Paper ID #24604Semester-Long Project of a Part Failure for Freshman Students in Mechani-cal Engineering TechnologyMr. Fredrick A. Nitterright, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Mr. Fred Nitterright is a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Technology at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. He received the A. A. S. in Mechanical Drafting and Design in 1989 from Westmoreland County Community College, the B. S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology in 1991 from Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, and the M. S. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1998. Mr. Nitterright is a member of the
. Throughthis analysis we will be able to identify trends in how students are using resources so that we can makebetter recommendations to future students. In addition, the concerns about barriers to resources, orresources that students would like to become available can be turned into practical solutions in theclassroom. In addition to the things that can be learned from the qualitative data contained in this survey,we hope to construct both peer networks and resource networks based on the data using concepts fromsocial network analysis.References:[1] B. J. Zimmerman and D. H. Schunk, Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement : Theory, Research, and Practice. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1989.[2] R. Bodily and S. Wood, “ConfChem
corresponding means of assessment. We plan to submit a full paper in a year with more details on our progress towards these outcomes. Acknowledgments This work was made possible in part by a Faculty Grant from VentureWell to the authors. The authors would also like to acknowledge the rest of the senior design teaching team (AP, BT, RR, JG) and our college’s administration for the ongoing support. References[1] A. J. Dutson, R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, and C. D. Sorensen, “A Review of Literature on Teaching Engineering Design Through Project-Oriented Capstone Courses,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 17–28, Jan. 1997.[2] “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2019 – 2020 | ABET.” [Online]. Available
Black Engineers 2016.5. Frehill LM, Moving beyond the double-blind: WIE and MEP programs and serving the needsof women of color in engineering. 2008 Proceedings of ASEE.6. Johri, Aditya, and Barbara M. Olds, eds. Cambridge handbook of engineering educationresearch. Cambridge University Press, 2014. Ch.167. Ohland MW, Brawner CE, Camacho MM, Layton RA, Long RA, Lord SM, Wasburn MH.Race, gender, and measures of success in engineering education. J Eng Educ. 2011;100(2):225.8. Meyer M, Marx S. Engineering dropouts: A qualitative examination of why undergraduatesleave engineering. J Eng Educ. 2014;103(4):525-48.9. Foor, C. E., Walden, S. E. and Trytten, D. A. (2007), “I Wish that I Belonged More in thisWhole Engineering Group:” Achieving Individual
University Press, 2020.[14] C. S. Park, Contemporary Engineering Economics, 6th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Pearson, 2016.[15] C. S. Park, Fundamentals of Engineering Economics, 4th edition. New York, NY: Pearson,2019.[16] W. G. Sullivan, E. M. Wicks, and C. P. Koelling, Engineering Economy, 17th edition(supplemented). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2019.[17] J. A. White, K. E. Case, and D. B. Pratt, Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis, 6thedition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2012.[18] J. A. White, K. S. Grasman, K. E. Case, K. LaScola Needy, and D. B. Pratt, Fundamentalsof Engineering Economic Analysis. Hoboken, NH: John Wiley & Sons, 2014.[19] NCEES, FE Reference Handbook 9.5. Clemson, SC: NCEES, 2013.[20] T. G
. Moreover, wewould like to thank the Physics Department and the Mathematics Department ofTecnologico de Monterrey and, especially, the Physics Education Research and InnovationGroup for all the support received throughout this project. Finally, we would like to recognizethe Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Medicine and Health Sciences for the resources andsupport given throughout this project.References[1] N. Chomsky, Language and Mind, 3rd edition. Cambridge, NY: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2006.[2] L. S. Vygotsky, Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes,Revised ed. edition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.[3] A. Dominguez, I. Hernandez-Armenta, y J. de la G. Becerra, “Towards a Full
will be replaced by interfaces yet to be imagined, much like the mouse Environment and keyboard were being invented at Xerox Park in the 70’s. As designers of three-dimensional environments, architects will play a decisive role in defining this virtual world, contrarily to graphic designers who dominated the visual characterization of a 2-Dimensional web. VR and AR may also in the future fundamentally disrupt the way that we design and conceptualize architecture.”[8]Cornell University
