plannedto be presented in a separate paper at the 2022 American Society of Engineering EducationNational Conference.Additional resources on SAFEChEWhile the majority of the SAFEChE initiative is built around the course specific industrialaccident focused modules, the SAFEChE team wants to have the website to be an additional hubfor other tools for processes safety to be used in other courses or possibly by studentorganizations. One core component of the chemical engineering curriculum that the websitedoes not have CSB modules for is the Chemical Engineering (or Unit Operations) Laboratorycourse(s). These labs tend to focus on more practical “soft” and less theory-based skills usingcalculations and equations taught in lecture classes. As a result
environmental and biological engineering students for Spring 2020, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. Table 5.2 and Fig. 5.2 depict the change in the Mean and Standard Deviation of SE and PV for the combined Pre and Post Surveys respectively. Table. 5.1 Trend in the means of the SE and PV of environmental and biological engineering students for the 3 semesters SELF-EFFICACY PERCEIVED VALUEMajor PRE-SURVEY POSTSURVEY PRE-SURVEY POST-SURVEY S’20 F’20 S’21 S’20 F’20 S’21 S’20 F’20 S’21 S’20 F’20 S’21 4.35 3.86
that can support lightweight, scalable, and relationallearning experiences of many types. In some sense, what we are after is a relational form ofmicrolearning, where learners can engage in short personalized learning experiences, but inrelational interactions embedded in and influencing a larger social system.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge our fellow authors across the ongoing projects mentioned: RyanAnderson, Nisha Charagulla, Ana Guo, Atira Nair, and Rhea Sharma. This research was fundedby the National Science Foundation (IUSE: EHR) under Grant No. 1807388.References[1] M. K. Eagan Jr, S. Hurtado, M. J. Chang, G. A. Garcia, F. A. Herrera, and J. C. Garibay, “Making a difference in science education: the impact of
responded topublic health concerns associated with the virus [6]. As a result, “lessons learned” have alreadybeen published about the barriers faced by student and professional teams in the academic andnon-academic workplaces, respectively [3]–[5]. This study is intended to contribute to this emerging body of knowledge about the behavior of virtual and in-person student design teamsoperating under pandemic-induced conditions.BackgroundTeam development can be described in terms of Bruce Tuckman’s four stages, which hedeveloped in the mid-1960’s based on an extensive review of the literature, and re-visited in1977 [1], [2]. These four stages are described in Table 1 below:Table 1: Tuckman’s Team Development Stages and Their Key Characteristics [1
discipline. This analysis willassist the authors in critically reviewing the design of the VR lessons from the aspect of the fourdimensions to identify improvement strategies.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Honghe Wang, Dr. Mandoye Ndoye, and Dr. ChitraNayak for developing and implementing the VR lessons in biology, electrical engineering, andphysics. This work was funded by NSF Grant # 1912047.References[1] [Online]. [Accessed on Feb 2022].[2] [Online]. [Accessed on Feb 2022].[3] [Online]. [Accessed on Feb2022].[4] H. Cherni, S. Nicolas, and N. Metayer. “Using
engineersLanguage ScaffoldsMany youth, including ELs, are developing language proficiency. Few STEM and engineeringcurricula have been designed to scaffold participation and language development. The YES teamreviewed research and best practices and consulted with experts to generate a set of research-based approaches that invite meaningful participation by ELs. The embedded scaffolds andstrategies are designed to support language development across reading, writing, listening, andspeaking domains and include: • Discussion strategies • Content presented multimodally • Encouragement of home language(s) • Vocabulary presented in context • Strategic groups • Scaffolded writing • Hands-on exploration • Key sentence frames • Multimodal
and Computer Engineering. Her research focuses on shifting the culture of engineering via the study of engineering identity which centers students of color and examines systemic change.Peter C Nelson (Professor & Dean)Jeremiah AbiadeDidem Ozevin (Dr.) © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by An Integrated Program for Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation of Academically Talented Low-Income Engineering Students: Lessons Learned and Progress ReportAbstractThis paper provides the status report of an NSF S-STEM program that is currentlyin its fourth year in the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois atChicago (UIC), a
