remain. The theoretical lenses of social learning theory and communities of practice are fruitfulways to consider the experiences and suggestions of female STEM faculty at ECU. Each of theparticipants in this study has been engaged in one or more professional communities of practice,including STEM departments and interdisciplinary teams, at ECU. The domains of thesecommunities are shaped by the objectives of the participants’ respective disciplines, and theiracademic roles to attend to research, teaching, and service. The very fact of their hiring placed Page 23.1088.5the participants into these communities, reflecting their competence
” (GA, MN, WA, WI) or "__ College of Technology" (TCICollege of Technology in NYC, formerly Technical Careers Institute/ RCA Institute; DunwoodyCollege of Technology (MN), ex-Dunwoody Institute). Some tech institutes got absorbed bynearby Community Colleges. The name change reflected new transferable Associate’s Degreesvs. terminal Certificates (adding Math, English & General Ed.) – but a result was more word/name confusion, as hundreds of “Institutes” were now called “… College of Technology.” 11 12Beyond education, the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET),formed in 1981 by merging two prior groups that certified individual technicians (70,000+ by12/31/84) or technologists (600- by 12/31/84). Yet, though