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Displaying results 721 - 750 of 1145 in total
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eliza Gallagher, Clemson University; Christy Brown; D. Andrew Brown, Clemson University; Kristin Kelly Frady, Clemson University; Patrick Bass, The Citadel; Michael A. Matthews P.E., University of South Carolina; Thomas T Peters, South Carolina's Coalition for Mathematics & Science; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; Ikhalfani Solan; Ronald W. Welch P.E., The Citadel; Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson University
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Tagged Divisions
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.We also wish to acknowledge the assistance of the Institutional Research Officers at each campusin gathering the data used in this analysis.References [1] X. Chen and M. Soldner, STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields (Statistical Analysis Report), ser. National Center for Educational Statistics (NCSE) Statistical Analysis Reports. U.S. Department of Education, 2013. [2] J. Levin and J. H. Wyckof, “Predictors of persistence and success in an engineering program,” NACADA Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 15–21, 1995. [3] J. Middleton, S. Krause, S. Maass, K. Beeley, J. Collofello, and R. Culbertson, “Early course and grade
Conference Session
Professional Skills for Graduate Students
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Holloway, Purdue University, West Lafayette; David F. Radcliffe, Swinburne University of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
. Innovation 16. Argument construction 17. Intellectual risk Domain B: Personal B1: Personal qualities 18. Enthusiasm Effectiveness 19. Perseverance 20. Integrity Definition: The personal 21. Self-confidence qualities and approach to 22. Self-reflection be an effective researcher. 23. Responsibility B2: Self-management 24. Preparation and
Conference Session
Educational & Professional Issues of Strategic Importance to the Civil Engineering Profession and ASCE II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Decker B. Hains, Western Michigan University; Kenneth J. Fridley, University of Alabama; Leslie Nolen CAE, American Society of Civil Engineers; Brock E. Barry P.E., United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
the deliberate effort of the committee to develop clearer and more concisecognitive domain outcome statements that better reflect the levels in Bloom’s Taxonomywith an appropriate verbs at each level. Another major consideration for the committee wasto be less prescriptive in the outcome statements.The committee first debated which educational taxonomy to use and considered the originalBloom’s Taxonomy, the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, and at least one other variation ofBloom’s Taxonomy. The committee concluded that the original Bloom’s Taxonomy wasthe most appropriate for BOK3 and discussion on this selection process will be presented.When critically reviewing the BOK2, the committee concluded that some of the outcomestatements only loosely
Conference Session
Embedding Sociotechnical Systems Thinking II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel B. Oerther, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
-learned”.Detailed description of pilot course syllabusThe monograph Science and Diplomacy: A New Dimension of International Relations [13] wasused as the primary text for the course. One benefit of a text translated from French is that theexamples and the perspective are offered based upon science diplomacy as practiced by France.This varies considerably from the approach to science diplomacy as practiced by the UnitedStates (i.e., as reflected in the material published by AAAS, [33]), and it also varies considerablyfrom the approach to science diplomacy as practiced by the United Kingdom (i.e., as reflected inthe material published by The Royal Society, [2]). One drawback of a text translated fromFrench is poor translation in various places
Conference Session
Ethical Awareness and Social Responsibility in a Corporate/Team Context
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Mary Smith, Colorado School of Mines; Juan C. Lucena, Colorado School of Mines
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
provides opportunities for students to talk directly with membersfrom various stakeholder groups in the VA coalfields including state regulators, industrymembers and local citizens.3. SurveyAppendix A includes the survey instrument used in the first year of the study analyzed here. Itwas designed to measure students’ knowledge, abilities, and attitudes [15] related to CSR andcollect relevant background information to explore possible connections between those and thedemographic information, students’ motivations for pursuing engineering, their career desires,and their civic activities. The survey reflects feedback from an expert panel of engineeringeducators and industry practitioners, as well as “talk alouds” with students. Going through thefirst
Conference Session
Creating Equity Through Structure and Pedagogy
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Canek Moises Luna Phillips, Rice University; Ann Patrice Gulley, Auburn University at Montgomery; Yvette E. Pearson P.E., Rice University; Logan C. Prickett, Auburn University at Montgomery; Luke A. Smith, Auburn University at Montgomery; Joshua Eyler, Rice University; Steve Noble, University of Louisville; Matthew F. Ragland, Auburn University at Montgomery; Jordan Allen Price, Auburn University at Montgomery; Anila K. Shethia M.B.A., Rice University; Luis Perez Ph.D., National AEM Center; Caroline Dunn, Auburn University at Montgomery
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ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
