executionAccording to Bringle and Hatcher [1], service-learning is defined as a “course-based, creditbearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activitythat meets identified community needs, and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as togain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and anenhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility” (p. 112).” Service-learning has beenproven to benefit students in many ways. More specifically, service learning has been found toenhance students’ collaboration skills [2], civic engagement, interpersonal skills [3], [4], andtheir ability to apply knowledge to problem-solving [5].Our service-learning course was
the importance of these skills. As a part oftheir first class, students follow a rigorous industry-standard design process that requires criticalthinking at every step in the project: develop design criteria, evaluate multiple concepts to thecriteria, build, predict trends from their test data, reflect upon performance and incorporateimprovements, repeat the cycle, compete, document, and finally reflect on their project, teamwork,and process. Along the way the students develop their teamwork and leadership skills, orallydefend their assumptions and decisions, and communicate their process in both written and oralforms. Grading of the project is primarily on process with only 20% on performance. Two yearslater, in their dynamics class
other training materials were included in an experimental design: Video‐based modeling. We expect that these video‐based materials are more engaging, because they demonstrate teamwork behaviors using scenes from popular movies. Nevertheless, "engaging" does not necessarily mean "more effective." The use of these videos is acceptable under "fair use" copyright guidelines as long as these videos are shown live in class and cannot be downloaded by students. In‐class teamwork reflection. This is an exercise to serve as a default comparison case the frame‐of‐reference and video‐based training. It presents some brief scenarios that can occur in teams for teams to discuss how to manage those
#22168Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer-sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to supportengineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach-ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineeringeducation. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Work-in-Progress: Engineering Identity across the Mechanical Engineering MajorAbstractThe Mechanical Engineering Department at Seattle University was awarded a National ScienceFoundation RED (Revolutionizing
. Thedemonstration will also include pre- and post-demonstration reflection activities to help studentsface their misconceptions, a feature that has been demonstrated to be key for learning fromdemonstrations [1].The activities will be piloted for the first time during the Spring 2018 semester. In addition tothe previously mentioned reflection activities, improvements in student learning of key conceptswill be assessed indirectly by comparing achievement on relevant quiz and exam questions from2017 and 2018. These preliminary results will be presented at the 2018 ASEE AnnualConference, where the author hopes to receive feedback and ideas for improvement.Activity 1: McCabe-Thiele Quiz GameThe McCabe-Thiele method is a traditional graphical method for
Director of the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) in the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia. Dr. Sochacka’s research interests span interpretive research methods, STEAM (STEM + Art) education, empathy, diversity, and reflection. She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Epistemologies and a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering from the University of Queensland.Dr. Joachim Walther, University of Georgia Dr. Joachim Walther is an Associate Professor of engineering education research at the University of Georgia and the Founding Director of the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) in the College of Engineering. The Engineering Education Transformations Institute at UGA is an
of art making and therole of the body. Both presentations were welcomed by the students. The engineering studentsparticipated in the discussion of the art creation processes and appeared honestly interested in thevarious means artists use to express their product. They were especially interested in the sectionof the presentation that illustrated how artists may use their body to create art. The art studentsalso participated in the discussion of the engineering design process. They were responsive inhelping define an issue using objectives and functions, and in understanding the differencebetween objectives and functions. They were especially able to differentiate between form andfunction. One student, in a reflection, expressed how she saw
immediate human situations in a personal way [10]’. The diverger learning style isbest fulfilled by the practice reflective observation where they focus on the understanding ofideas and situations by observing and describing them [10]. During the abstractconceptualization, stage assimilators can focus on using logic, ideas, and concepts to understandthe topic [10]. Finally, the convergers learning style is best fulfilled by active experimentationfocusing on activity influencing the situation and emphasizes practicing application [10]. WhileKolb’s experiential learning cycle is shown in four defined learning stages, it is assumed thatmost learners learn in more than one way and can be fulfilled by more than one stage of thecycle