features of various measurement tools. This work aims to get beginning students intheir first semester of college classes an introduction to many of these measurement tools as wellas to the critical thinking required to utilize these tools in a manufacturing environment. Thesetopics and skills are likely covered in engineering technology programs but not in traditionalengineering programs.References [1] S. Stahley, S. Bhatty, C. Kincaid, D. Fant, J. Fuehne, and M. Bridgeman, “Advanced Center for Manufacturing Excellence Learning Lab,” Proceedings of the NCSL International Workshop and Symposium, Sacramento, CA, 2012. [2] J. Fuehne, Laboratory Activities for a Dimensional Metrology Class, Measure: The Journal of Measurement Science
Pracetice: Part 1 ‐ The Entrepreneurial Mindset. Ohland, M. W., Sheppard, S. D., Lichtenstein, G., Eris, O., Chachra, D., & Layton, R. A. (2008). Persistence, Engagement, and Migration in Engineering Programs. Journal of Engineering Education, 97, 259‐ 278. Reid, K., & Ferguson, D. (2011). Enhancing the Entrepreneurial Mindset of Freshman Engineers. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education. Ricco, G., Silliman, S., & Girtz, S. (2017). Exploring Engineering Mindset. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education. Appendix 1 – Combined Curiosity and Creativity Survey QuestionsCuriosity_1 I spend a great deal of time researching areas that I wish
knowledge inthe electromagnetic principles help students understand how the machines work. But in theworkforce, graduates will need to understand how to choose a given motor for a particularapplication. This means answering questions such as: Which type of motor is the most appropriate for the given application? At what speed(s) should be motor be operating? What torque is required for the application? What environmental issues need to be considered in selecting the motor?An initial foray into motor selection was briefly discussed as part of a larger discussion involvingworking with industrial partners [10]. In that project, a capstone design team of MechanicalEngineering Technology (MET) and Electrical opt lease 864000In the file of “/etc/default/udhcpd”, use following configuration to enable the DHCP server andlog to syslog. # Comment the following line to enable # DHCP_ENABLED=”no” # Options to pass to busybox’ udhcpd. # -S Log to syslog # -f run in foreground DHCP_OPTS=”-S”Now we need to assign IP address on both Ethernet interfaces (eth1 and eth0). “eth0” is forinternet network as a default gateway and static IP address should be assigned as mentionedabove. “eth1” is an interface to the outside of network (i.e., WAN) and IP address should beassigned from DHCP server at network provider. Use following lines to configure the file“/etc/network/interfaces”. Source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d auto lo iface lo
proposals and the Round 2 review resulted in fouradditional funded projects. As seen below the topics span several areas of renewable electricitygeneration. Grants were awarded to four year universities, two year community/technicalcolleges, and four/two year partnerships.Round 1 Grants:1. Universal and Scalable Smart Grid Power Converter (V. Winstead and S. Vietor)This project is intended to incorporate concepts from “smart grid” interfacing and protocols,trans active energy (TE) and universal interconnect hardware into a single scalable configurablecomponent. In other words, we intend to develop a device which is configurable (in firmware)and is capable of connecting electrically to a variety of power generation and energy storagedevices (i.e
throughout thebuilding’s service. The objective is to improve the building operation and maintenance in order toenhance the building performance.Other HVAC systems, such as a comprehensive movable Hydronic system with two Heat Pumps,a tank, and multiple temperature, pressure and water flow measurement sensors will be connectedto the BAS University system, to serve for education purposes.References:[1] Makarechi, S. (2004). Building Automation Systems at the Crossroads. Consulting SpecifyingEngineer: 4.[2] Makarechi, S. (2005). A Step Towards Development of Performance Indicators for BuildingAutomation Systems. Georgia Tech: 38.[3] Bowen, T. S. (2005). "Overly Smart Buildings." Technology Research News. BuilConn (2004).[4] Converging Building Systems
the design as shown inFigures 3, 4 and 5. Figure 3 shows the draw to scale model for the full door. Figure 4 showsmore details for the driving mechanism. The full scaled door was successfully designed to openand close at a speed of 2.8 feet per sec (0.85 m/s). Figure 5 shows the final fabricated scaleddown model which was scaled down by a ratio of 1:10 with respect to the designed model. Figure 3. Project # 1 CAD assembly showing the driving motor and the driven shaft along with other accessories (details of the driving mechanism are shown in Figure 4
,which, in turn develops stronger disciplinary discourse and acceptance within the disciplinecommunity. To meet the needs of instructors, we are concurrently developing and validating a“short form” of this survey that will be deployed online to help all engineering students determinetheir writing profile, such that they can, with the help of instructors, develop strategies to overcometheir individual issues with writing. References[1] C. G. P. Berdanier, A. Tally, S. E. Branch, B. Ahn, and M. F. Cox, “A Strategic Blueprint for the Alignment of Doctoral Competencies with Disciplinary Expectations,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 1759–1773, 2016.[2] J. Watson and J. Lyons
