international students for diverse career paths help to make their academic journey morerewarding. To thrive, one must embrace these multifaceted transformative experiences with anopen mind, a willingness to learn, and resilience that will enrich the academic experience andprepare them for future success beyond the classroom. Finally, after creating a welcomingclassroom environment, if faculty members desire to enhance international students' experienceand their ability to thrive, there must be intentional relationship building to help the studentsbecome more comfortable asking for help when needed.LimitationsThis study utilized a limited sample size in a non-randomized survey; hence, the findings maynot be generalized.References 1. S. K. Gardner
utilized to tackle thisever-growing issue due to its ability learn and classify complex data. AI can be described as twomain subfields: machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). ML leverages labeled data tobuild models for predicting labels on unlabeled data. DL relies on extensive unlabeled datasets touncover underlying patterns within the dataset. On the other hand, knowledge-based modelingand simulation (M&S) techniques utilize known models to generate data for the analysis of newand existing designs. M&S works well for simple systems but becomes increasingly difficult formore complex systems. The difficulty comes from the uncertainties associated with each addedvariable being modeled. To bridge the gap between AI and M&S, the
as an Analogy for CollegeThere are parallels between a student’s college experience and football, such as: Lows and highs – The lows might be season(s) long or might last only part of the game. Team work – Many of the CE students received coursework help from other students and general support from friends and family.Pervasive sports analogies may be annoying, but perhaps students absorb these models [25]. Iaspire to having my students view me as a coach rather than a ref (enforcing rules) or theopposing team (putting up roadblocks to prevent students from reaching their goal of success inthe course or earning their degree). Faculty should remember that our students may be facing anarray of challenges (personal health challenges
253 600Students were asked to self-report their GPA. GPA was based on a scale of 4, with an “A” being a4.00, a “B” being a 3.00, a “C” being a 2.00, a “D” being a 1.00, and an “S” being a 0.00. Someclasses also used a “+” or “–” system. A “+” adds 0.33 to the base grade, while a “-” subtracts0.33. For example, a “B+” would quantitatively be a 3.33 (3.00 + 0.33), while a “B-” would be a2.77 (3.00 - 0.33).Data was gathered on students’ expected majors. Out of a total of 600 students, 311 (51.8%) weremechanical and/or aerospace engineering students, 114 (19.0%) were civil and/or environmentalengineering students, 102 (17.0%) were biomedical engineering students and 73 (12.2%) studentshad other majors. This data can be seen in Figure 2
, reflectionassignments could be updated to urge students to reflect more on how the service learning andinterdisciplinary components affected their overall performance in the project and the requisitecontent knowledge that came from the project.Future studies can examine students’ motivations regarding interdisciplinary projects and howthey relate to teamwork effectiveness. Future work can also examine the effects of theinterdisciplinary project on the students’ teamwork effectiveness skills over the course of severalsemesters.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants#1821658 and #1908743. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s
leaders in the specialty contractingsegment to be successful in their job. The competencies of top-performing site supervisors that aidproject success were investigated and information from the study can be used by employers toassess the performance of their workers and help construction companies devise skill developmentinitiatives to enhance the areas of weakness of their employees.LITERATURE REVIEWRecruiting workers with a specific mix of skills in the construction industry has been a challengeover the year. The different factors contributing to this challenge have been identified in previousresearch and literature. The scarcity of skilled people is one of the major causes of the wideningtalent gap. [18]’s study on the age distribution of
/s and moves it through the front nozzle. If there is 1 kg/s of air brought in and the air moves at a rate of 10 m/s of air brought in and the air moves at a rate of 10 m/s through the nozzle, how much energy is required to through the nozzle, how much energy is required to run run the fan? It can be assumed that you are holding the the fan? It can be assumed that you are holding the dryer horizontally, and atmospheric pressure occurs dryer horizontally, and atmospheric pressure occurs throughout. throughout. 4. If you wanted to increase the speed of the air exiting 5. If you wanted to increase the speed of the air exiting the hair dryer, how would you change the
ing ) in s rit ) ) io nt C tics g el ML rn se s ra uc s C Ro tro n (G cu (G (G m re of rit te r- tic og Str istic En en in et cu to on
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strategies to increase diversity in STEM fields: A review of the research literature,” The Journal of Negro Education, pp. 555-581, 2007.[10] S. Lord et al., “Talking about a revolution: overview of NSF RED projects,” ASEE- American Society for Engineering Education. Columbus, Ohio, 2017.[11] T. R. Forin, S. Farrell, K. Jahan, S. Lezotte, B. Sukumaran, H. Hartman, R. A. Dusseau, T. F. Bruckerhoff and S. K. Bauer, S.K., “Impacts of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in a Civil and Environmental Engineering Department” ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, pp. 1-8, 2020.[12] Best Colleges, “United States Air Force Academy,” US News and World Report.
