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Displaying results 20011 - 20040 of 22924 in total
1998 Annual Conference
Wayne Hager; Jacques Lesenne; Dominique Saintive; Richard Devon
seen a growing interest amongundergraduate engineers at Penn State to include an international experience in their education,particularly international co-ops. An additional indicator of the importance of internationaleducational experience is reflected by the Penn State Schreyer Honors College, which, withconsiderable donor funding, recently established a goal of having half of its students have asignificant international experience during their undergraduate education. About 30% of thestudents in the Honors College are engineering majors and there will now be financial support forthem to gain international experience. Significantly, the Honors College policy is to avoid“academic ghetto” experiences where the American students would all stay
1998 Annual Conference
Dava J. Newman; Amir R. Amir
reflect the realnature of the hands-on design element. The use of the World Wide Web (Web) was made an inte-gral part of the course. Utilizing the Web allows for more flexibility in teaching and learning thanconventional approaches [2]. Interactive courseware has been developed for almost every level ofengineering education. The most relevant materials are multi-media curricula developed to aug-ment hands-on design courses [3], [4]. Introduction to Aerospace and Design combines the new opportunity to interactively presentand disseminate curricula over the World Wide Web with a hands-on, lighter-than-air vehicledesign project to motivate and teach students about engineering. The Lectures encompass tradi-tional classroom presentations as well as
1998 Annual Conference
Anton Pintar
integrating process safety principles into the unit operations laboratory, the studentsreceive a “hands on” exposure to process safety. The intention is to make process safety anintegral part of the day to day work in the laboratory. The importance of safety in the unitoperations laboratory is reflected in the course syllabus, which states the first objective ofthe course as:“Develop a constant awareness of safety in the laboratory so that all laboratory work iscarried out in a safe manner.” (Caspary and Ellis, 1997)The MTU unit operations laboratory provides an ideal setting for teaching process safetyand for preparing chemical engineers for safety in the chemical industry. The laboratoryhas two levels (each approximately 30’x85’) and a third level
1997 Annual Conference
Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre; Larry J. Shuman; Cynthia Atman; Harvey Wolfe
Role of Quality Concepts in Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 1993 Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, November 6-9, 1993, (Piscataway: IEEE Service Center), pp. 535-538.19. Sparkes, John J., "Quality in Engineering Education," International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, (1990) pp. 18-32.20. Schon, Donald A. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1983)21. Samson, C.H., “Quality Management in Engineering Education,” ASQC Quality Congress Transactions, Page 2.151.9 (Milwaukee: American Society of
1997 Annual Conference
Leslie Bondaryk
may also gain insight into what areasconcern them most, which will also help you to choose media.&RQFOXVLRQVNew media offers us an opportunity for self-evaluation. Use the advent of cheap, ubiquitouscomputing as an opportunity to reflect on what’s working well in your teaching, and what isn’t.The instructors who created the tools above developed their initial plans this way, and were trueto their goals, as demonstrated in the examples.I have demonstrated a project in which hypertext is used to bind a course together and give thestudent the freedom to explore the content in their own personal path. I’ve shown examples ofinverted course structure using hypertext and virtual labs, which will affect not only the way thenew media is used, but
1997 Annual Conference
Charles H. Dowding; Joseph J. Biernacki
team relatedinteraction, it would be expected that they would view interaction between their faculty orgraduate student advisor to represent a team interaction. However, it was clear that thestudents in Team four, the control, which models a traditional REU, did not feel theexperience offered any degree of team interaction. While lack of interaction andinterdisciplinary experience is no reflection of the effectiveness of the REU programs,overall, it does suggest that a deliberate team structure must be implemented if teaminteraction is expected to be a result of the experience.Overall, the students reported a fruitful experience whether or not they engaged in teamactivities. Those who did experience team work, however, appear to report a
1997 Annual Conference
Andrew S. Lau
