Paper ID #22803RTTD-ID: Tracked Captions with Multiple Speakers for Deaf StudentsDr. Raja S. Kushalnagar, Gallaudet University Raja Kushalnagar is the Director of the Information Technology program in the Department of Science, Technology and Mathematics at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. His research interests encom- pass the fields of accessible computing and accessibility/intellectual property law, with the goal of improv- ing information access for deaf and hard of hearing (deaf) individuals. In the accessible computing field, he investigates information access disparities between hearing and deaf. For
University Northwest. He was a test engineer over 15 years, providing technical leadership in the certification, testing and evaluation of custom integrated security systems. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the City University of New York in 1992, specializing in control theory and electronic technology.Mr. Hassan Abdullah Alibrahim, Purdue University Northwest I’m Hassan Alibrahim. A graduate teaching assistant at Purdue University Northwest Since August 2017. An active member in the national honor society for engineering technology, Tau Alpha Pi. Recognized as an outstanding student by the College of Technology at Purdue University Northwest for the 2015 -2016 academic year.Dr. Ahmed S. Khan
Paper ID #25558DIME: A Dynamic Interactive Mathematical Expression Tool for STEM Ed-ucationMr. Donald Joseph Beyette, Texas A&M University Donald Beyette is a master thesis student at Texas A&M University studying machine learning, graph theory, and GPS navigation. Current research projects focus on content analysis, systems to model users learning behavior, hypersonic navigation, and GPS antispoofing techniques.Mr. Michael S. Rugh, Texas A&M University Michael S Rugh is a second year PhD student focusing on mathematics education within the Curriculum and Instruction PhD track in the Department of Teaching
Paper ID #24668EML Indices to Assess Student Learning through Integrated e-Learning Mod-ulesDr. Ronald S. Harichandran, University of New Haven Ron Harichandran is Dean of the Tagliatela College of Engineering and is the PI of four grants related to the development of an entrepreneurial mindset in students by utilizing integrated e-learning modules and experiential learning opportunities. Through these grant entrepreneurial thinking is being integrated into courses spanning all four years in seven ABET accredited engineering and computer science BS programs, and 75 engineering and computer science faculty at 53 other
engineering research center, CURENT and an adjunct faculty in the Department of Sociology at UTK. Prior to her academic career, she worked in the media industry including KSPS -Spokane Public Station, KCTS-Seattle Public Television, Seattle Chinese Television Station, Public Television Service, Taipei, Vision Communication Public Relation Company, Taipei. She was also a research scientist at Virginia Tech and lab manager at Washington State University.Prof. Meng Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteDr. Jeffrey BraunsteinMs. Elizabeth S. Herkenham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Ms. Herkenham is the Education Outreach Director of the School of Engineering at Rensselaer Polytech- nic Institute. Her responsibilities include
conferences in robotics, software engineering, and computer science education. He has garnered multiple international awards in innovation including the third place in Robocup world competition.Dr. Monique S. Ross, Florida International University Monique Ross, Assistant Professor in the School of Computing Information Sciences and STEM Trans- formation Institute. Dr. Ross earned a doctoral degree in Engineering Education from Purdue University. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Elizabethtown College, a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Auburn University, eleven years of experience in in- dustry as a software engineer, and six years as a full-time faculty in the
University (OSU) after completing his PhD at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) in 2009. While at S&T, Bohm was also a Lecturer for the Department of Interdisciplinary Engineering and was responsible for coordinating and teaching design and mechanics related courses.Dr. Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University Dr. Robert Nagel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at James Madison Univer- sity. Dr. Nagel joined the James Madison University after completing his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Oregon State University. He has a B.S. from Trine University and a M.S. from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, both in mechanical engineering. Since joining James
Paper ID #26515Collaborative Research: Supporting Agency among Early Career Engineer-ing Education Faculty in Diverse Institutional Contexts: Developing a Frame-work for Faculty AgencyDr. Courtney S Smith-Orr, University of North Carolina, Charlotte Courtney S. Smith,PhD is an Undergraduate Coordinator & Teaching Assistant Professor at UNC Char- lotte. Her research interests span the mentoring experiences of African American women in engineering, minority recruitment and retention, and best practices for diversity and inclusion in the Engineering class- room. She received her B.S. in Optical Engineering and M.S. in
