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Displaying results 2611 - 2640 of 22826 in total
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Regina Hannemann, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
description is expected to be more elaborate than in theproposal and there is also the added section of a project reflection, which is not usually part of atechnical report but should give the students the opportunity to reflect on their project and thework they have done during the semester.For the past two semesters the students have been required to schedule feedback sessions withthe Writing Center. The Writing Center assists students, faculty, and staff with the process ofwriting in any discipline and for any purpose. They usually offer free individual and groupconsultations on any writing project at any stage in the writing process. For our senior designcourse we have a special set up so that the teams will have a preferred time slot where they
2023 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Kaylee Cunning; Joseph Tighi; Braden Olson; Nitish Bastola; Isabela Bueno; Jamilla E. S. L. Teixeira; Jessica Deters
on the use of waste plastics in asphalt pavements and the technical outcomes of thatresearch. Second, we present a reflection from the three undergraduate students involved in thisexperimental research, including their main motivations to engage in the URE, their learningoutcomes, and the impact of URE in their career trajectories. Accordingly, two major goals anddeliverables are included in this paper:Goal 1: Pratical Research Application: Exploring Waste Plastic in Sustainable Infrastructure • Present student-led literature review and provide a comprehensive background on the use of waste plastic in infrastructure development. • Discuss the specific research methods employed, including experimental design and material
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division (IND) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corey Kiassat, PhD, MBA, PE, Quinnipiac University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering Division (IND)
supportsustainability-focused projects. The evolution of the IE curriculum at QU reflects a commitmentto producing engineers equipped to address the complex challenges of a sustainable future.IntroductionThis work-in-progress manuscript discusses ongoing efforts to integrate a strong focus onsustainability and societal impact into the Industrial Engineering (IE) program within the Schoolof Computing and Engineering (SCE) at Quinnipiac University (QU).QU, a private institution located in the northeastern United States, boasts a comprehensiveacademic structure encompassing nine distinct units, including SCE. Notably, sustainabilityfeatures prominently in QU's strategic plan [1][2]. A dedicated sustainability committee drivesvarious campus-wide initiatives, and
Conference Session
Robotics and Circuits
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Lara Wujciak, Tufts University; Briana M Bouchard, Tufts University; Chris Buergin Rogers, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
phases: planning, monitoring, control, and reaction andreflection [3], [8]. The planning phase involves planning for the problem such as guidingquestions, making a concept map, or planning ahead as seen in [1, Tab. 1], [3]. The monitoringphase could have diagrams, prompts for self-explanation or reasoning, or cognitive feedbackdone by the student [3], [12]. In the control phase, there could be worked out examples,processing and reflective prompts, or guiding questions [3], [10]. Lastly, in the reflection phase,students reflect on the learning they’ve done [3], [13]. As previously mentioned, effectivescaffolds can be both domain-general and domain-specific in each phase. In the context ofcomputer-based learning environments, or CBLEs, prompts
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Viyon Dansu, Florida International University; Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
International Division (INTL)
, the stretching of the hands through awindow on a cold morning is used to gauge the weather condition. African educators who wantto enact CSP should consider observations of their students of paramount importance. Thisemphasis is rooted in cultural (i.e., African) perspectives and aligns with the paradigmaticapproach of CSP, promoting observation as a way of knowing. 11. Reflects on Teaching Practices The ability of teachers to self-reflect on teaching practices is an essential component of the CSPframework [13]. By reflecting on their instructional practices, teachers examine their actionswithin the classroom and the underlying philosophies and beliefs that power their decisions andactions. This critical reflection can then improve
Conference Session
Assessing Conceptual Thinking about Engineering Mechanics
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander John De Rosa, University of Delaware; Samuel Van Horne, University of Delaware
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
correctly while only two managedto determine the weight of the plate correctly. Several students referred to using tabulated data orsimpler shapes in other courses to find the centroid and this lack of practice with equations beinga barrier to success in solving the problem used in this study which does not use a simple shape;“So you have areas which you can find by, by just like simple shapes. And then those have likeknown centroids. And then you can just do sum of centroid times area divided by sum of area forthis because your thing is modeled by an equation, you can't do that. So my dilemma now isremembering the formula.”(5) Solution Evaluation; the only student to obviously display reflective and evaluative practicewas the individual who
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wonki Lee, Purdue University; Nathan Mentzer, Purdue University; Amiah Clevenger; Andrew Jackson, University of Georgia; Scott R Bartholomew, Brigham Young University
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
brainstorm and research extensively, allowing for a freeflow of creative ideas without immediate constraints. The Explain phase then guides students tosynthesize and articulate their findings, akin to defining a clear problem statement in design thinking. Theprocess continues with the Elaborate phase, where students develop tangible solutions or prototypes,reflecting the prototyping stage in design thinking. This hands-on approach encourages the practicalapplication of their ideas, emphasizing testing and refinement. Finally, the Evaluate phase mirrors thetesting phase in design thinking, where students assess the effectiveness of their solutions and gatherfeedback. This not only allows for reflection but also encourages iterative improvement, a
2024 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference
Katherine Abrey; Maddy Cronin; Deanna Malone; Libby Osgood P.Eng.
