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of NETCARE, and presents a summary of the expe-riences obtained from its application to architecture education. The use of the infrastructurein the universities participating in the consortium has shown that it is able to reduce theoverheads in hardware, software and documentation management, facilitating the integrationof tools into existing computer architecture courses.References 1 Adabala, S., Kapadia, N. H., and Fortes, J. A. B. Performance and interoperability issues in incorporating cluster management systems within a wide-area network-computing en- vironment. In SC-2000: High Performance Networking and Computing, November 2000. 2 Bayucan, A., Henderson, R.L., Lesiak, C., Mann, B., Proett, T., and Twenten, D. Portable Batch
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strategies, and give basic bearing life calculations. In practice, roller element bearingsare manufactured in a wide number of variations that are intended for specific conditions of useand specific mounting geometry. Engineering guides from the major bearing vendors containextensive information on proper mounting, allowable loads, and load types, sealing andlubrication, and allowable environment. In practice, engineers use these guides to learn thedetails involved in selection and application of roller bearings. The author contends thateffective use of vendor-supplied engineering guides is a significant skill in engineering practice,in addition to the fundamentals of Machine Design, and is a big missing piece in many curricula.Since the 1950’s, a
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)Overall Preparedness of UndergraduatesWhen evaluating the overall structural engineering skills of graduates, 72% of practitioners [14]and 83% of educators [15] felt that they were not well prepared to enter the workforce. Clearlythere is still room to improve structural engineering and analysis undergraduate education withrespect to preparing graduates for practice. Looking specifically at structural analysis courses,practitioners and educators agree that traditional classical (“hand”) methods are highly important.But both groups also clearly agree (if not even more strongly) on the importance of studentcompetency in applying the concepts, learned through classical methods, within computerprograms.From the early 1800’s and the first industrial
climate, including norms, values, and prac�ces,the study suggests that the experiences of Black engineers are shaped by the prevailing a�tudes withintheir workplace. This includes the extent to which diversity and inclusion are embraced, the degree ofsupport provided by leadership, and the presence of inclusive policies that consider the uniquechallenges faced by Black professionals (Lukas, Goodman, 2015; Ray, 2019).S�ll, Black wellness is not priori�zed. Research by Dobbin and Kalev (2016) sheds light on the persistentchallenges related to diversity ini�a�ves within organiza�onal structures, par�cularly regarding Blackwellness. The study iden�fies systemic shortcomings that contribute to the neglect of Black well-being,exacerba�ng challenges
the scientific data officer,” Philos. Technol., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 93–115, Mar. 2020, doi: 10.1007/s13347-019-00346-x.[2] M. Lapidus, I. Bond, E. Wentz, S. B. King, and S. S. Mahnken, “Measuring the quality of reference services provided by paraprofessionals at an academic library,” J. Acad. Librariansh., vol. 46, no. 5, p. 102198, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102198.[3] G. Valentine and B. D. Moss, “Assessing reference service quality: A chat transcript analysis,” in ACRL 2017 - At the helm: Leading transformation, Baltimore, MD, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/bitstream/handle/1808/25179/AssessingReferenceServiceQu ality.pdf?sequence=1[4] M. Mungin, “Stats don’t tell the whole story
carry cultural and historical meaning,shaping our practices, thinking, and interactions with the world. When navigating conceptssuch as technological stewardship, clear definitions enable us to critically engage with themand to communicate our own ideas more effectively. Without a clear understanding of thehistory and contexts of technological stewardship, it can be challenging to make sense of itsdynamic and evolving nature, and to engage in meaningful scholarship or critique of theconcept. We argue that understanding the roots and contexts of the term, including itsmultiple intended purpose(s) and audience(s), is essential to realizing the potential oftechnological stewardship approaches in engineering education.We find the TSPP – a program