, and J. S. Eccles, “Beyond utility value interventions: Thewhy, when, and how for next steps in expectancy-value intervention research,” EducationalPsychologist, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 11–30, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1080/00461520.2021.1984242.[3] E. T. Higgins and W. S. Rholes, “‘Saying is believing’: Effects of message modification onmemory and liking for the person described,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol.14, no. 4, pp. 363–378, Jul. 1978, doi: 10.1016/0022-1031(78)90032-X.[4] C. S. Hulleman, O. Godes, B. L. Hendricks, and J. M. Harackiewicz, “Enhancing interest andperformance with a utility value intervention.,” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 102, no.4, pp. 880–895, Nov. 2010, doi: 10.1037/a0019506.[5] C. S. Hulleman, J
detail in Appendix A. Given the diverse socio-demographicbackground of the students in the mentoring program, their perceptions of how culturalbackground influences their relationship with their faculty and peer mentors will be addressed aswell (see Section 3 in Table 1). Lastly, students will be asked to provide an overall assessment oftheir mentoring experiences with both their peer and faculty mentors (see Section 4 in Table 1).As indicated in Table 1 (see Column 1: Item Focus), the majority of measures will be used toassess both faculty and peer mentoring experiences with the exception of a few measures thataim to assess aspects specific to the faculty or peer mentor relationship.Table 1. S-STEM mentoring survey measuresItemFocus Item
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Director of Mississippi Stateˆa C™s Building Construction Science (BCS) program. Dr. Ford has 15 years of industrial experience including corporate work, and 16 years of teaching experience at the post-secondary level. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Teamwork Perception in Engineering Programs through the Lens of Gender and Race Raheleh Miralami, Saeed Rokooei, Tonya Stone, George FordAbstract Teamwork skills are increasingly gaining importance in graduates’ qualifications in engineering programs. The interconnected systems of the workflow of engineering products and projects necessitate certain technical and managerial
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reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] World Health Organization, “Water, sanitation, hygiene and water management for the COVID-19 virus,” 2020.[2] C. Hendrickson and L. R. Rilett, “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Transportation Engineering,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, vol. 146, no. 7, pp. 1–2, 2020, doi: 10.1061/jtepbs.0000418.[3] R. K. Bhagat, M. S. Davies Wykes, S. B. Dalziel, and P. F. Linden, “Effects of ventilation on the indoor spread of COVID-19,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 903, 2020, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2020.720.[4] T. R. Witcher, “Collaboration among Professionals: The Role of Civil Engineers in Public Health,” Civil Engineering, vol. 90, no. 6, pp
technology-focused approaches.References[1] National Science Foundation, “Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2017,” National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Arlington, VA., Special Report NSF 17-310, 2017. [Online]. Available:[2] NGSS Lead States, Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2013.[3] S. L. Pruitt, “The Next Generation Science Standards: The Features and Challenges,” Journal of Science Teacher Education, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 145–156, Mar. 2014, doi: 10.1007/s10972- 014-9385-0.[4] S.-A. A. Allen-Ramdial and A. G. Campbell, “Reimagining the Pipeline: Advancing STEM
academic climate subscales by gender might be useful. While we foundno interaction with gender, at the end of the semester women engineering studentsengineering identity was lower. Future research should incorporate other methodologies toexplore what causes such decreases in women undergraduates’ engineering identity. Aqualitative analysis could include female undergraduates to have more information and betterunderstanding of how their engineering identity is shaped in an inclusive curriculum.References[1] “The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2020 | NSF - National Science Foundation.” (accessed Feb. 15, 2021).[2] G. M. Walton, C. Logel, J. M. Peach, S. J. Spencer, and M. P. Zanna