objectionable or estimable, or simply, “who benefits and whopays” [2], these published reflections could be useful for institutions considering similarinternational humanitarian trips to better prepare their students and encourage reflective practices.This article is divided into three sections: (1) background information on the experience, authors,and terminology in international humanitarian trips, (2) benefits for students and community, and(3) reasons to question participation.Background InformationTo provide context for the resulting discussion, this section contains a description of theinternational humanitarian trip, a land acknowledgement and positionality statement, and adiscussion on common but not synonymous terms for humanitarian
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tela Favaloro, University of California, Santa Cruz; Patrick E. Mantey, University of California, Santa Cruz; Stephen C. Petersen P.E., University of California, Santa Cruz; John F Vesecky, University of California, Santa Cruz
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
involved in that area of research. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Preparation of the Professional Engineer: Outcomes from 20 years of a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral capstone courseAbstractThe grand challenges outlined by the National Academy of Engineers and addressed by theABET (Accreditation Bureau for Engineering and Technology) learning outcomes reflect thechanging landscape of undergraduate engineering education. Indeed, to be competitive, the nextgeneration of engineering professionals must obtain skills and preparation beyond those in atraditional technical discipline. Accordingly, learners must principally demonstrate the ability to:understand ethics and social
Conference Session
DEED Melange
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Wang, University of California, Berkeley; Alice Merner Agogino, University of California, Berkeley
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
may have explicit criteria for what they abstractly believe general education andcommunication should consist of, while they employ different criteria implicitly in the actualeducational situation that better reflect the educators’ model of learning.In this study, with the unique context of an open-ended and self-driven tinkering environmentand the student teams’ use of a human-centered design* approach, the collaborations benefittedfrom multiple types of communication and interaction. We explore the processes in which thecross-community designers engage to deconstruct their engineering practices for visitors, and weevaluate their perceptions of learning and engineering as reflected in their criteria for “good”engineering tinkering
Conference Session
Research Frameworks for Identity and Equity: Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division Technical Session 9
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alicia Washington, Duke University
for/contribute to the “culture” that is created/fostered. Instead, minoritized studentsand professionals are often expected to “persist” with more “grit,” following targetedinterventions [13], [14]. This misplaced focus has resulted in a significant knowledge gap andlack of cultural competence in most computing graduates entering the workforce [15]. This isfurther demonstrated by reports of discrimination in academic and professional environments[16]–[23], as well as events like the #BlackInTheIvory and #ShutDownSTEM Twitter hashtags[which highlighted the anti-Black racism experienced by Black students, faculty, and staff atpredominately white institutions (PWIs)] [24]. This is also reflected in the Kapor Center’s TechLeavers report, which
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Division Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cindy Rottmann, University of Toronto; Emily Moore P.Eng., University of Toronto; Doug Reeve, University of Toronto; Andrea Chan, University of Toronto; Milan Maljkovic, University of Toronto; Emily Macdonald-Roach
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD)
of talking about this familiar experience. (p.214)Our project provided senior engineers with a systematic way of talking about “this familiarexperience,” by prompting them to describe two memorable events (a proud moment and astruggle) and reflect on how each of these experiences shaped their leadership development.Bennis and Thomas [32] have coined a phrase to characterize this type of powerful catalyst forleadership development—“leadership crucibles” (p.39). After analyzing interviews with 40business leaders, they learned that regardless of age or stage, all participants had lived through“intense, often traumatic, experiences that transformed them and became the source of theirdistinctive leadership abilities” (p.39). By focusing on “proud
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 2 Slot 7 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Catherine Mobley, Clemson University; Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc; Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
interests include student persistence and pathways in engineering, gender equity, diversity, and academic policy. Dr. Orr is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award for her research entitled, ”Empowering Students to be Adaptive Decision-Makers.” American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 The Centrality of Black Identity for Black Students in Engineering: A Reflection on Methods and TheoryKeywords: Race/ethnicity, Black identity, undergraduate programsIntroductionThe recent emphasis on increasing the number of engineering graduates has been coupled withgreater concern about the lack of diversity in engineering fields. However, despite
