, write a problem statement, collect requiredinformation/data, calculate a numeric answer, and justify their solution. Informed by our pilot study, Grigg et al.’s [7] problem solving rubric, and our own experiences,we redesigned the ill-structured problem assignment used in spring 2017 and assigned it to 130 first-yearengineering students as a replacement for a 20-point exam question. The assignment required students toidentify and analyze a physical phenomenon using physics principles from the course. The module thatthis was assigned during focused on Newtown’s Laws, forces, circular motion, drag, terminal velocity,Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation, and weightlessness. Students were given two weeks tocomplete the assignment and
draw out guide values and assumptions in theanalysis portion of this project [11]. We asked guides to describe details of the experience,including what was solidified for them. Interviews were conducted via Skype video conference,and were audio recorded, transcribed, and coded.The first author of this study is a member of the raft guide community and thus benefited fromeasy access to a pool of participants for recruitment. Multiple coders to ensure analysis was notbiased. The first participant was a 30-year-old male who is a high school social studies teacher inthe off-season. He has been guiding for 9 years and has taught numerous guide schools in whichhe trained others to become guides. The second participant was a female in her early 20’s
Psychological Association, 2012.[2] Koedinger , K. R., E. Brunskill, R. S. Baker, E. A. McLaughlin, and J. Stamper, “Newpotentials for data-driven intelligent tutoring system development and optimization,” AIMagazine, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 27–41, 2013.[3] Butz, C. J., S. Hua, and R. B. Maguire, “A web-based intelligent tutoring system forcomputer programming,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Web Intelligence, pp.159–165, IEEE, 2004.[4] Hsiao, I.-H., P. Brusilovsky, and S. Sosnovsky, “Web-based parameterized questions forobject-oriented programming,” in Proceedings of World Conference on ELearning, E-Learn, pp.17–21, 2008.[5] Brusilovsky, P. and S. Sosnovsky, “Individualized exercises for self-assessment ofprogramming knowledge: An
, especiallyfor untenured, tenure-track faculty who have expectations for being able to share passions for notonly research but also teaching. The TLC is supporting our professors of practice as theytransition from industry to academia and teaching. The support by the department chair reducesperceived risk of trying new teaching pedagogies. Finally, we are building a diverse communityof faculty dedicated to teaching in a department that has not has a strong teaching community inthe past.Ambrose, S. A., M. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett and M. K. Norman (2010). How learning works : seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco, CA :, Jossey- Bass.Cox, M. D. (2004). "Introduction to faculty learning communities." New
Paper ID #22808Gamification in Computer Science Education: a Systematic Literature Re-viewMrs. Mourya Reddy Narasareddy Gari, North Dakota State University I am Ph.D student at North Dakota State University. My research work is to see how different Learning strategies affect the student learning.Dr. Gursimran Singh Walia Gursimran S. Walia is an associate professor of Computer Science at North Dakota State University. His main research interests include empirical software engineering, software engineering education, human factors in software engineering, and software quality. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society
and for the motion of a system of 1 or 2 rigid accelerations (linear and rotational) of 2 or 3 bodies moving in the plane. (Includes use of interconnected rigid bodies. P1.) R3 – Apply ode45 to solve equations of motion Supplemental Skills (must pass all R skills before S skills improve grade) S1 – Analyze oblique impact between two S1.1 – Analyze oblique impact between two rigid bodies. rigid bodies. S2 – Solve for the kinetics of mass flow S1.2 – Utilize principles of energy and systems. momentum to solve for the motion of a S3 – Determine the angular momentum of a system of 1 or 2 bodies. rigid body moving in 3D
toidentify the particular activity of talent management (attracting, development, retention, and,general management) that each article stressed. Whereas in phase 2, sub-themes under each ofthese activities/categories were identified inductively. 4Figure 1. Literature review selection processTable 1. Priority table for inclusion/exclusion of full text records Author(s) High Medium Low Beyer [10] ❖ Bhatnagar [11] ❖ Bhatnagar [12] ❖ Bredin and