this paper.Keywords: Teaching Evaluation, Active Learning, Faculty experiences, COPUS, Studentlearning, Faculty Development The Use of Peer-Observation Protocols in STEM EducationClassroom observation instruments provide a structure for peer-observation of teaching. Similarto end-of-term student course evaluations, peer observation data can play a critical role inproviding faculty with feedback on their teaching methods, communication, active learningtechniques, and student engagement. Furthermore, observation data can provide a basis forinformed critical self-reflection that may prompt positive changes not only at the instructor levelbut also at departmental, college and institutional levels (Smith, Jones, Gilbert, & Wieman(2013
scholarship, the Corcoran award for best article in the journal Chemical Engineering Education (twice), and the Martin award for best paper in the ChE Division at the ASEE Annual Meeting.Dr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He earned his BS from Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published papers on effective use of simulation in engineer- ing, teaching design and engineering economics, and assessment of student learning.Dr. Laura P. Ford
(referred to as “interventions” in the research questions). Thus, ourpreliminary findings are related to the first part of research questions one and four and researchquestion two. We will focus on three qualitative measures: teacher pre-academic year interviews,observations of classroom activities, and student reflections of the classroom activities.Preliminary Findings. Because our research is in early stages, our analysis and findings to datehave focused on helping us revise, adapt and improve our classroom activities and relationshipswithin our developing partnership. We are analyzing data by summarizing notes and throughformal coding process. Overall we are taking an approach consistent with Miles and Huberman(1994) [18].Teacher Interviews
convergent validity testing between the results and the systems thinking construct.Reflective NarrativeDescription: Students will provide open-ended reflections after each Think Aloud activity and onereport on systems thinking and its implications on project management and engineered systems atthe end of the course. A. The open-ended reflections focus on how the student engaged and learned in the course. It encourages students to recognize positive, negative and neutral aspects of the task(s). B. The report challenges students to determine whether they perceive a benefit of systems thinking in engineering and must support their position. Any individual adjustments made between the pre- and post- knowledge survey is
Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Successes and challenges in supporting undergraduate peer educators to notice and respond to equity considerations within design teamsAbstractWe describe and analyze our efforts to support Learning Assistants (LAs)—undergraduate peereducators who simultaneously take a 3-credit pedagogy course—in fostering equitable teamdynamics and collaboration within a project-based engineering design course. Tonso andothers have shown that (a) inequities can “live” in mundane interactions such as those amongstudents within design teams and (b) those inequities both reflect and (re)produce broadercultural patterns and narratives (e.g. Wolfe & Powell, 2009; Tonso, 1996, 2006a, 2006b;McLoughlin, 2005). LAs could
represents a cross-disciplinary effort between engineeringand humanities, but it differs from other similar efforts in terms of content and focus [3]. Thiscourse prioritizes familiarity with engineering content and technical style, while also invitingengineering students to reflect upon, evaluate, and defend their organizational, design, andwriting decisions.Implementing a STEM-specific technical writing course also provides students with theopportunity to further engage with their disciplines and the opportunity improve upon any(accurate or inaccurate) negative self-perceptions of general written and verbal ability [2].Goldsmith and Willey note in another study note that if sustainable writing practices were to besuccessfully introduced into
passiveobserver or blaming circumstance doesn’t help one’s situation and that shying away fromchallenges (avoidant-performance orientation) won’t lead to growth. This section was alsointended for students to reflect and think critically about their current mindset and approach tolearning, and identify areas where they can improve. This section supports the notion that onecan change their mindset by highlighting scientific evidence from the fields of neuroplasticityand epigenetics. The inner engineering section relates closely to the ideas of mindfulness. It highlightedthe importance of closely monitoring one’s thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations throughmetacognitive monitoring. The researcher discussed how prevalent the mind wandering
