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Displaying results 211 - 240 of 708 in total
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Buket D Barkana, University of Bridgeport; Ioana A. Badara, University of Bridgeport; Navarun Gupta, University of Bridgeport; Junling Hu, University of Bridgeport; Ausit Mahmood, University of Bridgeport
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evaluation 25 points total 100 points total Written communication Report section drafts (3) 30 points total Lab report sections 35 points total Final lab report 120 points Lab notebook checks 100 points total Weekly reflections 150 points total Oral communication
Conference Session
COVID-19, Next Generation of STEM Professionals, and Racialized Organizations
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Racheida S Lewis, University of Georgia; Trina L. Fletcher, Florida International University; Animesh Paul, University of Georgia
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
with my cousin's death, my community being affected, my mental health, and just well being in general. To make a long story short, no matter how much I tried to explain it to this Professor, he did not care. [J7-1F1-3S]7. ReflectiveReflective” was defined by participants who shared three instances in which the events ofthe dual pandemic gave pause to “normal” life and enabled people to think more about the realitiesof others; realities that they may have never given much consideration to otherwise. An exampleof this is seen by one participant who shared “I believe with the cancellation of most major sportingevents or anything with a gathering of large crowds, we are forced to look at these things a bitmore.” [G3-2F3
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel Figard, Arizona State University; Sabina Anne Schill, Florida International University ; Medha Dalal, Arizona State University; Adam R Carberry, Arizona State University
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
influence transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) students’interests in and intentions to pursue engineering? This paper aims to provide preliminary insightsinto TGNC students participating in this course by exploring their unique perspectives. Anunderstanding of TGNC student experiences in the e4usa course will help to improve the course,while also exposing the policies and practices in the field of engineering that continue tomarginalize these students.Limitations We acknowledge our small sample size as a major limitation of this quantitativeexploration of TGNC student experiences in a pre-college engineering course. Our sample size issmall, but it is also unfortunately reflective of the overall TGNC representation in engineering.The
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Katherine Gilmartin, Stanford University; Sara Jordan-Bloch, Stanford University
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
hierarchy, which in turn is responsible for supervising and coordinating the work of subordinates. Employment in a bureaucratic organization is expected to be full time and long term, with opportunities for advancement—in short, a career. (p. 3)In many organizations today, such bureaucratic arrangement has morphed into more flexible and“flat” structures (see [3])—but even within those structures, with smaller manager ranks andfewer hierarchical levels, people report to people, i.e., accountability and decision-makingauthority rolls up from contributor to leader.Overall, these relationships reflect an organization’s reporting structure. A reporting structurecaptures three key features of work: chain of command, span of control, and
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Artemio Cardenas, Pennsylvania State University; Maria Javiera de los Rios Escobar; Leticia Oseguera, Pennsylvania State University
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. Building on previous work, we use a dataset that includes engineering identity questionsmeasured when students were in the fall of their first year of college (collected prior to thepandemic) and re-administered to the same group of students during the fall of their second yearof study (collected during the pandemic). The survey included only those students who wereenrolled in the College of Engineering as engineering pre-majors. We hypothesize that, for acohort of college students, engineering identity will decrease after the onset of the pandemic,because such identity development is influenced by day-to-day interactions within students’engineering community and their reflections about these experiences (Carrino & Gerace, 2016).We also
Conference Session
Using Research in Engineering Ed
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Adeel Khalid, Kennesaw State University
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Diversity, Professional Engineering Education Papers
disciplines, including undergraduate freshmen all the way to seniorstudents. They are taught the research methods and processes and apply those techniques on areal-world project. Senior students also serve as mentors to junior students.Literature Review & MethodologyResearch shows that students actively working on hands-on engineering projects learn above andbeyond the traditional classroom instruction. Kokotsaki et. al. [1] indicate that active student-centered form of instruction leads to student autonomy, constructive investigation, goal-settingcollaboration, and enhanced communication skills. Projects like this also address a wider set oflearning styles, promotes critical and proactive thinking, and reflection. Mills et. al. [2, 8] arguethat
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Milo Koretsky, Tufts University; Susan Bobbitt Nolen; Dominic J Dal Bello, Allan Hancock College; James M Widmann, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University; Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
