providing feedback to instructors is likely to help them to reflect on their owninstruction. Comparison of achievement among groups indicated that there are statisticallysignificant differences among groups. No students scored very low for their final grades (lessthan 60% in achievement in T condition), and it seems that students in the T group tend to dobetter than students in C1 or C2 groups, although effect size is relatively small. However, thenature of the review session at an individual meeting needs to be refined for highlighting theutility of feedback provided by G-RATE. This paper concludes with insight about future workusing the G-RATE.Introduction and G-RATE Background The Global Real-time Assessment Tool for Teaching Enhancement
. Articulate correspondences and differences between education theory and education practice 3. Perform peer reviews of other instructors and constructively discuss their performance 4. Productively reflect on your teaching practices to enhance or improve the student learning environment 5. Draw on your classroom experiences to develop useful formative assessments 6. Develop a teaching portfolio that articulates and illustrates your teaching philosophy 7. Develop a workshop class on a specific topic to experience curriculum and assessment design.The class met weekly for 2 hours and 45 minutes, and was typically a casual round-tableenvironment where GTAs, facilitated by an experienced engineering faculty member
about theirteaching.Introduction: What Type of Teaching Portfolio are We Talking About?Teaching portfolios take a variety of forms (e.g., papers collected in a three-ring binder;multimedia-rich electronic documents), are used in a variety of educational settings (from pre-Kto post-graduate education), and are prepared for a variety of reasons. For example, a portfoliomay be formative in nature, serving as a place for collecting evidence of improvements inteaching, reflections on one’s identity as a teacher, or to share experiences with colleagues in anorganized way. The main purpose of these portfolios might be described as ‘improvement’1(both documenting and encouraging improvement). Portfolios can also be summative in nature,designed to
and practice, and design to establish knowledgebase in system thinking concepts and tools. Course grading includes reflections and analyses,system component maps, and a final project, an integrated system map. The evaluation resultsthrough the four (4) cohorts show that student ratings about their perceived ability to performFEW systems tasks improved from the beginning to the end of the course, from ‘somewhat able’to ‘very able.’ Students rated most course activities as “very useful”.IntroductionSystems thinking is an approach for examining complex events and systems in a holistic way [1].Its origin dates back thousands of years ago to indigenous cultures [2], and it is a framework forbetter understanding linkages and connections between
classes was lower than that for students in small classes(Figure 3).Figure 3: Response rates for large classes (1,079 students in six sections) was lower than those of smallclasses (15-20 students per section).Students were asked to rate their agreement with six different statements.Statement 1: The pre-work prepared me for the in-class discussion.Statement 2: This session equipped me with a defined and common language by which a team could discuss the various skills and strengths of different members.Statement 3: This session aided my ability to discuss team strengths and skills with a view to developing specific and helpful strategies for my team.Statement 4: This session helped me to reflect on past team
dyslexia, dysgraphia,dyspraxia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and challenges related to executivefunctioning are among the factors that can create substantial barriers for students. These barriersare particularly pronounced in students with average to above-average intelligence, where thereexists a stark contrast between their understanding of complex technical material and their abilityto articulate this knowledge through writing. These challenges often result in written assignmentsthat fail to truly represent the student's level of comprehension and analytical abilities, therebynot reflecting their true potential or depth of understanding. Recognizing and addressing thediverse needs of neurodiverse students is crucial in
these five reflections were collected, ateam of six researchers reviewed the five reflections, using manual preliminary coding methods[10] to take notes of words, phrases, or ideas that emerged. The group then met together todiscuss their takeaways. This led to coding the findings into categorical themes of the roles alearning coach takes on to be successful. While these methods were fairly informal, this is afoundation for future research directions that will evaluate the approaches and outcomes of thelearning coach to student relationships in both qualitative and quantitative ways.ParticipantsSome demographic information relating to the five facilitators who provided written reflectionson their experience as learning coaches is reflected in
