, and advocates.5.0 AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantsNos. 1025207 and 1025220. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.6.0 References 1. ABET (2008). Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs Effective for Evaluations During the 2009- 2010 Accreditation Cycle, 21 pp., ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission. www.abet.org 2. Aidoo, J., J. Hanson, K. Sutterer, R. Joughtalen, and S. Ahiamadi (2007). International senior design projects – more lessons learned, National Capstone Design Course Conference
the piston. As with the Newcomen pump, the balancing ofthe pump, piston and beam caused the piston to rise due to gravity. The cycle was repeated. Thefirst two strokes were operated manually. Then trips on the plug rod to the air pump controlled thevalve sequencing. A noteworthy feature included an air pump operated by the rocking beam thatdrew non-condensable gases out of the condenser. 25 Watt’s early engines worked on steampressures similar to Newcomen’s. Pressures higher than about 7 psi above atmospheric were rarelyused. 26 This situation reflects the state of boiler strength to avoid rupture and the ability of glandseals and piston rings to minimize leakage.Watt described the performance of an engine at Wheal Butson in 1792. This engine
commented on how they felt misinformed on what courses transferred, that thecurriculum transfer Web site at UNL didn’t appear to reflect current courses, and whetherspecific courses would transfer was not clearly stated. The STEP students indicated thataddressing this issue would improve the program. Other suggestions for improvement weresetting up a scholarship for STEP participants and also providing assistance for STEP students toline up an internship.Program Challenges Recruitment The CCs have an unresolved challenge in that it is difficult to recruit students to enter theSTEP project. It should not be surprising that the CCs have a different challenge than UNL-COE, although it manifests itself a bit differently. Neither UNL-STEP
+ or - .05) for eight items. Two of the positive items were statistically significant pre-to-post: “Create design posters using technology” and “Program w/computer software.” End School Year Student QuestionnaireStudents were also asked to complete a survey at the end of their spring Expo experiences. Theywere asked to reflect on their experiences over the previous year. Here are a few of thehighlights:I. Career Intentions:At the end of their first year in HSE, 70% (32 of 46 surveyed) of Cadre I and 61% (34 of 56surveyed) of Cadre II students indicated that they are considering STEM careers. Longitudinaldata will continue to be collected for these students so we can learn if attitudes about careerintentions in STEM are
organization evolving within Del.icio.us (http://del.icio.us, referred to as“Delicious”, also http://www.delicious.com) and Flickr (http://www.flickr.com)20. It is aconflation of “folk” and “taxonomy.” Nowadays, folksonomy generally represents theassemblage of tags generated through tagging6,10,21. This paper is primarily concerned with thefolksonomy generated from weighted tagging, as tags themselves combined with the assignedweight and confidence will reflect core concepts. Additionally changes and patterns in thefolksonomy will reveal trends in engineering education research.In addition to the property discussed above, many other properties of folksonomies have beenuncovered. An important finding is that as more users tag a resource, these tags
, nodal analysis, KCL, KVL. This module incorporates all modules leading up to this and could possibly represent a final exam. 6. Summer 2011 Proposed Course Design6.1 Overall Course design goalsA metastudy by the Department of Education yielded the result that promoting students’reflections of their level of understanding is more effective than online learning that does notprovide trigger for reflection. 13 The design of the summer 2011 tries to incorporate thisphilosophy wherever possible. Feedback and prior research from faculty, staff and students fromBinghamton University’s ECE department and other institutions will be used. It is our goal tointegrate all these different ideas and concepts in a very clear and concise manner
material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References 1. J. Mitola; G. Maguire; ―Cognitive radio: Making software radios more personal,‖ IEEE Personal Communications, Aug. 1999. 2. S. Haykin; Cognitive radio: Brain-empowered wireless communications,‖ IEEE Journal in Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 23, pp. 1-20. 2005. 3. E. Seymour; A. Hunter; S Laursen; T. Deantoni; ―Establishing the benefits of research experiences for Page 22.1548.17 undergraduates in the sciences: First findings from a three year study.‖ Science Education, vol. 88
I would be smart enough to do that, or, I would have enough expertise to do that. One of the big things that I got out of my experiences [at my University] is understanding the importance of reflection, and understanding, thinking back over my life, and about choices I‟ve made, and what‟s meaningful, and what I learned. − EmmaAlex adds to Emma's comments what he learned from the PhD experience: The appreciation for what makes good research. So it took me a while to realize that, you didn‟t just have to find a reference, you really had to find all the references. And you had to look at all the work that‟s been done not just here‟s something somebody did, I‟m building on it. End of story
and statistics. We plan on expanding this component of the professionaldevelopment and develop a guide for the teachers in this area. For the research experience partof the program, teachers have indicators that they would like to have more group meetings of theresearchers and the RET teachers to discuss the research being conducted. We will work withthe research mentors to have more such meetings.AcknowledgmentThis project was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0908889. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
