forteaching and learning, CTL) to collaborate with departments and colleges in these studentretention efforts. This process of developing and sustaining collaborations between the CTL,department chairs, faculty members, administration, and other units in efforts to improve studentretention in STEM courses is grounded in educational change strategies and motivation theory.Using as starting points the four types of change strategies (disseminating curriculum andpedagogy, enacting policy, developing reflective teachers, and developing a shared vision) [6-7]and expectancy-value theory of motivation [8], the Center for Excellence in Teaching andLearning (CETL) at USI is leveraging its networks and programs to intentionally initiate andfacilitate
had an impact on writing competencies of engineeringundergraduate students.As an example, Teaching Writing in Engineering contained questions to gauge faculty’sperceptions of agency in their assignments – “I believe that there are opportunities in my course(s)for students to write about topics that interest them” [12], as well as a question with options toselect as many forms of writing faculty believed occurred in their course(s). “Writing in mycourse(s) is in the form of…” where options for reflection, homework, professionalcommunication, examinations, etc. are listed with definitions in a mouse-over component. Acomplete relation of variables, their definition, and questions are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Number of questions per
and market student to the global • Curriculum includes: • Resume & Cover letter workforce • Applying to appropriate positions • Interview preparation• Prepare students for work abroad through • Professional expectations in the workplace culture, language, and workplace difference • Goal setting & Reflections
projects is to address a regional need.In order to achieve a capstone project in the fields of technology development, smartenvironments, and innovation in manufacturing, students are encouraged to promote asustainable development approach, the solution must reflect an intimate connection among theresearch, a clear understanding of the impacts by reducing any negative ecological and social Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018, American Society for Engineering Educationfootprint, and a continuous life-cycle analysis working to improve local and regionalcommunities7, to deliver a result that can be defined as environmentally responsible,economically
to guide you throughdeveloping and recording that experience. And the best part? You can start as soon as yougraduate from high school.ExaminationAnother key part of becoming an architect is completing the Architect RegistrationExamination® (ARE®). With exam divisions designed to reflect the current profession,the ARE ensures that you’re ready to practice architecture independently.Licensure and CertificationOnce you’ve met the education, experience, and examination requirements, as well asany additional requirements set by your licensing board, you can apply for a license topractice architecture in your jurisdiction. After you’re licensed, you can advance youcareer and streamline your ability to practice across borders by earning an
industry. Some of the many new partnership an appropriate investment for longer-term relationships models include: master research agreements; co-location or ranging from five to 10 years. other face-to-face engagement; and the use of requests for proposals (RFPs).HOW UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS Master Research AgreementsHAVE CHANGED Master research agreements can require a significant front- Recent shifts in university-business partnerships reflect end time investment to negotiate since terms for
. Participants in four robotics sections (N=95,28% girls) were surveyed using a validated reflective assessment at the end of the program.Three sections were mixed-gender and one section was single-gender. Two different femaleSTEM educators taught four sections. The assessment measured science interest, science identityand the four 21st Century Learning Skills; critical thinking, perseverance, relationships withpeers and relationships with adults. Participants in the robotics programs experiencedstatistically significantly gains in science interest and identity. There were no statisticallysignificant differences between the genders or in the single gender section. For the 21st CenturySkills, participants had gains across all skills. Females reported a
andincrease networking opportunities, institutions might also consider improving communicationsand points of contact between future, current, and former members of women in engineeringorganizations. These opportunities might be facilitated by an enhanced social media presence(e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and through face-to-face events such as alumni gatheringsfor organizations’ members. Next, programs might encourage their staff to reflect on theirexperiences with various women of color in engineering throughout their academic careers.Program coordinators in particular may consider better understanding the needs and expectationsof women who come into these organizations and the ways that the organizations do or do notmeet their students’ needs