-lifeexamples of physics principles being used. The text will be split into subsections based on thefirst unit of an “Introductory Physics II” course, which covers topics such as lenses, parallax,reflection, refraction and vision. The paper is meant to supplement course content and lessonobjectives. The paper aims to approach the applications from a student point-of-view and presentinformation in a compelling and digestible manner such that it can be understood by members ofa variety of disciplines. The paper is being written to honorize the introductory physics II courseand to further passion for the medical field through physics.Light: An IntroductionVisible light has been the subject of research and theories for centuries. Many of the
local community while producing experiences and artifacts that allow us to developengineering education theory [12].MethodsIn this work, we borrow from aspects of autoethnography as a methodology for analyzing ourself-reflections [13], video, survey responses, and field notes. We reviewed these data sources forevidence of refinement of practice and the ideology of engineering education graduate studentsand researchers. We borrow from aspects of autoethnography and thematic analysis. However,our analysis is broad at this stage. We use aspects of thematic analysis to look for commonoccurrences across our work and artifacts [14]. In this section, we will briefly describe each ofthe research studies we have done, the types of data we collected for
Design Competition (FSAE).Growth in our class sizes has recently encouraged us to reflect on our senior design model: tohighlight its strengths and identify areas for improvement. Larger class sizes make our seniorprojects more difficult to manage. This is particularly true for projects with bigger teams (whichnow have even more students). The magnitude of our “large scale projects,” like FSAE, alsoseems to very stressful for students. Our work to review and propose updates to our seniordesign curriculum considers these concerns (as well as others), our strengths, and the models ofpeer institutions to recognize areas for improvement. Many of our conclusions, we believe,connect to best practices for general senior design curricula.
interviewed. Through several structured andunstructured exercises, which will be shared during the presentation, the facultydeveloped and revised a program vision statement. Work on this vision precipitatedseveral changes in pedagogy, including an integrated approach to reflection, the revisionof application questions, orientation and pre-assignments, and more focused instructorfeedback.The goal of our presentation is to disseminate two related models. First is to report out onthe success of ILTM and encourage other schools to implement a similar program.Second is to show a process by which other programs might develop their own vision andvalues that may guide future decisions.
. In addition, one section of 22Graphics I students manually prepared existing condition drawings for one veterans’ facility,bringing the total number of students who have completed a service learning project in twodifferent courses to 230 students and 52 building measured for seven community differentcommunity partners. Service learning is defined by Bringle & Hatcher as "a course-based,credit-bearing educational experience in which students participate in an organized serviceactivity that meets identified community needs, and reflect on the service activity in such a wayas to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, andan enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility.” 1 This
that there may be a difference between what theybelieve is quality work and what the customer (the instructor) wants? The methodology used isto code student engineering reflections on a project that purposefully creates a conflict betweenthe beliefs surrounding the meaning of “always strive to do a job 100%” and the reality of doinga good quality job. The results will show that students’ perceptions as to what elements of theirwork are important are often in conflict with what is required.IntroductionMuch of engineering education is driven by the needs of industry. Engineering programsrespond to these changing needs by implementing topics that are deemed to have the mostpotential to meet the diversity of industrial needs—teamwork
. Amy received the 2019 KEEN Rising Star award from KEEN for her efforts in encouraging students in developing an entrepreneurial mindset. She is interested in curricu- lar and co-curricular experiences that broaden students’ perspectives and enhance students’ development, and the use of digital portfolios for students to showcase and reflect on their experiences. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 A First Year Design Project that Encourages Motivation, Curiosity, Connections, and MakingAbstractThis paper describes a design project, the Mars in the Making project, that was developed toencourage more motivation, curiosity, and connections in first year
students have a well-developed and nuanced understanding of cultural variation,preferences, and influences, Burchfield recogned that many students have little to no interculturalexperience and may rely on essentialist stereotypes to aid their understanding.Although a fullintercultural communication course cannot be taught as 20% of an engineering course, care istaken to help students avoid developing or leaning on essentialist notions of culturebyimplementing self-analysis and self-reflection assignments that require students to examine theirown cultures through a critical lens at the start of the semester. Additionally, co-cultures such asage/generation and neurodiversity are consistently linked to the broad notion of “culture” tohighlight
