. Page 12.675.11 10References[1] Felder, R. M. & Silverman, L. K., (1988), “How Students Learn: Adapting Teaching Styles to Learning Styles”, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, p. 489.[2] Felder, R. M., (1993), “Reaching the Second-Tier Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education”, Journal of College Science, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 286-290.[3] Wang, S.-L., (1996), “Mechanism Simulation with Working Model”, Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.[4] Slater, K. & Gramoll, K., (1995), “Vibration Visualization using Longitudinal Vibration Simulator (LVS)”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual
majors. We have developed a web-basedenvironment that presents pairs of problems and then asks questions about thoseproblems one at a time (see Figure 1 for sample questions related to work-energy). Page 12.1013.4Problem 1 (Giancoli 6-19) Problem 2 (Giancoli 6-23)A 0.088kg arrow is fired from a bow whose string A 0.25kg softball is pitched at 26m/s. By the time itexerts an average force of 110N over a distance of reaches the plate a distance 15m away it has slowed0.78m. to 23m/s.Neglecting air resistance, what is the speed of the Neglecting gravity, what is the
t t ec ec ec ec ec ec Fa (S (S (S (S (S
) Bioinformatics in the post-sequence era. Nat Genet 33 Suppl:305-10. 4. Our cultural commonwealth: The Report of the ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, July 18, 2006 5. Buetow, K (2005) Cyberinfrastructure: empowering a “third way” in biomedical research. Science 308(5723): 821-824. 6. Greene, K. and S., Donovan. (2005) Ramping Up to the Biology Workbench: A Multi-Stage Approach to Bioinformatics Education. Bioscene 31(1): 3-11. 7. Rainey, D., Faulkner, S., Craddock, L., Cammer, S., Tretola, B., Sobral, B.W., and O., Crasta. 2007. A project-centric approach to cyberinfrastructure education. TeraGrid 2007. 8. He, Y., R. R. Vines, A. R. Wattam, G
balance of push-and-pull. If thesuspended object gets too close to the electromagnet, the electromagnet should push itaway. Conversely if it falls too low the electromagnet should work at pulling it back up.The LM1820 driver chip has a built-in H-bridge that can reverse polarity of its output andis perfect for this application.Analog Phase-Lead ControllerThe system is open-loop unstable and a phase-lead controller is needed to increase thephase margin of the system to stabilize it. The open-loop transfer function of the system 6.82 × 10 7can be found using the Bode diagram approach to be G p ( s ) = 2 , with its
AC 2007-2055: THE EFFECTS OF GENDER ON ELEMENTARY-AGEDSTUDENTS' INTEREST IN TECHNOLOGY: A PRELIMINARY REPORTCarol Stwalley, Purdue University Dr. Carol S. Stwalley earned her BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University and is a registered professional engineer in Indiana. She performed the described research while the Assistant Director for the Purdue Women in Engineering Program. Currently, she performs assessment for the Purdue Minority Engineering Program. Dr. Stwalley also is the President of Paradocs Enterprises, Inc. which is a consulting engineering firm specializing in renewable energy projects and property transfer issues
1.5217 0.9261 2.1174 ENERGY CONVERSION Page 12.277.7 6 5 4 pretest 3 postest 2 1 0 n s m zles fri tion in es bu s no s e a ps rs
experimental design, data collection, and data analysis; (q) acompetence in the use of computational tools; (r) a knowledge of chemistry; and (s)knowledge of calculus-based physics.Outcome can be assessed at the “program level” [2] using standardized testing such asfundamental of engineering exam, or it can be pursued at the “course level”. To ensure theteaching quality of the outcome based mechanical engineering program, systematicassessment of engineering curriculum is needed. More importantly, faculty needs to improveteaching techniques so that the student learning of each course can be measured againstprogram outcomes. In the past eight years, the current authors have developed a technique to
rearrangement is also provided.What is 5 S?Based on Japanese words that begin with ‘S’, the 5S Philosophy focuses on effectivework place organization and standardized work procedures. 5S simplifies your workenvironment, reduces waste and non-value activity while improving quality efficiencyand safety.5 Japanese words ‚ Seiri - Sort (Housekeeping) ‚ Seiton - Set in Order (Workplace Organization) ‚ Seison - Shine (Cleanup) ‚ Seiketsu - Standardize (Keep Cleanliness) ‚ Shitsuke - Sustain (Discipline)Benefits of 5 S for lab users ‚ A more pleasant work environment ‚ More satisfying jobs ‚ Makes your job easier ‚ A process that makes sense ‚ Pride in the workplace ‚ Associates and customer
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)courses utilizing CNC capable mill and lathe machines were added to fill this gap. ThisCNC laboratory (presently under development), combined with the new coursecurriculum also allow Senior Project students to complete the manufacturing portion oftheir designs. In the past, MET senior projects were outsourced outside the college formanufacture, which does not support the experiential learning approach sought after inthis curriculum enhancement project—an approach that has been shown to enhancestudent learning (Albanese, M. A. and Mitchell, S., 1993) 1.Product Design and Development (PDD) PedagogyThe PDD course is a 14 week 3 credit one semester course consisting of 2 hours perweek recitation and 2 hours per week