(PACE). She also manages program evaluations that provide actionable strategies to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM fields. This includes evaluation of NSF ADVANCE, S-STEM, INCLUDES, and IUSE projects, and climate studies of students, faculty, and staff. Her social science research covers many topics and has used critical race theories such as Community Cultural Wealth to describe the experiences of systemically marginalized students in engineering.Sura Alqudah (Assistant Professor) Sura Al-Qudah Holds a Ph.D. in Industrial & Systems Engineering from Binghamton University. She is a co-program director of the Manufacturing Engineering Program at Western Washington University. Dr. Al-Qudah is a Co-PI on
on students’ choice of pursuing aSTEM career (Chan et al., 2020; Kong et al., 2014; Maltese & Tai, 2010); however, our studyfound that Latinx students were not engaged in out-of-school activities during middle school. In-and-out of class learning experiences during middle school and high school have also been foundto impact students’ decision to pursue a STEM major [17]–[24]. Yet, studies have found that Latinx students are less likely than other groups to participatein out-of-school activities or school-based extracurricular activities [25]–[29]. Chan et al.’s [28]study, which used the High School Longitudinal Study: 2009 dataset, reported that Latinx studentsfrom high and low socioeconomic status were less likely than their
Teaching International, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 374–385, Jul. 2017, doi: 10.1080/14703297.2015.1108214.[5] A. Pagano, S. Shehab, and L. Liebenberg, “WIP: Introducing Students to Human-Centered Design in a Design for Manufacturability Course,” in 2020 ASEE Virtual Conference, 2020, p. 12.[6] “EAC-Criteria-2020-2021.pdf.”[7] R. Buchanan, “Wicked Problems in Design Thinking,” Design Issues, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 5– 21, 1992.[8] M. Meinel, T. T. Eismann, C. V. Baccarella, S. K. Fixson, and K.-I. Voigt, “Does applying design thinking result in better new product concepts than a traditional innovation approach? An experimental comparison study,” European Management Journal, p. S0263237320300232, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.emj
Undergraduate STEMEducation (IUSE) program. References[1] Workforce Singapore. “5 digital skills needed in 2021”.[2] M. Muro, S. Liu, J. Whiton, and S. Kulkarni. “Digitalization and the American workforce”. Washington, DC: Metropolitan Policy Programs at Brookings, 2017.[3] Data USA. “Computer science. STEM Major”. Deloitte, DataWheel.[4] S. Smith, E. Taylor-Smith, L. Bacon, and L. Mackinnon, L. “Equality of opportunity for work experience? Computing students at two UK universities ‘play the game’”. British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol
,” “be open tobeing challenged on your ideas and expectations,” and “no gas lighting” [25]. Prior to each PDsession, participants were required to complete a pre-work assignment, which included a smallcollection of videos and podcast episodes related to the upcoming session topic.Each 2-hour session included guest speaker(s) in the first hour who were experts on the sessiontopics (e.g., Dr. Ruha Benjamin, Dr. Safiya Noble, and Dr. Ebony McGee). The second hour wasdedicated to breakout and larger group discussions that built upon the pre-work and guestspeaker(s) in the context of personal/professional experiences. The first six PD sessions focusedon participants understanding their positionality in the context of the session topics
outSimilarly in the entropy equation, begin with the entropy defined with respect to a conventionalreference dSCV d m s CV Q si m i,in se m e,exit k ,in Sgen (9) dt dt i,in e, exit k TkNote that temperatures in the entropy equation above may apply to a simplistic one-dimensionalheat transfer or a more realistic effective temperature. Then replace the conventional entropywith the entropy written with respect to the Fixed Dead State (FDS) at ambient temperature andpressure
dt QS m RS W hRSW hZWV m INZ cPM, INZ tREL, INZ tREL, Z m INF DA MA cPM, OA tREL, OA tREL, Z DA MA (26)In contrast, the corresponding equation from EnergyPlus with the missing moisture-related termemphasized is reproduced next: d tREL, Z m DA MA Z c PM,Z
) only report result for the 'sweet-spot' factorsalong one or two dimensions (e.g., student educational history⸺ quizzes, assignment, andexams; demographic features⸺ sex, age, marital status, state) [1-2], (b) are carried out withdiverse and fragmented factors using dissimilar machine learners making their results difficult tocompare [3]. Towards this end, the paper exploits all the attributes (i.e., sixty-seven attributes)over ten dimensions (listed in Table 1) using five machine learning algorithms. The Objective ofthe work-in-progress (WIP) is two-fold: (i)To leverage machine learning to identify the factorsthat are the best predictor of an at-risk student(s) in a programming course and (ii) Compare theperformance of the machine learner(s
