testing can be done in about 2 hours. Like standard batteries, the voltage output reflects thechemical potential difference of the electrode metals and the flow of current happens through iontransport in the electrolytes and salt bridge. This origami paper microfluidic battery is a low-costactivity that deepens the understanding of capillary action, chemical potential, and chargetransport in batteries. It also represents a hands-on way to introduce students to the emergingtechnology of paper microfluidics.Introduction to Paper Microfluidic TechnologyPaper-based analytical devices are an emerging, ultra-low cost, open-source, scalable, portable,solution for biological and chemical sensing assays pioneered by Carrilho, Martinez, &Whitesides
could be configured to transmit when the UAV experiences loss of power orwhen an accelerometer senses an impact. The operator components are the receiving antennaand receiver. A highly discernable antenna pattern is needed for the receiving function. The on-board power needs for the transmitter are defined by the search limits. Power concerns arerelated to the maximum distance between the operator and the crashed UAV and to the desiredsearch time. The procedure for the transmitter hunt is influenced by the antenna characteristics,the supporting electronics, and the environment. For instance, direction finding is complicatedby obstacles or terrain that block line of sight and introduce multipath reflections. An appropriate frequency of
user to learn about reflection, rotation, and transcribingpoints using a square with four points on the corners. Pressing the buttons shows how each pointis moved around the graph.Sample Scratch project developed for English class:The Vocab Project is a program that allows the user to take a vocab quiz to test their knowledgeof words taught in class. The program will tell the user if they got the answer right or not andexplain what words they need to review the definitions.Sample Scratch project developed for Music class:The Music Intro Project is a fun and simple program to introduce the rules and expectations of amusic/digital arts class. It uses animations and music to explain the syllabus and some of theguidelines for the class
degree from a program that isnationally accredited provides the students confidence in the quality of education they receive[5]. Accreditation status provides the opportunity to students to transfer their credits to otheraccredited programs or institutions, if needed and also signals the potential employers that astudent’s degree met the widely accepted standards relevant to his/her program [6]. For a highereducational institution and its programs, accreditation provides the opportunity for self-definitionand self-reflection, and opens the door for continuous improvement effort [7, 8].Savannah State University (SSU) is a SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)accredited higher educational institution. Southern Association of Colleges
educative assessment (8, 27) .This would include decisions on how to provideinformation on students’ strengths and their mastery of course material, as well asguidance on how to proceed with learning activities to insure compliance withdefined goals and how to improve students’ performance and their grasp of newmaterial. Students will eventually need reliable feedback on their performance thatallows them to move forward as learners and deepens their understanding of thesubject matter. This feedback could come from the instructor, their classmates, theirown self-reflection, or a combination of the three. (27, 28)Another important factor in the optimization process is to integrate the differentcourse components (learning goals, teaching/learning
careers to solvesocietal challenges that mitigate and prepare for climate change and its global implications forsustainability. Attached below is the survey instrument developed and currently undergoing validatingand reliability testing.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesABET. (2013). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2014 - 2015. Retrieved from http://www.abet.org/eac-criteria-2014-2015/Allenby, B., Murphy, C., Allen, D., & Davidson, C. (2009
group review session was helpful? Why or Why not?” Select Response I learned what I did wrong in the report and during the interview session. I shouldn't have made any assumptions when I don't have enough information and when I don't have the expertise in the subject. We were all able to reflect on our different experiences and thoughts. Everyone had a slightly different viewpoint so it was really good to see all sides of the situation in order to learn that much more. It helped me understand the point of the exercise. Up until the group session, I was honestly very frustrated with the project, but hearing why certain things were done helped me understand the point of it more. It showed us the other side