increase apprehension for students with math anxiety (e.g., arithmetic and vector operators, Cartesian and cylindrical polar coordinate systems, and sine and cosine trigonometric functions).The graphic representations in the section that follows demonstrate the manner in whichchunking breaks the above problem down into more manageable pieces that reflect the logic ofthe mathematical substructures. Initially, the chunks are labeled with appropriate mathvocabulary, temporarily hiding the numbers, variables, and symbols to deliver only the broadlandscape of the problem. This first step functions as an instructional pause button that givesstudents additional time to formulate a strategy before working memory is taxed with the detailsof the
Conference Session
Elementary Students: Computational Thinking, Reasoning, and Troubleshooting
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emilie A. Siverling, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Elizabeth Suazo-Flores; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
when solving the engineering problem. Studies withpublished pre-posttest results generally show positive learning gains in science content (e.g.,[11], [14]) and practices (e.g., [15], [16]) as a result of implementing these types of curricula.However, studies that provide an in-depth look at students’ engineering design decisions havemixed results with regards to the amount and quality of students’ application of science andmathematics to the engineering challenge (e.g., [17]–[20]). Some research has shown thatstudents have difficultly justifying their design solutions with science and/or mathematics [18],though guided reflection and evaluation about benefits and trade-offs helped them thinkscientifically [17]. Other research demonstrated that
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzette R. Burckhard, South Dakota State University; Joanita M. Kant, South Dakota State University; Francis Arpan; Ross Peder Abraham, South Dakota State University; Gregory J. Michna, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)under Grant Number 1148666. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe NSF nor the educational institutions with which the authors are affiliated.References[1] F. Arpan, "Opportunities, Mentoring, Education, Growth, and Academics (OMEGA) Scholarship Program evaluation." Report for the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, 2015.[2] F. Arpan, "Opportunities, Mentoring, Education, Growth, and Academics (OMEGA) Scholarship Program evaluation." Report for the Jerome J. Lohr College of
Conference Session
Postcard Session: Experiential Learning as a High-Impact Student Experience
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Lei Zhang, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra Ph.D., University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Blake Prout, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Mohsin Mehmood; Kalah A. Cross, Morgan State University; Matt Collinge, Johns Hopkins University; Hafeez Temitope Shittu; Habilou Ouro-Koura, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education
remote sensing were initiated by funds from Connectiv Power [7] andNASA [8] at UMES and sustained through support from the University System of Maryland(USM) by way of proposals developed by the primary author. Subsequently, the efforts have beenexpanded and integrated with agricultural automation and remote sensing with support fromNational Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA/USDA) and MDSGC/NASA. The currentframework of AIRSPACES project as outlined by the expanded form Autonomous InstrumentedRobotic Sensory Platforms to Advance Creativity and Engage Students not only reflects the earlieriteration of the project title -- with the acronym AIRSPACES2 that combined experiential learningand research efforts titled Aerial Imaging and Remote
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dipanjan Saha, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
semester a course is offered. In addition tolearning outcomes, assessments and teaching strategies in the backward design sequence, thecourse development cycle comprises of two more decision steps involving reflection and revisionas shown in Figure 3. For the flight dynamics class, a thorough review of all the formative andsummative assessments, questions asked by students from time to time during a semester andofficial student feedback at the end of the semester were utilized to better the design of the coursefor the subsequent semester. Develop learning outcomes
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Potpourri
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University; Joseph C. Tise, Pennsylvania State University; Megan Huffstickler, Pennsylvania State University; Keefe B. Manning, Pennsylvania State University; Margaret June Slattery, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
: 1) breakingmisconceptions of creativity, 2) understanding the link between research and creativity, and 3) theimpact on research activities. These are discussed below.Students were specifically asked how learning about the creative process impacted theirunderstanding of research. For this question, the theme of breaking misconceptions of creativityemerged in some student responses. As one student noted, he or she previously did not see researchas being related to creativity. The student’s statement reflects the frequent misconception ofcreativity as being related to art, rather than to engineering or the sciences. This student alsorecognizes that being creative in research involves a systematic process, rather than a freewheelingactivity
Conference Session
Student Empathy and Human-Centered Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Thomas Nelson; Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Matt Robert Bohm, Florida Polytechnic University
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
