in a singleclassroom or over multiple classes across universities, with input from additional instructors.AcknowledgementsThis work was made possible in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (EEC1227110). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.Some of the data analysis and representation was performed using Igor Pro (WaveMetrics, Inc.,Oregon, USA) https://www.wavemetrics.comReferences[1] Chi, M.T.H. and R. Wylie, The ICAP Framework: Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes. Educational Psychologist, 2014. 49(4): p. 219-243.[2] Krause, S. and C. Waters
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experts claimed would makelibraries obsolete. Some experts predicted that by 1970 technical libraries would be completelyautomated.[21] In late 1961, ASEE nominated McGowan and George S. Bonn, a former ESLCchair, to serve on the Engineering Information Services Committee of the Engineers JointCouncil (EJC).[22] Formed in 1952, the EJC was a federation of three dozen Americanengineering societies including ASEE. The EJC’s main purpose was to facilitate cooperationamong its members in order to address common problems.[23] It was especially interested intechnical information, libraries, and engineering education. For example, in the early 1950s theEJC led an initiative to rebuild the engineering libraries of war-ravaged countries by serving as
Paper ID #19637Approaches to Coaching Students in Design ReviewsDr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University and holds a PhD in Education, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering. She researches cross-disciplinarity ways of thinking, acting and being; design learning; and engineering education transformation.Mr. Tiago R. Forin, Rowan University Tiago Forin is a PhD candidate in Engineering Education and researcher at Purdue University affiliated with
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72.42% of the variance. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient isor 1215 version. This variable was represented as a dummy generally used to measure internal consistency reliabilityvariable, with 0=1024, and 1=1215. The variables M, U, S, among a group of items combined to form a construct. TheI, and C represented the examination of students’ reliability of the survey analyzed for this study will beperceptions of each of the courses. These variables addressed by running an internal consistency test calculatingrepresented the average of each of the components of the this coefficient. Criteria by Kline [14] suggest that a valueMUSIC model: empowerment, usefulness, success, interest, of 0.8 is generally
concerning the effectiveness of SI from the university of missouri-kansas city and other institutions across the united states. , ERIC document reproduction service NO ED 370 502, columbia SC. Annual Conference of the Freshman Year Experience, Columbia, SC.Menezes, G. B., Won, D. S., Tufenkjian,M.,Allen,E., & Schiorring, E. (2017). An integrated first-year experience at ECST (FYrE@ECST). ASEE Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.Ojeda, L., Flores, L. Y., & Navarro, R. L. (2011). Social cognitive predictors of mexican american college students' academic and life satisfaction. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 61-71. doi:10.1037/a0021687Sharif, A. A., Menezes, G. B., Schlemer, L. T., & Won, D. S. (2016). Discovering the
instructor experience(s), provide course teach students to program. Despite educators being fullymaterials, and review student outcomes from this two aware of this, students can find it hard to make the sameyear study. Workshop participant involvement is distinction which can lead to difficulty when learning moreencouraged through interactive elements of the abstract concepts [1].presentation such as live polling, discussion, and aquestion and answer forum. SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHINGIndex Terms – Education, Performance, Programming
Leavingexpected in engineering. The challenge was to provide [2], a review of student accession, retention, graduation, andappropriate levels of support and curriculum hiring data showed many trends that were present in theengagement to help students be successful and retain 1990’s and still present today. Some of the issues include:them in the engineering programs. For the past two loss of 40 -50 percent of entering freshmen engineeringyears, the School of Engineering conducted a variation students in the first year due to lack of high schoolof Math Review sessions at the pre-calculus level during preparation, loss of motivation based on poor performancethe first few weeks of the fall
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between STEMcontent fields and an interdisciplinary approach to learning. This project advances pedagogicalunderstanding about how to teach, assess, and evaluate engineering and STEM in aninterdisciplinary manner and how to translate these evidence-based research findings into broadclassroom practice through the framework and through curricular units.ReferencesClements, D. H. (2007). Curriculum research: Toward a framework for "research-based curricula". Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38(1), 35-70.Farmer, S., Moore, T. J., & Tank, K. M. (2015). Using STEM to reinforce measurement skills. Teaching Children Mathematics, 22(3), 196-199. doi: 10.5703/1288284314653Moore, T. J., Glancy, A. W., Tank, K. M., Kersten, J. A
the game. References 1. APPENDIX I – Engineering Design in the NGSS [PDF]. (2013, April). Next Generation Science Standards. 2. P21 Framework Definitions [PDF]. (2015, May). Partnership for 21st Century Learning. 3. Brophy, S., Klein, S., Portsmore, M. and Rogers, C. (2008), “Advancing Engineering Education in P12 Classrooms”. Journal of Engineering Education, 97: 369–387. 4. Bowen, B. (2014, June), “K12 Teacher Internships: Professional Development in the Engineering Design Process and STEM Learning Paper”. 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis
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#P120A140064. Opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of thefunding agency.ReferencesAbel, J. & Deitz, R. (2014). Do the Benefits of College Still Outweigh the Costs? Current Issues in Economics and Finance, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 20(3), 2014.American Psychological Association, (2012). Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Education: Psychology’s Contributions to Understanding and Reducing Disparities, American Psychological Association, 2012.Auerbach, S. (2004). Engaging Latino parents in supporting college pathways: Lessons from a college access program. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 3(2), 125–145.Baum, S
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to empower our graduates to impact society by innovating withinthe contexts of social justice, peace, humanitarian advancement, and sustainable practices.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the National Science Foundation for support of this work (Award #1519453).The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors.References 1. Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME) information available at 2. Sgoutas-Emch, S., Baird, L., Myers, P., Camacho, M., & Lord, S. (2016). We’re Not All White Men: Using a Cohort/Cluster Approach to Diversify Faculty Hiring in STEM. Thought and Action, 32(1-Summer 2016), 91-107, 2016.
