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Displaying results 19531 - 19560 of 22930 in total
Conference Session
Programs in Support of Systems Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan K Donohue, University of Virginia; Ali Bouabid, Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
tosystems engineering in this paper. Planning for this new academic track took place in Fall, 2011;the pilot of the Introduction to Systems Engineering course occurred in Spring, 2012 and Fall,2012. The course is consciously structured after the introductory course at the University ofVirginia (UVa), the transfer target for a majority of PVCC students, to ensure that the transfercredit is accepted and students are prepared for success. Based on our experiences in the pilots,the syllabus became slightly modified to prepare students for study in other undergraduateprograms in systems engineering. Course goals, objectives, and content are described. Finally,we offer student reflections on their experiences and course utility as they prepare to
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neal A Lewis, University of Bridgeport; Ted Eschenbach, University of Alaska Anchorage
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
to age 70, hersurvivor’s benefits will be the increased benefit reflecting his delay.Determine NPV for the alternative strategiesCase 3a. Determine the PV for her if she starts benefits at 62, if he starts benefits at 66, and hersurvivor benefit assuming he dies at age 82 and she dies at age 85.As determined in Case 1, the PV for her benefit, starting at age 62, is: At age 62, = −PV(3%,85-62,1528.20*12*0.75) = $226,162 Page 23.584.8His benefit, taken on his own earnings record, starting at age 66 is: At age 66, =PV(3%,82-66,1528.20*12)*PV(3%,4,0,1) = $204,663Her Survivor benefit, assuming that he dies at age 82 and she
Conference Session
Issues in Advising and Mentoring
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gillian M. Nicholls, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
collecting dataabout actual students and model their educational outcomes within the larger system of theengineering program. Page 23.611.4The second goal is to share the results and methodology of creating these predictive models withengineering educators and university administrators for adaptation and adoption at otherinstitutions. The methodology will thus need to include reflections of which aspects are mostsensitive to differences in institutions or their academic policies. This goal will be met bysharing the results through scholarly publications and demonstrations at educational conferences.Ultimately, a tool adopted for university planning
Conference Session
Experience in Assessing Technological Literacy
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Krupczak, Hope College; Mani Mina, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
-related issue. The non-engineers were able to utilize an understanding of thenature of technological systems to convey a fair understanding of the workings of a familiartechnological device which they had not specifically studied.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation under award: DUE-0920164. Any Page 23.631.11opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography 1. Augustine, N. (Chair), National Academies Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st
Conference Session
Projects in ECE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wookwon Lee, Gannon University; Nicholas B. Conklin, Gannon University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Teflon tape to reflect stray photons back in, increasing the numberof photons detected by the SiPM, and then in electrical tape to block outside light. A wrappedscintillator is shown in Figure 4(b). Each SiPM isconnected to a pre-amplifier, also visible in thephotos. The pre-amplifier generates a negativepulse with a magnitude ranging from 0 to about -1.0V depending on the number of photonsimpinging on the SiPM. The advantage of usingSiPMs over traditional photomultiplier tubes       (PMTs) is that they only require a very low (~30V)             (a)                         (b) bias voltage, as opposed to the ~1 kV require by
Conference Session
Product Development and Manufacturing
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University; Jyhwen Wang, Texas A&M University; Manoj Vanajakumari, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
experiences andmany other activities. The main theme is experiential learning: “What I hear, I forget; what I see,I remember; what I do, I understand.” 9 High-impact learning practices can provide intensivelearning for students, improve learning motivation, retention, postgraduate attainment, and helpstudents reap economic, civic, and personal benefits from their educational experience. Manyhigh impact learning activities involve hands-on experience16. In addition to the learning, highimpact educational practices can help students build substantive relationships with teammatesand sponsors and provide opportunities for students to reflect on the person they are becoming
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeff Scott Thomas; Nick M. Safai, Salt Lake Community College; Christopher F Thompson S.M.ASCE, Salt Lake Community College
Tagged Divisions
innovation projects.Conclusion FLL is an excellent opportunity for both Middle School and College aged students alike.By creating mutually beneficial partnerships between younger and older students, many skillsthat are neglected in traditional classrooms are given a fun and exciting environment to developin. The younger students have the chance to engage in research, brainstorming, computerprogramming and presentation, all as part of the overlying theme of open-ended problem solving– the college age students gain experience with team work, critical analysis, deliberations, large-scale event planning and reflective-organization shaping discussions. All of these great skillscombine with the chance for the younger generation to hear the wisdom
