manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018, American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 406Bibliography[1] Robotics; an internet for robots. (2013). Telecommunications Weekly, 886.[2] International Federation of Robotics, Retrieved from[3] Esmaeilian B, Behdad S, Wang B. (2016). The evolution and future of manufacturing: a review. J Manuf Syst;39:79–100.[4] Paris, H., & Mandil, G. (2017). Process planning for combined additive and subtractive manufacturingtechnologies in a remanufacturing context. Journal of Manufacturing
curriculumwriting portion of the EngrTEAMS: Engineering to Transform the Education of Analysis,Measurement, and Science Project. There were nine teachers that participated in all three years.Of these nine, seven had pre-interview data. These seven were invited to participate in thefollow-up interview. Six of the seven responded to our request for an interview. Table 1 providesan overview of the teachers’ demographics. Pseudonyms have been used to preserve the identityof the teachers.Table 1 Participant Background Years of Grade(s) Teaching Teacher Degree experience* taught assignment School information
, A. Johri, and R. Anderson, “On the development of a professional identity: Engineering persisters vs engineering switchers,” in Frontiers in Education Conference, 2009. FIE’09. 39th IEEE, 2009, pp. 1–6.11. H. Matusovich, B. E. Barry, K. Meyers, and R. Louis, “A Multi-Institution Comparison of Students’ Development of an Identity as an Engineer,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2011.12. S. Sheppard et al., “Exploring the Engineering Student Experience: Findings from the Academic Pathways of People Learning Engineering Survey (APPLES). TR-10-01.,” Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (NJ1), 2010.13. L. N. Fleming, K. C. Smith, D. G. Williams, and L. B. Bliss, “Engineering identity
also want to workwith faculty in other engineering disciplines to ensure that environmental protection issues areaddressed. This could include giving guest lectures in courses, particularly design-focusedcourses where environmental considerations should be part of the constraints and criteria for allengineering projects.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant#1158863. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] StartClass by Graphiq. Compare Colleges & Universities. Accessed March 10, 2017
, J. & Powers, S. (2008). Energy literacy among Middle and High School youth. 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference proceedingsDeWaters, J. & Powers, S. (2011). Energy literacy of secondary students in New York State (USA): A measure of knowledge, affect, and behavior. Energy Policy, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.12.049DeWaters, J., Powers, S., Graham, M. (2007). Developing an energy literacy scale. 2007 ASEE Annual Conference proceedingsDias, R.A., Mattos, C.R., Balestieri, J.A.P (2004). Energy education: breaking up the rational energy use barriers. Energy Policy, 32: 1339-1347Hobson,A. (2003). Physics literacy, energy and the environment. Physics Education, 38, 109-114Hobson,A. (2003). Designing science literacy courses. In
student retention in engineering. Ms. Bego is also a registered professional mechanical engineer in New York State.Dr. Patricia A. Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She received her B.S., MEng, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Louisville. Dr. Ralston teaches undergraduate engineering mathematics and is currently involved in educational research on the effective use of technology in engineering education, the incorpo- ration of critical thinking in undergraduate engineering education, and retention of engineering students. She leads a research group whose
not been widely used in previous research in this area. Its validity is questioned, butit shows internal consistency. For these reasons, and because the LSI has not really been used inthis area, we have decided to adopt the LSI as the learning style assessment tool.2.5 Criticism of cognition and learning stylesWang and others looked into the correlation between Biggs’ constructive alignment and how itaffected students’ learning approaches. This research went off the basis that “university students’learning approaches... are highly correlated with students’ achievement of learningoutcomes” (Wang, 2013). However, it then noted that “[s]uch a statement... was underpinnedneither by qualitative nor quantitative empirical data.” Their research
course(s), certificate, degree, etc.) and set of LO’s should provide all of the necessary content and skills for that course. o Timebound – time constraints for specific tasks and overall attainment of LO’s should be considered such that all LO’s can be attained and assessed in the course. Time constraints should be specified somewhere, though not necessarily in the LO itself.Try to limit the number of these course-level learning outcomes to 10 or fewer. An example listfrom a Heat Transfer course is given here:Example Course-Level Learning Outcomes In order to successfully complete CBEN 308, students should be able to: 1. Explain in your own words the three modes of heat transfer
