innovative freeform modeling capabilities.The multidisciplinary teams include students, mostly seniors, from systems engineering anddesign, mechanical engineering, bioengineering and industrial design. The design projectsconsist of biomedical products and devices, and each project includes a sponsor from thehealthcare industry. The instructors include faculty from systems engineering and design,industrial design, and bioengineering.Using this testbed, a graduate student conducted research on reflective practice, design thinking,and how students engage in and use digital tools for design and collaboration. The initialresearch was conducted in the fall of 2015. Project results include a five-minute video thatdescribes student impressions of their
outcomes.This paper will explore successful engineering and design pedagogy case studies, taken from courseworkand curricula at Ohio State University and at Columbus College of Art & Design. These stories andchallenges will be explained to highlight what can emerge from creating curricula around open-endeddesign pedagogy, which serves to mimic real world, often ‘wicked’ scenarios. By describing engineeringand design programs doing similar pedagogical activities, the authors will reflect on their own classroomexperiences, discuss lessons learned, and propose a framework that instructors can call upon to encouragestudents to embrace ambiguity, thus becoming more agile and resilient in the future.Each author has taught the case study courses for
or set of individuals collecting, handling, and analyzingdata14. Qualitative research acknowledges the role of the researcher as a filter: data arecollected, organized, and interpreted, and an attempt to reduce bias is unnecessary15.Qualitative researchers must confront the subjective nature of the researcher in connectionwith the process of research. Given that IPA acknowledges that this bias cannot be removedfrom any stage of the study, bias is a topic that cannot be ignored or delayed as it has animpact on validity throughout the research process. Therefore, reflecting upon anddocumenting the position of each researcher and how he or she approaches the data is anintegral part of the interpretive paradigm16 and of IPA9
, DoEd, KSEF and LMC. He is currently serving as an editor of Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Surface Characterization in the Engineering CurriculumIntroductionEvery material, part, component, device, and system has surfaces and interfaces. The surfaceand interface properties (e.g., roughness, structure, optical reflection, emissivity, and cleanliness)often play a crucial role in the performance of many technologies. Despite its practicalimportance, surface characterization is a comparatively neglected subject in engineeringcurricula. Further, characterization of surfaces is an excellent vehicle for teaching metrology,statistical
Storage and Handling. He has been a faculty at Auburn since 2002. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Student ePortfolios for undergraduate professional development: A comparison of two programsElectronic student portfolios (i.e., ePortfolios) promote professional development by causingstudents to reflect on what they have learned, integrating their often seemingly disconnectedcoursework, and constructing their own understanding of their chosen profession. Portfolioassignments can be useful for encouraging student self reflection and documenting achievementof student learning outcomes, especially those outcomes that are more difficult to assess such ascommunication
with high-levelreflection/qualitative questions and low-level reflection/quantitative questions. The second phasewill be a narrative analysis of individuals’ stories derived through semi-structured interviewsusing a protocol constructed from the analyses of the survey data. The survey was built usingMcAlpine and colleagues’ identity-trajectory framework3-5, which accounts for theinterconnectivity of the intellectual, institutional, and networking influences on a student’sidentity. The findings from these two phases will be used to describe the diversity of identities ofstudents studying EngEd in Canada, and to ascertain challenges and opportunities that exist forthem in this developing and unfettered field1.As a function of the overall study
motivating objective was togive students on-the-job experience with SE principles where teams of 5 to 6 students developeda simulated project. Reichlmayr briefly describes the postmortem process where teams useprocess metrics to reflect on and improve process management.Two recent papers further report the use of Agile software development methodology for courseprojects [8,14]. In one paper, the authors describe an upper-level course where students use theiterative features of Agile that allow them to repeat cycles where they “see and use tools thatthey can explain and check. [8]”. The second paper describes a capstone course motivated by thedesire for students to learn transferable skills [14]. In both cases, projects last an entire semesterwhere
