students develop the skills and writing habits to complete doctorate degrees in engineering. Across all of her research avenues, Dr. Matusovich has been a PI/Co-PI on 12 funded research projects including the NSF CAREER Award with her share of funding being nearly $2.3 million. She has co-authored 2 book chapters, 21 journal publications and more than 70 conference papers. She has won several Virginia Tech awards including a Dean’s Award for Outstanding New Faculty, an Outstanding Teacher Award and a Faculty Fellow Award. She holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University, an M.S. in Materials Science from the University of Connecticut and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Purdue University.Dr. Gary R
approach.We have hired a digital marketing agency that specializes in website design and social media,and content marketing to begin work on some of these recommendations.Team Science TrainingAs interdisciplinary science continues to expand, scientists are increasingly working in largerand more diverse teams [3]. This particular team participated in the Teaming Readiness Survey,which evaluates a team's performance across key competencies. The survey feedback indicatedthat the team values the diversity of knowledge and experience among its members, with allmembers reporting that they learn from each other. Additionally, team members expressedfeeling respected by their peers and energized by their conversations and teamwork, as well as bythe project's
importantly, they all have the same goal: to learn howto do research. Second, at “brown-bag” lunch meetings, each REU student would present abouttheir project, progress, and difficulties. Third, they were required to write a paper step-by-stepthroughout the summer, including the literature review, conducting the experiments, performingdata analysis, and writing the conclusions. Last, they were required to (1) create a poster tosummarize their work, (2) present their findings at both a university-wide poster session and anengineering-oriented poster session, and (3) respond to their peers’ questions about their projects.In addition to working on a research project, participants would also attend workshops and fieldtrips related to imaging technology
Wiley. He has helped lead the ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 WIP - Fostering Team Science in an Engineering Education Research TeamAbstractThis poster displays results from a project supported by an NSF grant to enhanceinterdisciplinary collaboration in civil and environmental engineering education. In its secondyear, part of the project focused on improving team science competencies within the coreresearch group. Key activities included workshops on collaborative writing and grant writingbest practices. The team attended a Science of Team Science (SciTS) workshop to refinecollaboration skills and responded to the Teaming Readiness Survey, which revealed
senior-levelstudents [1,6]. Students were recruited as rising juniors in three cohorts consisting of eight, eight,and ten students from 2017-2019. These students comprised the core of a Student LearningCommunity (SLC). The SLC met to every two-weeks with activities designed to promotesuccessful academic habits and professional development as well as foster a sense-of-belongingand provide opportunity for both peer and faculty mentorship. Learning communities, especiallyfor first-year students, have proven to be effective at improving retention [7,8].A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) was also formed, and the group participated in acomprehensive program designed to increase interactions between faculty and students, supportstudent retention
increased the score to pass the Calculus 1 readiness test in summer2015.)A. Voluntary Pre-First-Year Six-Week Academic Summer BridgeTarget Audience: Entering first-year students who did not pass the Calculus 1 readiness test. All42 eligible students invited, but participation was optional. In the only year offered (2014), ninestudents participated.Cost for Students: meals, insurance, booksCost for the University: faculty stipends, student housing, 20-hour per week peer mentor,transportation for field tripsAcademic Integration Component: Students complete Pre-calculus II so that they can begin thefall semester on track with their cohort. They also complete a second course within theUniversity’s core curriculum.Social Integration Component: Ice
project, we examined the impact of micro-interventions aimedsolely at increasing the students’ sense of community in the early career course. These included,for example, a focus on classroom norms, strategies to increase peer-to-peer interactions, andpeer testimonials to enable discussions of the challenges faced by first-year engineering students,among others. For the third and final iteration of the project, we examined the impact ofinterventions aimed at both classroom community and relevancy.Based on the findings of this study and considering the context of the research plan, we have thefollowing concluding observations. There were important instructional differences seen betweenthe two courses as shown by the COPUS observational data