opportunities presented in SENSE ITincorporate problems reflecting societal need and align to technology and science contentstandards.Design-based activities, such as those included in the SENSE IT project, provide a rich contextfor learning and lend themselves to sustained inquiry and revision. SENSE IT helps students andteachers develop the deep understanding needed to apply knowledge in the complex domains ofreal world practice. Children learn best if they are immersed in complex experiences and aregiven the opportunity to actively process what they have learned [2]. Our Other Youth [3], reportsthat the majority students learn best when instruction emphasizes application. Yet only 16percent of instruction in U.S. classrooms could be characterized as
logical structure orprogression to the sections. Vague or poorly ordered section headings can obscure thedocument’s narrative or mislead the reader about the content of the paper, thus weakening theoverall argument.With this in mind, the Macro-organization quiz includes a question that presents students with asample Table of Contents for a feasibility analysis, then asks them to decide the best location inthe document for the actual analysis (Figure 4). The answers are more than just a list of possiblelocations, however; instead, they propose different locations and a reason for suggesting thatlocation. These reasons reflect some of the common thought processes we have seen as wediscuss drafts with our students; often, creating a logical scaffold
haunchesTransferable Educational Element: This activity is a culmination of a number of differentconcepts. While this lesson clearly reflects a ‘led discussion’ rather than a free designexperience, it allows the student to see how the whole design process brought to bear on aparticular problem for which a brilliant solution was devised. It also models more sophisticatedengineering practices where engineers have a good idea of what will work before they actuallybuild
retention rates from 1998 through 2007 are shown in Figure 2. The one-yearretention rate graph reveals no overall improvement. It should be noted that the 2007 cohortshows about the same retention as the 2002 cohort (the final year of the graduation rate study inwhich the graduation rate was 33%). The two-year retention rate is also relatively flat from 1998through 2005 at about 50%. The 2006 cohort however, shows a significant increase to 68%. Itwill be interesting to see if this is reflected in future graduation rates. 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 1-year retention
, “students are forced to reflect . . . on the environment of decision making.”4 Doing soallows students to exercise critical thinking and ethical decision-making abilities. Because smallcases are so limited, instructors can spend more time focusing on these skill sets, as well asethical problem identification and moral deliberation.Finally, a consideration of our students’ career paths indicates that small cases may be morerelevant. Engineers, of course, have been involved in high-profile cases, but chances are that our Page 22.710.2students will probably face ethical challenges of the more mundane, garden variety. Furthermore,engineering ethicist
prepare them forreal-world industry experience, or perhaps for engineering Capstone programs. Indeed, recentresearch makes this argument, that college engineering Capstone programs would be even moresuccessful if students were exposed to project-based learning earlier in their schooling.18Despite the ambiguity that often occurs in open-ended, project-based assignments, we learnedfrom students and our reflections that instructors should do the following to minimizeambiguities: • Provide a clear time-line of expected deliverables and due dates. • Provide grading criteria up front. • Make available numerous examples of each deliverable. • And provide regular, substantive feedback throughout the process
participated in, werecompared between engineers and non-engineers in an effort to investigate whether engineeringand non-engineering students show differential rates of participation in Tech to Teaching. Thiscount of semesters in which students participated reflects a count of any semesters in which theyparticipated in one or more Tech to Teaching activities. The activity count is a count of the totalnumber of distinct Tech to Teaching activities in which they participated. Page 22.32.21 Figure 10. Count of semesters in which students participated – all Tech to Teaching students
useexperimental data to validate or rejecttheir hypotheses. In the assignment as Figure 1: Raw (R) and hardboiled (B) eggs after 24well, higher-level questions that hours of incubation in water (1), syrup (2) and energyelevate the critical thinking skills of drink (3).the students were given. For example,students were asked to explain why boiled and raw eggs behaved differently in transportingsolutions (Figure 1)? Answers should have reflected on the concepts of permeability and proteindenaturation at elevated temperatures. In their assignment too, students were asked to quantifythe diffusion across the cellular membrane as well as the ionic strength concentration of the innerenvironment of the egg using Fick’s law. Based on their
challenge the status quo.Primary Traits: A passing submission for this criterion must: 1. Describe the situation or current mode of operation (status quo) and perceived constraints. 2. Present one or more questions that challenge the status quo. 3. Explain how each question is a challenge to the status quo.Potential Artifacts: reflective essay, blog, journal, presentationAdditional Information: 1. Common approaches to this type of questioning include asking “Why?”, “Why not?”, and “What if?” For example, “Why is program accreditation done every six years?” 2. It can be helpful to imagine an opposing situation or viewpoint. For example, “What if program accreditation was done by employers rather than agencies
), with little effort required, is developedthrough practice. The Instructional Implications section of this paper presents ideas on how thisknowledge can be developed for thermodynamics.Conditional Knowledge Conditional knowledge refers to students’ knowledge of the situations in which particulardeclarative or procedural knowledge should be applied.4,31 This knowledge reflects the students’awareness of when, where, and why other knowledge should be used, and this awarenessunderlies cognitive control during problem solving. That is, a student who knows the conditionsunder which some other particular knowledge should be used is positioned to recognize thoseconditions when they are encountered and, consequently, select the appropriate