Paper ID #25295Board 33: Empirical Foundations for Improved Engineering Education: Dif-ferences Between Engineering Students and Professional Expert Engineerswhile DesigningDr. John S Gero, University of North Carolina, Charlotte John Gero is Research Professor in Computer Science and Architecture at UNCC, Research Professor in Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, and Research Professor in Computational Social Science at George Mason University. He was formerly Professor of Design Science, University of Sydney. He has edited/authored over 50 books and published over 650 research papers. He has been a professor of
BS, MS, and PhD from the College of Engineering at Texas A&M. Kristi works to improve the undergraduate engineering experience through evaluating preparation in areas, such as mathematics and physics, evaluating engineering identity and its impact on retention, incorporating non-traditional teaching methods into the classroom, and engaging her students with interactive methods.Dr. Julie S Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is an Associate Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineer- ing at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas. Her research area is design cognition including
. She has won several Virginia Tech awards including a Dean’s Award for Outstanding New Faculty. Her research expertise includes using motivation and related frameworks to study student engagement in learning, recruitment and retention in engineering programs and careers, faculty teaching practices and intersections of motivation and learning strategies.Dr. Jacob R Grohs, Virginia Tech Jacob Grohs is an Assistant Professor in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech with Affiliate Faculty status in Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics and the Learning Sciences and Technologies at Virginia Tech. He holds degrees in Engineering Mechanics (BS, MS) and in Educational Psychology (MAEd, PhD).Isabel S Bradburn, Virginia Tech
immersed. His earlier work focused on indigenous populations in the Andes and he currently centers on students and higher education.Ms. Jocelyn B. S. Cullers, Boise State UniversityProf. Don L. Warner, Boise State University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Connecting with Other Disciplines Builds Students Own Skills and Professional IdentityBackgroundThe Summer Research Community (SRC) at Boise State University brings STEM (science,technology, engineering, and mathematics) students together with faculty and other studentsfrom social sciences and humanities to form an interdisciplinary summer experience. The SRCwas founded with impetus from a National
, West Lafayette, IN. He is the current leader of A.C.C.E.S.S. team.Mr. Mrigank S. Jha, Purdue University, West Lafayette Mr. Jha works as a Web Developer for World Wide Technology in St Louis, Missouri. He graduated from Purdue University in December 2015, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. He worked as a front-end developer for A.C.C.E.S.S - Analysis of Code on Cloud as an Educational Service to Students.Mr. Pranav Marla, Purdue University Pranav Marla is an undergraduate student at the College of Science in Purdue University. He is pursuing a major in Computer Science, with a specialization in Machine Intelligence. He designed the entire backend of A.C.C.E.S.S.Mr. Kee Wook Lee, Purdue University
across South Carolina, and many manufactur- ing industry partners to create pathways and resources for supporting advanced manufacturing advocacy and opportunities impacting employability and economic development across the Southeast.Dr. Rebecca S Hartley, Clemson University Center for Workforce Development Rebecca Hartley has spent the past seventeen years working in higher education administration in the areas of undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions, academic records, and student affairs. She holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration and Public Policy from Auburn University. Prior to joining the Clemson University Center for Workforce Development as the Director of Pathways, she served as Director of Graduate
, she resigned from her faculty job and came to Connecticut for family reunion. Throughout her academic career in Australia and Sin- gapore, she had developed a very strong interest in learning psychology and educational measurement. She then opted for a second Ph.D. in educational psychology, specialized in measurement, evaluation and assessment at University of Connecticut. She earned her second Ph.D. in 2010. Li has a unique cross- disciplinary educational and research background in mechatronics engineering, specialized in control and robotics, and educational psychology, specialized in statistical analysis and program evaluation.Dr. Ronald S. Harichandran, University of New Haven Ron Harichandran is Dean of the