’ STEM contexts. This study’s use of CBL reflects [3]’s philosophy as the learningframework, which calls for authentic collaborations with the communities in which the worktakes place [25]. Such collaborations require the building of meaningful connections withcommunity partners and their lived experience as knowledge of the problem’s context [26].Community-based problem-solving is about elevating the knowledge of the people mostimpacted by the problem being examined. The teachers in this study leveraged acommunity-based learning context that looked towards neighborhood organizations facingenvironmental hazards, whose credentials did not come from academic spaces. Even so, as themost impacted had the greatest experience with living adjacent to
following three co-occ features: cGA , corresponding to giftaid; cSH , corresponding to self help aid; and cW S , corresponding to federal work study. Based onthe non-zero median (10 credits) for the excess credit category seen in Fig. 2, the students weredivided into low excess (Low-Ex) and high excess (High-Ex) student cohorts, and thecorresponding co-occ features were derived. Table 1 provides the summary statistics for theseco-occ features.The results for all students show that cGA seems to have the most co-occurrences of gift aid withTable 1: Summary statistics for financial aid-based co-occ variables for all (All), low excess (Low-Ex), and high excess (High-Ex) student cohorts. Mean Std Median Q1
, students, workers, or something in between? Though Ipersonally believe that doctoral engineering students exist outside of this binary discussionbecause of their important societal role in contributing to knowledge, within the binary they docontribute economically and do work that they are not sufficiently compensated for. They dowork, plain and simple.I am not alone in this line of thinking. Legally, the classification of graduate students asemployees has gone back and forth since the 1990’s. At private institutions, this dispute fallsunder the National Labor Relations Act. Specifically, the decision as to whether or not graduatestudents at private institutions are employees falls under the National Labor Relations Boardwhich is a board made up
, when the subjects rural teachers taught was liberal arts, the teachers’ teaching beliefs significantly positively influenced classroom evaluation practice(β=0.38, SE=0.09, t(196)=4.45, p<0.001); when teaching sciences subjects, the influence of teaching beliefs on classroom assessment was further strengthened, indicating that for rural teachers teaching sciences subjects, the impact oftheir teaching beliefs on classroom evaluation was more significant (β=0.69, SE=0.08,t(196)=9.11, p<0.001). Figure 3 Moderating Effect Model of the Type of Subject Study 3’s findings indicate that the influence of rural teachers’ teaching beliefs ontheir classroom evaluations within a STEM education context is dependent on
prestige in astriving institution unintentionally transferred to students and further add to student stress andexhaustion? Does this data suggest faculty in STEM institutions are unwitting participants in agame of prestige? If so, do we not also bear some responsibility for declines in mental healthamong students and perhaps ourselves? These and other questions merit further research.ReferencesABET. (2023). Accreditation Outside the U.S.: ABET’s Role in Global Accreditation. ABET.https://www.abet.org/accreditation/get-accredited/accreditation-outside-the-u-s/Apple, M.W. (2019) Ideology and curriculum. (4th ed). New York: Routledge/Taylor andFrancis Group.Bang, M., & Medin, D. (2010). Cultural Processes in Science Education: Supporting
statisticalstrength, and allow for conclusions for additional majors. Finally, if it can be determined thatcertain features/components of applied curriculum are more effective in remediating anxietythen these features could be more effectively integrated into “non-STEM” teacher preparationprograms.References(1) Rise above the Gathering Storm, revisited: Rapidly approaching Category 5 (2010), National Academic Press. (Washington,D.C.)(2) Vinson, B. (2001), A Comparison of Preservice Teachers' Mathematics Anxiety Before and After a MethodsClass Emphasizing Manipulatives, Early Childhood Education Journal, 29 (2).(3) Hembree, R. (1990). The nature, effects, and relief of mathematics anxiety. Journal for Research in MathematicsEducation, 21, 33-46.(4) Beilock, S