Conference Session
Student and Other Views on Engineering Leadership
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
were the Engineering Disciplines Team Concept Map, Hand PumpLaboratory Team Report, Simply Supported Beam Laboratory Report, Alpine Tower StaticsLaboratory Wiki and Grand Challenges Video Project.A team leader was designated for each of these five assignments, which provided every studentwith an opportunity for an intentional leadership experience. As the first assignment was given,the instructor led a class discussion on the roles of team members and team leaders. After thedeliverables for team assignments were submitted and in order to reflect individually on theexperience, students were required to submit a Self-Reflection using a journaling tool inBlackboard. The intent of these structured reflections was to reinforce and foster
Conference Session
Faculty Development I: Attitudes Towards Teaching
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Bethke Wendell, Tufts University; Jessica E. S. Swenson, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Tejaswini S. Dalvi, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
science teaching methods course and volunteered for a follow-up engineeringprofessional development institute, which was the context for this study. Data sources includedvideos of the teachers solving design problems, teachers’ written and oral reflections onengineering teaching experiences, and researcher field notes from the after-school week. Wegenerated thick descriptions of the cases of Ana and Ben and used these to develop conjecturesabout their engineering epistemologies. Following microethnographic methodology andstrategies from discourse analysis, we re-examined transcripts and other data artifacts forconfirming and disconfirming evidence of these conjectures.We found that Ana and Ben framed engineering learning as building knowledge
Conference Session
Goal Specific First-Year Courses
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Lewis, University of Louisville; Jeffrey Hieb, University of Louisville; David Wheatley, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
100 course are discussedin Section 5.2. Critical ThinkingThe term ―critical thinking‖ is one with which most people are familiar, but is difficult to easilydefine, as shown in1 where 89% of teachers interviewed claimed critical thinking to be animportant education objective, but only 19% were able to give a clear explanation of criticalthinking. One of the classic definitions of critical thinking comes from Robert Ennis: ―Criticalthinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do‖2.This definition does a good job of briefly capturing three key elements of critical thinking:reason, reflection, and judgment (or as Ennis puts it so well – ―deciding what to do or believe‖).The element of reason in
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara Lovitts, National Academy of Engineering; Norman Fortenberry, National Academy of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Research, Review of Educational Research, Review of Higher Education,Studies in Higher Education).Inclusion CriteriaEach article chosen for inclusion in the database was determined by us to meet all five of thefollowing criteria: 1. It had an educational intervention. 2. The intervention was at the undergraduate level. 3. The intervention was in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field. 4. It discussed an outcome (no matter how anecdotal). 5. The outcome was related to improved learning or performance, retention, or assessment (and not simply student satisfaction).Although we have classified all the articles accepted for inclusion as “research,” this does notnecessarily reflect
Conference Session
Technical Courses and Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Linda Vanasupa, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Lizabeth T. Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
to create such opportunities, Dr. Zastavker’s re- cent work involves questions pertaining to students’ motivational attitudes and their learning journeys in a variety of educational environments. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from science to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creat- ing curricular and pedagogical structures as well as academic cultures that facilitate students’ interests, motivation, and desire to persist in
Conference Session
Technical Session: Pedagogical Strategies and Classroom Techniques for Teaching Assistants
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaclyn K. Murray, University of Georgia; Barbara Ann Crawford
Tagged Divisions
knowledge of reform-based teaching Interview, and Lesson Plan practices? To what extent do biomedical engineering fellows implement biomedical engineering research into Lesson Plan, Pre- and Post-Interview the classroom? How do biomedical engineering fellow lesson plans reflect the Next Generation Science Lesson Plan and Post-Interview Standards?MethodologyAn instrumental collective case study was chosen to examine the research question, “In whatways do biomedical engineering fellows incorporate reform-based practices into secondaryscience classrooms?” The objective of this instrumental approach was to gain insight andunderstanding as to how and
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Teamwork