scoring rubric of teacher/assessor observations of student performance/behavior) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews and rapid ethnography) evaluation techniques. 3. It is performance assessment, since it uses a scoring rubric based on Bloom’s taxonomy to classify student cognitive understanding based on writing assignments and closely follows the design of the project from inception.6An external evaluator assessed the impact of the project by observing lectures, labs, and toursand by interviewing key informants. Initially, the course interventions were implemented by theprimary investigator (PI). In year 4, after the three-year implementation phase, the new courseinterventions were tested by a new lecturer and
Technology. She received her B.S. in Engineering from Brown University, her M.S.E.E. from the University of Southern California, and her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1999. Her area of research is centered around the concept of humanized intelligence, the process of embedding human cognitive capability into the control path of autonomous systems. This work, which addresses issues of autonomous control as well as aspects of interaction with humans and the surrounding environment, has resulted in over 180 peer-reviewed pub- lications in a number of projects – from scientific rover navigation in glacier environments to assistive robots for the home. To date, her unique
had complementary components that involved: (1) matching participants with facultyand other undergraduates (peer-mentoring) or graduate student researchers under the supervisionof the faculty for direct hands-on training in relevant computational and experimental researchmethods, (2) participation in research-oriented field trips (e.g., various labs on campus, Ad AstraRocket Co., near the Johnson Space Center of the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration [NASA], etc.) (3) participation in professional-development seminars (GREpreparation, technical writing), and (4) presenting formal research papers at professionalconferences and submitting to refereed journals.The REU programs coordinated with the college’s own summer program and the
Technology (CWIT) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is currently on sabbatical leave as a Visiting Professor in the College of Computing and Information Sciences at Northeastern University. She received a Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of North Car- olina, Chapel Hill and an AB in Computer Science from Harvard University. She established an interna- tionally recognized visualization research program supported by over $9,000,000 in external funding as PI or CoPI, including the NSF CAREER award. Dr. Rheingans has over eighty peer-reviewed publications, including the NIH/NSF Visualization Research Challenges report, published in 2006 by IEEE. Dr. Rhein- gans co-chaired the papers program for
students, who entered the Tickle College of Engineering as freshmen.A program which spans a five-year process--two years at the community college, a summerbridge program, and three years at University of Tennessee--is proposed. Activities includefaculty exchange between institutions, student skills seminars, sustained mentoring, intra-cohortpeer learning, and inter-cohort peer-teaching. The individual elements of the program as well asthe synergistic integration of elements have been chosen to balance two influences: (1) aprogram designed with theoretical influence from Tinto’s Theory of Voluntary StudentDeparture, and (2) a practical acknowledgment of demonstrated success at the University ofTennessee. This paper will provide a summary of the
Nancy. At Rice, was awarded six campus-wide teach- ing awards, served as College Master for 10 years, served as founding Director of the Rice Center for Teaching Excellence, as founding Director of BrainSTEM (a weekly outreach program that pairs Uni- versity Neuroscience student mentors with High School Apprentices) and as founding Director of the Gulf Coast Consortium for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience. Has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals in Mathematics, Engineering and Science. Coauthored the text, Mathematics for Neuroscientists, with Fabrizio Gabbiani. Joined the Engineering Faculty at Northern New Mexico College in 2016, intent on recruiting, mentoring, teaching, challenging and
spatialability has been shown to be a predictor of student success in first-year engineering students [12].The students are also trained to develop metacognitive skills and work to develop growth mindsets,both of which have been linked to success in STEM courses [13–15]. Importantly, this seminar isalso serving as the launch point for peer and faculty mentoring.Engaged engineering projects: As part of this project, Scholars are invited to participate inEngaged Engineering projects which focus on enabling our Scholars to tackle real-world/authenticdesign challenges [16] with the goals of improving sense of belonging [17, 18], and gainingengineering skills that are required for upper level capstone senior projects, and, more broadly, theworkplace [19]. We
interactions among students, peers and faculty; and 4. to improve motivation and commitment to career and academic goals.BackgroundIn May 2012, Allan Hancock College (AHC), a community college in Santa Maria, California,received a five-year, $599,929 award to fund a scholarship program for STEM students:Scholarships in Engineering, Science, Mathematics and Computer Science (SESMC,“Seismic”). SESMC is a competitive need-based and merit-based scholarship sponsored by theNational Science Foundation (NSF), open to continuing AHC students in the following STEMfields: Biology, Chemistry, Geological Sciences, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, andMathematics. The intent of the project is to aid academically talented but financially challengedAHC