Conference Session
Socio-cultural Dimensions of Community Engagement
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aimee S Navickis-Brasch P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow; Anne Liu Kern, University of Idaho; Jillian Rae Cadwell, University of Idaho ; Laura Laumatia Laumatia; Fritz Fiedler, University of Idaho, Moscow
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the Page 23.670.11author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] D. Horwedel, "Operation STEM," Issues in Higher Education, pp. 36-39, 2006.[2] J. Jarosz, "Enginering for Native Americans," Winds of Change, pp. 52-57, 2003.[3] NSB, "Higher Education in Science and Engineering," in Science and Engineering Indicators 2012, Arlington, VA, National Science Foundation, 2012.[4] Idaho State Department of Education, "AYP Preliminary Data 2011. 2010-11 Adequate Yearly Progress Report: Lakeside Elementary School (0752), Plummer-Worley
Conference Session
Micro-Technology and Nanotechnology
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maher E. Rizkalla, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Mangilal Agarwal, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Sudhir Shrestha, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Hazim A El-Mounayri, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Kody Varahramyan, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
23.691.106.2 Upper Elective Course within the TrackThe assessment data in Table III reflects the impact on the junior/senior students within the ECE,ME, BME, Physics, and Chemistry. Scores of 5 indicate that students “strongly agree,” while ascore of 1 indicates that they “strongly disagree”. The scores shown in the table are highercompare to the scores of courses on the same level and disciplines at IUPUI. The data collectedreflects the students’ satisfaction of the course and shows how well it meets their expectations.TABLE III: Junior/Senior Engineering/Science Student Feedback. The scores shown in the tableare higher compare to the scores of courses on the same level and disciplines at IUPUI. Survey Questions
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education (DEED) Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reid Bailey, University of Virginia; Michael C Smith, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
faculty and other students and that they received more feedback Page 23.692.12from faculty and peers and/or had more opportunity to reflect on and evaluate their own work.All of this occurred in a class that has grown from roughly 90 students to nearly 120 students.While the results presented here are preliminary – they show promising leads that will beexplored in more detail as the full evaluation plan is executed.References[1] J. Bersin, The blended learning book: best practices, proven methodologies, and lessons learned. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.[2] F. Alonso, G. Lopez, D. Manrique, and J. M. Vines, "An
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
importance of issues in the case ranging from potential impacts on career Page 23.723.7path to popularity with coworkers. The ESIT was first deployed near the beginning of thesemester, prior to beginning any instruction on ethical issues, and again at the conclusion of thecourse. Additional ESIT data was collected from a group of IE freshman and seniors at theuniversity to understand any potential differences in these populations compared to the studygroup.Qualitative data was collected primarily through instructor reflection on the quality of the studentdiscussion regarding ethical issues. The most striking example of this data involves the use of
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 5
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Judy Santa Cruz, Texas A&M University; Dimitris C. Lagoudas P.E., Texas A&M University; Darren John Hartl, Texas A&M University; Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
. Evaluationfeedback was provided to each presenter to improve on clarity of presentation content, delivery,slides, and graphics. In addition, each student was recorded during his or her presentation to self-evaluate their presentation skills. Reflecting on her presentation style, the student became awareof her weaknesses in delivery and made immediate improvements in subsequent programmeetings based on the feedback from the scholarly community.Description of the technical aspects of the projectSpecimen preparationSheets of equiatomic NiTi were pre-cut and electro-discharge machined (EDM) along the rolleddirection with area remaining to allow for clamping in the EDM fixture. The sheets were 25%cold worked with as-received thicknesses of 0.50 and 0.25 mm
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isaac W Wait, Marshall University; Mike McSween, Bentley Systems; Bradley E Workman, Bentley Systems Inc,
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