AC 2011-2460: STUDYING THE IMPACT ON MECHANICAL ENGINEER-ING STUDENTS WHO PARTICIPATE IN DISTINCTIVE PROJECTS INTHERMODYNAMICSMargaret B. Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE) Margaret Bailey is Professor of Mechanical Engineering within the Kate Gleason College of Engineer- ing at RIT and is the Founding Executive Director for the nationally recognized women in engineering program called WE@RIT. She recently accepted the role as Faculty Associate to the Provost for Female Faculty and serves as the co-chair on the President’s Commission on Women. She began her academic career as an Assistant Professor at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, being the first woman civil- ian faculty member in her
reader receives it. From atransaction perspective, on the other hand, reading is a dynamic process. Transaction beliefsemphasize the construction of knowledge by individuals (e.g., an item from the transactionsubscale: I enjoy interpreting what I read in a personal way).16, 17 When readers adopt atransaction model, they develop a dynamic response to the author, and take an active role in the Page 22.636.3construction of meaning, drawing on personal experiences, and critiquing the author‟s message.According to transaction beliefs, text means different things to different people, and allows for anumber of possible interpretations. A person mentally
in science and engineering is amajor hindrance to global capacity building in science and technology”.7 The report urges all nationalacademies throughout the world to making changes within the academies and proposed a sample statement ofcommitment for adoption by the academies: “The president and council of the academy commit to full inclusion of women in science and technology. The academy will: • Adopt good management practice—tools for inclusiveness—in its institutions and advocate such practice across the S&T community. • Establish a committee that addresses gender issues and ensures follow-up. • Promote women members to decision-making levels and include them in panels and committees. • Increase the
-W-F, usually in the morning2) Hands-On Lab - one or two 50 minute sessions per week, M or W (or both) afternoons3) Analysis and Skills (A&S) - one 50 minute session on Tu, two 50 minute sessions on Th4) Team Project Time - one 50 minute session on Tu, one 50 minute session on FOne lecture, one hands-on lab, one analysis and skills session, and one team project time arecalled a "cycle." Therefore, there are two cycles per week with M-Tu comprising one cycle andW-Th-F comprising the other cycle. Four to six cycles (two to three weeks) comprise a"module." A module is a block of related material. Figure 1 outlines all modules for thecourse. There are three statics modules, four dynamics modules and one review module.Specific
Gogotsi — Professor of Materials Science & Engineering in Drexel’s College of Engineering and Director of the A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute (DNI). Dr. Gogotsi’s research is focused on the fundamental and applied aspects of synthesis and characterization of carbon nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanodiamond and nanoporous carbons), ceramic nanoparticles (whiskers, nanowires, etc) and composites. Dr. Gogotsi has extensive experience with NSF-funded education and training programs including an IGERT Ph.D. training program and an RET teacher training program, both of which are focused on nanotechnology.Dhruv Sakalley, Drexel University Dhruv Sakalley received a B. S. degree in engineering from
filter after the DAC channel. O3. Compute and analyze signal spectra using DFT/FFT algorithms. O4. Analyze filter frequency response; perform digital filtering; verify the signal spectral effects. O5. Design FIR filters and implement them in real-time using the floating-point format. O6. Design IIR filters and implement them in real-time using the floating-point format. O7. Waveform generation using digital filter(s). O8. Develop comprehensive real-time DSP project and demonstrate the implementation.B. DSP Laboratories with MATLAB and TI TSM320C67C13 DSKIn order to fulfill our course learning outcomes, we have developed our labs using bothMATLAB and TMS320C6713 DSK
protocol was also used to alleviate inherent issues thatarise when attempting to use verbal protocol to examine “team” interaction including tacitgestures not verbalized and written communication, such as notes and sketches 20. Page 15.869.7 The playground problem coding scheme was congruent with the approach used in priorstudies 7, 21-22. The data were coded into these nine categories presented below by Atman et al.8: Design Activity Example(s) Coded Example(s)(PD) PROBLEM DEFINITION Reading, re-reading, or rehashing “That means we’ll the