expansion of the CW.In the past year, we have focused on (a) analyzing extensive interviews with faculty members toinvestigate aspects of the educational systems that influence the propagation of the CW in fivediverse institutional settings, (b) a multi-institutional “Common Questions Study” expandedfrom last year, (c) student metacognitive responses to complex concept questions, (d) machinelearning of constructed responses, (d) continued development and review of concept questions,and (e) development of adaptive instructional tools.Ecosystems Metaphor for PropagationIn this project, we use an ecosystem metaphor to understand the propagation of an instructionaltool, the Concept Warehouse [9]. This metaphor reflects a socio-cultural perspective that
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corey E. Brady, Vanderbilt University; Hyunyi Jung, University of Florida; JOSE DAVID DE LEON ALEJANDRO, University of Florida; Chonika C Coleman-King, University of Florida; Zandra de Araujo, University of Florida; Kayla Sutcliffe, University of Florida
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
from the larger community of thesurrounding town. Many of the students who attend St. Teresa’s live on this side of town, wherethere is quite a bit of poverty. Most students receive government-funded scholarships to attendthe private school, which is owned and run by a Black woman native to the local community.The school serves students pre-K through eighth grade. Roper Developmental Research Schoolis a public school affiliated with a University. The student population is selected by lottery andrequired to reflect the demographics and socioeconomics of the school-age population of theState. Participants were recruited and consented through a convenience sampling, by word ofmouth through researchers’ contacts in the schools and
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacalynn Sharp, JHU APL; Julianne Burroughs; Jorge Luis Rivera; Aishwarya Jayabharathi; Katherine-Ann Carr; William Roberts Gray-Roncal; Danielle Patrice Hilliard, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel; Alberto J. De Jesus Santiago
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College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP)
from over 75 interns from across the JHU/APL,16 day-of volunteers/mentors, and 8 judges (a total of approximately 25 JHU/APL staff members).There was a diverse representation of race and ethnicity, with the majority of students identifyingas Asian and Black or African American. This reflected the high participation of students from theCIRCUIT and ATLAS internship programs. Survey responding students identified as 56% male,40% female, and 4% other/prefer not to say. Academic disciplines represented by students werediverse, unlike traditional hackathons which often see participation primarily from software-oriented majors. Table 1: Represented Academic Majors at Net-Hack 2022 Academic Majors Represented Aerospace Engineering
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Poster Session - Exploring the Transformative Power of Service, Engagement, and Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kerry Meyers, University of Notre Dame; Danielle Wood, University of Notre Dame; Faisal Aqlan, University of Louisville; Daniel Lapsley, University of Notre Dame
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Community Engagement Division (COMMENG)
dispositional changes in STEM self-efficacy and identity.Students completed surveys and reflections at multiple points throughout their internship,including a retrospective pre/post survey capturing dispositional shifts during the experience.The results of the internship experience on student intern participants educational andprofessional plans at the 3 sites are evaluated in this paper. Results show significant gains onitems related to professional discernment (desire to work in a STEM field, use technical skills,on open ended problems for the betterment of society) for participants at all sites. Additionally,there are differences by gender.OverviewBeginning in 2015, the College of Engineering researchers and staff at UNIVERSITYdeveloped, piloted
Conference Session
Student Division (STDT) Technical Session 6: Underserved Student Experiences
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Adia Jefferson, Virginia Tech ; Jeremi S. London, Virginia Tech
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Student Division (STDT)
to understand what this process may entail.According to some graduate education scholars, there are four core elements related to graduatestudents' development of an identity congruent with the norms and values of their field:knowledge acquisition, investment, involvement, and engagement (Weidman, 2006). Knowledgeacquisition describes how students learn skills and information that will help them perform wellin their new role as a Ph.D. student, as well as gain an understanding of what academic successentails. Through knowledge acquisition, students become aware of normative expectations of thePh.D. student role and can make a realistic assessment of their personal ability to pursue theirdesired career. The student's investment reflects their
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 10: Broadening Participation in P12
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Pittsburgh; Claudia J. Morrell; Sandra Staklis; Kevin A Jordan
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Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
educators’ andstudents’ implicit biases. Several theories support the concept of creating an inclusive andwelcoming environment. Most prominent is “school climate,” which is generally described as thequality and character of school life and reflects the norms, goals, values, interpersonalrelationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures that shape the qualityand character of a school[22]. A recent literature review recognized no less than six theoreticalframeworks that inform research and speak to its multi-dimensionality[23]. All six developmentaltheories stress the importance of strong social bonds between teachers and students.Relevant refers to students’ experience of learning, “relatedness” with their teachers, and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hilda Cecilia Contreras Aguirre, New Mexico State University; Nicole Delgado, New Mexico State University; Luis Rodolfo Garcia Carrillo, New Mexico State University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
