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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 686 in total
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yakov Cherner, ATeL, LLC; Amin Karim, DeVry University; Ahmed Khan, DeVry University; Gary Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
scanning range of all optical methods. To fulfill the experimentassignment, students have to apply the proper alignment procedure to calibrate the sensor. Theycan vary such parameters as emitter power, alignment, and distance between light source andreceiver; change size and transparency of the target; and make sensitivity adjustments. Thediagram at the right in Figure 2 illustrates the impact of each parameter and the detectioncapabilities of the sensor. Figure 2. A screenshot of the virtual laboratory Opposed Optical Sensing Method Page 15.1358.6The third lab, Retro-Reflective Optical Sensing Method, was designed to enable students toexplore
Conference Session
Novel Methods in Engineering Ethics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill May, Illinois Institute of Technology; Daniel Gandara, Illinois Institute of Technology; Margaret Huyck, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
ethics component has the Page 15.1216.2following specific goals: 1) development and validation of instruments to measure ethicalproficiency of undergraduate students on multidisciplinary teams; and 2) identifying anddeveloping best practices for creating ethical awareness of the student. In two of our programs, students have been asked to reflect on their experience,specifically to “Identify the ethical issues relevant to your project group. Explain each of theseissues, and how you dealt with them.” Many students said there were no ethical issues orprovided overly simplistic descriptions of team functioning, for example
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Outside the Classroom
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Traci Nathans-Kelly, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Sandra Courter, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Kevin Anderson, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Christine Nicometo, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Thomas McGlamery, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
study’s purpose was to teaseout the values and ethical positioning that engineers apply moment to moment during their work.Engineering, like all professional work, reflects an intricate interplay of social forces, economicforces, legal constraints, technological demands, and organizational cultures1. Any discussionabout ethics on the job is complex, unwieldy, and may resist even the best attempts atcategorization or standardization.As part of our mixed-method, multi-year study of practicing engineers, we collected evidenceregarding how ethics were enacted, enforced, or observed on the job. We asked engineers aboutthe importance of engineering ethics, if ethical issues were encountered on the job, and wherethey learned about engineering ethics
Conference Session
Engaging Students in Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
HuiRu Shih, Jackson State University; Wei Zheng, Jackson State University; Tzusheng Pei, Jackson State University; Gordon Skelton, Jackson State University; Evelyn Leggette, Jackson State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
of knowledge in school andbeyond. Thus, teaching students self-regulatory skills in addition to subject-matter knowledge isone of the major goals of education. However, SRL is not well known and utilized by theEngineering and Technology education community for facilitating student learning.Self-regulated learners are purposive and goal-oriented, incorporating and applying a variety ofstrategies to optimize their academic performances. However, the application of self-regulationto learning is a complicated process involving not only the awareness and application of learningstrategies but also extensive reflection and self awareness. This paper describes the developmentof the instructional strategy and its implementation plan, which integrates
Conference Session
Engineering Design: Implementation and Evaluation
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Pembridge, Virginia Tech; Marie Paretti, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
participation. Novice teachersoften ignore or fail to recognize student misconceptions. Most of their actions are rationalizedand they view this time in their development as means to gain real world experience.The second phase, advanced beginner, is closely related to novice. It typically occurs during the2nd to 3rd years. In this phase verbal, episodic, and case knowledge are added to the knowledgegained during the novice stage.3 As a result, the use of reflection is important: teachers in thisphase frequently reflect on their experiences and how those experiences contribute to theirknowledge; based on these reflections, they then begin to make alterations to their teachingpractices. Moreover, their experiences, particularly in powerful or memorable
Conference Session
Classroom Engagement
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Parikh, Stanford University; Helen Chen, Stanford University; Kenneth Goodson, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
?” Answering this question wouldallow educators to make more informed decisions about how to encourage learning.There is an extensive history of pedagogical research on student engagement, much of which hasmade progress on defining the concept of engagement. There are many different aspects ofstudent engagement in university courses as engagement stands at the crossroads of interest,involvement, excitement, choice, attitude, behavior, and opportunity. Pace used the term qualityof effort and, in his view, “quality of effort describes voluntary behavior. It reflects initiative. Itdescribes the strength and the scope of personal investment that students are making for theirown higher education.”[3] Astin used the term involvement and considered the