in the process. (3) Hands-on activitiesneed careful preparation and close guidance.1 IntroductionThe wireless telecommunication industry has grown tremendously since the first cellular systemwas deployed in 1983. Digital techniques were introduced in 1993 to accommodate the hugeboom in subscribers of portable telephone service in the mid 90’s. Cellular communicationssystems evolved from providing voice in the mid 90’s (2nd generation or 2G) to all-IP dataservices that are available since 2011 (4G). Advanced mobile broadband and real-time controlwill be enabled by future 5G systems. Wireless systems that provide personal andmachine-to-machine communications currently constitute a major research area of vitalimportance.Telecommunication
Course: Fundamentals for Students and Instructors, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2014.[5] National Air and Space Adminsistration (NASA), The NASA Systems Engineering Handbook, NASA SP-2016-6105 Rev2, 2016. Available in pdf at[6] S. R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989, 2004.[7] S. Gandel, "The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People (1989), by Stephen R. Covey: one of The 25 Most Influential Business Management Books". Time [Online]. August 9, 2011. [Accessed January 4, 2017.[8] G. D. Catalano, "Engineering Design: A Partnership Approach," Journal of Engineering Education, 83(2), 130-134., vol
made regarding the status of this course. If the course remains as it is, a stronger emphasizeswill be on topics related to the electric machine dynamic analysis, advanced control, design andmodeling. However, the final decision on the course content is in stand-by, until after thefeedbacks from the 2018 Spring semester industrial advisory board meeting. Any suggestionsand recommendations from 2018 ASEE Conference audience are highly appreciated.Power System Analysis: This course introduces student to power systems concepts, per unitconcepts and notations, symmetrical components, and symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults onthe transmission line. Selected textbook for this course is J.D. Glover, M. S. Sarma, and T.J.Overbye, Power System
]. [7] S. Burgstahler, M. Cakmak, K. Steele, and B. Blaser, “Equal Access: Universal Design of Engineering Labs,” Access Engineering, n.d. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 02-Feb-2018]. [8] S. Burgstahler, M. Cakmak, K. Steele, and B. Blaser, “Making a Makerspace? Guidelines for Accessibility and Universal Design,” Access Engineering. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 02-Feb-2018]. [9] L. Hilliard, P. Dunston, J. McGlothlin, and B. S. Duerstock, “Designing Beyond the ADA-Creating an Accessible Research Laboratory for Students and Scientists with Physical
/dissemination outlets and topics (at the local level and beyond)and to strengthen collaboration between engineering and education faculty and students as far asresearch goals (such as how a working group can facilitate research collaborations). Thecollaboration is cross-disciplinary. The members of the working group include individuals fromEngineering, Education, and Family Studies and Human DevelopmentThe chair of the working group usually generates ideas and facilitates meetings between theworking group members and the faculty member(s). Specific ideas for writing and organizingabstracts come from the group members as well as the chair. This group has meetings scheduledfor the spring semester to divide work among members based on their preferred
opportunities. Although not identical, these IRES programs both presentunique opportunities to develop both students’ cultural and research skills as well as theirpersonal interests, goals, and professional skills.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantsNo. 1658620 and No. 1658604. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] D. Bremer, “Engineering the world,” Online J. Glob. Eng. Educ., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 13–18, 2008.[2] A. Parkinson, “The rationale for developing global competence,” Online J. Glob. Eng. Educ., vol. 4, no
. D. MacMillan, “An evaluation of the supplemental instruction programme in a first year calculus course,” International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 843-855, 2008.[5] C. S. Ticknor, K. A. Shaw, and T. Howard, “Assessing the impact of tutorial services,” Journal of College Reading and Learning, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 52-66, 2014.[6] F. Duah, T. Croft, and M. Inglis, “Can peer assisted learning be effective in undergraduate mathematics?,” International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 552-565, 2014.[7] R. L. Shapiro, E. O. Wisniewski, E. Kaeli, T. B. Cole, P. A. DiMilla, and R. Reisberg, “Role of gender
