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minute podcast again (or modify your original plan)5 Production 10 - 13 Update Storyboard Based on Feedback: Look at and planning address provided revisions, practice for time and consider format items (intro/outro, other sound items?)6 Podcast 14 - 16 Final Project + Reflection: Produce final podcast(s) and production and upload for distribution. Complete the final Metacognitive distribution Reflection.3.2 Data Collection The data was collected using a metacognitive reflection assignment consisting of twosections, with three questions in each section. The first set of three
, monitoring, evaluating, andmaking relevant changes to produce desirable solutions, may need to be strategically built intothe teaching curriculum and explicitly taught. Currently, qualitative analyses are in progress tounderstand how students’ metacognitive knowledge about task (MKT) inform their self-regulation of Cognition (SRC) and how students’ SRC dynamically evolve during problemsolving.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2110769. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] H. A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial
gestures and facial expressions when talking. Creates an environment in the class where you can easily ask Democratic Attitude questions Value Dimension It makes you feel that s/he gives importance to your opinions. Respect Dimension It makes you feel that s/he respects your opinions. B. Population and sampling The population of the study consisted of capstone design projects students from 5 departments in Engineering school, including Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE), Engineering entrepreneurship (E-ship), and Chemical
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platform was a significant factor in improving average overalland project grades even after considering the effects of the control variables (i.e., GPA, major,family background, field experience, effort level, and past BIM experience). It is expected thatOER is effective in helping students to learn building information modeling more effectively.KEYWORDS: Open Educational Resource; Innovative Teaching, Flipped Classroom, BuildingInformation Modeling (BIM); Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Pedagogy;Quantitative MethodsINTRODUCTIONThe Internet has enabled access to open information resources since early 1990’s. Online learningmediums such as e-books, podcasts, streamed videos, and virtual participatory environments suchas social
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or have anypreference, the significant majority indicated that they feel comfortable to work with anyone inthe class.Helping faculty monitor and react to group dynamics during teamwork activities The reflections were also very helpful to identify and address any issues arising duringthe group projects. These were good case studies to highlight some of the specific outcomes ofthe projects, such as ability to work effectively and efficiently in a team environment. Forexample, the faculty was able to identify the team(s) having concerns about functioningeffectively (e.g., particular team member not undertaking his/her tasks on time, certainindividuals dominating the discussions during group projects) and this was addressed in the classby
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Education. My eventual goal is to address the ever-growing need of a better education system in Pakistan.Dr. Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr. Diana Bairaktarova is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Through real-world engineering applications, Dr. Bairaktarovaˆa C™s experiential learning research spans from engineering to psychology to learningBeyza Nur Guler, University of California, Irvine Beyza Nur Guler is a senior civil engineering student at University of California, Irvine specializing in structural engineering, with an interest in engineering education. ©American Society for Engineering Education
the secretary.Soon, we aim to advance the digital correction process by automating the phase of entering andexporting notes by introducing a handwriting recognition algorithm and automatic export of notesin the Excel file. The entry of notes on Moodle, done manually for the moment by the teacher willalso be automated.The tool will then take advantage of the data generated on a per-question basis and providepersonalized statistics to students. Histograms of the global results distribution can be printed onthe front page of the corrected digital copies, with the group average and the student’s resultidentified. Per-question results can also be printed using boxplots, giving students quantifiedfeedback.References[1] S. Facchin, La rétroaction
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Paper ID #39843How Students’ Efforts Outside of the Classroom Correlate to TheirLearning Outcome in Both Online and Face to Face ClassesDr. Lawretta C. Ononye, State University of New York, Canton Lawretta C. Ononye is an Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering in the School of Engineering Technology at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Canton. She is a recipient of the 2014 State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities. Re- cipient of the 2010 National Science Foundation (NSF) S-STEM Grant Award in the amount of $596,160 in which she served as the
Paper ID #36715Environments Affecting Black Student Thriving in Engineering (BSTiE)Stephanie A Damas, Clemson University Stephanie Ashley Damas is currently a graduate student at Clemson University studying to get her Ph.D. in Engineering and Science Education. Her area of interest is Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering. She holds a bachelorˆa C™s degree in electrical engiDr. Lisa Benson, Clemson University Lisa Benson is a Professor of Engineering and Science Education at Clemson University, and the past editor of the Journal of Engineering Education. Her research focuses on the interactions between student
Paper ID #37936ICT-Mediated STEM for the Inclusive Education of Migrants and RefugeesChildrenJuan Sebasti´an S´anchez-G´omez, Universidad El Bosque Doctoral student of PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).Maria Catalina RamirezAndrea Herrera, Universidad de los Andes, Columbia ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 ICT-mediated STEM for the inclusive education of migrants and refugees’ children Juan Sebastián Sánchez-Gómez1,2,3, María Catalina Ramirez Cajiao2 y Andrea Herrera3 1
paper. Further, this workwas supported by the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona State University. Anyopinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s).References[1] C. Goodenew, “Classroom belonging among early adolescent students,” J Early Adolesc., vol. 13, pp. 21–43, 1993, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431693013001002.[2] C. Wilson and J. Secker, “Validation of the Social Inclusion Scale with Students,” Soc. Incl., vol. 3, no. 4, Art. no. 4, Jul. 2015, doi: https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v3i4.121.[3] S. Hurtado and D. F. Carter, “Effects of College Transition and Perceptions of the Campus Racial Climate on Latino College Students’ Sense of Belonging,” Social. Educ
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’ career aspirations and expectationsIntroductionIn the last decade the representation of women at the undergraduate engineering level has slowlybut steadily increased, reaching 24% Canada-wide in 2020 [1]. At the institution providing thesetting for the present study women now make up nearly 40% of the undergraduate cohortsuggesting a promising trend toward gender equity. However, representation of women amonglicensed Professional Engineers (P.Eng.) has not kept pace, with women comprising only 20% ofnewly licensed Canadian P.Eng.’s each year and just 14% of Professional Engineers overall [2-3]. This representation gap in the profession is compounded with the low rates of licensureamong engineering graduates in
andcolleagues [17] suggested that researchers use SCCT to study the influences on specific aspectsof higher education student development to identify supports and barriers to this process.One study that has used SCCT to theorize identity development at the university level guides thiswork; it is Barbarà-i-Molinero et al.’s [18] integrative conceptual framework on the factors thatinfluence the professional identity development of higher education students. Researchersconducted a review with experts that identified influencing factors on professional identitydevelopment for higher education students and shared a framework for influences onprofessional identity development of higher education students, including expected outcomes,social experience
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