, and the biosphere. 3. They should be thermodynamically sound (efficient) in the generation and use of energy. 4. They should dynamically balance all costs. 5. They should promote human development. Page 2.132.5And perhaps most importantly, “appropriate technology requires that we reflect on our ends andvalues, before we commit ourselves to the development of new technologies, or even to thecontinuation and use of certain old ones.” Drengson sees the “transformation of thetechnological process into an art” where “technology is designed to enhance individual persons,ecological integrity, and cultural
1997 Annual Conference
Virleen M. Carlson; Susan C. Roberts; Kathryn A. Hollar
only copying and presentation costs withfaculty volunteers and TA Fellows left unpaid. As the program expanded and more TAs weretrained by the program, the budget increased accordingly and pay was included for the leaders inorder to reflect fairly the time commitment involved. The program currently costs roughly$50,000, is funded through the Office of Undergraduate Programs and includes food, workbookcosts, TA Fellow salaries ($1,400 each), Head TA Fellow salary and tuition support ($30,000),video equipment upgrades, and conference stipends. It is important to include funding forconferences in the budget in order to give the program, school, and the TA Fellow exposure. Anissue that needs to be considered when initiating a TA training program
1997 Annual Conference
Richard Campbell; Irma Becerra-Fernandez; Gustavo Roig; Gordon Hopkins
%; Non-Residents - 6%. FIU’s total minority enrollment isapproximately 17,500, or 63% of the total student population, while 58% or 16,153 students arefemale. Although the total numbers of females and minorities come close to reflecting the diversityof the local community, female and minority enrollment in the graduate science and engineeringdisciplines are not representative of their numbers in the local population. Specifically, Hispanicsmake up 34% and African Americans make up 9.5% of the graduate population in engineering atFIU, while they represent 50% and 21% of the local population, respectively.One of FIU’s greatest assets is that, unlike most universities, most of its alumni obtain employmentin the region, with 72% of all alumni
1997 Annual Conference
Thomas R Phillips
proposals for FIPSE, and in doing “pre-submission” reviews forclients. I will begin with a discussion of problems that can be fatal to a funding proposal.Remember that flaws in the proposal often reflect gaps in planning that can undermine a project inits second or third year. I will then move on to recommendations for planning an exchangeprogram. The goal is to help engineering faculties write competitive proposals.My observations are based on proposals for the program entitled “European Community/U.S.A.Joint Consortia for Cooperation in Higher and Vocational Education.” This program supports newworking relationships among academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and industry,with a special interest in student internships. Here you
1998 Annual Conference
John T. Bell; H. Scott Fogler
the time this paper is presented. Page 3.626.9V. ConclusionThis paper has discussed the use of virtual reality in chemical engineering education, focusing onchanges that have occurred since 1996 and on implementation guidelines. Information has beenprovided on how to download and install the software, and recommendations made forintegration into a course curriculum. In particular, it is recommended that the modules beimplemented as an optional extra-credit activity, available 24 hrs/day, with a suitable set ofquestions to encourage analysis and reflection of the topics covered.VI. AcknowledgmentsThe authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the
1999 Annual Conference
Wayne Padgett
and record valuablevideo data of the flame and barrel hazards. Their precautions against heat were quite successfulat protecting the on-board electronics. New cooling fans on the computer and power boards kept Page 4.164.4them operating smoothly, and reflecting foil on the modems and effective use of shady areas keptthe other electronics in working order despite 105 Fahrenheit temperatures.Unfortunately, last minute component failures are a hallmark of this competition, and 1998 wasno exception. The hard drive used to develop the on-board computer code failed the day beforeflight day and had to be rebuilt from backups. The helicopter’s clutch
1999 Annual Conference
Michael J. Caylor; Bruce Chesley
Page 4.178.12 • Inquiry and discovery: stimulating critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and reasoning • Groups and teams: facilitating learning through group activities and team projects • Experience and reflection: drawing learning from the practical experience gained from participating in the projectThe effect of assigning cadets to small teams with dedicated faculty mentors is that this approachrequires a substantial commitment from the faculty to work closely with the students and witheach other. The need for strong communication and integration across all the faculty memberson the project is one of the primary challenges we face in executing the program.IV. ConclusionOur
1999 Annual Conference
Norman L. Fortenberry