makes up the great bulk of what we know how to do in everyday and inprofessional life. It is what gets us through the day” (Schön, 1995). In his paper describing thisknowing-in-action, Schön suggests a concept like Dreyfus and Dreyfus, an expert who tries toteach their craft or practice must reflect on specific situations and contexts to describe how theywould approach them. It is in this manner that design knowledge is created, reflecting on thepractice and process to develop a knowledge base unique to each designer. Schön describes thisevent as either reflection-in-action or reflection-on-action.This reflection practice is crucial to design, for building knowledge and for developing a bestpractice. Reflection is also common in the
playing field can help combatthose disparities. For instance, inclusion of service learning has also been shown to increaseretention of women and underrepresented minorities in engineering 10,11. Other approaches suchas pairing female students with mentors and creating discussion groups that explore diversity andinclusion have also been shown to help, as was done in this study.Methodology:Participants shared experiences during weekly discussion and through journaling about howgender norms in engineering and the sciences tend to reflect masculine values, experiences andlife situations. Through these discussions, participants learned to address underlyingassumptions, norms, and practices to change the culture for all members, men and women
Feedback e Research from other fields suggests the practice of video recording presentations andreceiving feedback yields even greater gains in communication skills. The use of video to recordpresentations and review for feedback has been referred to as the “gold standard” ofcommunication education, and is widely used in professional education in the “helpingprofessions” such as education, medicine, psychology, and social work[13]. Video recordingallows for students to reflect on their presentation at a distance, and offers a realistic picture oftheir abilities[14]. Furthermore, the video medium offers the ability to parse out specific aspectsof communication, such as
a data-intensive approach to study one of the most fundamental research topics inlearning sciences and engineering education: “How do secondary students learn and applyscience concepts in engineering design processes?” We have collected data from over 1,000middle and high school students in Indiana and Massachusetts through automatic, unobtrusivelogging of student design processes enabled by a unique CAD tool that supports the design ofenergy-efficient buildings using earth science, physical science, and engineering scienceconcepts and principles of design. Data collected includes fine-grained information of studentdesign actions, experimentation behaviors, electronic student reflection notes, and virtual designartifacts. These process data
perceptions of the peer review process.The study was implemented over two semesters with iterative revisions in instruction madebetween semesters based on initial findings. Results suggest that peer review can increasestudent performance, as long as reflections are used to prompt student revision, regardless of theclass delivery method or assignment type.IntroductionEarly in their careers, engineers spend 20-40% of their time writing; as they move to middlemanagement, the writing requirements increase to 50-70% of their day; finally, engineers insenior management spend 70-95% of their days writing [1]. Despite job requirements for writingthat cut across professions [2], in most disciplines writing is rarely emphasized outside of Englishcomposition
forinstructional practices commonly associated with local campus centers of faculty development.Building on prior work regarding the types of comments made by faculty in VAPR (Pembridge,Allam, & Davids, 2015), this paper examines the role of the TLE as an instructional coach withinVAPR and how their participation influences the feedback provided by fellow faculty peersinvolved in the process.Video-Annotated Peer ReviewThe VAPR process is an approach developed to engage faculty in change strategies, described byBorrego and Henderson (2014) that align practices across Henderson, Beach, and Finkelstein(2011) quadrants of change (i.e., curriculum and dissemination (I), reflective faculty (II), andshared vision (IV)) to support institutional change
immediate feedback on their numerical work,and encourage them to think about what they are learning through instructor graded metacognitive andreflection questions. These metacognitive questions are normally absent in other systems.The time investment to use the problems from the repository is minimal, and these problems can be usedin any desired quantity to supplement or replace the instructor’s current homework problems. For theinstructors using the computer-based option, the numerical parts of the problems are “machine graded”thus saving the grader time and allowing the grader to spend a larger percentage of their time assessingthe students’ higher level thinking skills demonstrated in the reflection questions. In addition, studentrating of the
Principles of SustainableEngineering for application in civil and environmental engineering (CEE) courses, and wasrecently updated through systematic literature review to reflect a broader set of evaluationcriteria. The rubric’s constructs of sustainable design and their measures are being validated inthree phases consistent with the Benson model of construct validity.This paper will focus on efforts to iteratively validate the new rubric’s content by benchmarkingthe criteria against well-established sustainable development and design frameworks, includingthe UN Sustainable Development Goals, STAUNCH© (Sustainability Tool for Auditing forUniversity Curricula in Higher-Education), and the Envision™ Infrastructure Rating System.These three frameworks