scale.Regarding the impact of S-L on their learning, the mean answers of the students were positive (atthe 5% statistical level); in particular the students valued the team work experience that S-Lprovides, and agree that service should be an expected part of the engineering profession.The final analysis focuses on the quality of the learning mechanisms as expressed by thestudents. We build the analysis on the students’ optional comments, classifying them as positive,neutral or negative. We relate the comments’ tone to learning mechanisms, e.g. in-classdiscussions, presentations, journal writing, report writing, and other type of writing. Studentsengaged in no formal assessment exercises report no positive comments. The exercises whichlead to more
demonstratedto improve collegiate graduates’ entry-level starting salaries, level of initial position, and jobresponsibilities [10] [11] [12]. The authors discuss the importance of experiential experiences inthe formation of professionalism in RS students [13]. To establish a reflective element withineach RS student experience, each fall the students come together for a one-hour seminar to talkand write about their journey and to continue learning about methods of growing their supportweb with university professors and staff [14].The RS students selected for this program implementation were typically residential applicantsof a low-socioeconomic status (SES) and that selected an under-represented minorityrace/ethnicity in their database entry. There was
development and expanding awareness of opportunities. All of these activities have fostered a tight-knit learn- ing community and provided ample opportunities for peer mentoring and networking with alumnae. Because we focus on recruiting first-year students and retaining them through graduation, the program has grown from nine freshmen in the first year to over forty students now who range from fresh- men to seniors. Our recruitment efforts have become more successful as the program has grown which we attribute to the active involve- ment of current students in recruiting and a record of the programs accomplishments. Retention is higher than expected; moreover, re- tention rates are increasing. Students are excelling academically and
coordinators to centralize informational resources including support activities (e.g.tutoring, workshops, etc.) and opportunities (e.g. research opportunities, internships,scholarships, presentations, etc.). It also houses resources for the technical writing module andinformation on student enhancement plans and professional development funding. Thedevelopment and implementation of personalized student enhancement plans (SEPs) which allowprogram participants to identify long-range plans and set associated short to long range goals insupport of these plans is one of the primary aspects of the program (Kunberger & Geiger, 2016).Originally implemented for upper level students, the activity has been expanded to all programparticipants for this
health services compared to their peers [4]. These issues wererecently claimed to be understudied [5], but efforts to explore the mental-health-related andattrition-related experiences of engineering graduate students have become more common (e.g.,[6], [7], [8]).Our work investigates the implications of stressors on student well-being and retention. Stresshas been linked to attrition rates for engineering graduate students [8], [9] and stress has beenrelated to mental health challenges in graduate students [10], [11], [12]. Research has suggestedthat a relationship exists between doctoral student mental health and attrition, particularly forstudents exhibiting high anxiety symptoms [11], [13], suggesting that the three phenomena ofstress, mental
amicroaggression scale than their White peers (Forrest-Bank & Jenson, 2015). As these slightinsults may be intentional or unintentional, microaggressions likely have contributed to theracial/ethnic and gender disparities in the engineering field. Within the last decade, engineeringeducators have expressed interest microaggressions and how these interactions impact thelearning environment, later workplace. Table 1 Microaggression Taxonomy, Sue et al. (2007) and Lewis and Neville (2015) Microinsult Microinvalidation Microassault Ascription of Alien in own land Assumptions about Intelligence style & beauty
increase the likelihood of first-yearand second-year student retention for low-income STEM students as compared to theirincome/high school GPA-ACT (or SAT)/geography-matched peers within STEM? RuralArkansas has experienced economic hardships that have severely limited STEM education-relatedresources for K-12 students as school systems in these areas have continued to struggle financially[3]. Data have also shown that students from rural areas receive limited exposure to academicenrichment programs. This can lead to lower levels of confidence as well as the belief that theyare not prepared to be successful in STEM programs [4]-[11]. Secondly, can the PTG supportinitiatives significantly increase the average first-year and second-year GPA for low
to increase the annual enrollment of students in the B.S. and Area of Emphasis inCybersecurity at West Virginia University. Specifically, the enrollment has more than doubled inonly two years (from 2020 to 2022). Furthermore, the ACCESS scholarship recipients havegreater diversity than their peers enrolled in the cybersecurity field at West Virginia University.Over the last three years, the ACCESS program provided numerous co-curricular activities andstudent support services and has strengthen its partnerships with employers from the public andprivate sectors. Students’ feedback, which was provided via anonymous surveys and focusgroups discussions conducted by an external evaluation team, was overwhelmingly positive andhighlighted numerous
program.When designing the remote Transfer-to-Excellence program, the administrative team had severalpriorities: First, the team hoped to provide as many interns as possible with a research internship.They also sought to provide an experience as similar as possible to the planned in-personprogram. This required that interns felt a strong sense of community with their research lab andpeer interns. As the interns were all physically isolated from their peers, mentors, and facultyhosts, the administrative team sought to ensure interns felt well supported and as connected aspossible. However, they acknowledged that interns would not be able to spend excessive time onvideo calls, due to risk of zoom fatigue or boredom [9].Twelve faculty hosts unfortunately
was used to help students makeprogress in their projects. These weekly consultation meetings gave the students more time withthe course staff and their peers, increasing their sense of relatedness, and allowed them to receivemore personalized and faster feedback than the previous model of grading, increasing their senseof competence. By trading grading hours for weekly consultation hours, we also did not increasethe TAs’ time commitment in teaching the course. To further support students’ autonomy, we also developed a formal petition process Page 23.347.8through which students could petition to change any component of the course. A few
of minority students [8]. Different from typical PBLsetting, CPBL is more focused on the creation of a friendly learning environment that is lessintimidating to minority students. The key features of CPBL include: 1) A series of small in-classprojects that are simple enough for students with limited background knowledge but collectivelyserve as a ladder to build up the students’ design skills progressively; 2) Fostered peer-collaboration to help build up students’ confidence to complete the projects; 3) Timely help andimmediate feedback from the instructors. Since the peer collaboration and student-professorinteraction are key to the success of CPBL, the projects are typically conducted in the class
Paper ID #8842Experimental Nanomaterials and Nanoscience - An Interdisciplinary Labo-ratory CourseProf. Hong Huang, Wright State University Dr. Huang is an associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Wright State University. She has over 15 years of research experience in nano-structured materials for electro- chemical energy conversion systems covering lithium ion batteries, supercapacitors, and thin film solid oxide fuel cells. She is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed research publications and invited book chap- ters. She received her PhD at Delft University of Technology, The
needs to be compared with the number of students who actually completed the program and successfully entered the workforce or enrolled in a post-secondary STEM program.”Overall, there was evidence of a lack of consistency among participants as far as being aware ofreliable resources for data tracking. This is a potential area district administration may wish toaddress. Data about local female enrollment could be made more accessible through websites,and information about data mining is a topic of interest for professional development workshopsor teacher work days. Teachers indicated their willingness to collaborate with other teachers (94%): “I would use my peers (the female science teachers at my school) and also find women
opportunities. In the 2012-13 academic year the unmet need for the average Wartburg student was $18,770 the $10,000 scholarship provided by the ACES program significantly reduces this. Cohort formation provides a support structure in a community of like-minded scholars with diverse backgrounds. Creating a small community in which students feel comfortable and supported has been found to increase students’ overall satisfaction with college [1] and retention in STEM fields. Mentoring connects students with peers, faculty, and alumni who can share experiences and direct them to resources. Effective mentoring has been shown to improve academic performance [2], improve retention rates for women and
programming, technical presentations and technical writing are taught in lec- ture and in online modules.This first year course has made significant use of the CNC laboratory to perform both short andlong projects. With approximately 160 students in the course in the Fall 2014 semester and 51students in the 2015 spring semester, this represents a relatively high student volume for hands-on manufacturing activities. Laboratories are run through the week with 18-19 students per sec-tion. The goal of the course is to maintain a relatively low-cost, project-intensive experiencewhile covering the appropriate content. Three categories of projects are performed during a se-mester, with approximately 10-15 CNC machining hours per student group