find strategies to overcome them. With a qualitative approach, this study also includeddescriptive statistics to complement each other. Findings revealed that Latinx student participantsperceived and experienced Engineering as competitive and challenging, especially to interactand develop long-lasting relationships with their classmates. Also, participants reflected on thedifferent learning outcomes they gained by participating in the ROLE program highlighting theirpersonal discoveries and academic and research development. Overall, participants enjoyed theexperience of acquiring a new skillset through research activities and were highly satisfied by thecommunity building they created among all peers and mentors.Background While
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Tretter, University of Louisville; Olfa Nasraoui, University of Louisville; Kyle Dylan Spurlock; Breanna Graven, University of Louisville
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
a rule (algorithm) for sorting and grouping. Then cards, describing sets of characteristics of select elements, were distributed, Sam and in small groups while debating with each other, students determined patterns and features that would be helpful in rules. After discussion of their thinking, a periodic table was reviewed to highlight how their pattern seeking and algorithmic approach to making decisions reflected how the original periodic table was constructed based on observable properties of elements.ASEE 2023, Baltimore, MD Across all cases, teachers reported that students found the instruction engaging. Teachersreported that they found that
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division (ETD) Technical Session 5
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shaoping Qiu, Texas A&M University; Francis Quek, Texas A&M University; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Ting Liu
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Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
provided throughout thesemester to prepare for upcoming interventions. Mentors are trained to mentor kids in theexperience of Making, which means teaching them how to complete tasks such as connectingsimple circuits, using a 3D printer, and performing other simple Maker tasks to enhance theirSTEM learning.In addition to recruiting and mentoring practices, we report the reflections and suggestions fromstudent mentors to illustrate how they learn and progress. We also utilize descriptive data andconduct t-tests regarding training and mentoring outcomes to determine whether student mentorsmaster the knowledge and pedagogy, therefore, are confident to teach the 5th and 6th-grade kids.RecruitingOur mentors are mostly recruited from engineering and
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 11
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
D. C. Beardmore, University of Colorado, Boulder; Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
a better world. The purpose of this work-in-progress (WIP)paper is to explore the experiences of dis/abled, queer, AFAB1 STEM graduate studentsnavigating a culture of productivity in their educational journey. This WIP paper offers a narrowpreview of the findings in a larger exploratory study. This paper begins to untangle some of theintricacies in a short narrative excerpt through a neoliberal-critical, ableism-critical, and queerlens. This paper offers an invitation to the STEM community to collectively reflect on andengage in conversation regarding our cultural norms and assumptions.IntroductionAcademia has been shaped by a culture of productivity. Responding to the scarcity of resources,postsecondary institutions have embraced
Conference Session
Engineering and Engineering Technology Transfer and the Two-Year College Student Part 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bob Schaffer, Mission College
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Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
reflect regularly to guide their own improvement. While focusing on one area ata time – be it asking ‘better’ questions, building rapport, identifying signs of a fixed mindset, orany other aspect of tutoring – tutors are able to incrementally improve – and share their progresswith their Elevate cohort.Finally, Elevate trains Tutor Fellows to try to “work themselves out of a job.” This is whatdifferentiates them from many other tutors. Often, tutors will answer questions directly. Theywill explain things as magic… out of thin air. Elevate attempts to minimize the distribution of“magic beans” because each time they are gifted, the student becomes more dependent on thetutor – which is the opposite of what should be sought. In reality, the student
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamecia R. Jones, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Leah Bug, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
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Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
providing teacher professional development. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Developing An Assessment Toolkit for Precollege Summer Engineering Workshops (Works-in-Progress)Abstract Many universities have engineering outreach programming that expose students toengineering that include day camps, overnight camps, and multi-week programs. As the projectsoccur over hours, days, or weeks, rich content is delivered in a very abbreviated timeframe.Often only anecdotal evidence or evaluative surveys reflect what students’ experience. Thisworks-in-progress project describes the strategic plan and first stage towards development oftools for assessing engineering learning in weekly summer
Conference Session
Student Division (STDT) Technical Session 1: Student Success and Mentoring
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyra Anderson, University of Michigan; Joi-lynn Mondisa, University of Michigan; Nagash Clarke, University of Michigan
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Student Division (STDT)
