) Hong Liu is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She received B.S. degree with Honors in Computer Science and Mathematics dual-major and M.S. degree in Computer Science from Hefei Polytechnic University in 1982 and 1984, respectively. She received Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from New York University in 1990; her dissertation in the Internet Design won Brownstein Doctoral Research Award. Dr. Liu integrates research, education, and application in computer networks, cyber-physical systems, and network security. She published numerous papers with her students and collaborators on refereed journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Dr. Liu, jointly with
, andtechnical writing, and more. The skills learned by this project were invaluable and importantexperiences within engineering. This Energy Wheel not only provides scientists and engineerswith more valuable information about alternative energy, but also is capable of educating theeveryday person about the basics of engineering as well as the importance of renewable resources.IntroductionThis paper shares a sample project illustrating a new teaching approach via innovation. One of theobjectives of the Experiential Engineering Education [1]-[3] and this paper is to reformengineering education by moving away from the boundaries of traditional classroom-basedapproaches to project-based approaches using real world situations. This new teaching approachcan
community. She is the editor- in-chief of Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, where her vision is to create a culture of constructive peer review in academic publishing. Julie is a former NSF program director for engineering education and frequently works with faculty to help them write proposals and navigate the proposal preparation and grant management processes. She was a 2009 NSF CAREER awardee for her work operationalizing social capital for engineering education. More recently, Julie has encouraged the engineering education research community to embrace methodological activism, a paradigm whereby researchers intentionally choose methods for the political purpose of empowering marginalized
Paper ID #37873Department Policy and Programs that Support NCEES FEExam Prep in Civil and Environmental EngineeringRebecca E KiriazesEllen Zerbe (Postdoctoral Fellow) Ellen Zerbe is a postdoctoral fellow with the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech where she is working on curriculum development and innovation. She earned her doctorate from Penn State University where she studied engineering graduate student attrition, writing, and thriving. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by www.slayte.com Student
videos and answer self-checked, multiple-choice132 questions on the topics covered in the videos. The in-class component of each cycle consists of133 2-hr of class time with the instructor where students work on conceptual and simple programming134 questions that do not require them to write or submit code. Instead, students answer questions135 interactively via their mobile devices or laptops and work in small groups using peer instruction136 pedagogy 20 . The students then participate in a 3-hour lab led by undergraduate Teaching137 Assistants (TAs) with a ratio of 20-30 students per 2 TAs, and consist of a multiple-choice quiz138 and solving programming exercises by writing and submitting code. In the after-class component139
discussions on thefollowing topics: • Free on-campus resources for creating videos • Importance of accessibility • Best practices in video design • Creating and measuring learning objectives for videos • Search engine optimization to boost viewership • Miscellaneous technical sessions such as editing in Camtasia Studio and improving audio qualityAdditionally, three Cal Poly Pomona faculty guest speakers shared their experiences developingvideos and using those videos to experiment with various pedagogies.FLC members received a small stipend and hardware consisting of a microphone headset,webcam, and writing pad to facilitate video production. Each FLC member was required toproduce four videos during the program and were encouraged to
, compared to the non-ASP student population in this course, theASP student population includes a higher percentage of first-generation college students, studentswho attended lower-resourced high schools, and minoritized students. Specifically, 42% of ASPstudents are first-generation students, compared to 6% of non-ASP students. The distribution ofmedian income for the zip code of the high school that students attended skews substantiallylower for ASP students than that of their peers. In addition, 27% of ASP students are Blackcompared to 1% of non-ASP students, and 16% of ASP students are Hispanic compared to 4% ofnon-ASP students.Given the grade differential between ASP and non-ASP sections, these data indicate thatfirst-generation students
-efficacy have been related to improved academic and career outcomes [3],especially for women in non-traditional fields such as engineering. The goal of the study is todetermine simple yet effective strategies that can be implemented in engineering classrooms toimprove self-efficacy.Seven engineering faculty members participated in a faculty learning community (FLC), asemester long program to learn about teaching strategies in each of the four areas of self-efficacy; mastery experiences (e.g., active learning, scaffolding), vicarious learning (e.g., guestlectures, peer mentors, group work), social persuasion (e.g., constructive feedback, positive self-talk), and emotional arousal (e.g., test anxiety, building rapport). The faculty then chose