had been exposed to functional modeling through the engineeringprogram. To ensure inter-rater agreement, small samples of student responses for both the hairdryer and the car radiator were scored, and those scores were evaluated by a third seniorundergraduate researcher, who identified items where the two raters disagreed consistently.Group discussion was used to facilitate communication about points of disagreement and updatethe scoring rubric accordingly.For the composite scores, Cohen’s Kappa was used to evaluate inter-rater agreement. The hairdryer composite scores had a κ = 0.685 (95% CI, 0.584 to 0.786) and the car radiator had a κ =0.670 (95% CI, 0.582 to 0.773). Both of these reflect substantial agreement according to thedescriptors
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer A Gatz, Stony Brook University ; Angela M Kelly, Stony Brook University; Monica Bugallo, Stony Brook University
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
the academic and socialengagement provided by peer mentoring aspects of the program may be positive predictors ofretention for first year female students in science and engineering.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.7686640. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] A. E. Bell, S. J. Spencer, E. Iserman, and C. E. R. Logel, "Stereotype threat and women's performance in engineering," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 92, pp. 307-312, 2003.[2] N. M. Else-Quest, C. C. Mineo, and A. Higgins, "Math
Conference Session
Making, Hacking, and Extracurricular Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ethan Hilton, Georgia Institute of Technology; Megan Tomko, Georgia Institute of Technology; Wendy C. Newstetter, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
the freshman engineering course. The quantitative portion of this study focuses onthese students and how their involvement levels changed after completing the course.Study Two: Three-Series Interviews. Through purposive and snowball sampling, six females,all university makerspace users, participated in a three-series phenomenologically based interviewprocess; future work will interview men. Through the three interviews, the participants are askedto: 1) relay their experiences with making prior to becoming involved in the makerspace, 2)describe their current making and makerspace experiences, and 3) reflect on their making andmakerspace experiences. The interviews are each approximately ninety minutes in length basedon the recommended length
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 2: Identity and Sense of Belonging
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sura Al-Qudah, Western Washington University ; Jill Davishahl, Bellingham Technical College; Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Michael Andrew Greiner
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
environment in andout of the classroom. By establishing expectations of classroom behavior, students gain a sense ofownership over the classroom environment and feel they are active members of the classroomcommunity rather than passive observers. Instructors involved in this research had implementedthis activity in the past and received feedback through anonymous student evaluations that thisactivity had created an inclusive environment in the classroom. On the first day of class, studentswere asked to individually reflect on their experience being a student and were asked to write downa list of classroom norms that they think is important to achieve a respectful and encouraginglearning environment throughout the quarter. Then the students were asked
Conference Session
ET Administrative Issues
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph A. Morgan, Texas A&M University; Jay R. Porter, Texas A&M University; Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
printing). The second part was to create activities that were authenticand provided an opportunity for experiential learning. Experiential learning attempts to rectifywhat Kolb characterized as the “rejection” of the “real-world” by the educational establishment 1.Namely, experiential learning allows students to experience, reflect, think, and act as part of aholistic educational experience 2. Because the experiential learning model is based on a frame ofthe successive cycles between concrete and abstract concepts, a transfer from a theoreticallecture to the experiential activity or vice versa is claimed to be the sequential cycle for learning1, 3 . The students will be given the opportunity to use connected devices to collect data and
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marty Mathews Jr., University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Antonette T. Cummings P.E., University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Divisions
experiences of asubset of engineers from previous recent research [1], shown in Table 1, whose perspectives arethe most comprehensive understanding of uncertainty in design. They have been empowered tomake decisions in their respective companies, and are all employed in the aerospace industry,either in the US or abroad. The data on their experiences were previously collected usingqualitative naturalistic inquiry through semi-structured interviews. The participants were askedabout their experience of decision-making in design, their experience of uncertainty in design,and any reflections they had on learning about uncertainty. All of the participants in the study didso of their own volition, and their interview transcripts were de-identified to
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan L. Solonsky P.E., Pennsylvania State University, University Park; M K Parfitt
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