engineeringeducation. This approach is similar to that used by Wankat in which he found that only 13.4percent of the articles published in the five years between 1993 and 1997 cited a specificeducational theory10. Page 4.64.4Two hundred fifteen papers (excluding educational briefs) in nineteen issues published betweenJanuary 1993 and January 1999 were examined (not including 6 issues published during thisperiod) for their conformance to the taxonomy indicated above as shown in Table 1. Multiplecounting was allowed for papers which appeared to cross multiple categories. The columnlabeled “Other” reflects articles which did not fit any of the other categories (for
1999 Annual Conference
Michael Morrow
. Page 4.65.5V. The CurriculumThe EE462 Microcomputer Interfacing course syllabus was redesigned to reflect the use of theDSK based lab station. The syllabus includes the topics as summarized below. TMS320 Register Architecture and Instruction Set Lab Station Memory Map, Bus Signals and Timing Parallel Interfacing, Address Decoding and Bus Control Serial Interfacing Techniques and Protocols Hardware Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller Applications Display and Control Interfaces Signal Acquisition Final Design Integration ProjectEach topic area is supported by one or two hands-on laboratory design exercises that expose thestudents to a new device or
1999 Annual Conference
Patricia M. Yaeger; Rose M. Marra; Francesco Costanzo; Gary L. Gray
the learning process.1.2 Interactive, Student-Centered Learning “Student-centered instruction is a broad teaching approach that in- cludes substituting active learning for lectures, holding students re- Page 4.91.2 sponsible for their learning, and using self-paced and/or coopera- tive (team-based) learning” (Felder and Brent, p. 43). [12]Meyers and Jones [13] describe active learning as a way to provide “opportunities for students totalk and listen, read, write, and reflect as they approach course content—all of which requirestudents to apply what they are learning” (p. 1
1999 Annual Conference
William Durfee
to teach this kind of course; (6) It is impossible or difficult to evaluate designprojects which means we can’t give students grades. In reality, creating and running a coursebased on hands-on projects need be no more resource nor staff intensive than a course based ontraditional problem sets. And, what a student learns or didn’t learn is reflected just as much in adesign and the documentation associated with a design as it is in a problem set. Thus, one of theproject goals was to demonstrate that hands-on activities could indeed take place in large,undergraduate engineering courses.III. Course Description“Introduction to Engineering I & II” (ME1010/12) is a new, required two-quarter lower divisiondesign course. The course was built on a
1999 Annual Conference
Alfred J., Jr. Bedard
• Maximum height -- six feet • Easily disassembled for storage • Easily transported • Safe • Multi-disciplinary • Reliable • Include analysis • Demonstrate Creativity/ingenious problem solving • Short repetition time • Professional appearanceThe grading structure is reflective of these requirements and reinforces the students needto address each of these areas in their design work. The scoring sheet includes each often areas weighted equally at ten points. The areas are: Page 4.316.31. Safety1. Multi-disciplinary1. Reliable1. Analysis component1. Creativity1. Problem solving7. Short repetition time1. Professional Appearance1. Presentation1
1998 Annual Conference
James A. Houdeshell; Robert Mott
wide variety of learning styles.All of these factors contribute to a stronger resource base, a curriculum linked to the real-world,and higher skilled facilitators who will reach more students with engaging and meaningfulactivities which will better prepare participants for success in the 21st Century.* Partial support for the National Center of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing Education has been supplied bythe National Science Foundation under grant number DUE-9454571. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Society of Manufacturing Engineers (1997), "Manufacturing Education Plan: Phase I
Conference Session
NEE Technical Session 3 - Courses: development, logistics, and impact
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mott, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
students. For both online and hybrid courses, the quiz was givenonline through the course management system. The quiz was given in class for the in-personmode. Online, the students had two chances to complete the quizzes so they could reflect on theirerrors. The in-class quiz was also administered twice: once to each student individually andagain in groups of four to six, where they had to debate the questions and answers beforedetermining the right response. The instructor was able to determine how well the studentsunderstood the pre-class material by administering this formative, multiple-choice quiz, whichalso allowed her to address any misconceptions directly after the quiz, or in the following classsession. The quizzes were appreciated by the