summer course focused on writing in engineering.Christopher D. Schmitz (Teaching Professor and Chief UndergraduateAdvisor)John S Popovics John Popovics is a Professor, Associate Head, and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His interests include writing instruction for engineering students.Holly M Golecki (Teaching Assistant Professor) Dr. Holly Golecki (she/her) is a Teaching Assistant Professor in Bioengineering at the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign and an Associate in the John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. She holds an appointment at the Carle-Illinois College
pathology as a method of improving student’s knowledge andlearning. After randomly splitting a class of 62 students (32 experimental, 30 control), theexperimental group students were asked to write, answer, and explain 60 multiple choicequestions covering different topics over the length of the term (Shakurnia 2018). Both groupscompleted identical multiple choice pre- and post-tests, and experimental students were surveyedon the question creation activity (Shakurnia 2018). The experimental group achieved on average10% higher grades on the post-test, but the students noted that question writing is unfamiliar andunpopular as a learning strategy (Shakurnia 2018).Students in their second year studying general pathology were assigned to create 4
do, and uses the relationships among team members toaccomplish tasks more or less efficiently.The five- or six-member student design teams were assigned through a skills and personalityassessment at the beginning of the fifteen-week semester, using the CATME® team formationsurvey. The CATME results were checked against the students’ self-reported data about theircurrent skills in writing, speaking, and engineering graphics before the students were formallyassigned to their teams.Research methods followed an explanatory sequential design, in which the results of one or morequantitative methods are used to inform the choice of one or more qualitative methods to collectand analyze data. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed using a 32
autistic adults often have difficulty joining or remaining in theSTEM workforce [5]. With the goal of creating maker programming to enable autistic youth toengage in the EDP with peers and to prepare autistic youth for future careers, a multidisciplinaryteam created the Inventing, Designing, and Engineering for All Students (IDEAS) MakerProgram. IDEAS brings together experts in maker education, autism inclusion, engineering,co-design, and research to bring interest-driven maker clubs into autism-inclusion public schoolsin New York City. The following paper describes the ways in which IDEAS supports autisticlearners in both in-person and online formats, and how IDEAS teachers responded to adversityby redesigning the curriculum for remote learning
, majors, andability levels to participate in the makerspace as they build connections with their peers. Toencourage connection with peers, the engagement activities were supported and directed bymajor-level students who were hired as Student Engagement Liaisons (SELs).”This paper summarizes the development of the social engagement activities and reports onparticipation, student engagement, and student perspectives of the activities. Working closelywith the project PI, the SELs worked together to design, develop, and conduct five socialengagement activities: (1) Halloween DIY Night, (2) Inclusion Discussion, (3) Holiday Crafts,(4) Game Night & Innovative Workspaces, and (5) Spring Craft Night. For each activity, studentparticipation counts
course, studentslearn together in a cooperative learning team to resolve various active learning activities suchas; peer teaching, brainstorming, presenting, interviewing engineers, reflecting, discussing,planning, finding information, data collecting, analysing, solving an engineering problem,presenting ideas, and report writing and oral presentation. Table 3 shows the implementationof the teaching and learning environment in the ITE course [14]. Table 3: Implementation of an introduction to engineering in the ITE course ITE course (3 credit hour) Aims - Prepare students for learning engineering to become an engineer - Bridge pre-university
], and felt that they learned the material better thanthey otherwise would have [2, 9, 11]. They found it very helpful in identifying their errors [9].They felt that they were more engaged in the dual-submission process [5]. What they liked bestwas self-grading [5]. Their attitudes toward the methodology improved from early in thesemester to later on [4]. Students who completed homework wrappers [13] said they made themmore likely to think about what confused them about a problem. In the Harvard peer-instructionapproach, they “greatly value[d] the team discussions in improving their skills.” The onlyreactions that were less than glowing came from the UMBC students [12], who had just a slightpositive perception of writing their reflection
Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and a PhD in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech. She is an Associate Research Professor and the Assessment and Instructional Support Specialist in the Leonhard Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Education at Penn State. Her primary research interest include faculty development, the peer review process, the doctoral experience, and the adoption of evidence-based teaching strategies. She is currently serving as the ASEE Educational Research and Methods division Vice Chair of Programs for ASEE 2022.Sam Spiegel Dr. Spiegel is Assistant Vice President for Online Education and was the founding Director, Trefny Innovative Instruction Center at the Colorado School of
: • Focusing on the content of interpersonal interactions rather than delivery style [20] • Active listening [27] • Willingness to resolve: Naming personal issues that cloud the picture [28] • Co-operative power: Eliminating “power over” to build “power with” others [22]Skills for dealing with social loafing, in particular, include: • Rewarding both group and individual effort [29] • Assigning instrumental and equitable tasks to all team members; an instrumental task is one that is indispensable to the team’s project so that each team member believes that an adequate collective performance depends on his or her personal contribution [29] • Conducting peer evaluations [30] • Having each team adopt a written team
complete Linux commandline tutorial, and how to install Ubuntu and programming in C and Linux. At the end of the first week,we also introduced topics on how to read research papers, how to write research papers, how to give aresearch talk, and how to prepare a research poster.We also hosted a virtual weekly seminar between the 2nd and the 9th week. PIs and the faculty mentorspresented various computer systems research areas in embedded and multicore systems; mobile andextensible distributed systems; cloud and data-intensive processing systems; machine learning; and 4memory, storage, and file systems. We also covered various computation, storage
reflection and metacognitionactivity in the engineering curriculum (Ambrose, 2013). The present researchaims to address this and investigate the outcomes.To this end, in a fluid mechanics course at a large southeastern university, in-classproblem-solving in a flipped classroom was coupled with intentionalmetacognitive skills instruction and repeated reflection to enhance undergraduatestudent metacognition. As part of this NSF IUSE study, intentional, step-by-stepinstruction in planning, monitoring, and evaluation was provided in conjunctionwith weekly exercises to support metacognitive skills development and problem-solving. Each week, students intentionally planned, monitored, or evaluated theirproblem-solving and were asked to reflect in writing
themselves any points. Effectively, in a group of four students, if all members were perceived to contributed equally, they should receive 33 or 34 points from each of their peers. All students were also required to write a few sentences supporting why they provided the ‘bonus’ they did, as well as provide a reflection on their own activities. These assessments informed how a portion of the marks were assigned for individual projects. • Minor Project - ENGR 112 included one minor project of two weeks or longer attached to each of its three modules. For each project, students were randomly assigned to teams within their cohort. Projects were structured such that any materials and supplies needed
curriculum changes to several courses in the department. Dr. Natarajarathinam’s research focuses on engineering education including service-learning and workforce skills development. She has received over $3.6 million in external research funding from several companies, governmental agencies, and National Science Foundation. Dr. Natarajarathinam has written 22 peer-reviewed journal articles, a business case with a teaching note, 63 peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and was the keynote speaker at the food banks Conference. She works with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in developing innovative Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses in logistics and distribution. Dr. Natarajarathinam has chaired 91 graduate capstone
competencies in fundamentals of engineering in a highly interactive format. Topics includeprofessional skills such as technical communication (both verbal and writing), guidelines for professionalengineering practice, ethics and selected topics from Electrical, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering.This design-focused course teaches an engineering approach to problem-solving with special emphasis onteamwork, oral and written communication, creativity, ingenuity, and computer-aided design tools. Theinstructional approach used in this course involves first-year engineering students as active participants inthe learning process. Four sections of the Fundamentals of Engineering course participated in this studyand were taught by four School of Engineering