, specifics of implementation in differentenvironments, and reflections on gender effects. In general, teachers perceive the InVentureChallenge as an engaging way of broadening participation in engineering, expanding thestudents’ experiences outside of the classroom, fostering teamwork and collaboration, andbuilding a partnership with Georgia Tech.Introduction and Guiding QuestionsMany studies have demonstrated the need for greater participation and increased diversity inscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to sustain economic growth andmeet global challenges1. One important element in the STEM enterprise is the process of creativeinnovation—of reimagining problems and solutions in new and different ways and designing andproducing
those they serve, but it should not be the only component.This advice ranges in tone from “should consider” to “would have to change”. They all express aconditional sense of what to do if the cameras are adopted, but with a variety of levels offorcefulness. The groups affected by these recommendations range from the police, government,and jurors, reflecting students’ embrace of the multi-stakeholder approach to understandingsociotechnical situations. Another category of recommendations focuses on research andmindset. For example, some students urge leaders to stay open-minded, e.g., “It will be importantfor the city council to try to employ interpretive flexibility when research[ing] and anticipatingthe potential responses to the
” [6]. Thefollowing list compiles a number of significant advances:Systems Engineering competenciesAccording to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge book (SEBoK) [6], SE compe-tencies reflect the individual’s Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Attitudes (KSAAs), whichare developed through education, training, and on-the-job experience. According to the samesource, ”For an individual, a set of KSAAs enables the fulfillment of the competencies neededto perform the tasks associated with the assigned systems engineering role”. A set of SE competencies form a SE competency model which reflects the individual’sKSAAs. The KSAAs are in turn related to different roles in the company or the project, sothat they are associated to a set of tasks. A
opportunities for both revelation and reflection. Here we consider therole of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) within ABET, both in thepresent and historically, and examine how we came to inhabit our particular governancepractices within our present organizational structure. Governance refers to the decision-makingprocesses and procedures of an organization, formal and informal, official and unofficial. We areinterested in how power is mediated among stakeholders in these processes, who is given voice,and what is revealed about the values and self-understanding of the profession throughout.We employ organizational theory and historical analysis to trace the changes in governancestructures in ABET and in the wider engineering
was quite the opposite. Before 1998, SPIES had to a largedegree conformed to these negative stereotypes, even though no preferential entry programexisted, which ensured that their reputation among the broader campus community involvedconsuming copious quantities of alcohol and academic achievement that reflected barely passinggrades. There was an attitude that anything better than a C grade reflected poor judgment in thattoo much effort had been given to that particular subject, instead of the wider experience that theuniversity offered. After 1998, however, once the 5R Program leader engaged in extensive rolemodeling (including playing sevens rugby, paddling outrigger canoes, leading the war dance,running tutorials, and much more), he
theworkshop into practice, while diving deeper into the pedagogy of online teaching. The maindeliverable at the conclusion of the online course was a reflective action plan that would be usedto kick off the formal instructional design consulting hours. Once participants concluded all threephases of the Institute, they were awarded a stipend of $1,500 for their successful completion.Participation in the first Faculty Institute was solicited through targeted invites to facultyteaching online sections that were well-respected within their departments and across campus.Included in the inaugural Institute were Program Directors, an Associate Department Head, theDirector of our teaching center, and the Chair of the Faculty Senate. It was hoped that
is … about how their students are now looking at engineering and science… some of it is reflection …This method of evaluation can serve as a sort of post-test of how the teacher’s research experienceimpacted his/her teaching and the students’ engagement in the material. This is not to say REUsand RETs are models for how Broader Impacts could be measured as they also come with flaws.That is, Principal Investigators need multiple forms of evidence to suggest that REUs lead tostudents enrolling in graduate studies. Additionally, assessing the impact an RET and/or REU hadon its participants would require the Principal Investigator to embed this as a research question inthe overall project scope.Panel of Reviewers’ Knowledge of Broader