speakers.So far, three common projects with students from DTU-Denmark and Purdue-USA have beencompleted. For the American students the projects are their senior capstone projects and, for Danishstudents, the project is a component of a course called Innovation Pilot.International companies from Denmark and/or USA generated the project topics: 1. Schneider Electric: “Automation Feasibility Project”. Participants were 3 students from Purdue and 4 students from DTU. 2. Cabin Plant:”Vibration Unit”. Participants were 2 students from Purdue and 4 students from DTU. 3. Danfoss A/S: ”Thermal Based Efficiency Measurement of High-Performance Power Electronics”. Participants were 3 students from Purdue and 4 students from DTU.In
Advanced Biochemistry Class.," Journal of Chemical Education, p. 464, 2016.[4] M. M. Mars, "Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Leadership Education and the Development of Agricultural Innovators.," Journal of Agricultural Education, vol. 56, p. 178, 2015.[5] M. Borrego and L. K. Newswander, "Definitions of Interdisciplinary Research: Toward Graduate-Level Interdisciplinary Learning Outcomes," The Review of Higher Education, pp. 61-84, 2010.[6] L. Herz, M. J. Russo, H. D. Ou-Yang, M. El-Aasser, A. Jagota, S. Tatic-Lucic, and J. Ochs, "Development of an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Bioengineering Program at Lehigh University," Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 2, 2011.[7] S. Pfirman, P
.29, No. 4, pp. 1-10).Marković, M. R. (2008). Managing the organizational change and culture in the age ofglobalization. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 9(1), 3-11.Melnik, S., Garcia-Molina, H., & Rahm, E. (2002). Similarity flooding: A versatile graphmatching algorithm and its application to schema matching. In Data Engineering, 2002.Proceedings. 18th International Conference, 117-128. IEEE.Potnuru, R. K. G., & Sahoo, C. K. (2016). HRD interventions, employee competencies andorganizational effectiveness: an empirical study. European Journal of Training and Development,40(5), 345-365.Powers, B., & Rothwell, W. J. (2007). Instructor excellence: Mastering the delivery of training.John Wiley & Sons.Scaduto, A
shelter design for future improvements of the prototype.Recommended new studies include modular design for future shelters and design of prototypedfurniture featuring flexibility, safety, and sustainability.References[1] L. J. McKenzie, M. S. Trevisan, D. C. Davis, and S. W. Beyerlein, "Capstone design coursesand assessment: A national study," in Proceedings of the 2004 American Society of EngineeringEducation Annual Conference & Exposition, 2004, pp. 1-14.[2] J. A. Marin, J. E. Armstrong, and J. L. Kays, "Elements of an Optimal Capstone DesignExperience," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 19-22, 1999.[3] R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, C. D. Sorensen, B. R. Swan, and D. K. Anthony, "A Survey ofCapstone Engineering Courses in
Development, Medellín, Colombia., August 3-5, 2011.[3] Eydgahi, A. and Long, E.L.; Converting an Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle to an Electric Vehicle, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.[4] Slivovsky, L.A., RFID in a Computer Engineering Capstone, Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference, December 2006. DOI: 10.1109/FIE.2006.322608.[5] Kumar, M., Mustafa, A., Patel, P., and Socorro, J., Application of RFID Technology in a Senior Design Course, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27, 2007.[6] Vaidyanathan, V.V., Varanasi, M.R., Kougianos, E., Wang, S., and Raman, H., RFID Student Educational Experiences at the UNT College of Engineering: A Sequential
within the VR Framework Low-Angle Vs High Angle Shot Polygon Count Composition Clues for Emotion PosingFinally, putting together all these individual 3D objects and positioning and orienting them helps builddifferent 3D scenes as shown below. The following are some very important results demonstrated from this framework: • A coordinate or coordinates is/are the numerical representation(s) of the location or position of an object. • The origin is typically at the center of the reference coordinate system. However, the origin need not necessarily be at the center of the modeling space. • Different conventions are used by programming language and modeling platforms that are available and used for modeling
-solving skills by organizing a course around aseries of smaller, or one to two course-long problem(s) that add a substantial contextual elementto class assignments and activities. Typically, the PBL approach integrates the theoretical side ofeducation with the practical aspects of a profession, and involves students in not just the solvingof the problem, but also the investigating, developing, explaining, and checking of solutions [3,4]. This pedagogical approach has long been used in medical education, and has more recentlyemerged as an important approach for the undergraduate classroom [4]. Emphasizing theinvestigating and developing aspects of the PBL approach, open-ended problem (OEP)-basedlearning has roots in the constructivist