identity. The research team would like to acknowledge that theresults of this study do not reflect those that identify outside the gender binary. The survey, at thetime of this study, did not consider non-binary gender populations and have since rectified thisegregious oversight in subsequent iterations. Given the status of the survey, there was a cleardifference between genders when it came to computing identity, specifically in recognition(males scored 3.4 overall while women scored 3.0). This showed that women who were highachieving in computing still showed signs of feeling less acknowledged as computing peoplethan male students. This means that, at home, at school, and in social circles, women do not feelas if they are being recognized as
(2017) 16.0% 7.5% Table 2: Six-year graduation rate for students declaring engineering as a major by their second year (Persistence data for shaded rows reflect 5-year or 4-year graduation rate.) Percent graduating with degree in Percentage graduating with degree engineering from the University Entrance Year Total Women URM Total Women URM Fall 2006 53.10% 62.07% 28.57% 75.26% 75.86% 42.86% (Grad in 6 yrs) Fall 2007
gender. For example, one whitewoman (undergraduate student) reflected: “…I see a lot of women in engineering... In the class, Ithink there's 4 people who are not a white male.” In the statement above, the student stated thatthey see a lot of women and there are people who are not a white male. Given theoverrepresentation of white men in engineering, the perceived lack of white men in this student’sexperience serves as an indicator of the presence of diversity. These phrases align with the themeof visual markers because the student describes what they see in engineering using race and gender.Diversity of Thought: Beyond what was directly observable, participants also noted differences inthe way people think about and solve problems as
,catastrophes,injustices, and gender biases, movies and documentaries can be shown. Some examples includeErin Brockovich, A Civil Action, and Bhopal Express. The movies can be assigned and dividedbetween groups to watch on their own and present to the class or shown to the entire class atonce. The instructor can lead a discussion and analyze the movie with students to identify theissue, the consequences of the issue, and how the issue could have been prevented.3.3 Communication SkillsOral and written communication skills are incorporated into the curriculum through technicalreports, oral-presentations, and reflective essays. Strong communication skills are a necessity inthe field of engineering to share statistics, data, experimental findings, and
Davis et al., utilizing a 7-point scale in each ofthe 15 sections. The sections, illustrated in Figure 2, reflected the various stages of the designprocess, as well as administrative/project management components of engineering design. Inaddition to assigning each section a point value, instructors can choose from a number of generalcomments or input custom comments. This wide range of scores allows instructors to track studentprogress in each section throughout the 3-course sequence, addressing the criteria of applicabilityacross a wide range of students. By widening the scale and broadening expectations as studentsprogress from course to course, many stages of development can be accounted for [10]. Hence, toreflect increasing expectations
, the CC faculty attended 4 research seminars throughout the summer that focusedon the research being conducted by faculty on UCB campus in various areas. The CC facultyalso attended sessions by the leaders of the research topics (alternative energy, cyber security,wearable medical devices, green and sustainable manufacturing, and nanotechnology) that gavethem an overall view of current research goals and progress. The goal of hosting these seminarsis to describe real world problems being worked on, as well as providing access to leading-edgeresearch outside of their own primary laboratory.Beyond these seminars and workshops, CC faculty were asked to complete weekly homeworkassignments that asked them to reflect on their research progress and
developed using our game framework and game creator. Following the storyline, wedecide on the number of phases for this game; each phase carries its own set of question/answers/resourcesrepresenting a “chapter” of the entire game. For the storyline described above, we created a conspiracyboard with four phases: Image, Preserve, Analysis, and Report, to reflect our objectives. For each phase,we designed and created a sequence of questions in the format of multiple choice, short response, or uploadfiles. The correct answers and helpful resources were also decided. This sets the stage to create the gamemodule.3.2 Create a game module using the GUI-based game editorAs we mentioned earlier, our game framework uses XML to decouple the game implementation
. The paperdetails the impact of the project has on students, faculty, programs, and the department. Theseinclude strategies and co-curriculum activities that engage scholars and their fellow students,enhance their learning experience on campus, and increase their retention and timely graduationrate. In addition, reflecting on what we did, what we achieved, and the lessons we learned, weshare our categorization of the decisions and choices we have to make while preparing andwriting a successful project proposal. We also detail our experience adapting established bestpractices in STEM higher education community to an urban public large university with adiversified population of students, faculty, and staff while implementing the program.1
prerequisite knowledge whichis difficult to accommodate with the limited amount of class time.The advancement of technologies provides an opportunity to help on these challenges. It isestimated that there are over 7 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide [1]. Althoughmobile phone subscription doesn’t necessarily reflect the number of mobile phone owners sincethere are multiple mobile subscriptions for individual people and for businesses, it does reflectthe prevalent usage of mobile devices. These devices have prolific use in our everyday life forcommunication, access of information, and entertainment. Besides, mobile devices are beginningto be used in all levels of education because of their easy accessibility and increase incomputational power
of the interview [12]. We then ask follow-upand probing questions as we enter the conversation phase of the interview [12]. Finally, we askedsemi-structured interview questions if the answers failed to emerge naturally during the earlierphases of the interview. These included questions about their perceived experiences making,engineering, and, in particular, navigating their engineering program and university makerspaceas a student from an URG. Final questions ask the student to reflect on and makerecommendations for improving the makerspace and/or the engineering program (see Appendixfor our interview protocol).Throughout this project, we have struggled with how to ask students about their URG status andhow that status impacts them as an
instructors led the students through a debriefing session aimedat teasing out the ethical issues of the black cards and appropriateness of the white response cards,with the goal of getting the students to reflect upon their choices. The students were alsoencouraged to submit new card suggestions to the instructor, which were curated and forwardedto the game’s creators. Out of class activities In addition to the classroom activities described above, the students were given several outof class assignments to complete. The first assignment was to choose their own engineering ethicscase study to research and analyze. In this individualized assignment, the students were taskedwith providing a summary of the case and identifying the ethical
of a calculated by adding student response values (5 to 1) and“kit”, and doesn’t require much design work. But each year, dividing by the number of students. Thus, per the questions,course work (and labs) should give students more and more on the whole, students find these labs to be relevant, helpful,opportunity and responsibility to design additional and enjoyable in their learning.functionality onto the original implementation—so as to Now this data only reflects positive feelings for labs in atrain-by-doing into “professional practice”. Here are some senior-level course that was partly re-designed to includepotential more sophisticated versions of the project—moving some spiral
in formalclassroom settings and in informal settings. This theoretical perspective views knowledgeconstruction as arising conceptually through the dynamic construction, re-construction, andinterpretation within a social context. Furthermore, knowledge is socially reproduced andlearning takes place through participation in meaningful activities that are part of a community ofpractice [3], participation that is mutually constituted through and reflects our thinking anddiscourse skills [5].In this study, both teacher and student participants learned as active members of the school-university math and science partnership. Participation in communities of practice has been foundto be beneficial for both teacher and student learning [6], [7]. In
roles and areas of leadership. These roles will be based off of each individual’s top five strengths and self identified (sic) weaknesses. With this information, each person will be given an appropriate role. Based on the role the member is given, the member is expected to obtain this role for the entirety of the semester.”One-Minute EngineerIn the case of the One-Minute Engineer assignment, students were explicitly asked to discuss atleast one of their Strengths when reflecting on why they want to pursue engineering. "One benefit I have experienced of having input as a strength, is my ability to remember facts, definitions, and methods of doing tasks. I am able to recall necessary information, apply it
to the Course Design for Fall 2018Overall, from student and faculty responses, proposed improvements to the course will focus onthree main areas: improving consistency so that students and faculty in different sections do nothave widely varied experiences, continuing to encourage innovation, creativity, and thoughtful,holistic design, and tackling the corresponding lecture period to streamline the entire course.These main areas of improvement reflect the best practices and lessons learned from faculty andstudent responses. Minor improvements will be made to Phases 1 and 4 while major improvementswill be made to Phases 2 and 3. Due to the major changes and consolidation of various parts ofthe course, the terminology of Phase 1-4 is removed
undergraduate engineering- or science-based computing major? Analysis isexpected to reveal the experiences and stakeholders that impact their decisions to enroll in acomputing major and persist into the workforce.BackgroundWith global competitiveness and homeland security driving the need to increase United Statesparticipation in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce [4].In 2013, the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) reported thatonly 26% of jobs in computing were held by women; African American women represented only3% of the computing workforce [5]. This reflects the need for accessible co-curricularprogramming in the southern region of the United States (US), particularly for females and
overseas portion of their trip. Afterreturning from Germany, students meet for half a day to discuss and reflect on their learningexperiences abroad. The overseas component of the course was designed so that workingstudents could participate in a study abroad program. The GO GREEN program was specificallydesigned to be approximately one week abroad and at a low cost so that working students couldafford the program and have time to attend. The average cost for the program, not includingtuition and fees, is approximately $2,500. The classes at the university are held on Saturdays toavoid conflicts with other classes or normal work schedules. In Germany, students visit, tour andreceive lectures on sustainable practices at German companies, such as
/News/OnlineNewsRoom/NewsReleases/tabid/6596/articleid/1216/ohi o-epa-issues-2017-encouraging-environmental-excellence-awards.aspx ● Write a 3-4-page report including the following sections: o Summary of each article in your own words. o Reflection ▪ Your impressions, potential impact of this news / development. ▪ Potential application of the efforts highlighted in your articles to other industries or to society in general. o Consider the following scenario: You are a major stockholder in a company whose stock dropped after posting earnings of only $1.20 per share. In her quarterly report, the CEO acknowledged that earnings would have been $2.50
well as those who may already hold a college degree andseek training aligned with this viable career path. To prepare the targeted population to fulfillthese needs, the program will focus on applying theories and hands-on skills in the developmentof marketable products, efficient processes, and designs that reflect an awareness of howtechnology meets the needs of society today and in the future. Further, the AAS.MET programwill provide extensive classroom study along with laboratory explorations. The degree is beingdeveloped based on the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of theAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) accreditation standards. Oneof the long term goals of the program is to obtain ABET
concluding summary is required that includes the following: 1. Context — provide background justifying why the experiment was undertaken, 2. Purpose — what they wished to accomplish with the lab (purpose must be testable!), 3. Key Data — summary of the most important data from the experiment, 4. Take-away — states their conclusion based on the data and what the key outcome was.A major emphasis is placed on getting students to reflect on the meaning of their results and how tocommunicate them in a concise but complete manner; in short, developing the professional habitsof a practicing engineer. The following briefly summarizes the documentation requirements inseveral of my courses.Analog Electronics I and Analog Electronics II are required
assignmentsmay allow for assessments that can reflect a student’s work is a convincing demonstration of ahigher-level of learning (Burrow,, 2001). By mixing voluntary problems that are morecomplex with simpler ones, students who attempt those challenges may feel a stronger sense ofaccomplishment and reward.Anecdotally, it is sometimes the experience of instructors that if a particular task is given as arequirement, (say the analysis of a 10-state process cycle in a thermodynamics course) that theassignment of that task is met with routine boredom. But assign the same task as an extra creditassignment and suddenly the task becomes an exciting challenge. Of course, this isn’t the attitudeof all students in a course, but it does beg the question of
self-reflection withopen and closed questions is required as part of the program assessment. As part of the formativeprocess, the program evaluator summarizes evaluation results, student progress, observations,and participation data to build an assessment report of the summer activity. Accordingly, the nextsection describes the assessment instruments and results for the various pre-college programcomponents.Evaluation StrategiesAn integral part of the pre-college program is the documentation and tracking of studentparticipants. As outlined in Figure 1, information from schools and participants is stored in theCenter’s management system, designed to record the participant’s involvement, including visitsto schools and summer program