being a potential transformative path to developing interest in engineering (S. Jordan& Lande, 2013) (Martin, 2015) as it provides for practical opportunities for the public to applyengineering principles in everyday life (Browder, Aldrich, & Bradley, 2017; Kohler, 2015),increases knowledge of production processes, and reduces the barriers of entry to markets(Hagel, Brown, & Kulasooriya, 2014).Making as a pedagogical approach provides unique opportunities for educators to incorporatepedagogies that places the student at the center of the learning process such as project and 2problem based learning (Vossoughi, Hooper, & Escudé, 2016
andaffirming for students with underrepresented identities who struggle to develop a sense ofbelonging to STEM. Taken together, near-peer mentoring could be a great approach toenhancing the education of undergraduate students in engineering.Future WorkFuture work will involve continuing the current work of near-peer mentors. Additional data frommore near-peers mentors will be collected and analyzed to develop significant findings on thebenefits of near-peer mentoring. Future studies will continue to investigate possibledisadvantages of mentoring and understand the typical qualities of mentors that make a goodmentor.References[1] C. Bulte, A. Betts, K. Garner, and S. Durning, “Student teaching: views of student near-peer teachers and learners
-9830.1998.tb00381.x.[4] C. M. Vogt, “Faculty as a Critical Juncture in Student Retention and Performance in Engineering Programs,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 27–36, Jan. 2008, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2008.tb00951.x.[5] X. Wang, “Why Students Choose STEM Majors,” Am. Educ. Res. J., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1081–1121, Oct. 2013, doi: 10.3102/0002831213488622.[6] N. F. Harun, K. M. Yusof, M. Z. Jamaludin, and S. A. H. S. Hassan, “Motivation in Problem-based Learning Implementation,” Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., vol. 56, pp. 233– 242, Oct. 2012, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.650.[7] S. M. Malcom, “The Human Face of Engineering,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 237– 238, Jul. 2008, doi: 10.1002/j.2168
using ERPs.2. The experiment2.1 Designing the current studyThis study was designed based on Kröger et al.'s 2013 [13] study in conjunction with Goucher-Lambert et al.'s [15] study. Kröger et al. [13] investigated conceptual expansion, which theydefined as the ability to broaden the bounds of a semantic concept beyond its typicalcharacteristics. They used the modified AUT task, in which participants were asked to judge thenovelty and appropriateness of an alternative "use" or "function" for an object. In their research,they found that the N400 component modulated depending on whether the stimulus wasperceived as common (low novelty, high appropriateness), creative (high novelty, highappropriateness), or nonsense (high novelty, low
enablethe realization of successful software systems" [1] and has recently been standardized by the IEEE. Inthis WIP article, we will discuss the justification for including DevOps within a Software EngineeringProgram, discuss the challenges that this methodology places upon an instructor to teach, ideas forincorporating this material into the program, and how this can be extended to address the inclusion ofsecurity through a discussion of DevSecOps.IntroductionThe discipline of software engineering is generally attributed to the 1960’s, with the specifics of theterminology either coming from Margaret Hamilton and her work with NASA [2] or the 1968 NATOConference on Software Engineering [3]. Since then, the discipline has grown and evolved
. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001, pp. 79–104.[5] D. G. Jansson and S. M. Smith, “Design fixation,” Design Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 3–11, 1991.[6] IDEO, The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design. 2015.[7] A. Shum et al., “Inclusive Design Toolkit,” Microsoft Design, 2016.[8] S. R. Daly, C. M. Seifert, S. Yilmaz, and R. Gonzalez, “Comparing ideation techniques for beginning designers,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 138, no. 10, p. 101108, Oct. 2016, doi: 10.1115/1.4034087.[9] S. Yilmaz, C. Seifert, S. Daly, and R. Gonzalez, “Design Heuristics in innovative products,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 138, no. 7, 2016.[10] A. Osborn, Applied Imagination: Principles and Procedures of Creative Problem Solving New York. Scribner