work for a Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Delaware. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and President of the Board of Trustees of Bethel AME Church of Wilmington, DE. He is married to Cheryl M. Vaughan, a Private Banking Vice President, and they have been blessed with two children Sterling Michael, Accounting/MIS graduate at UD, and Carter Lynsay, a 14 year old aspiring young women engineer.Prof. Jeannie S. Stephens, University of Delaware Jeannie Stephens received her doctoral degree in materials science and engineering from the University of Delaware in 2004. Since then, she has been a National Research Council fellow at the National Institute of Standards and
greater user feedback control than current systems. He is enthusiastic about inspiring students to pursue careers in STEM fields, with a focus on advanced manufacturing.Ms. Elizabeth S. Herkenham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Ms. Herkenham is the K-13 Education Outreach Director of the School of Engineering (SoE) at Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute. Her responsibilities include managing the Pre-College educational programs for the NSF-funded Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications Engineering Research Center (LESA ERC), CURENT ERC, and faculty-driven Broader Impact initiatives. Under Ms. Herkenham’s leadership, the RPI Engineering Ambassadors undergraduate program was established in Spring 2011. This unique
Paper ID #14711Preliminary Assessment of and Lessons Learned in PITCH: an IntegratedApproach to Developing Technical Communication Skills in EngineersDr. Nadiye O. Erdil, University of New Haven Nadiye O. Erdil is an assistant professor of industrial engineering and engineering and operations man- agement at the University of New Haven. Her research interests include use of statistical methods and lean tools for quality and process improvement, and use of information technology in operations management. Her work is primarily in manufacturing and healthcare delivery operations.Dr. Ronald S Harichandran P.E., University of New
the Department of Engineering Technology, Senior Research Fellow and Maker Space Co-Director for the LBJ Institute for STEM Education and Research at Texas State University, and a licensed Professional Engineer. She received her Ph.D. and M.S.E. from the University of Texas at Austin in Structural Engineering. Her undergraduate degrees in History and in Construction Engineering and Management are from North Carolina State University. Dr. Talley teaches courses in the Construction Science and Management Program, and her research focus is in student en- gagement and retention in engineering and engineering technology education. Contact: kgt5@txstate.eduDr. Julie S Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S
Paper ID #13847Examining the Influence of an Ill- and Well-defined Problems in a First-YearEngineering Design CourseMs. Jessica E S Swenson, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach Jessica Swenson is a graduate student at Tufts University. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering with a research focus on engineering education. She received a M.S. from Tufts University in science, technology, engineering and math education and a B.S. from Northwestern University in me- chanical engineering. Her current research involves examining different types of homework problems in mechanical engineering
serves as an Associate Editor for Advances in Engineering Education and on the Advisory Board for the Journal of Engineering Education. He was selected as a Fellow of ASEE in 2008 and of ASME in 2012. He holds a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Penn State, an M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from RPI, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton.Ms. Kirsten S Hochstedt, Penn State University Kirsten Hochstedt is a graduate assistant at the Leonhard Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Edu- cation. She received her M.S. in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in educational and psycholog- ical measurement at Penn State University and is currently a doctoral candidate in the same program
applied pedagogy, and conducts engineering education research.Christina A. Foy, University of New Haven Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from State University of New York at Albany, May 2009. Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at the University of New Haven, May 2013.Mr. Pedro S. H. Kim, University of California, Berkeley Candidate for Bachelor of Arts in Resource Management (Interdisciplinary Research Studies) with a minor in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, May 2015.Emi Okada Okada, University of California, Berkeley Bachelor’s of Chemical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering from University of California, Berkeley. August, 2013 American River