as well as several areas of potential future enhancement. Cybersecurityprogram and course development at NDSU is still an area of ongoing rapid growth. New courseofferings as well as additional delivery enhancements should enhance the student experienceboth for on-campus and distance students and civilian, active duty military and veterans alike.References[1] J. P. Merisotis, “President’s Message,” Lumina Foundation Focus, p. 1, 2013.[2] D. Lederman, “What Makes a College ‘Military Friendly’?,” Inside Higher Ed, 28-Feb- 2008.[3] S. E. Minnis, “Take the right steps to become more veteran-friendly,” Recruit. Retaining Adult Learn., vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 5–5, Mar. 2015.[4] S. E. Minnis, “Consider whether your institution
Reality, Santa Barbard, CA, 2006, pp. 125-128.10. Zieliński, C. (1997). Object-oriented robot programming. Robotica, 15(1), 41-48.11. E. Freund, D. Rokossa and J. Rossmann, "Process-oriented approach to an efficient off-line programming of industrial robots," IECON '98. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (Cat. No.98CH36200), Aachen, Germany, 1998, pp. 208-213 vol.1.12. Emma C Morley, Chanan S Syan, (1995) "Teach pendants: how are they for you?", Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 22 Issue: 4, pp.18-22.13. Kaluarachchi, Malaka Miyuranga, and Fawaz Yahya Annaz. "GUI teaching pendant development for a 6 axis articulated robot." International Conference on Intelligent
workshop and future plans with the CodeIT Day model.Project Design and ExecutionThe planning of CodeIT Day 2018 followed a similar structure as previous CodeIT Days. Theplanning committee got together to set a date, create the student applications and create arecruitment plan for students and volunteers. During this process, a team member was alsoworking on the curriculum for students.RecruitmentAlthough students of all backgrounds are welcomed to apply and are accepted to the workshop,due to the lack of underrepresented minorities in the STEM fields, it has always been a mission ofCodeIT Day to intentionally recruit students of color and female students of the targeted gradelevel(s) each year. CodeIT Day 2018 was geared specifically for fifth and
robots that are programmable in the sameprogramming language used in the class. Affordability and low maintenance costs are alsoimportant factors to long term sustainability of these activities.Our initial experience with robotics in programming classes indicate that most students enjoyrobotics and they become more motivated to learn programming. We are pleased with theoutcome and will continue using robotic activities in our introductory programming classes.References 1. Bennedsen, J. and Caspersen, M.E.” Failure rates in introductory programming.” SIGCSE Bull. 39, 2 (2007), 32–36 2. Jennifer S. Kay, “Robots in the classroom...and the dorm room,” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 25, Issue. 3, Jan. 2010, pp
assistant professor in civil engineering at Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Kennesaw State University. Her research interests include increasing the participation of minorities, women and other underrepresented groups in engineering. Dr. Worthy focuses much of her research efforts in the area of community engagement and STEM pipeline development. She works to connect P-12 educators and students with STEM professors, students and departments at KSU.Prof. Donna Colebeck, Kennesaw State University Donna Colebeck is a Senior Lecturer of Foundation Studies and Studio Art in the School of Art and Design, College of the Arts at Kennesaw State University. She has s Master of Fine Arts
, greater equitycould perhaps be achieved by making used surplus university laptops available for checkout, or bydiverting some of the funds used to update and maintain fixed computer labs to create a pool oflaptops that can be checked out to students in need.References [1] Digilent, “Analog Discovery 2: 100ms/s USB Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer and Variable Power Supply,” 2019. [Online]. Available: [2] Raspberry Pi Foundation, “Raspberry pi,”, 2019. [3] Mathworks, “MATLAB Online,”, 2019. [4] ——, “MATLAB Mobile Overview,”, 2019. [5] E. P. St. John, S. Hu, and J. Weber, “State
the MAA national study of college calculus. Washington, DC: MAA Press.Deci, E. L., Vallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G., & Ryan, R. M. (1991). Motivation and education: The self-determination perspective. Educational Psychologist, 26(3-4), 325–346.Filak, V. F., & Sheldon, K. M. (2003). Student psychological need satisfaction and college teacher-course evaluations. Educational Psychology, 23(3), 235–247.Goldin, G. A., Hannula, M. S., Heyd-Metzuyanim, E., Jansen, A., Kaasila, R., Lutovac, S., & Zhang, Q. (2016). Attitudes, beliefs, motivation and identity in mathematics education: An overview of the field and future directions. Springer.Guay, F., Vallerand, R. J., & Blanchard, C. (2000). On the