programs will be covered.IntroductionMost degree programs that teach building engineering have design opportunities are often less thanideally constructed to reflect practical careers due to relatively few faculty members being trained, or theyhave no similar industry experience necessary to guide students [1]. Consequently in these settings, only asurface level understanding of their value is realized [2]. Many engineering students do not know how toapproach large complex systems due to their exposure to idealistic examples [3]. Additionally, they notcapable of providing critical multi-disciplinary integration of their designs due to the isolated nature oftopics in the classroom [4] [5]. Capstone courses provide a comprehensive evaluation of
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shane Paul Lorona, Oregon State University; Susan Bobbitt Nolen, University of Washington; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
team member contribution or guidance from a facilitator. Overt activities include: connect or link, reflect and self-monitor, planning, predicting outcomes, and generating hypotheses [20]. Collaborative Students’ dialogue substantively on the same self-constructed idea vocalized to the team. They engagement can accept the ideas presented to the team, little conflict is caused, and dialogue serves to continue the current course of discussion. Or, ideas are questioned or misunderstood, disequilibrium leads to students trying to bring the course of discussion to their understanding. Overt activities include: building on a team member’s contribution, argue, defend
Conference Session
Construction Division Technical Session 2: K-12 through Adult Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anthony Torres, Texas State University; Vedaraman Sriraman, Texas State University; Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Texas State University; Kristin Marie Kibling, Texas State University
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
engagement as a result of peer teaching. Theparticipant population included students enrolled in a single course offered on twodifferent college campuses (main and branch). The content, material and planning werecontrolled, but each course had a different instructor. The participants were paired ingroups of two or three students and asked to assume the leadership in preparing andconducting one 50- minute class session and at week 5 of the 10-week semester, begantheir peer teaching. The peer teachers taught their class the material and then the courseinstructor would conclude with content clarity, conclusions, thoughts, question andanswers. The peer teachers were asked to remain in the classroom to reflect on theirexperience and the effectiveness of
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 8
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jidong Huang, California State University, Fullerton
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
60 seconds, it significantly helped developing student interest inbusiness entrepreneurship (80% compared to 62% for the engineering field trip); and helpedstudents understand the connection between STEM and entrepreneurship (79% compared to 72%for the engineering field trip).Figure 4. Student responses to “Please indicate the degree the event/activity helped you in the following:” for a field trip to a fast-pitch competition in year 3Summative Results Across the years, student interest towards subjects and fields in Engineering, ComputerScience or Entrepreneurship was tracked by student self-surveys. Each field interest constructwas measured using items on a 0 to 10 scale, with 10 reflecting the highest positive
Conference Session
Maker Communities and Authentic Problem Solving
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Weiner, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Micah Lande, Arizona State University; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
researchconducted within the ASEE community?RQ2. How does this body of research relate to, draw on, support, or expand the theoretical andpedagogical Maker-oriented frameworks established within the Learning Sciences?The Historical and Theoretical Roots of Maker Education in Learning SciencesIn this section, we will provide three lenses which emerge from the Learning Sciences’ approachto studying the Maker Movement. This set of schemas will act as both a point of departure andobject of reflection for understanding the learning-oriented research into Making conductedwithin the field of Engineering Education.Maker Education: a Technology-Powered Extension of Progressive EducationAlthough the term “Maker Education” implies that current efforts to provide
2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Vazgen Shekoyan, Queensborough Community College, CUNY; sunil Dehipawala, Queensborough Community College; Tak Cheung, CUNY Queensborough Community College
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terms of reflective thinkingbased on logic, rationality and synthesis was discussed with a conclusion that critical thinkingmust be hands-on while the theory of critical thinking can be taught4. In a 2015 Newsweekarticle addressing the high school education, the necessities of “rote memorization, deadeningrepetition and humility before intellects greater than your own” were emphasized for the criticalthinking mandate because “one cannot think critically without quite a bit of knowledge”5.Memory traditionally has been classified into long term memory, short term information storagememory, and short term working memory for the manipulation of information, together withimplicit memory for performing a procedural task6. Brain studies have
Chemical Engineering Education
Dorothy Skaf
Pennsylvania 2009 Undergraduate education The Chemical Engineering Building (stone building on the left) and White Hall. Chemical Engineering at . . . Villanova UniversityDorothy W. SkafVVillanova University illanova College was established in 1842 on the chemical engineering program was instituted in 1919, and grounds of Belle Air, a 197-acre summer estate as early as 1943 there were 29 students in the graduat- 12 miles to the west of Philadelphia. The property ing class.[2] To reflect growth in the number of academicwas purchased by the Augustinian order of priests and programs, Villanova College was renamed Villanovabrothers with the intention
