proposition, its commercial feasibility, the various risk factors, and the resourcesrequired. The class was divided into five separate groups, but all groups worked on the sameoverall problem. Additionally, excerpts from the writings of thought leaders on innovation, suchas Carlson, Christensen, and Porter, were included. To give us more time for extendeddiscussions, the class met twice a week, for two lecture hours each time. The syllabus for the fallof 2009 is shown in figure 1.Our institution operates on a somewhat unusual academic calendar where each semester is splitinto two seven-week terms. Terms A and B are taught in the fall (September to December) andterms C and D are taught in the spring (January to April). During each academic term
we study and write about learning is based on how to receive the knowledge butmore should be considered on how to insure retention and understanding of the knowledge.Thirdly, some form of experience is necessary to learn. That is why we in engineering doproblems after imparting theory; to gain experience. Experience is the stimulus that makes thelearning ingrained. Practice enhances retention and understanding.Perhaps here I should digress and say something about the types of learners in our classrooms.Suffice to say that for the most part we have “active learners” and “passive learners”. Thisdifference is the student’s mindset. Sadly, more and more students have come from high schoolwith the mindset of a passive learner. High school
of emphasizing criticalthinking, developed the curricula. The goal was to have friendly and respectful classroomatmospheres where students engage actively in class discussion and collaborate with peers. Thefocus was to build basic skills in the following areas: ▪ Mathematics. The curriculum followed an incremental learning approach. It introduced the concepts of the tool-box and the master musician to improve problem-solving through practice and pattern recognition. The material included numbers, operations, fractions, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry concepts. ▪ Spanish. Activities focused on improving reading and writing skills, introducing students to the analytical thinking process. Dominican history
demonstrations), and by peerevaluation (students assess contributions of all their team members at the end of each project).Both the instructor evaluation and peer evaluations showed that students gained teamwork skills.One group reported having problems with a team member; comments from the peer evaluationshowed that despite some difficulties with team dynamics, students feel that they gained valuableexperience in dealing with a difficult team member.The structure of the course (which is broken down into 3 projects) also helps with thedevelopment of teamwork and leadership skills. With a 3 person team, each team member getsto serve as a group leader for a project, since leadership roles are rotated from one project to thenext. Team dynamics solidify as
a problem. Students spend a minute or two thinking about an answer or solution and then pair up to discuss (share) their answers. The instructor may ask for several students to share their answers with the whole class. (f) Student demonstrations: Student demonstrations can be a quick way to make a point more vivid, give students a chance to hear from their peers, and give everyone in the class a “think break.” In the assessment phase, each team makes a presentation defending the recommendationof the engineer/manager they were assigned to play. The presentations are normally restricted to10 to 15 minutes so that the students are required to present their view point succinctly.Sometimes, they also
social applications for the students. For our programming lesson, we selectedthe ALICE software. ALICE is a 3D programming environment that allows students to createanimations using a wide variety of objects. It features a “drag and drop” interface that reducesprogramming errors and provides students with immediate and tangible results. For the roboticsexperience, we selected PicoCrickets. By incorporating light, sound, and motion tutorials,students could explore causal relationships between writing programming codes and watchingthe results in the PicoCricket robots. PicoCrickets also featured a “drag and drop” interface that Page 15.644.5would
AC 2010-1098: COURSE-RELATED ACTIVITIES FOR MECHANICALVIBRATION IN THE ABSENCE OF A FORMAL LABORATORYB. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. B. S. Sridhara is a professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. degrees from Bangalore University and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He received his M.S.M.E. and Ph. D. degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Auburn University, Alabama. Dr. Sridhara has published several peer-reviewed articles in the areas of Acoustics, Vibration, finite element methods, and Engineering Education
