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different audiences of both non-experts and professionals. Future engineeringprofessionals must develop stronger technical communication skills. By integrating asophomore-level, project-based, technical communications course, and reinforcing theknowledge and skills throughout the engineering curriculum, faculty can work toward the goal ofproducing engineers who are prepared to meet current challenges in their disciplines, and whocan communicate effectively to a variety of audiences.References[1] J. Donald, S. Lachapelle, T. Sasso, G. Gonzales-Morales, K. Augusto, and J. McIsaac, “On the place of the humanitiesand social sciences in the engineering curriculum: A Canadian perspective,” Glob. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 6–18,2017.[2] R [Accessed March 14, 2018].Kothiyal, A., Majumdar, R., Murthy, S., & Iyer, S. (2013, August). Effect of think-pair-share in alarge CS1 class: 83% sustained engagement. In Proceedings of the ninth annual internationalACM conference on International computing education research (pp. 137-144). ACM.Kwan, F. (2011). Formative assessment: the one-minute paper vs. the daily quiz. Journal ofInstructional Pedagogies, 5, 1.Martyn, M. (2007). Clickers in the classroom: An active learning approach. Educausequarterly, 30(2), 71.Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of engineeringeducation, 93(3), 223-231.Robinson, T. E., & Hope, W. C. (2013). Teaching
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a mechanical engineering senior design project with a team offour students.The team worked on the project for two semesters. The results determined that a fully portablewind tunnel would not be possible due to weight and storage size restrictions. Given existinglaboratory sizes and cost restraints, the size of the design was also adjusted. The final design was10.3 m long with the widest section being 1.6 m. The test section was 0.6 m by 0.6 m. Theselected fan had an 8.24 kW power requirement for test velocities from 5.56 m/s to 19.44 m/s.The test section was composed of plywood, except for one viewing panel of Plexiglas. Thecontraction and diffuser were designed as fiberglass. The data acquisition system was not fullydesigned, although some
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the Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale (M-GUDS-S) to assesspre and post activity thoughts regarding culture, thoughts, and beliefs. The data gathered from thestudent population was evaluated using descriptive statistics as well as content analysis. Theinstrument provides an indication of how the student perception changes for both individuals andthe aggregate population experiencing the material provided during the trip.Overall the engineering technology students learned more about other ways of life and wereencouraged by their peers to become more open minded. Their observations proved that theapproach to renewable energy in Germany and Europe as a whole is very different from the UnitedStates or other countries, such as India. The
helped bridge the gap between students and faculty, encouragedcommunity, and facilitated an incredibly successful program in helping underrepresentedminority students succeed in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.V. References1. A.L. Zydney, J.S. Bennett, A. Shahid, and K.W. Bauer, “Impact of Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering,” J. Engineering Education, 91: 151-157. (2002)2. R.S. Hathaway, B.A. Nagda, and S.R Gregerman, “The Relationship of Undergraduate Research Participation to Graduate and Professional Education Pursuit: An Empirical Study,” J. College Student Development. 43: 614-631. (2002)3. May, G. S. and Chubin, D. E., A Retrospective on Undergraduate Engineering Success for Underrepresented Minority
practice their learning. Whether the blended learning environment really led to ashift in thinking associated with critical thinking and lifelong learning remains to be examined.References1. S. Singer, N. Nielsen, and H. Schweingruber, Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2012.2. S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M. P. Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 111, pp. 8410-8415, 2014.3. J. M. Fraser, A. L. Timan, K. Miller, J. E. Dowd, L. Tucker, and E. Mazur, “Teaching and physics
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facilitated richer discussions in the course (MSE 598) wherethe instructor set up notifications and regularly monitored and participated in the postings.Some particular strengths that help enforce MP best practices are: Easy to link or embed – Instructors can easily link to or embed the actual board(s) within their online courses to help ensure students see it within the context of the content. This helps increase participation as they are less likely to forget to post and also less likely to get lost on other places on the web while navigating to the site. Notifications – Instructors AND students can set up notifications so they receive an email when new content is posted. This helps keep the
/fa Fu Lo od Go s nd ie Reason for Robotics Interest
, increasingfriction, mechanical work, and kinetic energy, therefore causing more energy losses.Modified Bernoulli’s Equation 𝑣2 𝑣22 Z1 + 𝑝𝛾1+ 2𝑔1 + Hp – Hm – HL = Z2 + 𝑝𝛾2 + 2𝑔Where g is the gravitational acceleration, p is the pressure and γ is the specific weight of thefluid, Z is the elevation and v is the velocity. H denotes head due to the presence of the motor,pump and losses. In order to determine the torque of the gear pump, the rpm of the pump’s shaftmust be measured using a tachometer. 2π N[rad/s] = 60 N[rpm], where N[rpm] is the measured value from the tachometer Pump Power[W
, which indicates that race and races are theproduct of social thought that “invent[s and] manipulate[s]” what can be considered “pseudo-permanent characteristics” for race when convenient by the dominant race, and are “retired”when no longer convenient [8, p. 8-9]. For example, there have been a wide list of categories andcharacteristics used to measure race in the United States that have changed over the years. Peoplecould not self-select their own racial category in the census until after 1960 – instead, they wereassigned a race based on phenotypical and linguistic features that conformed to the censustakers’ conceptual models of race [13]. In some parts of the US, race was assigned primarilybased on skin color and this determined what
weight of thefluid, Z is the elevation and v is the velocity. H denotes head due to the presence of the motor,pump and losses. In order to determine the torque of the gear pump, the rpm of the pump’s shaftmust be measured using a tachometer. 2π N[rad/s] = 60 N[rpm], where N[rpm] is the measured value from the tachometer Pump Power[W] Torque: T[N·m] = N[rad/s]For this project, we assume that the torque of the air motor is equivalent to the torque of the gearpump. Therefore, we could calculate the overall efficiency of the gear pump. (pressure)(�lowrate) ɳoverall = T×NTo calculate the power of the air motor, Power = Hm[m] × γ × Q
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to share their voices and experiences and those who assisted with access theseparticipants. The authors also wish to thank Blanca Miller, Jessica Chestnut, Daniel Briggs, andAaron Lando for their contributions to the project.References[1] S. Cho, K.W. Crenshaw, and L. McCall, “Toward a field of intersectionality studies: Theory, applications, and praxis,” Signs, vol. 38 no. 4, pp. 785-810, 2013.[2] A.-M. Nunez, “Employing Multilevel Intersectionality in Educational Research: Latino Identities, Contexts, and College Access,” Educational Researcher, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 85–92, 2014[3] S. M. Lord, M. M. Camacho, R. A. Layton, R. A. Long, M. W. Ohland, and M. H. Wasburn, “Who’s Persisting in Engineering? A
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. Three engineering-education collaborators were interviewed in dyads tounderstand conceptualizations of futures, values, systems, and strategic thinking in relation totheir joint research project(s). All three dyads provided specific examples of different ways ofthinking from their shared research efforts. Preliminary findings suggest that a ‘ways of thinking’framework could provide a useful guideline for engineering and education faculty planning tocollaborate for interdisciplinary research as well as the overall EER community.OverviewThe world today faces complex problems ranging from climate change to health issues.Numerous calls by prominent organizations have been made in light of these global,sociotechnical problems to transform