CEO for German-based consulting firm Scenario Management International (ScMI AG). He has consulted for such organizations as AstraZenica, Audi, Bosch, and the U. S. Department of Defense. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Paderborn in Germany. ≠ Dr. Judy K. Frels, Marketing in Technology-Driven Industries. Dr. Frels is Executive Director of Marketing Communications, Senior Director of Custom Programs, and an Executive Education Senior Fellow at the Robert H
of when they may be needed in the future. Emphasis on computer simulations can also consume class time that historically was devoted to covering fundamentals. As with all of the trends discussed in this section, balance has to be struck between well-proven historical methodologies and new and (potentially) improved ones. Page 14.293.76. Hybridization of Academic Disciplines: Another recent trend is hybridization of academic disciplines, both in academia and profession(s). This offers certain advantages, for example, resource pooling and broader perspectives on problem solving. It reflects increasing hybridization of disciplines in the
. toolsthat are now cheap and prevalent. Page 14.713.11References:1 Sims R.R., Sims S. J., “The importance of Learning Styles, Understanding the Implications for learning”, Course design, and Education, ISBN 0-313-29278-7, 1995, Greenwood Press.2 Felder R.M., Silverman L.K., Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education, Engineering Education, 78(7), 674-681, 1988.3 R.S. Dunn R.S., S.A. Griggs, Multiculturalism and Learning Style: Teaching and Counseling Adolescents, Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995.4 Reid G., Learning Styles and Inclusion, 2005.5 R.A. Rochford, “Assessing Learning Styles to improve the quality of performance of
preparation, 15 minutes for the dialogues, 10 minutes for the reflection phase)Material MTA New York City Subway map(s)10 General Routines overhead transparency (with instructions for students) Useful Words and Phrases overhead transparencyType of Activity prepared partner dialogueLanguage Focus present simple for general routines words and phrases for commuting describing daily activitiesGroup Size pairsLevel lower intermediateSkills reading, speaking, listeningPreparation The teacher distributes MTA York City Subway maps or photocopies a section for each student and produces the General
Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-2314, 2008.[10] M. Clauss, B. Allison, M. Reuber, S. Birmingham, V. DiStasi, “A Successful Model for Engineers Stuying Abroad: A Foreign Study Center with Concurrent Instruction,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-1743, 2008.[11] M. Mariasingam, T. Smith, S. Courter, “Internationalization of Engineering Education,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-1144, 2008.[12] International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), Retrieved on August 2008 from http://www.ifees.net/[13] G. L. Downey, et al., “The Globally Competent Engineer: Working Effectively with People Who Define Problems Differently
sections. This issue was previously discussed in section 3.1b of this paper. Summary of Student Achievement of Course Objectives and Quality of Instruction Course Objective Relates to Program Assessment Standard Results Accept- Continuous Improvement Outcome(s) a Instrument for (assuming able? Actions Planned (See syllabus for the This final complete statements.) Objective Exam only and Y/N average
processers were analyzed from various different manufacturers. The most inexpensiveof these five models is the Fuel Meister II which retails for $3,095. The prices for the fivepreassembled processors and the on-site assembled unit can be seen in Chart 2.The pre-assembled options are priced only for the processor and other components such aspumps, collection tank(s), and chemicals will still need to be purchased. The different pre-assembled options along with the manufacturers’ information can also be found in Table 3. Page 14.532.8 Table 3 – Preassembled Systems Name Source
. Page 14.1009.15Software. The column and bar graphs in this paper were made with Microsoft Excel 2007.However, dot plots and multiway plots are not in Excel’s native vocabulary. The options forcreating dot plots and multiway plots include: 1. Excel Add-Ins. Robbins2 points readers to an Excel macro written by Kenneth Klein for making individual dot plots and Vidmar7 shows how to use Excel for both dot plots and multiway plots. We have not tested these add-ins and so offer no opinion on their utility. 2. SAS: This popular commercial package for statistical analysis has a “multivariate” toolkit that includes multiway plots. 3. R: an open source software version of the commercial package called S. Both the R and S
gauge student progress relative tothe program objectives.As illustrated by column three in Table 2, data collected by the measurement tools do notnecessarily reflect a single program objective. Indeed, a single assessment activity may helpevaluate student academic progress in more than one area. Table 2. Relationship between Program Questions and Measurement Tools. Objectives are referred to with their numbers as listed in Table 1 of this paper. Evaluation Questions Measurement Tool Objective(s) Addressed by Data Obtained via Measurement Tool(s)Are mentees