2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College
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Intervention, Journal of Youth Development, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2017.12 J. Osborne, and J. Dilon. Science education in Europe: Critical reflections. London: Nuffield Foundation, 2008. 2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Spring Conference, April 6-7, 2018 – University of the District of Columbia13 Elam, M. E., Donham, B. L., & Soloman, S. R. An engineering summer program for underrepresented students from rural school districts. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 13(2), 2012, pp. 35–44.14. Kristin Lesseig, David Slavit, Tamara Holmlund Nelson, and Ryan August Seidel, Supporting Middle School Teachers’ Implementation of STEM Design Challenges, Journal of School Science &
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session IV
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Woodrow Wilson Winchester III, Robert Morris University; Jameela Al-Jaroodi, Robert Morris University; Rika Wright Carlsen, Robert Morris University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Undergraduate Education
a countermeasure, affords greater reflection, intentionality, and voice toconsiderations of inclusion within the design process. While Afrofuturism, in particular, aids thedesigner in identifying those salient “cultural retentions that blacks/African-Americans bring tothe technologies that they use” [20], its use supports decision making that affords a morecomplete and inclusive picture of ALL people within the technology design engagement.Afrofuturism, as such, is a design lens through which the needed motivation and actions be bothcatalyzed and operationalized in increasing inclusivity and thus equity within the culture andprocesses of engineering design.Moreover, the value of Afrofuturism extends beyond the considerations of the black
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session VII
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Laura E. Sullivan-Green, San Jose State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Undergraduate Education
% 8.6% 100.0% 84.6% 15.4% F/W 0 27 0.0% 15.4% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% Total 49 175 Table 5. Fall 2017 results for Physics I show that 89.8% of students received a grade of “C” or better as compared to 71.4% in the traditional sections. The increase of 18.4% is a larger improvement than the 9.1% improvement in the first year of implementation.Year 2 Course ResultsInitial results for Year 2 courses are presented in the following section. These results are reflective of thefirst semester of instruction using the flipped classroom approach and newly developed course materials.In addition, CSULA transitioned from a quarter system
Conference Session
Race/Ethnicity Track - Technical Session VI
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Susan E. Walden, University of Oklahoma; Deborah A. Trytten, University of Oklahoma; Randa L. Shehab, University of Oklahoma; Cindy E. Foor, University of Oklahoma
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Diversity, Race/Ethnicity
AsianAmericans), as well as persons with disabilities [1, 2]. We submit that it is time to reflect on thelanguage we use to discuss inequity in engineering education. Based on our research, that ofothers, and numerous conversations of the years, we propose a perspective and language shift forconsideration and discussion.Critiquing the status quo "Words are but pictures of our thoughts" - John Dryden [3]Consideration begins by examining the use of the label "underrepresented minority" as a tool ofoppression. For the past 100 years, engineering has been a domain of white, upper-class, able-bodied men [1, 4]. Students who do not identify within those historic norms of engineering areoften referred to collectively in educational policy and
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session II
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Adam Stark Masters, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Undergraduate Education
community.” In his post, he acknowledged the role of his privilege stating,“my response reflected my unconscious biases; and the negative impact of my tweets wasamplified by the fact that I, a white, Western, male CEO of a key company in the Makercommunity, publicly questioned a young, female, self-employed Chinese maker.” Remarkably,Dougherty committed to work closely with Wu to 1) feature her work in Make: publications, 2)feature Wu at World Maker Faire 2018, 3) publish a diversity audit of the Make: company andset goals for advancing diversity and inclusion, and 4) develop a Maker Faire advisory board tooversee the events and ensure representation of full maker community [17].Closing – A Need for Mid-Course CorrectionDougherty’s most recent
Conference Session
Disability Track - Technical Session IV
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Canek Moises Luna Phillips, Rice University; Yvette E. Pearson P.E., Rice University
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earlier versions. Furthermore, we look at ways it canbe used to broaden the participation of people with disabilities in engineering organizations toimprove upon this overlooked dimension of diversity.IntroductionWulf (1998) wrote that the engineering “profession is diminished and impoverished by a lack ofdiversity. It doesn’t take a genius to see that in a world whose commerce is globalized,engineering designs must reflect the culture and taboos of a diverse customer base.” Thebusiness case for diversity is clear in Wulf’s statement; including people from all walks of life inthe engineering of products means better designs that address all the needs and constraints thatcome from differences in social identity.While Wulf’s statement has been