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo; Erin Jobidon, University of Waterloo; Andrea Prier, University of Waterloo; Taghi Khaniyev, University of Waterloo; Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Carol Hulls P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Jason Andrew Grove, The University of Waterloo; Samar Mohamed, University of Waterloo; Stephanie Joan Johnson M.Ed, University of Waterloo; Sanjeev Bedi P.Eng., University of Waterloo
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
colleagues. Yet, teamwork skills are rarely “taught” inengineering curricula; in fact, compared to business representatives, university educators havebeen found to underestimate the value of teamwork KSAs. Instead, students are expected todevelop teamwork and leadership skills via a sink-or-swim approach where they are assignedgroup work and left to perform as they can. Often, these poor teamwork experiences combinedwith the lack of training and opportunities for guided reflection lead to students disliking workingin groups, impacting not just the cognitive but also the affective domain of learning.In response to this identified weakness, a committee of representatives from the Faculty ofEngineering and other support units at the University of
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Burns, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Bob E. White P.E., Western Michigan University; Azim Houshyar, Western Michigan University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
incentivized the development of modules, lessons, or class projects that have a clearhumanities-based learning objective and have the potential to reach many students. The moduledescribed here was funded for development through an internal grant, and this paper presents asummary of the module’s content, the rationale for its approach, reflections on some of the keyassumptions of the rationale, and recommendations for others wanting to implement a similarly-styled ethics assignment.Most Engineering Economy instructors would probably agree that these courses are well-suitedfor reaching large numbers of students due to their cross-disciplinary nature and are also well-suited to discussing professional ethics because of their connection to the world of
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Gewirtz, Virginia Tech; Daria A. Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Sidharth Arunkumar; Julie Dyke Ford, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Susannah Howe, Smith College; Laura Mae Rosenbauer, Smith College; Nicholas Emory Alvarez, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Jessica Deters, Virginia Tech ; Cristian Hernandez
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
work.In this paper, we focus on the weekly surveys: participants received two separate surveys eachweek: a short quantitative perceived preparedness survey sent each Tuesday via Qualtrics and ashort qualitative reflection survey sent each Thursday via email. Participants received $6.25 foreach completed survey, paid in 4-week increments (i.e. up to $50 for each 4-week set of surveys- up to $150 total).The quantitative survey was informed by Experience Sampling Methodologies (ESM), in whichthe purpose of the instrument is to capture experiences as they happen in real time forparticipants [28-30]. The survey asked participants to identify activities in which they hadparticipated within the past week. The list of possible activities was constructed
Conference Session
Undergraduate Retention Activities
2005 Annual Conference
Moshe Hartman; Harriet Hartman
higher Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationverbal SAT scores. The latter suggests that they may have strengths in other fields that pulledthem away from engineering.3) Involvement in Campus Activities of Stayers vs. LeaversA series of survey questions asked about participation in extra-curricular enrichment activitiessuch as field trips, listening to guest speakers, work with faculty members, study groups,counseling and mentoring. Indices were created to reflect (a) participation in academicenrichment activities; (b) participation in counseling activities; (c) participation in studyactivities; (d
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon M Clancy, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
with decisions and specifications rooted in that context [21]. Storiesand reflection have been used to develop engineering literacy through contextual awareness forsociotechnical problem solving [22], [23], [24] and creative engineering skill building morelargely [25], [26]. Given this, having stories that are useful for students, faculty, and evenpractitioners to reflect on barriers and promoters of divergent thinking in engineering may helpfoster encouraging environments, provide contextualized support and resources, and be aneducational tool for more creative outcomes.MethodsThe goal of this work was to describe in depth and contextualize barriers and facilitators ofdivergent thinking for one engineering student. We selected one student to
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) - DEI and Design Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chi Ying Chan, University of Hong Kong; Chun Kit Chui, University of Hong Kong
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