learning gains in a course in physiology forengineers [7]. Since these learning gains represent only one way to evaluate outcomes, they donot necessarily reflect other aspects of the classroom such as learner satisfaction or quality ofstudent-faculty interactions. The goal of this study was to ask whether a blended learningenvironment based on low-stakes formative assessments improves students’ satisfaction with thelearning environment and quality of student-faculty interactions.Research MethodsCourse descriptionsTwo sections of a sophomore-level physiology course in biomedical engineering were taught inthe same semester by two different instructors, as reported previously [7]. Both sections requiredreading assignments from the Guyton and Hall
, the inclusionof Objective 5: Design and Objective 7: Creativity reflect the inductive and generative thinkingthat is an integral part of engineering investigations and “real-world” problem solving. Viewedanother way, the inclusion of these two objectives reminds us that design and creativity bothinvolve investigatory elements, exploration, data and information gathering, analysis andinterpretation, often through the design and conduct of experiments. The power of designthinking by Brown [19] with its emphasis on early and frequent prototyping to test ideas,physically or virtually, is a manifestation of the interdependence between engineering design andengineering investigation. The contemporary mantra associated with design thinking
leadership that have typically been a part of industry frameworks and arewell described within the organizational psychology literature [8]. We go on to further considerleadership in an engineering context, and how ideas of engineering leadership may, or indeedshould, be reflected in learning experiences for undergraduate students.Leadership in engineering practiceProfessional leaders and individuals leading engineering teams often resist conventionaldefinitions of leadership [10], [1], such as the definition in Northouse's well-known text:“Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of people to achieve acommon goal” [7]. The emphasis on interpersonal influence runs counter to certain engineeringnorms that see decision-making
-telling, andpeer mentoring; and (4) Physiological states through reflections, I-CAN statements, power poses,and fine and performing art.Data analysis of pre and post-tests, pre and post self-reporting 5-point Likert scale surveys, focusgroup sessions, and reflection sheets showed that this program had been effective. The 91%increase in Sustainable Construction Engineering knowledge, 7.41% increase in self-efficacy,and 7.35% increase in STEM attitudes were all statistically significant (p<0.01). The girls’strongest sources of self-efficacy were from observing peers (vicarious experiences),encouragement from parents (verbal persuasion), positive attitudes from fine and performing arts(physiological states), and continuous improvement and
discussed whether or not he considered himself a facilitator of studentdevelopment. First he said, “My role is a facilitator” but then said, “Facilitator feels wrong”.Upon reflection, the advisor decides that with some competencies such as oral and writtencommunication his role was to provide feedback saying, “My goal is to give them feedbackwhenever I can” and provided examples of student presentation and writing feedback. But thenwhen it came to the competency of leadership he said, “That’s where I feel I am a facilitator tosort of remind them about opportunities.” The distinction between facilitator and feedbackprovider was made by the advisor not the interviewer.Throughout the interview, the advisor spoke about different ways in which he tried
lasting approximately one hour. Data was collectedvia video recordings and jottings, with field notes became the source of data for analysis. Twostudents did not respond to requests for interviews; it is possible that the timing of the interviewsduring finals week and the subsequent spring break may had impacted students’ availability. Ashand Gavin from the focal team, NeuroGrip, were interviewed, however, their team mate Luke didnot respond to interview requests. Interviews were guided by a protocol that focused on students’motivations for enrolling in the course, general course reflections and learning outcomes,thoughts on design thinking, and reflections on the design notebook. Retrospective questionsasked students to consider the ways in
, students participate in a two-week tripwhere students interact with the community and implement the project, participate in culturalexperiences, and identify projects for the following year. Following the trip, additionaldocumentation similar to items noted above is required, as well as an executive summary, shortvideo, reflections paper, and survey.Previous publications related to the course have discussed training internationally responsibleengineers3, sustainability and impact4, integration of sociology and engineering using keyprinciples of human-centered design5, GEO course insights6, social connectivity betweenstudents and communities7, the documentation strategy2, and water filter implementation inSouthern Peru8. Some of these publications