provided to the instructor. Student surveyresponses and course outcomes were combined using their student ID number, which was thenremoved. Only students that completed all study components were included in the analysis.The beginning of the semester surveys included student demographic information, a self-assessment of engineering skills, and the GRIT-S questionnaire [17]. The end of semester surveyincluded the intrinsic motivation activity perception questionnaire for computer programming, arepeat of the engineering skills assessment, rating for how much students felt different aspects ofthe course benefited them and additional questions about their perceptions of the self-directedproject. To determine students’ feelings on the aspects of the
, ongoing evaluation and tracking should guide recruitment and retention initiatives, and institutional support is needed to implement significant and sustainable changes in other areas.Below, we first present recent outcome data supporting the effectiveness of ES-UP’s approach.Then, we describe the individual components of the NCWIT ES-UP Systemic Change model andrelevant practices for recruiting and retaining undergraduate women. Specific examples fromsuccessful ES-UP client departments are highlighted.SUPPORT FOR THE ES-UP SYSTEMIC CHANGE MODELES-UP provides client department(s) with a trained consultant who assists with the developmentand implementation of a strategic plan that addresses all components of the systemic changemodel
and the subgroups did not allhave statistically significant populations. Future work will attempt to gather data from a largergroup of respondents. Future work will also attempt to analyze some of the open response datausing the comparative method 31, 32 method to provide further insights into how educationalinstitutions can better collaborate with industry to prepare the necessary workforce to fullyexploit the technological capabilities of Industry 4.0. Future work will details some expliciteducational initiatives related to these goals, particularly aimed at small and medium sizedenterprises.References[1] Ito, T., & Abadi, S. M. J. (2002). Agent-based material handling and inventory planning in warehouse. Journal of intelligent
success, where a team cannot experience overall success unless each individualmember on the team experiences success. We expand upon this concept by making explicit therelationship between facilitating individual success and valuing each team member, where astudent can experience more success when s/he is valued. Arguably, creating opportunities forstudents to engage in robust teamwork can be facilitated when educators increase students’awareness about the benefits of valuing all team members, a construct that is often implied butnot explicitly discussed in teamwork literature.Creating an environment free of discrimination and bias is the second construct we address in theInclusive Behaviors scale. According to Cooper (2009), teams function
, recommendations for best practices and policychanges to mitigate unconscious bias in faculty searches, and continued identification of policyimprovements at the state level.AcknowledgementsThis project is funded by an NSF Award number 1463993, “South Dakota Working in STEM forEquity (SD-WISE): A System, Institutional, and Individual Level Approach to Policy Change.”Data, findings, and conclusions or recommendations are those of the authors, only.References[1] S. Howe, M. Juhas, and J. Herbers, “Academic women: Overlooked entrepreneurs,”AAC&U Peer Review, vol. 16, no. 2, Spring 2014. [Online]. Available:[2] C. Rankins, F. Rankins, and T. Innis, “Who
and with organizations such as 4H programs that couldprovide important local support for students. In the final phase of our study, we plan to share thisinformation through participatory design workshops with key groups of community memberswho work with rural students.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1734834. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), “The Virginia plan for higher education: Annual report for 2016 to the General Assembly of
overarching d e s i g n goal is forEPCC and UTEP together to complete an HSI STEM program “STEMGROW Program:Pathways to Broadening the STEM Workforce” that grows (hence the name “STEMGROW”)Hispanic and low-income student success in STEM education through a partnership betweenUTEP and EPCC [30].In our STEMGROW Program, we will increase the retention of STEM students with disabilities,through strategies to support special needs students’ persistence. Our goal is to grow the numberof students with disabilities in STEM fields at both institutions. Our EPCC Center for Studentswith Disabilities (CSD) is partnering with UTEP’s Center for Accommodations and SupportServices (CASS) to institute the evidence-based interventions to overcome barriers affecting
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