illustrated the breadth of thefield of geotechnical engineering, while talks along similar lines as the students’ potentiallyprovided additional sources of information. In addition to their oral discussions, students wererequired to provide written summaries of these articles to the instructor.These discussions involved the entire class for the entire period, rather than having time devotedto small group activities. Each student was given between 2 and 3 minutes to present theirparticular summary and discussion. Papers in this category all had undergone peer review priorto publication and ranged from historical to recent and included journal articles and conferenceproceedings.Laboratory DiscussionsWhen the course topics entered into strength and
write firmware for the new processorusing C and assembly languages. Conventionally, the majority of engineering courses revolvearound the analytical analysis of real world problems and challenges; however, there is a need toaddress certain aspects of real world problem-solving that extends beyond what is covered withintraditional written analysis based courses. The ENGR460 class has created an alternate approachto develop such skills, by creating a challenging and motivating learning environment.The first half of the course consists of lectures covering basic microcontroller functions andsensors, with corresponding labs each week. Examples of sensors that students explored in thelab include ultrasonic rangefinder, RFID reader, and accelerometer
and writing for academic purposes,and research papers preparation. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the transition of the 1+2+1students to EWU the ELI and the International Education Office provide the possibility to matchthe 1+2+1 students with International Peer Advisors, Cultural Mentors and InternationalAdvisors. One of the approaches taken to enhance the learning experience of the 1+2+1 studentsis a high level of cooperation with native speakers. Towards this end, 1+2+1 students areencouraged to partner with American students in the various laboratory classes. It was noted thatthere was a significant improvement in the academic performance both of the 1+2+1 studentsand the native speakers. One of the intangible benefits is the
polymer processing.Lab ImplementationEach lab took approximately two hours for the students to complete. For many of the labs, therewas only one instrument available, so the six lab sections had to meet at different times duringthe week. A graduate teaching assistant along with graduate and postdoctoral research associatesfrom the instructor’s research group assisted with running the multiple sections of the same labthroughout the week. There were 12 lab reports written by each four member lab section (Lab12 and Lab 13 required a joint report). Four of the reports required a “Formal Lab Report”format, four required a “Memo Lab Report” format, two were in the form of a PowerPointpresentation, and two were to be webpage reports.The write-up
trying to rewire a747…while it is in flight! Attempting to integrate the curriculum as smoothly as possible, thefour pieces of the curriculum (freshman-year component, sophomore-year component, etc.) wereintegrated one year at a time. At the writing of this paper, the freshman and sophomorecomponents are firmly in place, the junior year component had just been integrated, and thesenior year component is being integrated (i.e., piloted). In short, the first two years of thecurriculum introduces the student to the foundations of leadership and allows for some “basic”training with some practice. The final two years of the curriculum are heavily experiential wherethe student will put to practice the skill sets learned during the first two years. In
IEEE and is a member of ASME, SIAM, ASEE and AGU. He is actively involved in CELT activities and regularly participates and presents at the Lilly Conference. He has been the recipient of several Faculty Learning Community awards. He is also very active in assessment activities and has presented more than thirty five papers at various conferences and Assessment Institutes. His posters in the areas of Assessment, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Socratic Inquisition have received widespread acclaim from several scholars in the area of Cognitive Science and Educational Methodologies. He has received the Assessment of Critical Thinking Award twice and is currently working towards incorporating writing
investigate developing informationliteracy skills in first-year engineering technology students. It was found that ongoingcollaboration with faculty and increased student contact improved the effectiveness of librarian-led information literacy instruction. Allegorically, the authors have also found that their ownstudents, even when presented with the proper resources to search for and retrieve peer-reviewedarticles, handbooks and conference proceedings will frequently resort to web references.Examples of this may be found in three works authored with undergraduates. Admittedly, as ofthis writing, the co-author’s own work has fallen victim to the vagaries of online publishing, (e.g.Gadia et al., 2005a, Gadia et al., 2005b, Layton et al., 2007)4-6