your problem ideas and why each one is a problem. Then discuss and pick ONE problem you would like to design a solution for as a team of engineers. 2. As a family, record and share your brainstorming conversation as it unfolds (i.e., in-the- moment). Then pick ONE design solution. 3. As a family, share your detailed plan(s). Walk us through how you made your decisions and the materials you will use.Each family recorded and shared their response to these prompts through Sibme, an app thataffords an exchange of videos and resources through a secure cloud. The amount of video datashared from each family varied from 1:30 (min:sec) to 39:48.In addition, each family attended both show-and-tell sessions that lasted
Curriculum and Instruction, focusing on STEM teaching in higher education, and B.S. and M.A. degrees in Mathematics. Prior to joining academia, she worked with engineering teams and in project management and administration as a Mathematician and Computer Systems Analyst for the U. S. Department of Energy. She has over 30 years of experience teaching mathematics, statistics, computer science, and fundamental engineering courses as well as serving in several administrative roles within higher education. Throughout her career, Hensel has created a childcare facility at a federal research lab, coached middle school MATHCOUNTS students, facilitated STEM K-12 teacher training, built an undergraduate first-year engineering program
engineering in the new century. Washington, DC: National Academy of Engineering. Retrieved from[7] Sheppard, S., Macatangay, K., Colby, A., & Sullivan, W. (2009). Educating engineers: Design for the future of the field. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.[8] Duderstadt, J. (2008). Engineering for a changing world: A roadmap to the future of engineering practice, research, and education. Ann Arbor, MI: The Millennium Project. Retrieved from[9] Lattuca, L., Terenzini, P., Ro, H. K., & Knight, D. (2014). America's Overlooked Engineers: Community Colleges and Diversity in Engineering Education.[10] Riley, D. (2008). Engineering and social
valid, they are outweighed by thevalue of being able to conceptualize engineering communication as a diverse collectiveenterprise with common goals. The next step in this work is to establish a means for connectingwith the two very different groups to whom these results are relevant: the administrators whomake decisions about the design and funding of engineering communication instruction andnewcomers to engineering communication who want to contribute through publishing on theirefforts and experiences.ReferencesAllen, N., & Benninghoff, S. T. (2004, March 1). TPC Program Snapshots: Developing Curricula and Addressing Challenges. Technical Communication Quarterly, 13(2), 157 - 185.Bauer, D. H. (2020, June), WIP: Integrating Writing
Paper ID #36277Plasma antennas – a gentle introductionDr. Paul Benjamin Crilly, United States Coast Guard Academy Paul Crilly is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the United States Coast Guard Academy. He is also Chief/Department Chair of the Electrical Engineering and Cyber Systems Section. He received his Ph.D. from New Mexico State University, his M. S. and B.S. degrees at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, all in Electrical Engineering. He was previously an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee and was a Development Engineer at the Hewlett Packard Company. His
three-link robot. This robot will be given a specifictransformation at each link. The robot will show the beginning and end positions of the robot. It will alsoshow the DH matrix for the forward kinematics. The inverse kinematics is very similar to the teaching of forward kinematics except instead of givingthe transformations the end effector position is given. The robot will represent the movements to thesame position but will mathematically work backwards to find the transformations. To teach the Jacobian, a predefined robot is used to calculate all Jacobian(s). Then the robot ismoved to all values found to show students the singularity at these points. The examples for trajectory planning will include a dynamic visual of a pre
... Figure 1. Image from Student 1’s response ...In the image above the red cord represents the sweep in the xy plane that allows us to form the plane with the z axis. It's important to make sure that the vector is found by moving "down" from the z axis rather than "up" from our projection in the xy plane.Student 2 made direct connections between the physical model and an abstract symbolicrepresentation of the relationships. Going back to the example vector, we can use the following equations above to get the unit vector. Figure 2. Image from Student 2’s response So why exactly is the unit vector so useful? One of the characteristics of a unit vector is that when you multiply it with a