Snyder’smodel of administrative support for communities of practice and ways in which membership incommunities of practice add value to organizations through the following elements [8]: drivestrategy, start new lines of operations, improve problem solving, transfer best practices, developprofessional skills, and help recruit and retain talent. As we adapt each element to academiccredentialing in this work, we are building on, and including quotations from, on-goinginterview-based research on credentialing innovative, transformative curriculum as describedelsewhere [see 6, 9]. This will result in a process to reflect on, manage, and implementsuccessful transformation in engineering education. Drive strategy: As we better understand the needs and
utilizing evidence-based teachingpractices and case studies. Figure 1. Student responses to their perception of greatest challenge.Resonance Resonates: Predict, Experience, ReflectAn effective approach for implementing an interactive lecture demonstration involves threestages: predict, experience, and reflect [10]. This Section defines each stage and how it wasexecuted in a lecture with the objective of teaching students about resonance in buildings duringan earthquake.PredictIn a study by Crouch et al. [11], it is shown that students who just passively observe ademonstration do not have a better understanding of the subject than students who do notobserve the demonstration at all. However, involving students by asking them to predict
, stakeholder analysis, mass balance, sewagetreatment, material properties and selection, sewage properties and conveyance, staticsand stress, filtration and chemical precipitation, and so on). These engineering concepts,though, are not abstracted from social, political, and economic considerations. Rather,engineering is imbued with social context. Through class events like town hall meetings,debates, and stakeholder analyses, students in character, are exposed to differentperspectives, values, priorities, and constraints. Additional out-of-class work such asindividual reflective essays and team-based projects also engaged them in ethicalreasoning and complex cognitive tasks related to empathy, ethics, and social justice. Inthe follow-on course
engineering curriculum 11. Furthermore, theAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) student outcomes (accreditationcriterion three) have recently been updated to reflect the importance of students developing “anability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineeringpractice” 12.In response to the increased demand for computational literacy in industry sectors, modeling andsimulation practices are being implemented into course content by professors who commonly usethese practices in their research 13, 14. Situating these modeling experiences within disciplinarycontent often presents challenges, particularly when students come into the class with varyinglevels of computational experience. However
invented strategies they used to managing their workflowduring a semester long project. Results in this study focus primarily on students’ reflections atthe middle of the semester when they were in the initial stage of requirements finding, ideation,research and analysis of potential design options. Introduction Teamwork is essential to the engineering professional experience and is an importantpedagogical objective in engineering courses where students need to learn how to work togetherand practice their communication and knowledge building skills with teams. Teamwork is one ofthe central ABET criteria for undergraduate engineering education where it is emphasized thatstudents need to develop “an ability to function on multidisciplinary
spirit, we contend that in design, build, and test courses studentslearn when they are required to reflect on their experiences and identify theirlearning explicitly. Further, we posit that utilization of an assessment instrument,the learning statement (LS), can be used to both enable and assess studentlearning. In our course, AME4163: Principles of Engineering Design, a senior-level,pre-capstone, engineering design course, students learn by reflecting on doing bywriting statements anchored in Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. In Fall 2016we collected over 11,000 learning statements from over 150 students. To addressthe challenge of analyzing and gleaning knowledge from the large number oflearning statements we resorted to text mining
epistemology, teamwork and equity). While seminar goals aligned with the goals ofLA programs nationally, our seminar design team also articulated several values which guidedthe design of our seminar: a) helping LAs reframe their role as supporting growth rather thanevaluation, b) valuing a broad set of metrics of success from day one, c) celebrating that differentstudents bring in different expertise, and disrupting overly simplistic expertise/novicedichotomies, d) acknowledging that we all have different starting points and valuing a pluralityof goals, e) helping our students track their own progress through reflecting on concreterepresentations of their thinking, and f) supporting LAs in developing deep disciplinaryknowledge of design thinking. This