education space. He has authored numerous technical publications/presentations in semiconductor engineering and plasma processing. His current interests fo- cus on the recruitment, retention and success of STEM pipeline students from high school through the university and into the workplace.Mrs. Gena S Martin, Collin College Gena Martin (MBA, BBA) serves in the Engineering and Technology Department at Collin College. Re- cently, based on her work and that of the Collin College faculty in STEM education, specifically in the area of Technical Dual Credit, the Collin College Engineering and Technology Department won the coveted 2014 Tech Titans of the Future University Level Award from the DFW Metroplex Technology Business
Paper ID #11487Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking in Engineering Students by UtilizingIntegrated Online ModulesDr. Ronald S Harichandran P.E., University of New Haven Ron Harichandran is Dean of the Tagliatela College of Engineering and is the PI of the grant entitled Developing Entrepreneurial Thinking in Engineering Students by Utilizing Integrated Online Modules and a Leadership Cohort. Through this grant entrepreneurial thinking will be integrated into courses spanning all four years in seven ABET accredited engineering and computer science BS programs.Dr. Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven Maria-Isabel
and disruption management. Page 26.532.1Mr. I S. Jawahir, University of Kentucky James F. Hardymon Chair in Manufacturing Systems, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Director, Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing (ISM) University of Kentucky c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Development of an Online Master’s Degree Program in Manufacturing Systems EngineeringAbstract:This paper reports on a newly developed online master’s degree program in ManufacturingSystems Engineering at the University of Kentucky for which classes were
assurance. To date, scholarships to RIT students total more than $800,000.Prof. Maureen S. Valentine PE, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST) Maureen Valentine, P.E., has been a faculty member at RIT for more than 21 years and held the position of Department Chair for the Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management, and Safety from 2000 to 2007. She is currently the Associate Dean of the College of Applied Science and Technology and co-PI on the AdvanceRIT initiative. Her scholarly activities recently have focused on women in technology programs and the female faculty who teach them.Prof. Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST) Professor Dell is an associate professor in the Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded systems design courses, and studies the use of context in both K-12 and undergraduate engineering design education. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2010) and M.S./B.S. in Electrical and Com- puter Engineering from Purdue University. Dr. Jordan is PI on several NSF-funded projects related to design, including an NSF Early CAREER Award entitled ”CAREER: Engineering Design Across Navajo Culture, Community, and Society” and
research in novel musical interfaces and machine learning applications in music information retrieval.Mr. David S Rosen, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.) David Rosen is a doctoral student in Drexel University’s Applied Cognitive and Brain Sciences program. He has an M.S degree in Teaching and Instruction and several years of experience as a public school edu- cator. Working in the Music and Entertainment Technology (MET-Lab) and Creativity Research Lab, his interdisciplinary research explores the underlying cognitive mechanisms and factors of creativity, expres- sion, insight, and flow, specifically within the domain of music performance and improvisation. He has also worked on several research projects which
Paper ID #11425The Impact of Faculty Development Workshop on Students’ Understandingof Academic IntegrityMs. Kirsten S Hochstedt, Penn State University Kirsten Hochstedt is a graduate assistant at the Leonhard Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Edu- cation. She received her M.S. in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in educational and psycholog- ical measurement at Penn State University and is currently a doctoral candidate in the same program. The primary focus of her research concerns assessing the response structure of test scores using item response theory methodology.Dr. Sarah E Zappe, Pennsylvania State
assistant professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Texas State University and a licensed Professional Engineer. She received her Ph.D. and M.S.E. from the Univer- sity of Texas at Austin in Structural Engineering. Her undergraduate degrees in History and Construction Engineering and Management are from North Carolina State University. Dr. Talley teaches courses in the Construction Science and Management Program, and her research focus is in student engagement and retention in engineering and engineering technology education. Contact: kgt5@txstate.eduDr. Julie S Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology