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, investigating properties of elements and seeking Sam Algorithmic thinking pattern for how they might be organizedASEE 2023, Baltimore, MD Each of the four teachers were observed teaching their lesson(s) as summarized in Table2. Table 3 summarizes the nature and intent of their instructional approaches for incorporatingcomputational thinking skills into their curriculum.Table 3. Instructional Approaches for Incorporating Computational Thinking Teacher Instructional Summary During an enrichment period, students were taught the basics of programming in order to program a small hand-sized robot to move as designated by students. Students worked in small
the makerspace course promote students’ situational interest in engineering? Thispaper also includes some additional discussion related to partial assessment specific to RQ4(Figure 1): How does triggered interest stimulated by ENGR 111 contribute to maintainedinterest in engineering?Figure 1. The overall conceptual framework has two phases. The first phase focuses on interest triggered bythe first-year makerspace course. The second phase focuses on maintained interest further into academiccareer(s).1.2 Interest in Engineering and Potential Significance in Student RetentionIncreasing the quantity of graduating engineers is challenging because factors associated withengineering student retention are multifaceted and not thoroughly understood [8
, computerand software engineering students engaged in an S-STEM program at a predominantly white publicinstitution in the Midwest. S-STEM is a federally funded program aimed at diversifying STEM fields byincreasing the enrollment and persistence of low-income students. Using phenomenology allowed formeaning making and exploration of both religious and engineering experiences (Moustakas, 1994).The present study focused on the experiences of Theresa, a traditionally aged, Asian American (SoutheastAsian) computer engineering student who participated in three in-depth, semi-structured interviews abouther engineering identity experiences. From all of the participants of the larger study, we chose to go ingreater depth with Theresa because her engineering
Paper ID #38507Work in Progress: Knowing Our First-year Students, Meeting Them WhereThey Are, and Supporting Them for SuccessDr. Kathleen A Harper, Case Western Reserve University Kathleen A. Harper is the assistant director of the Roger E. Susi First-year Engineering Experience at Case Western Reserve University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from CWRU and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University.Dr. Kurt R. Rhoads, Case Western Reserve University Kurt R. Rhoads, Ph.D., P.E. is the faculty director of the Roger E. Susi First-Year Engineering Experience
and tensilestrength.Explanation of Materials ChosenThe material the team chose for 2019’s Rover completion tires is MatterHackers NylonG, whichis a glass-fiber- reinforced -nylon. In the materials testing conducted, NylonG had the highestimpact resistance and an impressive amount of tensile strength. These reasons made it the bestchoice for the pneumonic tire because it can absorb consistent, hard-hitting impacts and still keepits original composure after elastic deformation.The team decided to employ a new material for the spoke segments. This material is currentlymanufactured by 3DXTech Company. The base material for this filament is a semi-aromaticpolyamide copolymer, referred to in conversation as nylon. Due to the higher
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improvingthe software. We continuously work on improving the software to provide the students with thebest sketching learning experience.AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by National Science Foundation, ”Collaborative Research: FosteringEngineering Creativity and Communication through Immediate, Personalized Feedback on 2D-Perspective Drawing” : 2013612 (Texas A&M University), 2013504 (Georgia Tech), 2013575 (San Jose State University) and 2013554 (Purdue University). References [1] S. Sorby, “Educational research in developing 3-d spatial skills for engineering students,” International Journal of Science Education - INT J SCI EDUC, vol. 31, pp. 459–480, 02 2009. [2] K. Vanlehn, “The relative effectiveness of
lens of funds of identity in this studyallows for the exploration of leadership identity and engineering identity as related to Blackengineers' cultural identity. Leadership and engineering serve as professional identities that areclosely related to practical and institutional funds of identity, where this group's Black identityinfluences social and cultural funds of identity. Additionally, this work utilizes Ross et al.'s [27] lens regarding resilient identities. Intheir work, Ross et al. [27] considered how Black women in the engineering industry developand experience their identities. The researchers describe resilient identity as "a consistent view ofoneself in spite of contexts that threaten the congruency of those multiple
identified as male and four as female. The representation of the sample’s race and ethnicity makeup include: Black (n=1), Hispanic or Latino (n=1), Middle Eastern (n=2), and white (n=6). Table 1 provides additional co-researcher demographic information, as reported in the screening survey. Table 1 Co-researcher Demographic InformationPseudonym Race Gender Disability(s) Engineering Year-in-School International Major Student (Y/N)Joe Middle Male Learning Civil First-year Y EasternSammy Middle Male Cognitive
), waslaunched as a pilot program in 2017, as an answer to [University]’s efforts to reimagineundergraduate engineering education. An extra-curricular, cross-departmental endeavor with afocus on integrative, project-centric learning, the program aims to cultivate the essential skills,knowledge, and qualities engineers of the future will need, to address the formidable challengesposed by the 21st century. As of fall 2022, the program has 262 registered students acrosssophomore, junior, and senior years at [University].[IUP] was conceived and developed based on four core principles: 1. Student education shouldfocus on preparation for developing new technologies; 2. Student education should prepare themto become makers and discoverers, with engineering
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phenomena and continue learning about interactions and situations betweenindividuals in a system. The growth of computation and simulations began in the 1950’s and 60’s in technicalsectors of natural science research like physics and chemistry intending to perform large-scalepredictive computations [13]–[15]. Beyond the natural sciences, computational techniques movedinto economics to perform large scale calculations and provide large new data storage options[16].Many of these computational techniques are the precursors to how we use ABM today to approachproblems. ABM has, more recently, found success and been proven reliable in simulations fortransmission and event prediction in medicine [11] and immunology [10]. These studies haveproduced
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2 1 0 Provides name of experiment; if standard equipment states relevant ASTM Meets all criteria Meets some Meets few criteria; Standard(s). criteria; unclear or undeveloped If non-standardized equipment is used, includes ASTM Standards; clearly describes apparatus and procedure; in a narrative form, outlines procedure for another engineer to replicate experiment.CALCULATIONS 5 4 3 2 1 0
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Quito USFQ, Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Casilla Postal 17-1200-841, Quito 170901, Ecuador.3 Professor, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Colegio de Arquitectura y Diseño de Interiores, Departamento de Arquitectura, Casilla Postal 17-1200-841, Quito 170901, Ecuador.4 Professor, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Casilla Postal 17-1200-841, Quito 170901, Ecuador.* Correspondence: MiguelAndrés Guerra, MAGuerra@usfq.edu.ec.AbstractCertainly, seismic events take more lives than any other natural phenomenon. Also, earthquakeshave financial consequences that can even destroy a country´s economy. While
combinations of three linearly independent vectors, which isthe exercise in Figure 3. By rotate viewing the graph they obtained, they observed that thespan is not a plane any more. All the combinations residue in all possible directions in R3 . 9Then students reflected that: three linearly independent vectors span the whole R3 .4.1.2 Example 2Another important concept in this class is ’subspace’. In order to determine whether a given → −subset S ⊂ Rn is a subspace, three criterion should be checked: (i) 0 ∈ S. (ii