student development and impacted attendee awareness of the“hidden curriculum”, or the unstated enforcement of certain behavioral patterns, professional standards,and social beliefs (Miller & Seller, 1990). We also present insights about potential future opportunities forthese types of programs to potentially help students more easily navigate academic and socio-politicalcustoms needed for success. Literature ReviewMentoring and Professional DevelopmentMentoring reflects a unique relationship between individuals, one different from other interpersonalrelationships (Eby et al, 2007). Mentors provide coaching or guidance to assist mentees with careeradvancement while developing relationships to
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS) Technical Session 6: Online, Remote, and VIrtual Labs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Genisson Silva Coutinho, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Vinicius do Rego Dias
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Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS)
the experimental procedures are neglected.This approach is appropriate in most science-based courses and usually results in equivalentlearning gains compared to traditional hands-on labs. However, such an approach mighthinder the development of essential skills associated with labs in engineering education.Among these skills, one might cite communication and collaboration, safety, designingexperiments, and learning from failure. Furthermore, a common critique regarding virtual labsrefers to the use of idealized data that usually does not reflect the uncertainties and nuances ofthe real world [10]. Also, these labs generally lack the sense of reality necessary to immersestudents in more authentic experiences.The use of virtual labs in
Conference Session
Inclusive Leadership: A Panel Discussion
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katreena Thomas, Clemson University; Brooke Charae Coley, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus
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Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD)
representative of a larger demographic.Additionally, this study does not aim to compare differences of experience delineated acrossdifferent racial backgrounds. The experiences described in this work reflect a single researcher'sinterpretation and a small representation of Black engineering leaders. Despite these limitations,this work aims to present an authentic depiction of what Black engineers typically encounter intheir leadership pursuits.Findings The stories of the Study Leaders illustrate unique insight into the experiences of early-career Black engineers in leadership positions. During their interviews, the Study Leaders' use ofBlack language allowed them to emphasize aspects of their stories and reflect on the impact thattheir experience
Conference Session
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca Zarch, SageFox Consulting Group; Monica McGill,
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
evidence-basedpractices to achieve transformative, systemic and sustainable change that will increase thegrowth rate in the number of BIPOC and women obtaining undergraduate/graduate engineeringdegrees and establish a future growth rate that can substantially close the participation gaps. Theshare of engineering degrees awarded to women and/or those who are Black, Indigenous andPeople of Color (BIPOC) in the United States over the past decade reflects only slow progress inthe efforts to increase representation of these groups at the undergraduate and graduate levels.And for men who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color, the percentage ofmaster’s and doctoral engineering degrees being awarded has actually declined in recent years[1
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 4: Engaging Authentic Engineering Practices
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine M Cunningham, Pennsylvania State University; Gregory John Kelly, Pennsylvania State University; Ashwin Krishnan Mohan, Pennsylvania State University
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Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
scholarship hasinformed our current thinking about design principles related to socially engaged engineering. Itdescribes how we have applied the principles to K-8 curricula in school and out-of-schoolenvironments and offers some reflections of what we have learned.Engineering and Social JusticeThe many fields of engineering construct cultures with ways of being, knowing, andcommunicating that are simultaneously internal to their work and partially constituted byinteractions with broader cultural practices. Local engineering communities take up the culturalpractices of the broader fields along with ideological commitments associated with doingengineering. These ideologies inform narratives about the work of engineering, signalmembership, and build
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nimmi Arunachalam, Florida International University; Mark A. Weiss, Florida International University; Jason Liu, Florida International University; Alina Melissa Perez, Florida International University; Giri Narasimhan, Florida International University; Stephanie Jill Lunn, Florida International University
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Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT)
Reflections, Review Review Review Review 4:15 - 4:30 Feedback, 4:30 - 4:45 Photos Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Closing and Thank You! 4:45 - 5:00emotional intelligence [30, 31], and effective communication skills [32].Introductory technical skills were covered early in the Guild workshop so that the participantscould start applying these skills and programming languages
Conference Session
AERO 5: Student Success
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Casillas, Texas A&M University; Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University
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Aerospace Division (AERO)