educational benefits in addition to avoiding "death by PowerPoint".Bibliography 1. Cutlip, M. B. and M. Shacham, Problem Solving in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering with Polymath, Excel and MATLAB, 2nd Ed, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New-Jersey (2007) 2. Dahlquist, G., Björck, Å., and Anderson, N., Numerical Methods, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New- Jersey (1974) 3. Felder, R. M. and Brent, R., "Death by PowerPoint", Chemical Engineering Education, 39 (1), 28-29 (2005) 4. Geankoplis, C. J., Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, 4th Ed, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New-Jersey (2003) 5. Press, W. H., Flannery, B. F., Teukolsky, S. A., & Vetterling, W. T., Numerical
Configuration Parameter(s)Single Dipole Length of dipole (in terms of ) Length of dipole (in terms of ) Distance between dipoles (in terms of )Dipole Array Number of dipoles (3, 5, or 7) Weighting of dipoles (Linear, Binomial, or Exponential) Pattern relative to single dipole antenna Length of dipole (in terms of )Single Dipole above a Flat Height from ground (in terms of )Ground Plane Pattern relative to single dipole antenna
program assessment was developed. The first step was the mappingof each performance criteria to a Criterion 2 (a through k) competency. A check was thenperformed to ensure that each a through k competency was represented at least once as a primarymapping. The result of this work is shown in Table 1. Table 1 – Criterion 2 Outcomes Mapped to Program Outcomes and Program Objectives ABET ProgramCriterion 2 Program Outcome Objective(s) a 1i: Demonstrate the proper use of appropriate software to solve 1 technical problems 4i: Solve structured technical
scientists and engineer gave rise to policy initiatives to increase the numberof women in science and engineering. Their review of the literature suggested that the persistentunder representation of women in the fields of science and engineering was in part due tomindset of education and public policy. Recent data from the National Science Foundationshows that the number of S&E bachelor's degrees awarded to women has increased every yearsince 1966 (excluding 1988), reaching 227,813 in 2004. Bachelor’s degrees awarded in S&E and non-S&E fields, by sex: 1966–2004 SOURCE: Women, Minorities and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering (December 2006
12.895.5velocity, Ujet, of 1 m/s. Jet details: Jet Qjet = 3.33x10-5 m3/s H Ujet = 1 m/s Reynolds number = 6612 Measurement field (a) Flow field region under analysis. 0 0.1 m/s
Energy is extensive, and changes in kinetic and potential energy are negligible, ∆E = ∆U = ∆U s + ∆U f + ∆U w + ∆U B (2)where subscripts, s = test sample f = fuse wire
ofEngineering (FE) General Engineering exam and the current ECU engineering curriculum. Theapproach utilized was to compare the FE topical areas specified within the NCEESFundamentals of Engineering General Engineering Sample Questions & Solutions book to theindividual course syllabi for the courses in the initial ECU Engineering curriculum (classesentering 2004/2005). Table 3 lists the thirteen FE topical areas, the percentage of each topicalarea on the FE exam, and the course(s) that support the FE material. Table 3: FE Topical Area Mapping Percentage of FE Topical Area Supporting Course(s
√Risk Management Principles √Quantitative Risk and Modelling √Change in Staff ProfilesThe staff profiles have changed over the years. The original adjunct staff of the seventies weresourced from major construction companies and the subjects being offered reflected theirstrengths. A typical adjunct staff profile was that of middle to upper level manager in a majorlocal construction company, with about ten years or more of experience, some of which wasgained on iconic major projects. The “70’s” band of Table 3 reflects the use of this staff in thecourse and the consequent range of subjects offered. The work load was shared equally betweentenured and adjunct staff.The
24Substituting the above solutions into foregoing equations for EIy¦ and EIy , we write C1 8 w0 L3 8 w0 L3 sA ? y¦(0) ? ? sA ? S EI 3EI 3EI Page 12.1535.5 C2 131w0 L4 131w0 L4 yA ? y (0) ? ?/ yA ? fi EI 24 EI 24 EIIV. Analysis of a Hinge-Connected Beam: Wrong and Right WaysEmploying singularity
R Item / Failure Effect(s) Cause(s) of P nded Action R R R P Function Mode of Failure S Failure O D N Action(s) taken S O D N 9 low power 2 2 36 does not reversed provide erroneous 9 polarity 2 1 18battery required signals loose voltage 9 connection 3 2 54 9 wrong type 2 3 54 measured
operating at29 m/s. The results for the pressure coefficient distribution around half of the cylinder are shownin Fig. 3. 1.5 0.5 Pressure Coefficient, Cp -0.5 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Measured Inviscid -1.5 FlowLab -2.5 -3.5 Angle on Cylinder from
for enforcement in 2012. The snowmobile design and performance was publishedin a technical paper which was presented by the faculty advisor and one of the students at aprofessional society conference.5 Further, because the use of ethanol as a fuel is important tofarmers, this applied research was supported by a grant from the Michigan Corn Growers 300 B ra k e S p e c ific E m is s io n s (g /K W -h r) 250 200 150 100