Conference Session
Innovations in Experiments and Modeling
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert P. Hesketh, Rowan University; Barnabas Gao, Rowan University; Kirti M Yenkie, Rowan University; Swapana Subbarao Jerpoth, Rowan University; David Anthony Theuma, Rowan University; Sean Curtis, Rowan University; Michael Fracchiolla, Rowan University; C. Stewart Slater, Rowan University; Mariano Javier Savelski, Rowan University; Steven Roth, Rowan University; Emma Marie Padros, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
effectiveness in pumpingwater through coffee beans. These pumps are crucial in handling low viscosity fluids and areoften overlooked in traditional education settings. The laboratory limits its operational pressureto 5 bar for safety reasons, although it can handle pressure up to 15 bar. Students can comparethe capabilities of two vibratory pumps with a centrifugal pump, providing a hands-on learningexperience that reflects real-world applications.The laboratory conducted three experiments on vibratory pumps. The first involved examiningthe impact of vertical height on flow rate and power. Students selected three to four heights torun the pump, recording flow rate, pressure, and outlet height. The second experiment focused onthe effect of downstream
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Curriculum Development
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohamed Gharib, Texas A&M University; Michael A. de Miranda, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
workforce [10,11]. This leads to the need for anundergraduate STEM Education degree, which emphasizes integrated inquiry and innovation andequips the teacher to prepare students for success in the 21st-century economy. In this paper, aunique engineering degree in STEM Education is presented. The current curriculum and the keycourses are explained, as well as how they impact the preparation for the future cohorts of STEMEducators. The examples and program progress presented in this paper reflect the first cohort of12 students. To date, graduates of the program have achieved a 100% pass rate on the Texascertification exams in mathematics, physical science, and engineering. Furthermore, thechallenges and future improvements are discussed in this
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division (SWED) Technical Session #3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joydeep Mitra, Northeastern University; Amir Kirsh
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division (SWED)
, IsraelIntroductionCollaboration in Computer Science courses has several benefits. It allows students with diversebackgrounds and perspectives to come together and understand the subject material holisticallyand comprehensively. Working in a team encourages students to exchange ideas, expertise, andbest practices, which helps them learn from one another and not only from the teaching staff.When students work on programming assignments in a team, it allows students to peer reviewtheir team members’ code. Peer evaluation and feedback help improve the work’s overall qualityand also reflects developers’ workflow in real-world software development projects. Moreover, acollaborative environment encourages students to be accountable for their and their teammembers’ work
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 4
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas Choi, University of California, Irvine; Liang Li Wu, University of California, Irvine
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
:[15] K. S. Gutierrez et al., “Undergraduate Engineering and education students reflect on their interdisciplinary teamwork experiences following transition to virtual instruction caused by COVID-19”, Education Sciences, vol. 12, no. 9, p. 623, 2022. doi:[16] C. N. Chang, G. K. Saw, and L. Malagon-Palacios, “Challenges of Remote Learning and Mentoring among Engineering Students and Faculty during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Oct. 2022.[17] L. L. Wu et al., “Rapidly Converting a Project-Based Engineering Experience for Remote Learning: Successes and Limitations of Using Experimental Kits and a
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD) Technical Session: Innovative Approaches to Teaching & Developing Engineering Leadership
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brainerd Prince, Plaksha University; Sumita Ambasta; Vinayak Krishan Joshi, Plaksha University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD)
world problems like economicgrowth, environmental challenges, public health etc. [5].Since innovation is one of the primary goals of engineering education, it becomes importantto look at the strategies being used by educators to make students innovate. According toframework provided by Dekoninck [7], there are 5 skills needed for innovation namely:tenacity, creativity, independence, decision-making (risk analysis, intuition) and leadership.Similarly, other scholars have also identified competencies like creativity, decision-makingcollaboration, reflection and technological expertise as the primary requirements forinnovation [8],[9].However, according to Palomera-García [10] there is a glaring flaw in engineering educationregarding the absence