recognition, machine learning, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Scholarship Program Initiative via Recruitment, Innovation, and Transformation (SPIRIT): S-STEM Program Initiatives and Early ResultsThis paper describes the structure, project initiatives, and early results of the NSF S-STEMfunded SPIRIT: Scholarship Program Initiative via Recruitment, Innovation, and Transformationprogram at Western Carolina University (WCU). SPIRIT is a scholarship program focused onbuilding an interdisciplinary engineering learning community involved in extensive peer andfaculty mentoring, vertically-integrated Project Based Learning (PBL), and
quantitative assessment tools, including Grit-S and Alternative Uses Test (AUT),and qualitative assessment tools, including open portfolios and showcase presentations. Weanalyzed three years of survey data from 159 youth who participated in after-school learningprograms at our research site. We also conducted interviews with three adult program staffmembers who administered the different assessments and collected their observations andreflections about youth’s attitudes towards them. Through participant observation and a focusgroup with 8 youth employees, we studied attitudes towards self- and peer-reviews in aprofessional training program housed at the center. Studying assessment procedures and youth’sattitudes towards them in these different
education over the past several years.Active learning methods have proven to be an effective way to increase engineering self-efficacy (Carini RM,2006), academic performance(Freeman,2014), feelings of responsibility to complete futuretasks(Daniel,2016), and recently retention in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)(Elgin,2016).Even authors in the cognitive science discipline suggest that classrooms with an active learning approachcan increase student motivation, knowledge retention, and content transferability (Michael, 2006; Norman andSchmidt, 1992; Vosniadou, Loannides, Dimitrakopoulous, & Papademetriou, 2001). The core elements of activelearning are student‟s activity and engagement in the learning
cooperative learningreduction strategies. teams on student achievement and race relations: This review of the literature is the beginning of a larger Treatment by race interactions," Sociology of Education,project focused on creating fairer peer assessments by pp. 174-180, 1981.teaching students techniques to address their own biases. Withthis knowledge of where bias exists and the strategies used to [8] L. Springer, M. E. Stanne, & S. S. Donovan, “Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates in science,mitigate it, the research team will develop a comprehensive
Chicago Legal Forum, 140, pp. 139-167, 1989.[2] E. Pascarella, L. S. Hagerdorn, E. Whitt, P. M. Yeager, M. I. Edison, P. T. Terenzini, A. Noura, “Women's Perceptions of a "Chilly Climate" and Their Cognitive Outcomes during the First Year of College,” Journal of College Student Development, 38(2).[3] M. Ong, C. Wright, L. Espinosa, and G. Orfield, “Inside the Double Bind: A Synthesis of Empirical Research on Undergraduate and Graduate Women of Color in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” Harvard Educational Review, 81(2), pp. 172–209, Summer 2011.[4] A. Bandura, “Self-efficacy,” in Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, V. S. Ramachaudran, Ed. New York: Academic Press, 1994, pp. 71-81
failure will cause maximum degradation of network clustering. Further investigation willhave to be done for a 100 and 500 node network. Table for Notations N Number of vertices/nodes (N = |V |) M Number of edges/links (M = |E|) du The degree of u N (u) The set of neighbors of u T (u) The number of triangles containing u C (u), C (G) Clustering coefficients of u and G C˜v (u), C˜v (G) G Clustering coefficients of u and G after removing node v from G[S] The sub-graph
, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012.[3] R. D. Anderson and J. V. Helms, “The ideal of standards and the reality of schools: Needed research,” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol. 38, pp. 3-16, 2001.[4] S. Purzer, T. Moore, D. Baker, and L. Berland. Supporting the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through research: Engineering. Reston, VA: National Association of Research in Science Teaching, 2014. [Online]. Available: https://narst.org/ngsspapers/engineering.cfm. [Accessed March 8, 2018].[5] L. Darling-Hammond, M. E. Hyler, and M. Gardner. Effective Teacher Professional Development. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute, 2017.[6] T. J. Moore, A. W. Glancy
with real-world examplesas compared to theoretical examples traditionally employed in introductory engineering graphicscourses.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1725874. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] J. V. Ernst, T.O. Williams, A. C. Clark, and D. P. Kelly, “Psychometric properties of the PSVT:R Outcome Measure: A preliminary study of introductory engineering design graphics,” in 70th EDGD Midyear Conference Proceedings, Daytona, FL, USA, January 24-26, 2016.[2] S. A. Sorby and B. J. Baartmans