, sanitation, and gender equality in the region,students were asked to compose proposal reports outlining potential solutions to communitychallenges. Both authors were teaching online during the delivery of the project, and workingremotely introduced unique opportunities for global collaboration as well as challenges regardingmeaningful engagement. Throughout this paper, we discuss our approach to implementing asocial justice framework for the project through guided research, regular reflective exercises, andmeetings with our community partners.At the time of this writing, we have incorporated the project into two semesters, and are in theprocess of finalizing IRB approval for a more in-depth, data-informed study. In futurepublications, we intend to
chain systemscourse. Table 1 provides an overview of the entire creative writing component of the course.This paper focuses on Poems 2 and 3 along with Reflections 1 and 2.Table 1. Assignments for the creative writing component of the course. Contribution to overallAssignment Brief description course gradePoem 1 A poem about oneself 1%Poem 2 A poem about a concept related to deterministic inventory modeling 1%Reflection 1 Reflecting on one’s experience of writing Poem 2
engineering curriculum 11. Furthermore, theAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) student outcomes (accreditationcriterion three) have recently been updated to reflect the importance of students developing “anability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineeringpractice” 12.In response to the increased demand for computational literacy in industry sectors, modeling andsimulation practices are being implemented into course content by professors who commonly usethese practices in their research 13, 14. Situating these modeling experiences within disciplinarycontent often presents challenges, particularly when students come into the class with varyinglevels of computational experience. However
invented strategies they used to managing their workflowduring a semester long project. Results in this study focus primarily on students’ reflections atthe middle of the semester when they were in the initial stage of requirements finding, ideation,research and analysis of potential design options. Introduction Teamwork is essential to the engineering professional experience and is an importantpedagogical objective in engineering courses where students need to learn how to work togetherand practice their communication and knowledge building skills with teams. Teamwork is one ofthe central ABET criteria for undergraduate engineering education where it is emphasized thatstudents need to develop “an ability to function on multidisciplinary
Paper ID #16055Fostering Empathy in an Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering CourseDr. Joachim Walther, University of Georgia Dr. Joachim Walther is an associate professor of engineering education research at the University of Georgia (UGA). He is a director of the Collaborative Lounge for Understanding Society and Technol- ogy through Educational Research (CLUSTER), an interdisciplinary research group with members from engineering, art, educational psychology and social work. His research interests range from the role of em- pathy in engineering students’ professional formation, the role of reflection in engineering
determine how to anticipate and manage their emotions, and to anticipate and workwith the emotions of others. Specific competencies that are targeted include: self-awareness,personal development, empathy, constructive discontent, conflict resolution, resilience, andgrowth. Through focused attention and effort, students strive to make incremental changes intheir EI competencies. Students work both individually and in teams, and use activities,discussion and reflection to attain the course objectives.At the end of the course, students have written and revised a Personal Mission Statement and aPersonal Development Plan, which will serve as roadmaps for their continuing emotionalintelligence development
% error off of the measured value while the remaining groups average a 36% error. Asimilar trend is seen with those groups that include an atmospheric condition state in their model,with a 15% error in those that do and a 41% error with those that do not. This provides insight intothe successful methods of solving this MEA and what possible concepts the students are missing.Another method of assessing the MEA is a long reflection tool that allows the students to thinkabout what they learned and record the troubles and successes that they experienced. From thespring to the summer the students indicated in the reflection that they learned very similarconcepts; 63% of the students indicated that they learned about modeling a polytropic process
deliverables reflecting a partial recognition or incompletehandling of ethical dimensions, and those that submitted deliverables reflecting thorough navigationof ethical dimensions. These performance observations were possible because the activity involvedmaking resource choices linked to ethical implications, resulting in certain materials’ use (orabsence) evident in teams’ physical deliverables. Students’ post-activity reflections, submitted afterthey participated in an activity debrief, included indications of intended learning in a majority ofcases (83% of submittals) based upon a rubric. Drawing from activity observations and reflections,we discuss how teams’ ethical decision making appears to have been strained by various intendedpressures