involved in that area of research. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Preparation of the Professional Engineer: Outcomes from 20 years of a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral capstone courseAbstractThe grand challenges outlined by the National Academy of Engineers and addressed by theABET (Accreditation Bureau for Engineering and Technology) learning outcomes reflect thechanging landscape of undergraduate engineering education. Indeed, to be competitive, the nextgeneration of engineering professionals must obtain skills and preparation beyond those in atraditional technical discipline. Accordingly, learners must principally demonstrate the ability to:understand ethics and social
incentivized the development of modules, lessons, or class projects that have a clearhumanities-based learning objective and have the potential to reach many students. The moduledescribed here was funded for development through an internal grant, and this paper presents asummary of the module’s content, the rationale for its approach, reflections on some of the keyassumptions of the rationale, and recommendations for others wanting to implement a similarly-styled ethics assignment.Most Engineering Economy instructors would probably agree that these courses are well-suitedfor reaching large numbers of students due to their cross-disciplinary nature and are also well-suited to discussing professional ethics because of their connection to the world of
work.In this paper, we focus on the weekly surveys: participants received two separate surveys eachweek: a short quantitative perceived preparedness survey sent each Tuesday via Qualtrics and ashort qualitative reflection survey sent each Thursday via email. Participants received $6.25 foreach completed survey, paid in 4-week increments (i.e. up to $50 for each 4-week set of surveys- up to $150 total).The quantitative survey was informed by Experience Sampling Methodologies (ESM), in whichthe purpose of the instrument is to capture experiences as they happen in real time forparticipants [28-30]. The survey asked participants to identify activities in which they hadparticipated within the past week. The list of possible activities was constructed
includedmodeling and doing orthographic drawings. Moreover, Demirbas¸et al. [4] concluded thatvarious types of learning were effective on the performance scores of students in different stagesof a design problem through the studio process and that there is a shift from the learning thattakes place by experiencing and learning by doing, to learning by reflecting and learning bythinking. Therefore, in producing these two major design projects in the Architectural Designcourse, specifically the students’ own individual designs, the students would have to draw fromtheir learning experiences from their construction and design related courses where applicable.The aforementioned process would necessarily be valid as Oxman [5] notes that ArchitecturalDesign
AbstractBroadly stated, accountability for a regional university is value created versus cost.Value reflects social and economic needs of the community, state, and region. Cost ofcreating value is cost of implementation strategies to achieve institutional goals. The state’shigher education coordinating board, a university board, and faculty senate are proxiesfor engaging community, state, and regional stakeholders in institutional accountability.Complex endogenous and exogenous challenges require an effective means for allocatingresources within the organization, monitoring effectiveness of institutional strategies, and, asnecessary, adapting strategies to ensure institutional accountability.This paper examines these issues and recommends an
context. Particularly, professional skills such as communication and cultural andglobal adaptability enable future professionals to work on transnational teams.Working effectively with multicultural teams is becoming more relevant. While it is clear thatengineering and construction education has made some change to preparing future professionalsfor working in these complex teams, much more progress toward preparing students as holisticprofessionals is needed [4] to work in an increasingly globalized economies. Students must betaught in such a way that develops not just technical skills, such as math, but also professionalskills, such as creativity and reflection. The National Academy of Engineering suggests thatsignificant opportunities will
and equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to create such opportunities. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from sci- ence to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creating curricular and pedagogical structures as well as academic cultures that facilitate students’ interests, moti- vation, and desire to persist in engineering. Through this work, outreach, and involvement in the commu- nity, Dr. Zastavker continues to focus
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Bringing Sustainable Development Challenges into the Engineering Classroom: Applying Human Centered Design Protocols to Artisanal and Small-Scale MiningAbstractIn the United States, the growth of programs in the past decade such as HumanitarianEngineering and Engineers Without Borders reflects student interest in understanding thechallenges facing communities in the developing world and applying engineering designprinciples to address these challenges. These programs also provide students with uniqueopportunities to engage with stakeholders, a critical element of any sustainable developmentinitiative. Although there is no substitute for taking students to