inthis applied mathematics course: 1. Exponential Function, aebx Page 12.1365.3 2. Logarithmic Function, a ln(bx ) , a log10 (bx ) 3. Trigonometric functions, a sin n (bx - s ) , a cosn (bx - s ) and a tan n (bx - s ) 2 4. Power Functions, ax n 5. Polynomial Functions, ÂA x n n nFirst, it is suggested in the virtual lab to understand the five ‘simple’ functions obtained byusing a ? 1, b ? 1 , s ? 0 , n ? 1 & An ? 1 for all n. Then, the values of constants ‘a’ and ‘b
IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity mux is port (A,B, C, D: in std_logic; S: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); Y: out std_logic); end entity mux; architecture mux1 of mux is begin with S select Y <= A when "00", B when "01", C when "10", D when others; end architecture mux1; Fig. 4. VHDL Code 1 of 4-to-1 MUX ….. architecture mux2 of mux is begin Y <= A when S="00" else B when S="01" else
other professions. Assessment methodsfor the program will evolve in order to ensure that the highest standards are maintained in thisprogram while recognizing the program participants and their motivation, the stakeholder /employer and their assessment of the benefit derived from the program, and the overall academicsetting in which the program is offered.Bibliography1. Bloom, B. S. (ed), Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational; Goals, pp 201-207, Susan Fauer Company, Inc., Chicago, 1956.2. Bloom, B. S., The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I, Cognitive Domain, David McKay Company, Inc., New York, 1956.3. Bloom, B. S., B. B. Masia, and D. R. Krathwohl, The Taxonomy of Educational
. Further work willbe needed to determine the ultimate sensitivity and accuracy. Once these huddles areovercome, the optical glucose sensing method introduced in this study can beminiaturized using current integrated optics, opto-electronics, and semiconductortechnology and has the potential to provide a low cost, fast, and compact noninvasiveglucose sensor for the diabetic patients within near future. REFERENCES[1] Coster S.; Gulliford M.C.; Seed P.T.; Powrie J.K.; Swaminathan R.: “Monitoring BloodGlucose Control in Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review ”, Health Technology Assesment,2000, vol. 4, no. 12.[2] Frost M.C.; Batchelor M.M.; Lee Y.; Zhang H.; Kang Y.; Oh B.; Wilson G.S.;Gifford R.; Rudich S.M
. Labor forceparticipation rates have also increased among racial and ethnic minorities. For example,African-Americans’ labor force participation rate increased from 60% in 1973 to 64% in 2005while Hispanics’ participation rate increased from 60% to 68% for the same years27. The U.S.Department of Labor reported in 2001 that women and minorities now comprise 60% of the U.S.workforce – a shift consistent with the prediction made by the Hudson Institute in 198718,41.These population changes and growing concerns about American competitiveness reinvigoratedan interest in “diversity,” particularly in science and engineering (S&E). Several studies on theS&E workforce warn of labor shortages caused by the growth in workers of retirement age
Propulsion. The MechanicalEngineering Department is committed to prepare students in these options, to work efficientlyfor various industries and government.The basic criteria of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) for theengineering program’s outcome and assessment requires that graduates must havedemonstrated abilities (ABET Criteria 3, a-k1), in mathematics, science, engineering, design,data analysis, teamwork, ethics, communications, and life-long learning. In addition to ABET3(a-k) requirements, the Mechanical Engineering program at AAMU was designed to meetthe additional requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, criteria (l-s),which require that graduating students must have knowledge about
,assembly language, and encoding. The nod4 architecture has an 8-bit data path and an 8-bitaddress bus. From the programmer’s point of view nod4 has the following CPU registers • A – accumulator • C – condition code register (Z,C,I) • S – stack pointer • X – index register • PC – program address counterThe A register is primarily for handling data. The C register contains the zero flag (Z),carry/borrow flag (C), and the interrupt enable flag (I). The stack pointer maintains the stackdata structure. The X register is a fairly general purpose index register. The program counter(PC) can be thought of as referring to the next instruction however due to pre-fetching has a twistdiscussed later, that the assembly language programmer is
with maximum likelihood estimation was created as inputfor the analyses due to the fact that all the items are ordinal in nature. Demographicvariables (gender and major) served as covariates or the multiple causes individually to Page 12.400.6investigate latent mean differences and potential sources of item bias. The analyses in thisstudy were conducted in two major steps. First, CFAs were conducted to fit the one-factor theoretical models to the data. Parameters were estimated and several fit indiceswere used to examine the fit of the models: Satorra-Bentler’s (S-B) chi-square statistic(χ2) 14 , ratio of chi-square to degrees of freedom (χ2/df), Root