hoc, abductive analysis represents a dialectic “conversation” between dataand theory. Abductive analysis follows an iterative cycle of hypothesis generation that couldexplain unexpected findings and then exploration of potential hypotheses within the data, whichwill often result in new unexpected findings and refinement of hypotheses. Abductive analysis is“complete” once a new theory is generated that can explain the unexpected finding(s) and issupported by the data.Thus, in this paper, we attempt to address the following research question through abductiveanalysis: What theoretical formulation can help explain why female engineering students were more likely to experience innovation in more comprehensive ways than male
course. - As a focus group member co-developed six hours of course modules to address identified gaps in a content area familiar to the University program and its local industry partner(s). - Assessed course contents through at least two delivery cycles. Implementation Academic PartnersSix institutions Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Montana Tech, University of Michigan,Virginia State University, Fairfield University, and Milwaukee School of Engineering supportedthis project as an ‘Implementation Academic Partner’ and carried out the following tasks: - Used entire or partial courseware developed by this project in at least one course through at least two delivery cycles. - Evaluated the course(s) and assess the
. Leydens won the James F. Lufkin Award for the best conference paper—on the intersections between professional communication research and social jus- tice— at the 2012 International Professional Communication Conference. In 2015, he won the Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education from the Professional Communica- tion Society of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). His current research focuses on rendering visible and integrating the social justice dimensions inherent in three components of the engineering curriculum—in engineering sciences, engineering design, and humanities and social science courses. That research, conducted with co-author Juan C. Lucena
-Term andSpring performance in terms of quantitative performance toward meeting each of the courseobjectives. In 2016, however, only 57% of students in the spring course met all three objectives(and 5 students met only one or none of the objectives), whereas 83% of students in the J-Termcourse met all three objectives. While this result falls just short of statistical significance for athreshold of α = 0.05 (Barnard’s test p = 0.083), it suggests a pedagogical deficiency in someaspect(s) of the Spring 2016 course (see Discussion).Analysis of Student Course Evaluations and CommentsAt the end of each term, students completed anonymous course evaluations answering multiplequestions relating to the course and to the instructor. We have analyzed the
capstone experience with industry, andexpanded teamwork and communication training / simulations planned for the capstone. Therecent addition of a major in Design and Construction Integration in the Purdue UniversitySchool of Construction Management will also provide an opportunity for multi-disciplinaryexpansion of the design-build capstone simulation. As DCI students from the CM programreceive design exposure by attending interior design or architecture studios and becomeintegrated in the capstone course in future years, a new trans-disciplinary environment willbecome available for study. References[1] J. C. Dunlap and S. Grabinger, “Preparing Students for Lifelong Learning: A Review ofInstructional
as in Europe. At those sites, we will not collect identifiable information or registrar data.We plan to identify the students that are struggling and eventually to provide interventions thathelp to increase their prospects for success.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNos. DUE-1626287 (Purdue), DUE-1626185 (Cal Poly), and DUE-1626148 (UTEP). Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Wewould like to thank all the students who participated in this study. Without their time spent inthoughtful response, this work would not be
analysis from Stanford, and continues to build upon research in the design and implementation of programs.Ms. Jan Rinehart, Northeastern University Jan Rinehart is Executive Director of the Northeastern ADVANCE Office of Faculty Development. She has over 20 years in higher education, with most of her work focused on diversity in STEM fields. She previously served as Executive Director of the Rice University ADVANCE and Director of Engineering Student Programs at Texas A&M University. While at Texas A&M, she was co-PI on NSF RET, S- STEM, STEP grants, and senior personnel on the NSF Coalition and LSAMP grant. She sits on several ADVANCE External Advisory Boards.Dr. Rania Sanford, Stanford University Rania