Engineering, Inc.; MMS-A/E; Skidmore,Owings & Merrill LLP; Spencer Engineering, Inc.; Thorton-Thomasetti Group; andWalter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. The authors are very grateful to the Office ofInstitutional Research, Planning, and Assessment at Rose-Hulman for their assistancein developing and administering the surveys. The authors would also like to thankProfessor Mark Yoder from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department atRose-Hulman for assistance with the Electrical Engineering examples.References1. Puri, P. S. (Moderator) “Computer Misuse – Are We Dealing with a Time Bomb?”, Forensic Engineering: Proceedings of the First Congress, Task Committee on Avoiding Failures Caused by Computer Misuse, Forensic Engineering Division
to the prospective student, S/he has to interruptthe student and asks him/her to retake the test. This causes many problems such as having morethan one result for student, and making the student frustrated and tired which leads to receivingan inaccurate test score. Milosh Suggest that to correct such problem we have to redesign theforms so the proctor can distinguish the main part of the form, such as students name, type of testand number of times that the student have taken the test already.Errors made by network administrators In the Microsoft network environment, users are usually associated with a domain. Adomain can be associated with other domains as a child domain or parent domain. However,when an active directory domain
apply basic concepts frommechanics to extended objects in equilibrium.Introduction In this paper, I describe the design and development of a tutorial sequence on theequilibrium of rigid bodies. This tutorial, Equilibrium of rigid bodies, is one of the tutorials inTutorials in Introductory Physics by L. C. McDermott, P. S. Shaffer, and the U. Wash. P. E. G.published in 2000 that make up the set of tutorials on rotations. The tutorial described has beenwritten to address student difficulties with the equilibrium of rigid bodies. These materials areintended for use in an introductory physics course for engineering majors prior to them takingsophomore-level engineering statics. The context is balancing. Each tutorial sequence, whichincludes
. WWW.cypress.com 10. http://edageek.com/2007/03/26/horizon-hobby-cypress-psoc/ 11. S. Patel, et al, Analysis of the Severity of Dyskinesia in Patients with Parkinson’s disease via wearable sensors. International workshop on wearable and implantable body sensor networks, 2006, pp. 123-126. Page 14.1275.7
Contractors of America. (2005). Construction Estimating & Bidding: Theory/Principles/Process, Publication 3505. Arlington, Virginia, AGC.8. bid. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/bid9. Bidding. (2008). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bidding&oldid=25481993410. R. S. Means. (2003) Building Construction Cost Data (61st ed.). Kingston, MA.11. Frank R. Walker Company. (1999). Walker’s Building Estimator’s Reference Book (26th ed.). Lisle, IL.12. Elder Flag. (2009). Retrieved February 4, 2009, from http://www.ederflag.com/index.htm
who previously had limited laboratory experience.References 1. S. Turhan, H. Yucel, and A. Demirba. Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis of boron with a 241Am-Be neutron source. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. (262 3), pp 661-664, 2004 2. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, http://www.springerlink.com/content/105692/ Page 14.603.6Page 14.603.7
-75/18, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 1975-07, pp. 138. 2. Li, X. S., Chan, C. K., and Shen, C. K. (1988). "An automatic triaxial testing system." Advanced triaxial testing of soil and rock, ASTM STP977, 95–106. Page 14.173.8
February 6, 200910. Tumkor, S. and Pochiraju, K., Rapid Prototyping in the Design Methodology, ASEE Annual ConferenceProceedings, paper 2008-2307.11. Rodriguez, J. et al. Application Of Rapid Prototyping For Engineering Design Projects, ASEE Annual Page 14.1262.7Conference Proceedings, paper 2006-231712. Carlson, L. Rapid Prototyping to Cement CAD Modeling Skills, ASEE Annual Conference, 2005
. Page 14.315.2IntroductionAttracting students from underrepresented groups to engineering and retaining them hasbeen a struggle for engineering schools for many decades. Often what schools do to meetthis challenge is to develop special programs. These programs target at-risk students andare developed around one or more of three major themes such as: mentoring/advisement,financial support, academic acceleration/remediation or some combination of all three.The primary objective of such programs is to give the at-risk student what every s/heneeds in order to succeed in the engineering program of their choice. A number of theseprograms have shown considerable success at attracting, retaining and graduatingstudents from underrepresented groups with
received in both a “Signaland Systems” course where only a very limited amount of course time was devoted to DT topicsand in the “DSP” course which was devoted entirely to discrete time and DSP topics. We havetried using both the moving average model and the savings account model in the classroom and,while the vast majority of the discussions are identical, there is considerably more student interestin the savings account discussions.We encourage educators to try this somewhat unconventional example as a first introduction in acourse such as discrete-time signals and systems (DTSS) or digital signal processing (DSP).References[1] S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition, 2006.[2] Daniel McGinn and