the center since its launch and our progress after twoyears of operation with the help of tutors. We also present the formation of a tutor network,which is designed to be diverse in terms of academic background and culture. An evaluation ofthe impact of our approach on makerspace diversity, inclusion, and equity is presented throughthe analysis of statistics and reflections from the tutors involved in the initiative. The studyshows that our proposed tutor network can effectively serve as a role model for fosteringdiversity, equity, and inclusion in academic makerspaces for undergraduate students.BackgroundThe University of Hong Kong's Faculty of Engineering has established the Tam Wing FanInnovation Wing [1], also known as the HKU Inno Wing
Conference Session
Voices of Diversity: Perspectives and Experiences in STEM Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Najme Kishani, University of Toronto; Jason Bazylak, University of Toronto; Aimy Bazylak, University of Toronto
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
engineering reviewed the survey andprovided feedback on survey questions regarding their relevance, wording, and inclusion. Inaddition, we piloted the survey, and over 50 students from the researched university respondedand provided feedback on the pilot version. The final survey was administered in February andMarch 2023. It was distributed to all students at the Faculty of Engineering through theUndergraduate and Graduate Dean's offices, students' affinity groups, the CommunicationOffice, the Faculty social media and newsletter, and informal students' social media channels.For this study, we only worked with independent variables reflecting students’ demographicfactors, examining how these factors could have influenced their decision-making
Conference Session
Research on Engineering Design Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
detailed version of the paper13.FindingsAnalysis of the data yielded seven qualitatively different ways in which the students experiencedhuman-centered design within the context of “designing for others”. These different ways ofunderstanding are referred to as categories of description. Each category reflects a qualitatively Page 22.1156.5different way of understanding or experiencing human-centered design. Inclusion in the specificcategory was based on the student designers’ understanding of human-centered design as awhole as reflected in the experiences they shared in their interviews. The students themselvesare not assigned to that category, but
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division (IND) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emma S Atherton, University of Florida; Elif Akcali, University of Florida
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Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering Division (IND)
engineering course, were asked tocomplete two poems throughout the semester-long course. The students were asked to constructpoems around a concept, model, or topic covered in the course: the first poem was focused ondeterministic inventory modeling and the second poem was focused on stochastic inventorymodeling. After each technical poem writing assignment, students were asked to respond toseveral open-ended questions detailing their experience and attitude towards these creativewriting assignments. Data was collected during the semesters Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 and ofthe 84 total students over the two semesters, 64 consented to participate in the study. Theparticipant responses to reflection prompts were analyzed qualitatively using open and
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Beem, Ashesi University; Charity Obaa Afi Ampomah, Ashesi University; Jeremiah Paul Konadu Takyi; Gordon Adomdza
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
limitations of the self-efficacy construct have been identified. Onesuch is a critique that the construct serves more as a reflection of motivation rather than adeterminant and therefore researchers should endeavor to understand the various sources of self-efficacy in greater depth in order to interpret its meaning [5]. These insights motivate a deeperinvestigation into the relevance of self-efficacy in this context.Our students’ transformation as they undergo design-build experiences is likely multi-faceted. Aseeming increase in confidence, ergo self-efficacy, stood out in the lead author’s initialobservations. Through reflection and discussion with colleagues at the university, two otherpossible experiences emerge for investigation. Students may be
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 9: Lessons Learned from Engineering Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saadeddine Shehab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Joshua E Katz, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Emma Kirby, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Marcia Pool, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Yuting W. Chen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Blake Everett Johnson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
thecomplexity of the teaching responsibilities that is prescribed by the difficulty of disciplinarycontent, the role of technology in the content, and the objectives of the engineering programs thatnow include acquiring soft skills, such as collaboration and communication, in addition to theknowledge of the engineering content. Research studies have shown that semester-long courses(16 weeks) are the most effective formats for preparing GTAs to teach in engineering and computerscience [7]. Nevertheless, for these courses to be effective, they must offer GTAs opportunities tolearn, apply, and reflect on different teaching practices so they develop competencies associatedwith the TPACK domains. In this study, an existing semester-long teaching and