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Aerospace Capstone Design: Interactive Initial Sizing Estimates for Increasing Designer Intuition and Mitigating Risk in the Early Stages of Aircraft Conceptual DesignAbstractIn academia, aircraft design is a unique capstone course(s), measured in one or two semesters. Insome cases, aircraft design courses introduce the student to both the design process as well as thecomplexities associated with designing an object that travels through the air.In industry, aircraft design is a unique and complex process, measured in years. Success orfailure of an aircraft development program is often the result of decisions made in the initialstages of the design
. Bowman Creek Academy: An immersive STEM experience (work in progress) Kennedy M. R., Cuevas A. B., Boukdad S. Last Revised: April 24th, 2018 Keywords: STEM, Community Impact, High School Students, Youth Empowerment,Sustainability, Non-formal EducationAbstractBowman Creek Educational Ecosystem (BCe2) is a partnership that pilots community-engaged,sustainable projects to address real world challenges in the Southeast neighborhood of City Y, amid-size city in the Midwest. In an effort to create a more immersive and engaging experiencefor high school students, BCe2 developed Bowman Creek Academy (BCA). BCA is a week-longacademic program that engages high school students with STEM (science, technology,engineering, math) education through
0 200 400 600 800 1000 time (s) Fig. 2, Temperature versus Time ChartThe heat transfer equation in case Bi < 1 is given as follows [11]: The first term of this equation is time dependent. In this first term, m is the mass of the sphere, cis the specific heat of the sphere, T(t) is the time dependent temperature of the sphere, and t is thetime.The second term represents the convection heat loss at the outer surface of the sphere. In thesecond term, h is the convection coefficient, As is the surface area of the sphere, and T is
take ascreenshot (number 12 in the survey), with an average score of 3.33 points. This data correlateswith the qualitative data gained from the “think-aloud” protocol, as well as the functionalitytimeline. This issue is addressed in the above table as well.Users also gave a lower rating to number 15, referring to preference of manipulation of live load.With an average score of 3.67, users did not strongly prefer dragging the live load over the use ofpreset location buttons. This data correlates with other data collected during testing; both loadmanipulation functionalities will be kept.References[1] J. F. Davalos, C. J. Moran, and S. S. Kodkani, “Neoclassical Active Learning Approach for Structural Analysis,” 2003.[2] J. G. Teng, C. Y
. References[1] N. Duval-Couetil, E. C. Kisenwether, J. Tranquillo, and J. Wheadon, “Catalyzing the adoption of entrepreneurship education in engineering by aligning outcomes with ABET,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2014.[2] J. Gandhi and D. S. Deardorff, “An Implementation of Innovative Thinking in The Entrepreneurship Cur- riculum for Engineers An Implementation of Continuous Improvement in Instilling Innovative Thinking in The Entrepreneurship Curriculum for Engineers,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2014.[3] J. F. Sullivan, L. E. Carlson, and D. W. Carlson, “Developing Aspiring Engineers into Budding Entrepreneurs : An Invention and Innovation Course,” J. Eng. Educ., no. October
momentum, angular momentum, total mechanical energy, orbital elements Satellite Subsystems overview Overview of electrical power system (EPS), on-board computing (CDH),Week 1 communications (TT&C), attitude determination & control (ADCS), structural and thermal (S&T), ground communication, payload systems Systems Engineering overview PNMSat systems engineering approach, requirements flowdown, mission mapping, N2 chart, components, interfaces, tasks, mission profile, circuit schematics, power
somebody else •Cost. variables but •Small-group •Peer or teacher has created) should or •Environment. not designs). discussion. feedback on should not be adopted •Ethics. •Observations •Whole-class written drafts. in a particular context. •Evidence (observations of discussion. •Read scenarios •Design: A design or from tests. that introduce natural designs) design element, •Human users. the problem. •Tests (planned, which the student(s) •Originality
right approach(es), technique(s), and Correctness, or uses the wrong approach(es), wrong an/or uses the wrong approach(es), approach(es), technique(s), and method(s), and thoroughly answers all Rigor, and technique(s), and method(s) and/or the technique(s), and method(s), and/or the method(s), and/or answers most required parts or questions of the focus Completeness presented solution
, designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, and obtaining,evaluating, and communicating information.Table 2 Lesson Day(s) Focus of Whole Class Discussions 1. Introduction of 1 What is engineering?; Introduction to the Engineering Challenge engineering challenge with the client letter 2, 3 Basics of GMOs; Debate for or against regulation of GMO crops 2. Introduction to DNA 4, 5, 6, Structure of DNA and chromosomes using a balloon Structure and Function 7 model and an origami model; DNA extraction lab 3. Genes and Trait 8 Traits of
Paper ID #21841Impact of Undergraduate Research Experiences on Diverse National and In-ternational Undergraduate ResearchersDr. Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University Dr. Richard got his Ph. D. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989 & a B. S. at Boston University, 1984. He was at NASA Glenn, 1989-1995, taught at Northwestern for Fall 1995, worked at Argonne National Lab, 1996-1997, Chicago State, 1997-2002. Dr. Richard is a Sr. Lecturer & Research Associate in Aerospace Engineering @ Texas A&M since 1/03. His research is focused on computational plasma modeling using spectral and lattice Boltzmann
comprehensive studies exploring student roles played, ABET relatedoutcomes, and impacts on class and career readiness.In the spring of 2017 (from May 2 to May 14, 2017), a confidential online survey wasadministered to students involved in an activity at the BIC. In total, 52 students providedresponses to the survey. The majority of these students were involved with a competitionteam/club (73%, N=38). About a quarter of students either used the BIC for their capstoneprojects (15%, N=8) or were involved in other activities (12%, N=6). The results from thissurvey are reported with appropriate IRB approvals.Students were asked to indicate how much their BIC experience(s) contributed to their ability toengage in various behaviors. The response options
,Ericson, Wu, & Martinez, 2012; Romine, Sadler, Presley, & Klosterman, 2012), there have beenfew that systematically gather the information across all STEM subject areas (Erkut&Marx,2005; Tyler-Wood, Knezek, & Christensen, 2010). There have been two surveys that haveutilized the SCCT framework in their development: the Student Attitudes toward STEM (S-STEM; Unfried, Faber, Stanhope, & Wiebe, 2015) and the STEM Career Interest Survey(STEM-CIS; Kier, Blanchard, Osborne, & Albert, 2013). The S-STEM (Unfried et al., 2015)measures student attitudes in STEM and interests in STEM careers. However, it does notseparate the various socio-cognitive mechanisms of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, andpersonal goals. The STEM-CIS
interventionthat can be employed broadly to improve the self-efficacy of both pre-service and in-serviceteachers for teaching engineering, thus preparing future generations to make a global impact.References[1] C. Riegle-Crumb, K. Morton, C. Moore, A. Chimonidou, C. LaBrake, S. Kopp, “Do Inquiring Minds Have Positive Attitudes? The Science Education of Preservice Elementary Teachers,” Sci. Educ. vol. 99, pp. 819-836, 2015.[2] C. Alexander, G. Mayes, S. Hopper, S. Thiruvadi, and G. Knezek, “An Investigation of the Impact of Digital Fabrication Projects on Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Skills” in Proceedings of th Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, SITE 2012 Austin, TX
interested who transferred to Virginia Techfrom regional community colleges. To date we have interviewed 28 individuals, including fivefocus group participants. The pool includes 11 women, one (male) underrepresented student,seven first-generation college students, and 14 students who transferred from communitycolleges.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1734834. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. We also wish to thank Ms. Claudia Desimone for help with data collection.References[1] M. Boynton, C. A. Carrico, H. M
the operationalization of LMMI in thecontext of EML which will inform future curriculum development, particularly for large first-year engineering design and project-based learning courses.References[1] A. J. Dutson, R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, and C. D. Sorensen, “A review of literature on teaching engineering design through project-oriented capstone courses,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 17–28, 1997.[2] D. Clive et al., “Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning,” J. Eng. Educ., no. January, pp. 103–120, 2005.[3] C. Charyton and J. A. Merrill, “Assessing general creativity and creative engineering design in first year engineering students,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 98, no. 2, pp. 145–156, 2009.[4