Conference Session
Women in K-12 Engineeering & Outreach Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Ciston, University of New Haven; Ellen Worsdall, Northwestern University; Jessica Swenson, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
more of*; what activity should have less time allotted*. (*Asked only during summer 2009session.) These were analyzed to reflect on the objectives of the program, and to providefeedback for modifying future programs. In 2008 post-program surveys were collected from 14of the 16 girls. In 2009 surveys were collected from all 24 of the girls who participated.In the fall of 2009, graduate and undergraduate student participants were contacted to determinetheir motivation for participating in the program, and to determine the impacts of the program ontheir career goals, etc. Student were first asked about their involvement with STEP (whatyear(s), what roles) and educational program (what major(s), what year in program). Studentswere asked to rate
Conference Session
Student Attitudes and Perceptions
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin Micomonaco, Michigan State University; Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
can be better understood by examining the studentexperience holistically.Theoretical Framework Veenstra et al. proposed a few minor changes to Tinto’s model to reflect the departuredecision of undergraduate engineers (See Figure 1).23 In their retention model, pre-collegecharacteristics affect how students experience college both academically and socially. Thestudent experience in turn impacts two broad commitments and academic success that influencea student’s decision to persist in the discipline. Thus the student experience is a critical variableand is defined by the student’s academic and social integration. Accordingly students’ academicand social integration is a key predictor of persistence in the Model of Engineering
Conference Session
Fulfilling the CE BOK2 - Case Studies
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Sutterer, Rose Hulman Institute Of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
credit hours, or approximately 48 equivalent courses. Conversion of 48 equivalentcourses to a traditional semester system suggests the curriculum is equivalent to 144 semesterhours. The curriculum for the department of civil engineering is depicted in Table 2.Evaluation of Current Curriculum vs BOK2 OutcomesThe current CE curriculum at RHIT was compared to the BOK2 outcomes using severalprocesses: • Qualitative reflection on course and curriculum content by faculty members to identify likely BOK2 compliance • Mapping of RHIT Program Outcomes to BOK2 outcomes and using the results of assessment from the RHIT Program Outcomes to estimate likely BOK2 compliance • Surveying a cross section of students to identify whether they
Conference Session
Technological Literacy - Courses, Educational and Accreditation Standards
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yoojung Chae, Purdue University; Senay Purzer, Purdue University; Monica Cardella, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Technological Literacy Constituent Committee
experimentation in problem solving (Standard 8, 9, 10).2Mathematics Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to— build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving; solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts; apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems; monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving (Standard 6).3Modeling The second commonality among the three areas is modeling. The science standards statethat all science subject matters focus on facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models. Thatmeans, science subjects, such as physical science, life
Conference Session
Design Projects in Mechanical Engineering I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Shepard, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Camille George, University of St. Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
allowed an objective way to compare performance whileproviding students an opportunity to see multiple solutions to a common problem.The open-ended project relied heavily on team-based learning and allowed students to becreative while addressing issues during the design phase. A student survey and gradedassignment were utilized to assess the resultant student learning. The project culminatedin a final report incorporating three main components: Design Analysis, Lab Analysis,and Reflective Analysis.During this project students were given a first look at topics which will be covered morethoroughly in following engineering courses such as heat transfer and fluid mechanics.Additional benefits of the project included its ability to appeal to a variety
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Qiong Zhang, University of South Florida; Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University; Julie Zimmerman, Yale University; James Mihelcic, University of South Florida