(PSRDM).20 Two of the eight dimensions were selected as the focus of thecurrent study: analyze and professional connectedness. Analyze reflects the attitudes ofindividuals about the importance of including social and human dimensions in engineering,going beyond solely technical factors. All five EPRA items to assess the analyze dimension wereused (Table 1). Professional connectedness gauges attitudes toward applying one’s technicalskills to help people and society. Four items from among the larger number of 19 items in EPRAwere selected to assess professional connectedness (Table 1). Students responded to the itemsusing a 1 to 7 scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. One of the items for each dimensionwas negatively worded, and
respondents, butmany of NACE’s employer members are involved in college recruiting.The hiring practices of the federal government also reflect perceived differences in work rolesbetween engineering technologists and engineers. The federal Office of Personnel Management(OPM) places ET under the same broad category, “All Professional Engineering Positions,” thatincludes those with 4-year engineering degrees (OPM, 2012). Technically, this means that somewith 4-year ET degrees from institutions accredited by ABET can be hired by the federalgovernment, but the OPM rules restrict hiring to entry-level jobs (GS-5, pay range $27k-$36k;those with “superior academic performance” may enter at GS-7).Some within the ET field believe that this OPM provision
) determine whether and how the militaryinfluences student veterans’ decisions to major in engineering. Our work provides insightsinto the timing of the decision as well as the extent to which military training and experiencesprovide a direct, or indirect, pathway into engineering.We highlight student experiences to advance knowledge about SVEs’ educational pathways onseveral fronts. Methodologically, our in-depth analysis allows us to capture the nuanced natureof SVE narratives that often remains hidden when using other approaches to studyingengineering education. Theoretically, we draw from Cognitive Information Processing theory tomore accurately reflect SVE decision making about majoring in engineering. Practically, theresults can inform military
influential role model even if the initial question set(focused on the course) did not elicit mention of a role model. The most commonly mentionedtype of role model was family members, but some participants also discussed past jobs andfriends. This emergent theme of role model influence is of particular importance as it developedindependent of initial questions. Not all students brought up entrepreneurial motivations outsideof class, but we wondered how many students had family members, friends, or workrelationships who had significantly influenced their entrepreneurial attitudes. Thus, we adaptedquestioning in the second cohort to reflect this emergent them of role models by addingadditional questions. It is important to remember that the redesigned
based on research demonstrating that students gain more from testing than from the equal amount of time re-studying (Roediger and Karpicke, 2006; Karpicke and Roediger; 2008); this is often referred to as the “testing effect”. • Reflection: The students have time to think about the new material and can raise questions via email or a course LMS, at the beginning of the subsequent class, or during office hours. As stated previously, the class activities must be coordinated with the prior preparationusing e-Lessons. Therefore, let’s proceed to the next section on class activities.Figure 5. Typical e-Lesson Organization3.4 Class ActivitiesThe complementary classes are designed to provide an active learning
Mechanical 5.12 Trevor M MPU Civil 5.52 Tucker M LPU Civil 5.48 Wynne F LPU Architectural 5.88In these semi-structured interview, students were asked questions about their college courses,significant events, thoughts on social responsibility, and how these are related to their views oftheir future profession as engineers. These questions had the general goal of eliciting thestudents’ reflections on their time in college overall and their intentions for a future in theengineering profession. One question in particular, Question 4, that was located somewhat
/InstrumentationAs part of project work, members of the leadership team selected two discipline related topics,Voltage Division and Thevenin’s Theorem, as circuit content found in at least one, if notmultiple courses, within each of the 13 collaborating institutions. The students consisted ofundergraduates enrolled in engineering courses; the unique audience represents students enrolledin HBCU colleges. The content or setting of use reflected “Introduction to ElectricalEngineering” (second semester freshmen level course), and other early electrical engineeringcourses. The selection of the two topics was made using the following process. A series ofquestions used in introductory level ECE courses was presented to representatives from all 13institutions at
].Collaborative, student-focused, learning environments are shown to greatly increase and deepena student's understanding of the topic. Discussion among the students while doing an activityengages higher level thinking resulting in better outcomes in the course.This collaborative learning environment is a new way of teaching for many instructors, includingPurdue faculty. The IMPACT program has four goals. Those goals are: • Refocus the campus culture on student-centered pedagogy and student success. • Increase student engagement, competence, and learning gains. • Focus course redesign on research-based pedagogies. • Reflect, assess, and share results to benefit future courses, students, and institutional culture.There are three
clear: students need access to information and encouragement to pursue thatinformation if they are to successfully detect and resolve discrepancies through adaptation anddecision-making.Points of ImprovementGame Assessment. We found that the weekly reports were helpful in familiarizing the gamemasters with teams’ decision-making processes, and would like to continue this form of serialassessment. However, the prompts for these weekly reports should be more specific, and shouldalign with the learning frameworks identified in our analysis. We propose that in each weeklyreport, teams should be asked to reflect on the following: (1) What discrepancies exist betweenexpected and actual results of the previous week, (2) what strategies led to the
opportunity to present the background and motivation behind the project, and the objective of the project. A brief summary of the project constraint, criteria, procedures and the results you obtained should also be presented here. Mechanics AnalysisThis section is to present the theory to calculate the maximum stress and the failure loadof the component. Material SelectionThis section should include the three candidate materials that satisfy the constraint andthe final selection. State the candidate material properties, and the final selection basedon the constraint and criteria. Discuss the result of the decision matrix. Reflect thedifference between the online data you used for
can reflect both professionally and personally; and thus can often offer experiential wisdom regarding the navigation of these two areas of life. This provision is optional and subject to the mutual interests of both faculty. 3. Miscellaneous other “lessons learned”: Additional insights may also be conveyed that would help the URM scholars achieve a fulfilling career in the engineering professoriate given more recent nuances (e.g., recently increased attention upon innovation and technology transfer in engineering academia, one of the enlisted emeriti faculty has notable expertise in “forecasting innovation pathways” for emerging technologies).In addition to periodic telecommunications, there is again a provision for the
larger variety of sources. The most typical data collection tool usedwas interviews in multiple forms—including semi-structured, one on one, and focus groups.Similarly, open-ended surveys were also used as a form of collecting qualitative participantresponses. Some unique forms of data sources were online blogs (Jafer, 2015), online forumposts and emails (Blaser, Steele, & Burgstahler, 2015), student artifacts (Gray et al., 2016), panelproceedings (Genalo et al., 2015), and reflective journals (Brewer et al., 2015). Through theseexamples, we see that in order to contribute to these divisions and the conversation on diversitywe can look beyond the conventional methods of obtaining information and incorporate noveldata sources. 4.7
of small size. Results show that astatistically significant improvement was observed in the first course of the two-coursesequence when the Diagnostic and Post-Diagnostic evaluation results were compared.Analysis of the final exam results for one course for Year 2 and Year 3 shows that there isstatistically significant improvement in performance. This change is attributed to the improvedteaching methodology presented in this paper. The views expressed in this document are those of the authorsand do not reflect the official policy or position of the UnitedStates Air Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. 2IntroductionFor the United
ofimplementing it in an engineering lab environment. Nonetheless, this Co-robot system has thepotential to help students better understand and experience firsthand how HF&E principles andmethods can be applied, as well as how they could reduce the risk of WMSDs and improve theergonomics of a task. This has the potential to improve and expand engineering studentknowledge of HF&E, which is essential for their future career. Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State BerksAcknowledgement This research is funded by the National Science Foundation NSF NRI #1527148. Anyopinions, findings, or conclusions found in this paper are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the
data of first year students in college of identified community needs and (b) reflect on the serviceengineering. Considering the result of the study, the activity in such a way as to gain further understanding ofprinciple goal of this program is to increase the retention course content, a broader application of the discipline and anstatistics for engineering students. Each of these fellows enhanced sense of civic responsibility” [1]. Consideringhas been assigned to one engineering department. Using society’s needs, students are led in solving real-worldthe help of this graduate fellow in the Civil and engineering problems using the concepts of their engineeringEnvironmental Engineering