lowerretention and persistence indexes than those observed among students with higher status [7], [8].For the last three years, an initiative sponsored by the National Science Foundation in theCollege of Engineering (CoE) of the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM), the Programfor Engineering Access, Retention, and LIATS Success (PEARLS), has been implementingstrategies to address the SES gap among engineering students [9]. The UPRM is a HispanicServing Institution where over 70% of students come from families with low SES [13]. Forengineering students in this group, the gap has manifested with up to 20% higher attrition and18% longer time to graduation than those of their peers with higher SES.PEARLS introduces a series of interventions organized
Spring semester of2020 to collect students’ feedback about the learning experience during the COVID-19 lockdown[2] . The students were allowed to select multiple answers in the survey questions if they apply.The course delivery modes in the Academic Year 2020-2021 were in-person, blended and online.The most favorable course delivery mode during the AY 2020-2021 from the students’ perspectivewas “blended”, however, “blended” was identified as the least favorable course delivery mode bythe instructors because it was difficult to jungle multiple teaching needs from the in-person and theonline students simultaneously, such as writing class notes, interacting with in-person students,live-streaming lectures, using microphones, recording lectures
and Minorities in Science and Engineering, where her vision is to create a culture of constructive peer review in academic publishing. Julie is a former NSF program director for engineering education and frequently works with faculty to help them write proposals and navigate the proposal preparation and grant management processes. She was a 2009 NSF CAREER awardee for her work operationalizing social capital for engineering education. More recently, Julie has encouraged the engineering education research community to embrace methodological activism, a paradigm whereby researchers intentionally choose methods for the political purpose of empowering marginalized populations. Learn more about her research team, Elevate
shown that most first-year engineering programs include programming orcomputer tools courses in their first-year curriculum [1]. Many challenges occur in teachingcomputing and computer tools in first-year engineering education courses. Students’ preparationand prior experience vary significantly. Students demonstrate difficulty learning the concepts incomputing and applying those concepts to writing code in a specific language [2][3]. Forengineering students, there can be a disconnect between the learning outcomes desired byinstructors and students’ perception of the connection of writing code to their future profession.This disconnect can impact engineering students’ performance to write code. One of our majorlearning outcomes for our students
items from the “can not pick” list.Figure 3. Results of the picking activity. Participants were asked to write down which items their grippercould pick and which it could not. Research team annotated the image with items that were not pickedand not reported in the bottom left.EvaluationAs ‘soft robotics’ is a new concept to these scouts, the research team was interested tounderstand the children’s preconceptions of robotics and who builds and participates in robotics.The Draw an Engineer Test (DAET) [21] is a method used to understand how students seethemselves as engineers before they are able to articulate their thoughts in writing. As part of thisstudy, we adapted the DAET to understand specifically participants perceptions of who
Paper ID #38173Effectiveness of Research and Practice on the Improvementof Scientific Literacy Based on Extra-curricular Learning——A case of a certain Engineering College in ChinaBanglong Liang Banglong Liang is a Ph.D. graduated from the School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China. He is currently the deputy director of the student department of Beihang University. He majors in systems engineering and his research interests include student ideological and political education, peer counseling, and student quality-oriented education.Haojing Chang © American
completed peer review in week 15, in which they assessed the workof themselves and their colleagues. An assessment of “1” (weak effort) required a writtenexplanation.Capstone Course ProductsStudents selected the team’s NRT capstone research product from the choice board: researchpaper (conference or journal), research and extension report, NSF or USDA-style researchproposal, or a community project. After careful consideration, all teams chose a research paperfor their final product, and thus, had to write an interdisciplinary journal article. The team’s finalresearch product followed the formatting and citations requirements for the selected journal, anddrew on the interdisciplinary expertise of the entire team. It was expected that teams
recommendation was to have at least onemember in each concentration areas. The group leader was responsible to coordinate the tasksand to make sure they are completed on time. It was also the responsibility of the group leader toregularly organize meetings and report any personnel issues.Project Requirement • An interim report (one per group) along with the progress of your project is due mid semester. This short report (3 – 5 pages) should highlight your proposed recommendation along with the status of your project. Follow the guidelines provided by the technical writing experts from the Learning Center during writing workshop. • A bound copy of the final report is due at the end of the semester. It should include final