.6. Acknowledgments This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNo. 1504030. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Photos in Figures 2 and 3 are courtesy of Adafruit.com.Bibliography[1]. S. A. Ambrose et al., How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass, 2010.[2]. C. J. Atman, et al., Enabling Engineering Student Success: The Final Report for the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education, 2010.[3]. S. Sheppard, et al., Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field. Jossey
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data on design processes. In thesubsequent year, the data collected through the DEFT system will be used to develop apedagogical framework and a class efficacy evaluation framework for engineering design.References[1] C.L. Dym, A.M. Agogino, O. Eris, D.D. Frey, and L.J. Leifer, "Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning", J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 103-120, Jan. 2005.[2] S. R. Daly, R. S. Adams and G. M. Bodner, "What Does it Mean to Design? A Qualitative Investigation of Design Professionals' Experiences," J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 2, pp. 187- 219, Apr. 2012.[3] J. Ball and T.C. Ormerod, “Structured opportunistic processing design: a critical discussion,”. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., vol.43 no.1, pp.131—151
least to each outcome,followed by students in other STEM fields, with non-STEM students attributing the highestperceived gains from their leadership role(s).Students across the board felt their leadership role provided the greatest benefit in their ability towork effectively with others, with only a slight difference between non-STEM and other STEMstudents (1.7%) and a much larger difference between non-STEM and engineering students(13.3%). Students felt their leadership roles contributed to understanding concepts in their majorsthe least, ranging from less than one-third among engineering students to slightly more than halfof non-STEM students. One of the starkest differences was with regard to becoming a leaderoutside of college. While more
flip their classes. Whatstarted out as a faculty development program designed for local STEM faculty quickly expandedto include faculty around the country and the world, across a wide variety of disciplines and K-12teachers as well. The program included three modules – backwards design applied to the flippedclass [1], creating online materials (video lectures), and active learning strategies for the face-to-face classroom. These modules were taught in a variety of different ways for different audiencesincluding in-person workshops, flipped semi-in person workshops, and completely online massiveopen online course (MOOC)s. The online MOOCs are now taught each semester by our Center forTeaching and Learning Excellence through Canvas.Net.We
century.AcknowledgementsThis work was funded by a National Science Foundation EEC CAREER grant (1554057). Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] M. C. Thursby, “The Importance of Engineering: Education, Employment, and Innovation,” The Bridge, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 5–10, 2014.[2] J. Miller, “The Science and Engineering Workforce: Realizing Americas Potential,” Natl. Sci. Board Natl. Sci. Found. Rep. NSB, pp. 03–69, 2003.[3] D. E. Chubin, G. S. May, and E. L. Babco, “Diversifying the engineering workforce,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 73–86, 2005.[4] W. Wulf, “Diversity in Engineering,” The Bridge
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balls.Engineering design in scientific inquiryThe class was oriented towards developing a scientific model; our task was to explain, or model,the energy in the Gaussian Gun system. As instructor, there was no explicit requirement thatstudents produce any artifact or engage in design as part of the work. That is, our focus as a classwas in developing a scientific explanation. The design was emergent from this, rather than arequirement in itself for the course.Based on the above work that the students did, we pose the following questions regarding designin scientific inquiry: 1. For each group, how did their particular design challenges emerge? 2. What role did their designed artifact(s) play in their inquiry? 3. In what ways did their design mirror
toinvestigate what could have gone “wrong” and “why”. This practice truly allowed students toexperience the entire scientific process from solid theoretical reasoning obtained from virtuallaboratories, to designing their own activities, to initial observations, and to follow-on activitiesbased on the results of earlier activities. As a consequence, combined virtual and physical hands-on activities greatly helped students to explore inquiry-based organic solar cell projects withenhanced reasoning, problem solving, and communication skills. Overall, students not onlyenjoyed this course but also appreciated the importance of collaborative learning.AcknowledgementThis work is supported by NSF TUES (1244707, 1244079) and NSF S-STEM SoLEAP program(1355678
students’motivation. It may be that students require more than a single 40-minute lecture to becomemotivated to learn about a subject; however, the fact that 45% of the students in this study didreport being more motivated to learn about nanotechnology suggests that even a short lecture canhave a meaningful effect.AcknowledgmentThe support by NSF through Grant No. EEC- 1446097 is greatly acknowledged.References[1] Dyehouse, M. A., Heidi, A. D.-D., Bennett, D. E., Imbrie, P. K., “Development of an Instrument to MeasureUndergraduates’ Nanotechnology Awareness, Exposure, Motivation, and Knowledge”, Journal of Science Educationand Technology, v. 17, pg. 500- 510, 2008.[2] Kim, Y.-R., Lee, E. J., Park, S. H., Kwon, H. J., An, S. S. A., Son, S. W., Seo, Y. R., Pie
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of the semesterwhen the test was administered. Also, since the goal was to check the applicability of the rubricto assess engineering problem solving skills, we avoided problems that were more complex andrequired more steps. Those complex multi-step problems are currently being analyzed and theirresults are not included in this paper.The four questions analyzed and included in this paper were:Question 3 (equation of a line): A model rocket is fired in a vertical plane and the velocity v(t)is measured as shown in the following figure: V(t) [m/s] T [s] 34.3 0.5 19.6 2.0The velocity satisfies
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is another key strategyfor career and life design.Moreover, universities interested in implementing career design initiatives may considerdeveloping assessment tools to compare early career outcomes data from career design studentswith data collected from first destination surveys of the schools’ overall STEM graduates.Progress in implementing career design comes through communication betweenproject facilitators and student participants. Project leaders also need to create a culture allowingreflections and participation from all students and not just the individuals who thrive online.Acknowledgment: This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation underaward EEC-2038309.References 1. Kahn, S., & Ginther, D. (2017). Women
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analyzedalong with data from the other survey instruments to explore the relationships between cognitive,motivational, and emotional processes on self-efficacy as it relates to academic persistence.6. AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2204892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.7. References[1] H. N. Haron and A. M. Shaharoun, "Self-regulated learning, students' understanding and performance in engineering statics," presented at the IEEE
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