Experiences10. In summary, Fink advocates that faculty begin bydetermining what information, abilities, or views that they want the student to posses in two orthree years after the course is finished. This approach, which uses a long-term time frame, differsfrom typical course design where the instructor asks what they want the student to know at theend of the course. With a longer horizon, the instructor is forced to reflect on what knowledge,abilities and perspectives are important enough to transcend the artificial confines of the course.Fink’s six categories of development serve as a framework for reflecting on what one wants thestudents to retain at the future point in time.Development of Learning Suites
Conference Session
Technological Literacy - Courses, Educational and Accreditation Standards
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Blake, Austin Peay State University
Tagged Divisions
Technological Literacy Constituent Committee
terms, such as systems, constraints, and trade-offs. Is familiar with the nature and limitations of the engineering design process. Knows some of the ways technology shapes human history and people shape technology. Knows that all technologies entail risk, some that can be anticipated and some that cannot. Appreciates that the development and use of technology involve trade-offs and a balance of costs and benefits. Understands that technology reflects the values and culture of society. Ways of Thinking and Acting Asks pertinent questions, of self and others, regarding the benefits and risks of
Conference Session
Project-based Learning and Other Pedagogical Innovations
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Josef Rojter, Victoria University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
disciplines at VU had the lowest entrance of any university in Melbourne. Such poor intake often translated into high attrition rates combined with unacceptable graduation rates, which reflected poorly on the university as a whole. It was hoped that the adoption of a new educational paradigm would differentiate engineering education at VU from those at other universities and make it a more attractive alternative for senior secondary students in choosing as a course of study at a university; Page 15.453.2• Engage students with their course of study, and as a consequence reduce the prevailing high attrition rates; and
Conference Session
Opportunities and Challenges in Developing International Engineering Research
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Josef Rojter, Victoria University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
engineering graduates is inadequate for replacing professionalengineers leaving the profession for other careers or due to retirement as well as meetingprojected demand. It is thus not surprising that the recent growth of domestic enrolment inengineering courses at Australian universities had a positive impact on engineering schools,and faculties, government agencies and industry bodies2. Yet, despite the optimism amongengineering educators, the reality is that the domestic enrolment in engineering representsonly 6.8 percent of the total commencing university enrolment in Australia. This enrolmentfigure does not reflect sudden interest in engineering and represents the middle of historicalfluctuations in engineering enrolment which have traditionally
Conference Session
Student Learning and Assessment
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Goulet, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
ofindividualized assignments, the mandatory correction policy and the work of correcting andgrading, especially the surprising reduction of time required to grade, score and return theassignments. The paper also presents the author’s reflections regarding class delivery and studentbehaviors, and results of informal student and instructor surveys.BackgroundThis report pertains to the mechanics of materials, a required core course offered to allundergraduate engineering students of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at theUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The catalog description of ENGR 246 reads: UTC ENGR 246 Mechanics of Materials, 3 credit hour lecture: Stress-strain concepts and relations. Bending, shear, torsion, and
Conference Session
New Collaborations
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Sapp Nelson, Purdue University; Michael Fosmire, Purdue University Libraries -- PHYS
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
information; demonstrate critical thinking skills; and reflect onone’s own understanding.’ This is in line with Knowles5, speaking specifically about self-directed learning, who posits that successful self-directed learners must be able to identify theirlearning need, determine a learning plan to acquire the skills or abilities to meet the need,actually implement the plan, and be able to determine whether they met their learning goals. TheAssociation of American Colleges and Universities have recently created a draft VALUE rubric,6that defines curiosity, initiative, independence, transfer and reflection as the key components oflifelong learning competencies.Information Literacy and Lifelong LearningWhile information literacy isn’t explicitly
Conference Session
Issues and Directions in Engineering Technology Education & Administration: Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
as time whenon. The paper also considered the oblique role of the faculty and the more than considerableinfluence of textbook publisher’s to a widespread resistance to change. Finally, the paper made a Page 15.819.2case for the need to teach electronics technology from a system’s viewpoint, but to this end, onlyoffered general comments about how this was to be accomplished.The author’s use of the date of 2010 in the paper’s title was symbolic in several ways. This date,five years in the future, was obviously the start of the next decade, a time when we humans tendto pause and reflect on the past decade and ponder the future events that the