conference room in order to accommodate all ofthe students’ schedules. This means that each meeting is attended by 10 – 30 students. Themeetings usually open with an ice breaker question which each student asked to answer alongwith their name, major, and graduation date. This exercise is very important to networking andencouragement. Students report that they “liked the introduction we each had to give andlistening to good things that happened to my peers.” A common report is “It helped me to knowthat I am not the only student having trouble in my class.” Sometimes study groups are formedafter students in the meeting realize that they are in the same class.The first meeting of each semester is dedicated to talking about the Guaranteed 4.0 Plan.14 In
, which examined the effects of participation in quality afterschool programs among 3,000 elementary and middle school students in 14 cities and eightstates. Results indicated that regular participation in after school programs was associated withimprovements in work habits and task persistence, along with significant gains in standardizedmath test scores, compared to their peers who were regularly unsupervised after school.17 Page 15.478.4Demographic Disparities in After School Program ParticipationSignificant demographic differences exist in activity participation across a range of both school-based and community-based after school programs
concepts of stress analysis (mechanics of deformable bodies). Students need to take advantage of the office hours and professor tutoring available in this course. It is also recommended to investigate increasing the time for each class via, possibly, problem solving lab sessions. 2. Make the course a project based course, with no final exam. The project would be an ongoing project involving all aspects of material covered during the term (fatigue, shaft design, springs, threaded fasteners, and gears.) Students would have to make a final presentation, during the final exam time-slot, with a written report. The report and presentations would be subject to peer review. Students have indicated the formal
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)analysis of the undergraduate program. The analysis collected data from the following CoEVUconstituents: faculty, staff, administration (deans and chairmen), undergraduate students,graduate students that matriculated from VU, and other alumni. The SWOT also consideredinput from university faculty members and administrators outside of the CoEVU, advisoryboards, and peer schools. An outcome of this thorough analysis was that while the existing twocourse freshman engineering experience had improved in recent years there existed significantopportunities for improvement. Faculty and undergraduate students agreed that the currentformat and content should be improved.A committee was formed to investigate
designed to: “... expose a small number of competitively selected professors from U.S. and international universities to key elements and the business realities of industry by enabling them to "look over the shoulder" of working professionals at several levels of the technical, business, and management career paths. They will leave the program with an understanding of Boeing's business including its research needs, with an improved understanding of the practical application of technical and business skills and with a network of contacts within Boeing and among their faculty peers that can form the basis of long-term relationships”5In all, 149 faculty have participated in this program since its
his research in middle school robotics and computer classes to promoteseveral disciplines within mechatronics. He teaches computer programming concepts using theNXT Mindstorms graphical programming language. He emphasizes the logic behind computerprograms through flow diagrams—a tool that has allowed 6th and 7th grade robotics students tobetter grasp programming fundamentals and write more flexible programs for the FLLcompetition. He also uses programming languages such as PBasic12 and MATLAB13 in computerclasses. For example, when introducing the binary number system, he engages the students inprogramming and testing a Morse code generator using the Basic Stamp microcontroller.12 In asimilar vain, through the interactive use of MATLAB
avoidance of relating to others1,6. It is estimated that 20% to 28% of people have insecureattachments and with that comes maladaptive forms of coping with problems under stress.Students need to have positive coping skills to deal with the challenges they will face in theclassroom and outside of it. These coping skills include seeking help when faced with emotionalor academic difficulties7,8. Without these skills students will tend to avoid or deny theirproblems9, 10, 11,12,13.College faculty and advisors know that there are always a certain percentage of students whenconfronted with doing poorly in their classes who do not reach out to people who could helpthem such as their instructor, an advisor, or even their peers. Therefore, the challenge for
students per group). They had to build a night lamp given somespecifications, write a report, and give a 5-10 minute Powerpoint presentation. This exercisefostered a collaborative learning environment that facilitated student engagement where learningis active and interactive amongst themselves, their peers, and their professors inside and outsideof the classroom.PSpice, Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis, is a general purposeanalog circuit and digital logic simulation software used to check the reliability of circuit designsand to predict circuit behavior. SPICE4 was originally developed at the Electronics ResearchLaboratory of the University of California at Berkeley. PSpice is a commercial version of SPICEand is now