highlights the importance of identifying asmall, simple introductory exercise with which to initiate student use of new software, and mayalso reflect the value of a live in-class demonstration where students first see the unfamiliaractivity demonstrated, then they complete it themselves, and then they observe a classmatecompleting the steps a second time. Although the WaterGEMS software does have sophisticatedand complex functionality, students can develop a primary viewpoint that it is easy to usethrough a targeted introductory exercise.86% of students responded that the software homework assignment that followed the in-classdemonstration was “very useful” or “somewhat useful” as a learning activity that supported theirunderstanding of the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Marisa Wolsky, WGBH Educational Foundation; Christine Andrews Paulsen, Concord Evaluation Group; Tamecia R. Jones, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References 1. Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor. (2006). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Bulletin 2800. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 2. National Science Foundation. (2006). Science and Engineering Degrees: 1966–2004. Arlington, VA: Division of Science Resources Statistics. 3. National Science Board (2010) Science and Engineering Indicators 2010. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation. 4. Stevens, R. Bransford, J. and Stevens, A. (2005). "The LIFE Center's Lifelong and Lifewide Diagram". Accessed from: 5. Bell, Philip, Lewenstein, A.W., Shouse, A.W. & Feder, M.A. (Eds
Conference Session
Building BIM into Construction Curricula
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin R. Miller, Brigham Young University; Clifton B. Farnsworth, Brigham Young University; Justin Earl Weidman, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
reflect industry needs. Management skills required of a BIM manager withinthe industry that can be developed within higher education include teamwork, communication,and analytical thinking. Technical skills include “understanding BIM tools, standards,workflows, BIM-enabled coordination practices and project management, development ofconstruction drawings, making estimates and schedules with BIM applications, and a knowledgeof parametric object-based design concepts.”20 Both management and technical related skillsshould be integrated into BIM curriculum. According to the AIA, “the level of expertise requiredto intelligently design with BIM is significant, and serious consideration must be given to how itcan be taught… The competent BIM operator
Conference Session
Involving Undergraduates in Research
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randel L. Dymond, Virginia Tech; Vinod K Lohani, Virginia Tech; Daniel S Brogan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Manuel Alejandro Martinez, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. Also, research isongoing to develop procedures for the LEWAS data access and visualization on mobile devicesand in platform independent Web browsers for water sustainability education. Page 23.783.11AcknowledgementThis work has been supported by NSF/TUES type I grant (award# 1140467). Any opinions,finding, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the author (s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Delgoshaei, P., and Lohani, V. K., 2012. “Implementation of a Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Lab with Applications in Sustainability Education,” Proc. 2012
Conference Session
Themes in Renewable Energy and ET
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Immanuel Edinbarough P.E., University of Texas, Brownsville
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
capacitance and specific heat values of various materials; categorize heat movement through reflection, absorption, radiation, and magnification. 3. Categorize the collection control, dissipation, storage and distribution of heat energy. 4. Maintain and repair mechanical equipment. E. ELMT 1302. Solar PV System. Course outcomes: 1. Design solar PV array. 2. Define industry terms. 3. Investigate certification requirements. 4. Install troubleshoot systems.IV. Plumbing Certificate – Solar Thermal Technology Specialization A. SOLR 2371. Solar Piping and Materials. Course outcomes: 1. Identify solar piping and materials; interpret specifications
Conference Session
Involving Undergraduates in Research
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Usama El Shamy P.E., Southern Methodist University; Tarek Abdoun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Flora P McMartin, Broad-based Knowledge, LLC; Miguel A. Pando, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
available given that the concepts covered by the experiment had not beentaught in prior versions of the courses. The focus of the pilot project was to determine how tomost effectively run a remote lab such as this and to gain insight into student learning based onstudent self-reports regarding their learning and their reflections on the assignments andtechnology. The survey also covered students’ prior experience with experimentation (online andin person), their opinions regarding the experiment and associated assignments, the quality and‘user friendliness’ of the online experiment, and their opinions regarding the impact of theexperiment on their learning. All opinion questions were designed using a five point Likert scalefrom ‘Strongly Disagree
Conference Session
Novel Teaching Methods In Engineering Technology
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tianwei Wang, Clemson University; John R. Wagner, Clemson University; Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson University; Melissa Isabel Zelaya, Clemson University; Jeff Bertrand; Kristin Kelly Frady, Clemson University for Workforce Development; Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson University; Sabarish V. DUPE Babu, School of Computing, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Special thanks to theinstructors at the four South Carolina Technical Colleges that participated in the researchproject.References1. Perdomo, L., Shiratuddin, F., Thabet, W., and Ananth, A., "Interactive 3D Visualization As a Tool For Construction Education", proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, PF4B/23-8, Santo Domingo, DR, July 2005.2. Lee, S., Yoo, S., Kim, Y., Jung, H., Kim, S., Yun, M., Lee, J., and Kim, H., “Modeling and Localization of Web-based Fusion Image using VRML in Clinical Stroke Case