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thehighest risk while still supporting those struggling to make efficient progress through thecurriculum. Our hope is that as the rate of student engagement with the assessment improves, sowill its impact on students.References[1] Tyson, C. (2014, September 10). The 'murky middle.' Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from should-focus-middle-range-students-research-shows[2] Bloom, J. L., Hutson, B. L., & He, Y. (2008). The appreciative advising revolution. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.[3] Meyer, M., & Marx, S. (2014). Engineering dropouts: A qualitative examination of why undergraduates leave engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 103(4
universities.The studying experience of the graduate level visiting scholars can be improved bydeveloping effective communication between the professors in both the sending and theaccepting universities.V. CONCLUSIONThe exchange graduate students are always undervalued, especially engineering students.Properly organized program can help these students to enhance their learning experienceabroad. On the other hand, exchange students should be aware of the research area of theforeign university. A similar background helps to enhance the efficiency of studying abroad.References[1] S. K. McNulty and P. Enjeti, "Connecting Campuses and Building International Competencies with Study Abroad Programs: The Texas A&M University at Qatar Experience," 2010
direction is the friction force? Right _______ Left ______There is no friction force _______ 3.What is the value of the friction force? f = k N _____ f = s N _____ f sN ______ Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #4 . Figure 2. Spool IBLA (Cases 1-4).3At the beginning of class, students were separated into teams, presented with the first scenario,and asked to make individual predications. Next, they discussed their predictions with
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students were able to achieve excellent grades.9. Student EvaluationThe final requirement in this miniterm was for the students to fill out a course evaluationadministered by the college. The following multiple answer questions were asked and the resultswere compiled and shared with the course instructor. • What was the overall quality of the program? • How well was the program run? • What was the overall quality of the living arrangements? • What was the overall quality of the group excursions (if any)? • To what extent did orientation sessions help prepare you for the program? • To what extent did the program contribute to your understanding of the host culture/s, of your own culture/s, and of cultural differences in a global
researchers inthe area of Continuing Engineering Education (CEE). It results from the challenges of oursociety and from the increasing complexity and pace that characterize economic growth -innovation, productivity and competitiveness. Derived from such challenges diverse modelsenhancing knowledge transferee has been developed. About one decade ago the tailor-madeapproach first entered the stage of continuing engineering education – facilitating a flexibleand sustainable knowledge flow. The paper provided light on how the stakeholders, i.e.companies and universities received the approach.Generally, the support of tailor-made continuing education is mostly positive. Policy makershave since the early 1990’s supported activities of continuing educations
hands-on, problem-oriented challenges that integrate math, science and technology2 Fredrik Jenson and Maria Vetleseter Bøe, “The Influence of a Two-Day Recruitment Event on Female Upper Secondary Students’ Motivation for Science and Technology Higher Education,” International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 5.3 (2013): 331.3 Suzanne E. Hiller and Anastasia Kitsantas, “The Effect of a Horseshoe Crab Citizen Science Program on Middle School Student Science Performance and STEM Career Motivation,” School Science & Mathematics 114.6 (2014): 302.4 Daryl E. Chubin, Gary S. May and Eleanor L. Babco, “Diversifying the Engineering Workforce,” Journal of Engineering Education 94.1 (2005): 79.5 Paul R. Hernandez et
“explorationactivities” in section 2 revealed students’ appreciation for connecting in-class discussions andtextbook readings to current events and to research in physiology and biomedical engineering.Although we did not measure student motivation, we hypothesize that student motivation wouldbe increased when provided with opportunities for engagement with authentic biomedicalproblems [13]. Thus, retention/recall and comprehension may not be the only relevant metrics oflearning [14].Literature Cited[1] P. Black and D. Wiliam, “Developing the theory of formative assessment,” Educ. Assess. Eval. Account., vol. 21, no. 1, 2009.[2] K. E. Dunn and S. W. Mulvenon, “A Critical Review of Research on Formative Assessment: The Limited Scientific Evidence of the
Paper ID #20249Summer Engineering Experience (SEE) Program - A Program to PrepareFreshmen Students for Engineering StudiesDr. Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Dr. Hossein Rahemi is a professor and department chair of Engineering and Technology at Vaughn Col- lege of Aeronautics & Technology. He is the author of two books, Vaughn College Journal of Engineering and Technology (VCJET), numerous conference papers in the areas of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, vibration analysis, fracture mechanics and reliability analysis. He is also a principle investi- gator for the NSF S-STEM