draft business and marketing plans being an end-product of the workshop. 5. Provide a step-by-step approach on how to take an idea and make it into a product. 6. Provide the presenters with information about the participants, and their projects, via a short write-up of what projects they were involved in and projects they have worked on in the past, so the instructors could find relevant case studies from journals, or better yet take one of the examples of the participants firms and discuss that in detail. 7. Create 'glossary' of terms that participants can go through before they attend the seminar, so less time is spent on concepts and much more time on application. 8. Devote more time to opportunity
through Browse and Search interfaces.Information resources are annotations forresource types such as articles, books,literature reviews, U.S. national reports ornarrative profiles of organizations, programsand projects, database tools.The WEPAN Knowledge CenterInformation Repository and ProfessionalCommunity platform is an effectivemechanism for disseminating grant-relatedinformation resources and connecting thepeople responsible for creating them withboth their peers and the public outside theproject silos that currently exist. Page 15.425.4Figure 2. Example of Annotated Resource.Information resources can be accessed from the annotations and
; ≠ familiarize the students with basics of engineering design; ≠ promote interaction with engineering faculty and staff; ≠ develop technical writing and communication skills.2. Course OrganizationThe course is scheduled as a 6 hour laboratory, meeting three times per week for two hours persession, with four faculty instructing. As the course supports a large number of students (96students at most in the current organization), and large class sizes would limit student-facultyinteraction, the students are distributed into six approximately equal smaller groupings. On anygiven day of the week, these six groups are distributed among three classrooms and activities,each of which has a different emphasis: ‘learn’, ‘plan’, and ‘do’. The two groups in
,modifications made to the course, an overview of the Assessment Evaluation Forms, andproposed actions for course improvement. This method has proven to be effective in helpingfaculty members reflect on teaching methods and develop strategies for course improvement.An example of an Assessment Evaluation Form is shown in Figure 1. It has several sections,starting with the instructor’s evaluation of the level of difficulty of the assignment (easy,moderate, or difficult). Next, the instructor writes a description of how they expected students toperform on the task. Observational notes are then written which evaluate student performanceon the task, including quantifying the number of students exceeding (E), meeting (M), or below(B) expectations. An overall
performance.Another aim of this project was to provide junior level engineering students with a firsthand experience combining lessons learned in lecture with the practical constraints ofdesigning, building and testing a realistic application. The students were encouraged tobe creative in this open-ended project that relied heavily on team-based learning. At thebeginning of the semester a pre-project survey was used to allocate crucial skills(mechanical aptitude, writing ability, mathematical skills, etc.) evenly amongst thedifferent teams. Assessment of how the project enhanced student learning was done viagraded assignment and student survey. The project culminated in a final reportincorporating several main components. The first component was a design
whether the practice session should be repeated.Employer expectations modules: In these sessions, the balance between technicalknowledge/experience and workplace leadership skills is taught. Emphasis is placed on theunderstanding and importance of workplace leadership skills for a student early in his/her career.Communication skills are covered in some depth: understanding the difference betweencommunication to management, peers and subordinates; balancing talking and listening; usingverbal and written tools effectively. Teamwork and how to be a team player is also discussed indetail: team success versus individual success, resolving problems on a team, seeking opinions ofothers, and respecting opinions of others. Taking the initiative is
you now describe your analytical and problem-solving skills? Compared with when you first entered this college how would you now describe your interpersonal/social skills? Think back to any internship or co-op experience. Write about a time when social/interpersonal skills (i.e. team work, communication) were important for you or someone around you to accomplish an assignment?III. THE WORKSHOPThe one and ½ hour workshop consisted of three parts. First, findings from the national APPLEsurvey and local Blackboard findings were presented. After the presentation and a brief break,the faculty members were invited to form inter-departmental groups and were provided with aworksheet to guide their conversations of how