Conference Session
Best Methods for NEEs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James C. Squire, Virginia Military Institute; Turk McCleskey, Virginia Military Institute; Elizabeth White Baker, Wake Forest University; Anthony Evan English, Western New England University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
written in a serial chain format, where the output of one stage is used asthe input of another. The intermediate data is called “derived data”, and this approach iscommon when the derived data is important in its own right, when there are several possibledifferent analyses that must be applied to the derived data, or when it is useful to access it fordebugging and verification purposes. In these circumstances, it is tempting to save the deriveddata for later processing by other programs. This is dangerous since changes to the original datafile will not be reflected in the saved derived data, complicating re-versioning of both theoriginal data and the program used to create the derived data. Instead, it is preferable to call thefirst processing
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abul K. M. Azad, Northern Illinois University; Munish Sharma, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
) embedded assessment strategies; and e) scaffolds. These features provide anengaging laboratory experience, work with students’ pre-existing knowledge, and develop skillsof self-monitoring and reflection, which contribute toward improving the quality of STEMeducation. The project experimentation part of the facility has two major components: a) aremote laboratory and b) pedagogical design.3.1 Remote LaboratoryThis implementation proceeds through a number of inter-linked tasks covering a range ofdisciplines, which include computer interfacing, web design, interactive graphical user interface,computer networking, network/web security, experiment module designs, assessment strategy,and project evaluation.The developed facility can be presented by a
Conference Session
CEED - Technical Session 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Massi, University of Central Florida; Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida; Cynthia Y. Young, University of Central Florida; Cameron M. Ford, University of Central Florida; Patrice Lancey, University of Central Florida; Divya Bhati, University of Central Florida ; Kim A Small, University of Central Florida College of Engineering and Computer Science
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
% (751/4,712) of engineering degreesand 21% (193/927) of computer science/information science degrees in 2009-10 (the most recentdata year available)8. Approximately 23% of the population in the state in 2011 wasHispanic/Latino9 which is also reflected in the enrollment numbers of this demographic at theuniversity and within the college. In CECS, the undergraduate Hispanic and African Americanstudents represent 22% and 7% respectively of the total undergraduate enrollment in the college(double the national rate of 10% for Hispanics, and higher than the national rate of 5% forAfrican Americans)4. CECS ranks 20th in the number of undergraduate engineering andcomputer science degrees awarded, 8th to Hispanics, 16th to African Americans, and 35th
Conference Session
Software Applications in ET Programs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
MADDUMAGE KARUNARATNE, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
for the students in this course as evident from the animationproject described in Part III. The major difficulty students seemed to have had was switchingbetween the syntax of C and MATLAB, particularly in the area of arrays and for loops. The lastitem in Table 1 is the usage of the features in the respective software development environmentsDevC/C++ and MATLAB. Rather than making it a single topic, it was taught hands onthroughout the semester as the need and opportunity arose.part III: course projectsHomework typically reflects on the material covered in the lecture class. For any portion ofassignments that involve coding, students use DevC/C++ and MATLAB on Microsoft Windowsbased desktop computers in general computer labs. They develop the
Conference Session
Approaches to Mathematics Curriculum to Include Projects and Technologies
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb, University of Louisville; Patricia A Ralston, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
adoption of different educational technologies; these included the school wideadoption of tablet PCs, participation in workshops on different educational technologies, andpublished literature on STEM education and educational technologies.Determining the impact of adopted technologies on teaching and learning in the department’sengineering mathematics classes presents many challenges: individual differences in studentsand faculty are hard to control for, course grade may not always reflect an improvement inteaching and learning, qualitative improvements can be difficult to measure, and a host of otherchallenges most educators are familiar with. In literature on the educational technology, resultshave included: cost savings, reductions in DFW rates
Conference Session
FPD 8: Teaching Design in the First Year