. I am thinking about how I can apply what I have learned to a large section Prof S Asst m both of undergraduates that I will be teaching next fall. Prof T Asst m mid How do you solve lengthy problems during a short class period? Prof U Prof m mid I am working with my colleagues to try to improve this course. I am feeling like I don't have to "cover" everything, but with engaged Prof V Asst f both learning, they are still learning a lot. I have already incorporated many engaged learning strategies and I amProf W Lect m mid
design cycle, focusing on both hardware and software, to createbetter solutions for healthcare. He researched hardware components to measure someform/function of the body requiring training. Moreover, he investigated software components toenable interactive visualization of real-time data of body form/function, much like a video gamefor encouraging users to make progress in their training. After conducting research on conditions,such as heart disease and stroke, and examining the treatments, i.e. exercises, he picked onemeasurement that can be used to assess the patient’s progress with an exercise and determine whichsensor(s) could appropriately measure it. Next, he developed a hardware prototype (see Figure 8)and addressed data visualization
Paper ID #21796Implementing Civil Engineering-specific Requirements for Professional Li-censureDr. Matthew Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. He obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech and then worked at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center on concrete bridge research. He is currently an associate professor of Civil Engineering at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He teaches engineering mechanics
: The health benefits of narrative. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(10), 1243-1254.5 Rude, S., Gortner, E. M., & Pennebaker, J. (2004). Language use of depressed and depression-vulnerable college students. Cognition & Emotion, 18(8), 1121-1133.6 Wang, C. C., & Geale, S. K. (2015). The power of story: narrative inquiry as a methodology in nursing research. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2(2), 195- 198.7 Remenyi, D. (2005). Tell me a Story–A way to Knowledge. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methodology, 3(2), 133-140.8 Paulos J, 1999, Once Upon a Number – The Hidden Mathematical Logic of Stories, Allen Lane Press, The Penguin Press, London.9 Kelchtermans, G
curriculum to conformto what one may imagine to be on the FE.References [1] NCEES, “Using the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination as an outcomes assessment tool,” NCEES, Tech. Rep., 2014. [2] S. F. Barrett, J. W. Steadman, and D. L. Whitman, “Using the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination as an outcomes assessment tool,” NCEES, Tech. Rep., Feb. 2016. [3] NCEES, “Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Mechanical CBT exam specifications,” NCEES, Tech. Rep., 2013. [4] N. Nirmalakhandan, D. Daniel, and K. White, “Use of subject-specific FE exam results in outcomes assessment,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 73–77, 2004. [5] G. Bull, M. Armstrong, and A. Biaglow, “Using the Fundamentals of Engineering exam to
12.2 Student CreativityA survey was designed and implemented before and after the course to measure the impact ofcourse participation on students’ self-perception of their creative tendencies. We utilized twoexisting surveys: the Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA) [10] and theInnovative Behavior Scales (IBS) [11]. We chose two instruments, as while the RDCA coveredmost of the course objectives, an inspection of Reisman et al. [10] indicated that the surveyconstructs had questionable reliability in prior use. Therefore, our team refined this instrumentand its constructs prior to data collection. In contrast, our team had utilized Dyer et al.’s (2008)instrument in the past, with results that had excellent reliability. Notably, the
Biomolecular Engineering. Common across all teams is a minimumtimeframe of three to five years. Teams typically become integral parts of faculty researchprograms, continually evolving with the team advisor’s research.3. The program is curricular and all participating students are graded (A-F; not P/F, S/U). VIPis not an extra- or co-curricular activity. It is a sequence of courses whose credits count towardsstudents' degree requirements, and letter grading holds students accountable for their work. Inmany ways, feedback and grading in VIP is like an evaluation in the workplace. Work isevaluated, guidance is given, and students have the opportunity to improve. The curricularstructure and the philosophy that all students can benefit from the experience