, P. Alanís, J.A. y Pulido, R. (2011). Cálculo de una variable. Reconstrucción para su enseñanza y aprendizaje. DIDAC, 56-57. Universidad Iberoamericana: México. 8. Rodríguez, R. (2007). Les équations différentielles comme outil de modélisation en Classe de Physique et des Mathématiques au lycée : une étude de manuels et de processus de modélisation en Terminale S. Tesis doctoral. Escuela Doctoral de Matemáticas, Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información. Universidad Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, Francia. Recuperado el 6 de febrero de 2011 de: http://tel.archives- ouvertes.fr/docs/00/29/22/86/PDF/TheseRuthRdz.pdf. 9. Rodríguez, R. (2009). Differential Equations as a tool for mathematical modelling in Physics and
Provost Sharon Stephens Brehm.In addition to holding discussions and considering testimony, the TELC gathered voluminousundergraduate grade data across many cohorts of the University. Undergraduate grades were col-lected for the fall quarters (terms) of 1993 and 1999 for the University en masse as well as for thefollowing sectors: the chief academic divisions (colleges) of the University, course levels (i.e.,the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior levels), faculty tenure status (i.e., tenured faculty,non-tenured tenure-track faculty and faculty not eligible for tenure) and faculty sex.The TELC’s findings were reported to the provost in June of 2000.46 Here however, only find-ings for the University' s Russ College of
-phase inverter for AC machines. The bi-positional switch of a power-pole is used to represent the same functionality of a practical electronic switch under the idealswitching condition, making it much easier and faster for students to understand and analyzefundamental characteristics of switch-mode power electronic converters. P o w e r P o le s Figure 2. Switch-mode converter and its power-pole representation in electric drive systems A corresponding hardware implementation of the switch-mode converter is shown inFigure 3 [5, 6]. The drives board has been designed to enable a variety of experiments on AC/DCmachines and have introduced digital control and DSP technologies by using Simulink
to supplement in-class activities and amplify conceptual knowledge.Experiments are performed in groups, data is shared among group members, and individualreports are submitted. Design projects require synthesis of conceptual and operational knowledge1 C: Cengel, Y A., Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1997; S: Shevell, R. S., Page 7.938.11Fundamentals of Flight, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1989. Note that the Shevell text is also used in ASEN 2004 and theCengel text is used in ASEN 3113. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
, 44, 390–398.[20] Clauser, B. E., Margolis, M. J., Clyman, S. G., & Ross, L. P. (1997). Development of automated scoring algorithms for complex performance assessments: A comparison of two approaches. Journal of Educational Measurement, 34, 141–161.[21] Herl, H. E., O’Neil, H. F., Jr., Chung, G. K. W. K., & Schacter, J. (1999). Reliability and validity of a computer-based knowledge mapping system to measure content understanding. Computers in Human Behavior, 15, 315–334.[22] O’Neil, H. F., Jr., Chung, G. K. W. K., & Brown, R. (1997). Use of networked simulations as a context to measure team competencies. In H.F. O’Neil, Jr. (Ed.), Workforce readiness: Competencies and assessment (pp. 411–452). Mahwah, NJ
Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Jul. 2021. Accessed: Oct. 18, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://peer.asee.org/infusing-the-liberal-arts-in-first-year- engineering-a-module-on-history-professional-identity-and-courage[4] S. VanderLeest, “Exposing The Values Of Technology Through The Liberal Arts,” presented at the 2003 Annual Conference, Jun. 2003, p. 8.566.1-8.566.9. Accessed: Oct. 18, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://peer.asee.org/exposing-the-values-of-technology- through-the-liberal-arts[5] B. Li et al., “Vertical Integration of the Liberal Arts in Engineering Education,” presented at the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2016. Accessed: Oct. 18, 2023. [Online]. Available: https
developspatial skills and interest in engineering through play, which may ultimately encourage them topursue engineering pathways in the future.IntroductionThere are many research reports and studies that highlight the gender gap between men andwomen in engineering fields [1]. In 2018, 22.2% of bachelor’s degrees in engineering wereearned by women [2]. Additionally, in 2019, among those with science and engineering (S&E)degrees, 15.98% of women worked in S&E occupations (compared to 35.38% of men) [2]. Thegap between the number of women and men earning engineering degrees as well as the numberof women pursuing science and engineering careers suggests the need to improve and supportwomen’s participation in engineering fields.One factor that may