Conference Session
Sustainability in Engineering Curricula
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
-class survey on sustainability.Students also responded to in-class questions during the two sustainability lectures in real timeusing a Course Response System (clickers). The new assignment specifically on sustainabilityrequired the students to read the Royal Academy of Engineering’s “Engineering for SustainableDevelopment” report and part of the “Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States”document. The second new assignment required the students to assess and compare differentbiofuel options based on journal articles that had conducted life cycle assessments (LCA). Thisassignment proved particularly challenging for the students. The reflective essays that studentswrote in the final assignment of the semester indicated that the new
Conference Session
Conceptual Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill Brooks, Oregon State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
-choiceconceptual question to the class. Students answer individually at first and next are shown a ―poll‖of the class responses. They then form groups and discuss the problem with peers, and finallyanswer again individually. Peer instruction encourages students to reflect on the problem andthink through the arguments being developed and put them into their own words. Just asimportantly, it provides both student and instructor with feedback regarding studentunderstanding of the concept.This study uses the Web-based Interactive Science and Engineering (WISE) Learning Tool as aplatform to investigate the effectiveness of Peer Instruction on the explicit understanding ofundergraduate students in chemical engineering thermodynamics. WISE is designed to utilize
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs & Issues
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcelo Caplan, Columbia College
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
examination.Research questionAs presented in the literature review, the use of alternative assessment is limited because it isdifficult to design and implement an instrument that will ensure that the results of the assessmentwill reflect in an objective way what the students know about the assessed topic. It is commonknowledge that written exams prepared following the protocols are valid and reliable. In thisresearch, a procedure to produce a self-directed final project assessment will be tested and thegrade of the projects produced following the procedure will be compared with the products ofother conventional assessment tools used previously in this course. These tools have beendesigned following the scope and sequence of the course and tested by external
Conference Session
Technological Literacy and the Educated Person
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Krupczak, Hope College
Tagged Divisions
Technological Literacy Constituent Committee
ofinformation. Each discipline has specialized methods and techniques that are applied to specifichardware components that carry out well-characterized subfunctions. Functional analysis orfunctional thinking is then recognized as one of the characteristics of the engineering habit ofmind or modes of engineering thinking. This technique is well-suited to explaining engineeringto a non-engineering audience. The method reflects the type of thinking used by engineers. Aprerequisite background knowledge or use of extensive mathematics is not required. The systemsperspective is inherent in the technique, underlying scientific principles used in specificcomponents can be incorporated, and there is an evident connection to the engineering designprocess. The
Conference Session
Learning by Doing
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas Melin, United States Military Academy; Richard Hallon, United States Military Academy; Joseph Hanus, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, ill-structured, and open-ended to foster flexible thinking; and being realistic and resonate to students’ experiences tosupport their intrinsic motivation17. These characteristics in turn can increase opportunities forgroup discussion over potential solutions, offers instances for instructor feedback to helpstudents evaluate or even steer learning when needed, and allows self-reflection of the learningthat is taking place17.Ill-defined problems have such a positive view as learning tools for engineering that the NSF-funded Center for the Study of Problem Solving created a case library of engineeringexperiences, based on the premise that engineers generally solve problems in the workplace byremembering similar problems’ histories and applying
Conference Session
Innovation in ECET Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Luciano Boglione, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
· Wave equation in the frequency domain · Propagation constant k 3. The boundary conditions · Incident and reflected waves · Changing reference system (x = l − d) · Reflection coefficient Γ 4. The scattering matrix S · Scattering matrix S of a transmission line · Obtaining Sij (general case) · The Smith chart 5. Practical transmission lines · Ideal vs. real transmission line · Microstrip line · Introduction to
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Howard Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald Rockland, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Levelle Burr-Alexander, New Jersey Institute of Technology; John Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