importance in the aerospace industry.With these points in mind, the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M Universityis but one of many in the United States that do not adequately reflect the diversity of itspopulation as a whole. Women are heavily underrepresented as undergraduate students in thismajor, comprising just 8.3% of Bachelor’s degrees awarded during the 2020-2021 academic year[4]. Ethnic minorities were similarly underrepresented during this academic year, with whitesaccounting for 67.5% of awarded Bachelor’s degrees in aerospace engineering [4]. Enrollmentfigures reported by the university in fall of 2022 reflect slightly higher representation, withwomen comprising 14.1% of students in the aerospace engineering department
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 10
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shuvra Das, University of Detroit, Mercy
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Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
pressabout Tesla. These are not just technical issues, but ethical violations have been reported as well.A simple Google search can help one find these news items. Students were asked to researchsome of these articles and analyze Tesla’s vehicle electrification effort through the Design Justicelens using answers to the following questions as guides: Who do you think created the originaldesign? Who benefitted/benefits from it? Who were/would be harmed from it? What designjustice principles are being violated, if any?Upon completion of the above tasks, all students were asked to reflect on what they learned byanswering the questions: a. What are some things you learned about Design Justice? b. Name at least three new things you
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eleanor Leung, York College of Pennsylvania; Stephen Andrew Wilkerson, P.E., York College of Pennsylvania
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Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the current year’s team concentrating onimplementing sensors in the hand and refining the ergonomics of the existing design. The paperwill also include student & faculty reflection and discussion of the faculty facilitation needed forsuch a service-based project and how engineering educators can consider implementing suchprojects into their programs.IntroductionInterdisciplinary team-based projects in engineering education are an approach to experientiallearning which can provide students with a diverse learning opportunity to work closely withindividuals from different disciplines [1, 2, 3]. Some of the benefits of participating on aninterdisciplinary team include unique solutions to solving complex problems
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oludare Adegbola Owolabi P.E., Morgan State University; Chukwuemeka Duru; Pelumi Olaitan Abiodun, Morgan State University; Opeyemi Taiwo Adeniran, Morgan State University; Uttam Gaulee; Sotonye Ikiriko, Morgan State University; Neda Bazyar Shourabi, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Md Mahmudur Rahman, Morgan State University; Frank Efe; Jumoke 'Kemi' Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University; Benjamin Gbeminiyi Famewo
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
. According to the NationalResearch Council [3] and Savey [4], inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a pedagogical approach inwhich students begin with a question followed by investigating the solutions, reflecting, andcommunicating findings, and creating new knowledge based on the collected evidence. IBL hasbeen widely adopted in science education because of its great potential to facilitate more positivestudent attitudes and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts [5], [6]. Additionally, accordingto Specht et al [7], inquiry-based learning has been increasingly suggested as an efficient approachfor fostering students’ curiosity and motivation by linking science teaching in schools withinformal learning and phenomena in everyday life. To ensure the
Conference Session
Broadening Participation through Access, Equity, Inclusion in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rania Hussein, University of Washington; Riley Connor Maloney, University of Washington; Luis Rodriguez-Gil; Jon Ander Beroz; Pablo Orduna, LabsLand
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
university setting. The success of an advanced digital design course deliveredusing a remote Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) lab inspired the creation of anintroductory digital logic curriculum for 2-year community college and high school students. TheBEADLE curriculum is designed to prepare students for a junior-level course in computerengineering at a 4-year university, where digital logic is typically taken during the first twoyears. To evaluate the curriculum, we offered it to a sophomore class on digital logic design at a4-year public university and collected pre- and post-assignment surveys to gauge understandingof the material. Reflection pieces were also used to evaluate the students' approach and level ofcomprehension. In this paper
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 9: Identity & Belonging 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Newsome Holcomb, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jacqueline Rohde, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lakshmi Raju
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
can help.’”The article referenced is a collection of excerpts from the book “Peer-to-Peer Leadership:Transforming Student Culture” by Aaron Thompson, Greg Metz, and Joseph B. Cuseo. Contentsections summarized include Why Peer Leadership Matters in the 21st Century, The Importanceof Social Capital, The Power of Peer Leadership, and Positive Outcomes Associated with PeerLeadership. In the content referenced as the most impactful reading of the practicum, leadershipis undeniably linked to peer mentorship, yet the connection was missed in PL reflection. As thePeer Leader Practicum further develops, activities and discussions should reinforce theimportance of leadership development within the practice of peer mentorship.Peer Leaders Self-Identify