Conference Session
Perspectives in Chemical Engineering Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Butler Velegol, Penn State University; Katie Cadwell, Syracuse University; Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Pittsburgh; Lisa G. Bullard P.E., North Carolina State University; Mechteld Veltman Hillsley, Penn State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
data frompublicly available departmental websites. The data in this paper comes from survey data for 74departments and from websites for the other 85 departments. Thus, it is unclear if thedifference reflects only changes in numbers or differences in available data on websites. Forexample, some departments do not differentiate teaching non-tenure track faculty from tenure-track faculty on their website’s title designations. This underscores the need to more formallytrack numbers of TFF in chemical engineering. 3Table 2: Number of total ChE faculty and Teaching Focused Faculty (TFF) in R1, R2, M2, M1,PUI and D/PU Universities
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND) Technical Session 14
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Ronald Sturgess, Florida International University; Bruk T Berhane, Florida International University; Stephen Secules, Florida International University; Haiying Long; Daniel Ifeoluwa Adeniranye, Florida International University; Jingjing Liu, Florida International University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
statistics, but on the retention/graduation rates of those who meet one or more ofthese criteria. This study highlights the importance of institutional data for nontraditionalstudents in engineering and represents new work in advancing a more holistic understanding ofthese individuals.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under AwardNumbers #REDACTED. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] K. C. Aquino and S. BuShell, “Device usage and accessible technology needs for post- traditional students in the e-learning environment,” The
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 9
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard T Buckley P.E., United States Air Force Academy
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
prior to themidterm or final) showed that students appreciated the opportunity for unlimited attempts.However, the opportunity to procrastinate until days before the midterm or final grade deadlinewas a strong pull for many student. Many comments reflected the idea that less-than-optimallearning occurred as a result of the push to get homework assignment completed at the lastminute. The resulting disconnect between needing the analysis tools developed in the homeworkassignment to complete the design project, yet not having completed the homework assignmentsin time to use them on the design project. was a common theme. Many groups relied on a singleteam member who had completed the assignments on time. Several teams did not have any teammembers
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaping Li, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan; Mark Mills, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
Whiteraters, suggests that the intersectional effects of gender and race primarily manifest within thegroup of White raters (see Figure 4.1 and 4.2). This may imply that White students assessed theirpeers differently based on the targets’ race and gender, though it also reflects a larger sample forthose cells. Our analysis revealed that the gender-based differences in peer ratings arepredominantly associated with White raters. Notably, the most substantial disparities in predictedpeer rating means between female and male targets were observed when White studentsevaluated their Asian teammates, suggesting that Asian male students underperformed orcontributed less than Asian female students in course small group activities from the perspectivesof their
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maeve Bakic, Boise State University; Samantha Schauer, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
earlier, allowing students to focus on‘understanding’ the content rather than just ‘knowing’ the content [8]. The difference being thatlecture based teaching tends to focus on theory and strict processes, limiting students to findingone particular ‘right’ answer. Active learning methods, such as flipped-classrooms,think-pair-share activities, and case study reflections, push students to defy their normalcognitive boundaries of what engineering “is” [9, 10]. This education method can ease the oftenfrustrating transition that seniors experience during capstone design courses where students areexpected to translate isolated concepts learned in classrooms to suddenly very technicallycomplex projects [11]. The frustration that students experience