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implicit critical thinking components. The criticalthinking portion of the assignment will help reinforce the importance of engineering reasoning tothe students. By making critical thinking an explicit outcome of the course, students should bebetter prepared to strengthen and enrich their critical thinking skills in future (upper level)courses.Also, planned in the revisions of the course is the creation of a standard case study evaluationrubric that will be used to evaluate parts of the case study assignments. This rubric will allowthe course instructor(s) as well as any TAs to consistently grade these assignments. Thisconsistency will allow the students to better understand where improvement is needed in theirassignments and more importantly
technician, Ray Rust, for hisdemonstration and insights offered while running the jet engine with biodiesel. Thismaterial is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNo. 0511322. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNSF. For further information please visit http://green.kettering.edu.Bibliography1. National Academy of Engineering (NAE). “Grand Challenges for Engineering.” Washington, D.C., February 15, 2008.2. “Kettering Industrial Ecology Team.” http://green.kettering.edu (accessed November 1, 2008)3. Lynch-Caris, Terri, Jennifer Aurandt, Craig Hoff, Andy Borchers, Jackie El-Sayed, Ben
6REFERENCESABET, 2007. Criteria for Evaluating Engineering Programs. www.abet.org. 21 pp.Atman, C. and S. Sheppard, 2008. Describing the Engineering Student Learning ExperienceBased on Center for Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE) Findings. Presented at2008 Conference, American Society for Engineering Education. Pittsburgh, PA. June, 2008.Bolen, M.C., ed., 2007. A Guide to Outcomes Assessment in Education Abroad. The Forum onEducation Abroad. 238 pp.Council on Competitiveness, 2008. The Skills Imperative. Compete 2.0, Council onCompetitiveness. 40 pp.LeCompte, M.D. and J.J. Schensul, 1999. Designing and Conducting Ethnographic Research.AltaMira Press. 220 pp.NAE, 2008. Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Understanding
and Redesign the Business case for sustainabilityFigure 2: Different Methods of Instruction and Creative Activities Adopted within the CourseStructureConclusionThis paper demonstrated the re-design of a course on sustainability. The course will be offered toall students across campus. It seeks to build on this singular strength: diversity of educationalbackgrounds. This is done to try and enhance creativity of students insofar as the decisionmaking process is concerned. The authors intend to share the results of this unique experimentin future publications at this forum.References1. S. L. Hart, Beyond Greening: Strategies for a sustainable world
; Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA (2008).7. This information is available at the College Board’s website http://www.collegeboard.com. The 5th Annual AP® Report to the Nation, http://www.collegeboard.com/html/aprtn/pdf/ap_report_to_the_nation.pdf http://www.collegeboard.com/html/aprtn/pdf/ap_report_to_the_nation_raw_numbers_app_c.pdf. http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/ap/about8. Saul Geiser and Veronica Santelices. The Role of Advanced Placement and Honors Courses in College Admissions. Berkeley: University of California, 2004. http://repositories.cdlib.org/cshe/CSHE-4-04/9. Dougherty, C., Mellor, L., & Jian, S. (2006). The relationship between Advanced Placement and college graduation. (National Center for Educational
sigma: Statistical quality control and design ofexperiments and systems. Springer-Verlag, London.[2] Creveling, C. M., Slutsky, J. L., & Antis, D. (2003). Design for six sigma in technology and product development.Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle, NJ.[3] Gryna, F. M. (2001). Quality planning & analysis (4th Edition). McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston, MA.[4] Gryna, F. M., Chua, R. C. H., & Defeo, J.A. (2007). Juran’s quality planning and analysis for enterprise quality.McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA.[5] Summers, D. C. S. (2006). Quality (4th Edition). Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.[6] The Six Sigma Green Belt Primer. (April 3, 2006). Quality Council of Indiana. West Terre Haute, IN
LabVIEW and its use in signals and systems and they can develop theirown LabVIEW programs. Student responses reveal that the visualization tools helped studentsimprove understanding of fundamental concepts such as aliasing and upsampling (95% ofstudents). In addition to the basic LabVIEW functions, the students responded that the functionsprovided in the Digital Filter Design and Control Design toolkits enabled them to design simplersystem representations.Bibliography1. Beyon, J. Y., “LabVIEW Programming, Data Acquisition and Analysis”, Prentice Hall PTR (Upper Saddle River,NJ), 2001.2. Oppenheim, A.V., Willsky, A.S. and Hamid, S., “Signals & Systems,” Prentice Hall Signal Processing Series,Hall PTR, (Upper Saddle River, NJ).3. Spanias, A