abilityto transfer the closed-ended skills used on a typical math problem to an open-ended problem.The Reflective Practitioner. A study by Valkenberg and Dorst discussed the use of descriptive andreflective practices in design [6]. This paper drew heavily on Schön’s paradigm of reflective practice [7].Schön contends that every design problem is necessarily a unique challenge. Teaching students the skillsto reflect on their design while innovating, in order to advance the design, is essential to teaching design.This also can lead to problems, since if every problem is unique, and the students want a single concreteroadmap for how a project should go, there is bound to be conflict. Valkenberg and Dorst discussed fourdifferent design activities
with asingle hand, in order to provide an in-class example. (a) (b)Figure 1. a) Solid Model constructed by student showing the exploded view of child’s cornpopper and b) picture of actual product.The second assignment required students to investigate ongoing engineering work at ourcampus’s startup/business incubator (Rose-Hulman Ventures), producing ethnographic insightsby observing as comprehensively as possible actions, statements, and activities that occurred.They were to note how decisions were made, conclusions reached, and problems solvedincluding what kinds of evidence, reasoning, and persuasion that were used to communicate toothers. In addition, the students were to reflect
faculty and student beliefs aboutteaching and learning related to faculty pedagogical activities and actions? Very little prior workintegrates student-side and instructor-side preferences and actions, and this paper extends ourunderstanding of this alignment. We expect that a clearer understanding of the alignmentbetween faculty and students may help explain student academic performance. This paperfocuses on characterizing the alignment, while our future research explores its relationship tostudent outcomes.Our data analysis reveals the following key insights about our research question. Faculty-studentlearning styles misalignment is largest along the active-reflective dimension of the ILS. In turn,faculty who are more misaligned with their
pursue upongraduation. For this study, odyssey project assignments were given to two classes during twodifferent academic years at Arizona State University. The first odyssey project assignment wasgiven to a graduating senior class in the fall semester of the 2014-2015 academic year. The sameassignment was given to a freshman class in the fall semester of the 2016-2017 academic year.As part of the assignment, students were expected to reflect on their time at Arizona StateUniversity, and also map out their plans for the first few years following graduation. They wereexpected to illustrate this as seasons within an “Odyssey Years Timeframe” template. Figure 1shows an example of the odyssey years timeframe template students were expected to
sameexperiments as demonstrations. Both treatments were accompanied with the same pre-labprediction questions and post-lab assessment and reflection questions, which kept student timedevoted to each activity similar. Students performing the experiment in small groups scoredhigher on the concept inventory than did students who watched a demonstration (24.7-percentagepoint increase relative to 16.9-percentage point increase) although both groups improvedsignificantly relative to their pre-test scores. Analysis of the student reflection questions mirroredthis trend, with students performing experiments answering the reflection questions more fullyand more correctly than students who watched the demonstration.Introduction and BackgroundIn the past five years
planning, monitoring, and evaluation of thinking Formative assessment for Promote both knowledge more learning opportunities and regulation of cognition. Post-activity reflection Students perception on Collect diagnostic clues to intervention meet Individual needs A B Figure 1: (A) Process-oriented activities for improved student engagement and performance and (B) Process-oriented intervention for creative and critical thinkingThere is a lack of knowledge of
the instruction to discuss the goals of the course and identifyencourage both reflection and shared-vision of any feedback for which they are specifically looking. Theinstruction that can lead to lasting institutional change colleague will then attend the class, taking notes throughout,within the cohort and the adoption of evidence-based and then meeting afterwards to review the notes. A primaryinstructional practices. This workshop illustrates the use limitation to this approach is that issues or recommendationsof a video-annotated peer review (VAPR) process that made can be vague or misunderstood due to a lack ofcan help facilitate any faculty cohort to implement the
influence over knowledge. PSTs’ were enrolled in an elementary science teaching held informed NOE views increased at the end of the engineering unit.professional development programs and modification of existing science the perceptions of their students; and although they have a powerful methods course offered at a university located in the southwestern United According to the reflections, all PSTs