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Scott Bates, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
“speed dating” session with themwhere they asked about how they chose their major and what they would have done differently.The design process was presented, and then the students were then introduced to the grandchallenges. During the 2012 class, eight weeks were used to discuss and learn about the grandchallenges, during the 2013 class, only four weeks were allotted. Condensing the time spent onthe grand challenges increased the rigor of the course. Reflection assignments during this timewere designed to assess their understanding of the grand challenges as well as to provide theapplication of the design process. Students learned how to translate the challenges intomanageable problem and needs statements. Each week, the topic went slightly
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-on Engineering Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Ross Pfluger P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Philip J. Dacunto, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, United States Military Academy; Michael Hendricks, United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
many random, turbulent eddies. These random fluctuations willdisperse the pollutant away from the plume centerline, resulting in a normal or Gaussiandistribution of concentrations in both the vertical (z) and crosswind (y) directions. Assuming aconstant wind in the x direction, a non-reacting pollutant, and total reflection from the ground,the concentration of pollutants downwind at any point x, y, and z can be predicted with thefollowing equation:4 Q  y2    z  H 2    z  H 2  C exp   exp     exp    2u y z  2 2   2 z2   2 z2
Conference Session
Innovations in Computer Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill D Carroll P.E., University of Texas, Arlington; Shawn N Gieser, University Of Texas At Arlington; David Levine, University of Texas, Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. Page 24.54.9 Students were required to write a project report to document their design, implementation, and test results. The quality of reports was uneven across the class. On reflection, this result is understandable given that, typically, our students have not taken a technical communications course before taking the digital logic course. On the last day of class, students were asked to complete a survey concerning their experiences relative to laboratory exercises and term project. See Table 3 for a summary of the results. The same survey will be given at the end of the current (spring 2014) offering of the course. Generally speaking, the survey results are consistent with the observations of the authors. The
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Scott Bell, Kansas State University; Eugene Y. Vasserman, Kansas State University; Eleanor C. Sayre, Kansas State University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
during the 1970s 9 . Since that time, the importance and need fora workforce skilled in cybersecurity has grown rapidly 17 . Due to this rapid growth, and thetremendous breadth of material that falls under the umbrella of cybersecurity, a wide array ofcontent and pedagogical practices have been incorporated into today’s cybersecurityclassrooms.While this diversity reflects the reality of cybersecurity education, it is a major hindrance to thedevelopment of a consistent model for cybersecurity education. Areas which could beincorporated into this domain, include: computer architecture, criminology/law, cryptography,databases, human-computer interaction, information retrieval, information theory,management/business, mathematics, military science
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Kathleen Meehan, Virginia Tech; Bonnie H. Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dianna Newman; Yacob Astatke, Morgan State University; Mohamed F. Chouikha, Howard University; Deborah Walter, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
.29. A. Prades, S. Espinar, “Laboratory Assessment in Chemistry: An Analysis of the Adequacy of the Assessment Process,” Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education [serial online]. vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 449-461, July 2010.30. J. Robertson et al, “Exploiting a Disruptive Technology to Actively Engage Students in the Learning Process,” 2013 ASEE Conference.31. J. Rodd, D. Newman, G. Clure, M. Morris. “Moving the Lab to the Classroom: The Impact of an Innovative Technological Teaching Tool on K-14 Learning and Cognition,” SITE Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2010, 2807-2813.32. D. Schon (1995), The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, Ashgate Publishing.33. J. Selingo, “Connecting the Dots,” ASEE
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education (DEED) Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert A. Meyer, Clarkson University; John McLellan, Freescale Semiconductor; Jeffrey S Sumey, California University of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
an “optical sensing” division as an alternative to the then emerging camera-basedsensing division. In consideration of overall course objectives and time constraints, we haveelected to employ this simpler method for line sensing for the course project. Our project usesthe Pololu QTR-8 Reflectance Sensor Array featuring eight IR emitter/detector pairs as shown inFig. 4. Figure 4: QTR-8 Sensor Array mounted to car Page 23.320.10For processor solution, we use the Wytec Firebird32-Nano microcontroller module( which is a Freescale Coldfire V1 microcontroller adapted to a 40-pin DIPform factor. This MCU