whencompared to the monotonous progression of well-structured chapters in the textbook. In the portfolio,students are required to employ the Feynman technique where they explain fundamental concepts usingsimple words. They are also required to make connections between the different aspects of the classes.Through the process of integration of these multiple entities of a course, students learn to critique, realize,synthesize and reflect on the subject they learn thereby achieving all the stages of Bloom’s taxonomy.“Reflecting on this semester, there are many things I have learned and will stick with me because of theway this class was arranged. I believe passion projects and portfolios were beneficial to my understandingof the subject and the questions
learners to managetensions inherent in their environment. Because most students already live in such environmentsteaching definable or enumerable outcomes makes less sense than helping student to bemetacognitive and reflective how they manage and relate with technology.IntroductionThis paper uses technological literacy as a foil, to reflect back a vision of technology andengineering education that can lay claim to be better than what currently exists. Making a claimto be better sets up several conditions on the claimant – to identify what needs to be improvedand why; to craft a credible plan explaining why the situation will be improved in some specificway; and that any change will not have unpredicted negative consequences, particularly forgroups
survey, after being introduced to principles of design methodologies andhuman factors, and then were required to provide the questionnaire to two other non-engineeringstudents or professionals. The first-year engineering students collected the completed surveys oftheir non-engineering peers and responded to three open-ended questions related to commonalitiesand differences in understanding the ambiguous interfaces.In three cohorts’ reflections (99), nearly half attributed the variation of responses to differences inexperiences and shared understandings. Other explanations for the observed variation in responseswere disciplinary differences (23), difference of interpretation of instruction (30), and commonsense (20). The series of ambiguous
, engineering doctoral students werefound to be the most difficult to attract in terms of willingness to work with writing centers[16].Discipline-Specific Writing-Intensive CourseSituated within a complex sociocultural context, each discipline under engineering enjoys aspecialized epistemology and rhetorical convention that are co-constructed and practiced byits members [17]. As newcomers to the discipline, graduate students are waiting to beapprenticed into their respective domain, sometimes through a discipline-specific writingcourse. According to research in disciplinary writing education, analyzing discipline-specifictexts is an excellent starting point for writing instruction, allowing students to reflect ondisciplinary norms and incorporate these
spirit, we contend that in design, build, and test courses studentslearn when they are required to reflect on their experiences and identify theirlearning explicitly. Further, we posit that utilization of an assessment instrument,the learning statement (LS), can be used to both enable and assess studentlearning. In our course, AME4163: Principles of Engineering Design, a senior-level,pre-capstone, engineering design course, students learn by reflecting on doing bywriting statements anchored in Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. In Fall 2016we collected over 11,000 learning statements from over 150 students. To addressthe challenge of analyzing and gleaning knowledge from the large number oflearning statements we resorted to text mining
; 5) visual glossaries to foster spatial-visualconceptual definition and understanding; 5) open-ended, end-of-class reflection questions thatqueried student on their most interesting, muddiest, and takeaway points; and 6) homework withequation problems, graphing problems, sort-and-match worksheets and concept questions.Multiple assessments showed significant gains in conceptual knowledge and support of studentlearning. Details of results, analysis, conclusions and implications are presented and discussed inthe full paper.IntroductionMisconception research on atomic bonding has been done primarily from a physical scienceperspective. Traditionally taught in chemistry, students learn the nature of atomic bonds and howthey can be represented
]. Subsequently, this pedagogical PDprogram was adapted for engineering GTAs, with an aim to enhance and support theirprofessional learning. For clarity, we use “PD program” throughout to refer to the programoffered to engineering GTAs that engaged them in professional learning about postsecondaryengineering pedagogy.This study was structured to investigate the GTA participants’ experiences and development inthe PD program intended to provide GTA opportunities to actively learn and reflect onpedagogical concepts and approaches as a community. This study was structured to investigatethe participants’ experiences in this program. The specific research questions that guided thisstudy were: ● What features and content of the program did GTA participants