skills, knowledge, and confidence to do so. Inthe past, staff development efforts have typically focused on isolated instructional behaviors suchas cooperative learning, teaching to learning styles, or classroom management skills.Professional development programs, needed to effect changes in several dimensions of teacherattitude, belief, and practice, will have to be long lasting and designed to include integration withclassroom practice. Teachers who have depended heavily on textbooks need on-going supportand continuing training to effect the desired behavioral changes. Heightened expectations arenot likely to be met by the mere distribution of an attitude survey at the end of workshops.Teachers need the opportunity for structured reflection
Conference Session
Nuts and Bolts of Cooperative Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Johrendt, University of Windsor; Schantal Hector, University of Windsor; Karen Benzinger, University of Windsor; Geri Salinitri, University of Windsor; Arunita Jaekel, University of Windsor; Derek Northwood, University of Windsor; Michelle Watters, University of Windsor
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
? Professor Karen Roloff, DePaulUniversity Professor of Communication and Director of DePaul’s communication internshipprogram, considers “… the real value is going into an experience with learning outcomes in mind– connecting through reflection and intentionality the world of work and the world oflearning”16. Walsh15 further argues that since learning which arises through experience has notusually been formally assessed, it is therefore necessary to design appropriate assessment for it togain academic recognition. Boud and Tennant17 claim that, in order to effectively support thefull academic recognition of experience-based learning in the workplace, academic colleaguesneed to move “from seeing themselves as persons who induct students into a
Conference Session
Understanding and Measuring the Impact of Multidisciplinarity
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Coso, University of Virginia; Reid Bailey, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
). Instead of focusing on just how tointegrate the knowledge and methods of each discipline, the students reflected on the importanceof determining how tasks would be delegated. The Division of Labor Tier 1 category was derivedfrom these reflections, and the three Tier 2 categories describe the differences of opinion amongthe students. Some students preferred to “have subgroups working within their specialty and thencollaborating and communicating with other subgroups of different specialties”, while otherswould “generalize tasks more so that everyone in the group would be able to work with each[sic] other”. Table 5: Coding Scheme for Integration Across Disciplines
Conference Session
Enhancing CE Learning Through Use of Technology
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ghulam Bham, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Dan Cernusca, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Uday Manepalli, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ronaldo Luna, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
significantly higher than the control group on assessment items. The student-centered reflective questions indicated also some weaknesses and associated potential actions toimprove the GIS based module. Based on these findings a series of changes to the current tasksin the GIS laboratory were planned.KEYWORDSTransportation Education and Training, Traffic Safety, Crash Data, Geographic InformationSystemsIntroductionThe education and practice of transportation engineering has evolved over the past severaldecades. The task of transportation education, as stated by an Institute of TransportationEngineers (ITE) Committee1, is not only “to train students in how to do various activitiesassociated with current practice”, but also “to provide students with the
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids, and Heat Transfer-Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Simin Hall, College of Engineering at Virginia Tech; Catherine Amelink, Virginia Tech; Sam Conn, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
reflective environment. One indelibleaspect of web learning is the opportunity for learners to collaborate during problem solving andactively be involved in their learning. However, Ravert and Evans2 showed that expecting Page 15.12.4students at earlier stages of development to learn from courses based on principles ofnegotiation, shared construction, and peer-to-peer learning could be problematic. Therefore, iftools employed in teaching and learning or instructional design run contrary to students‟epistemic beliefs, it would lead to frustration and distress. Students may require greaterscaffolding with aspects of online teaching mostly those who see
Conference Session
Teacher and Counselor Professional Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Reeves, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Julia Ross, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Taryn Bayles, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
reflection. The morning sessionsfocus on deepened content, taught by engineering faculty modeling pedagogical “best practices”.This was followed by teachers going through the section of the curriculum that paralleled thecontent lesson, including hands-on activities and the online module. In the afternoon sessions,the teachers applied their new found technical and pedagogical knowledge as they taught thecurriculum to students enrolled in the Upward Bound program. While teaching, the teacherswere videotaped and observed. After the lesson each day, the teachers reviewed videotapes andhighlighted what went well and what needed improvement. Together, the teachers and PDfacilitators provided constructive criticism on how to improve the delivery of the