Awards. Increase financial support for low-income students with academicability/talent or potential for engineering degree programs by offering an average of 24scholarships per year over a 6-year period to at least 36 unique students. Attention will be givento recruiting students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in engineering at theUniversity.II. Multi-Layered Mentoring. Support student’s academic success, matriculation, sense ofbelonging, persistence, and career aspirations with faculty mentors, peer mentors and industrymentors; coordinate with academic advising.III. Social and Academic Support. Foster cohort formation through collaborative design teamprojects for introductory engineering design courses, regular S-STEM activities
institution. The greater the academic andsocial integration, the greater the student’s institutional and goal commitment and the greater theprobability the student will persist. Studies conducted by Pascarella and Chapman3, Pascarellaand Terenzini5, and Terenzini and Pascarella7 to test the validity of Tinto’s model generallysupport the relationship between social integration and persistence, particularly at four-yearresidential institutions and for women. These and other studies have concluded that Tinto’smodel has “reasonable predictive power in explaining variance in freshman yearpersistence/voluntary withdrawal”4Social integration is the result of “informal peer group associations, semi-formal extra-curricular
theirincorporation to the project; monitoring students’ progress by supervision of peer & industrymentors and class instructor; continuous evaluation and assessment of the learning experiencethrough weekly reports and a final project presentation to the company’s CEO. Completing theeducational cycle, cultural competencies are developed throughout the model components byexposing the students to interactions with industry personnel at several levels including staffengineers, technicians, and blue-collar operators with different cultural and ethnical backgrounds.The whole experience ensures the development of the students’ ability to value diversity and towork effectively across cultures, while learning and practicing fundamental concepts ofindustrial
asked for individual work Page 23.1097.4Receiving unpermitted help on an assignment 26 46Turning in work done by someone else 5 11In a course requiring computer work, copying a 10 9friend’s program rather than doing your ownUsing false or forged excuse to obtain extension on 16 25due date or to delay writing an exam Plagiarism on PapersCopying a few sentences of material from a written 36 49source
instrument was adapted from “AssessingGeneral Education: A Questionnaire to Initiate Campus Conversation” by Jack Meacham anddistributed by the American Association of Colleges and Universities. The last question in thesurvey asked faculty to rank the quality of the general education program on a scale from 1 to 5,where 1 was associated with the statement, “Our general education program satisfies the minimalaccreditation requirements.” The score of 5 was associated with the statement, “Our generaleducation program surpasses in quality those of our peer institutions.” With 40 % of the facultyresponding (and 61% of the respondents from the college of arts and sciences), the meanresponse to this question of quality was 2.9, the median was 3.0 and the
classmate) where the resulting learning or cognitiveengagement was not possible without another person's presence or input [1, 2]. Examples includeworking with peers to construct a deeper understanding of course material through group activityor interacting with the instructor in a way that augments understanding [1, 2].Constructive - Activities in which the cognitive load of students is heightened, and asks them to"produce outputs that contain ideas that go beyond the presented information" [1, p. 77]. Examplesinclude creating diagrams to organize course content, rephrasing the instructors lecture into thestudent’s own words, etc. [1, 2]Active - Activities in which students are only cognitively engaged at a basic level, such as note
are alreadyunderrepresented in STEM careers. Since engineering in North Carolina schools has appearedonly in a career-linked capacity, thinking of engineering, not as a discipline but as an integratorand bringer of relevance to any class, represents a true paradigm shift.This paper describes a recent effort to write educational standards for the state of North Carolinathat define engineering in the K-12 space. The intent is for engineering to be integratedthroughout K-12 education, not as stand-alone classes, but as a part of any class. The effort todevelop a description of what all students should know and be able to do with respect toengineering began with the various standards in use in other states and incorporated informationfrom NAE
themselves any points. Effectively, in a group of four students, if all members were perceived to contributed equally, they should receive 33 or 34 points from each of their peers. All students were also required to write a few sentences supporting why they provided the ‘bonus’ they did, as well as provide a reflection on their own activities. These assessments informed how a portion of the marks were assigned for individual projects. • Minor Project - ENGR 112 included one minor project of two weeks or longer attached to each of its three modules. For each project, students were randomly assigned to teams within their cohort. Projects were structured such that any materials and supplies needed
engagement in these experiences, which can befacilitated by student affairs professionals [11]. For example, experiential learning can facilitatelearning between peer mentor/mentee relationships as students practice and developinterpersonal and leadership skills. Student involvement provides significant opportunities forexperiential learning. Previous research has found that key aspects of student involvementinclude engaging with peers, receiving mentorship, and developing skills and sense of identity[12]. Students’ involvement and engagement has significant influence on their well-being,positive academic outcomes, sense of belonging and community, and student thriving [13], [14].Student Affairs ProfessionalsStudent affairs professionals serve an
Whitaker Foundation, CDMRP, NIH, NSF, aswell as industrial sponsorship her research program has had more than 60 mentees and has national collab-orations with Michigan State and Mayo Clinic as well as international collaborations with Trinity CollegeDublin and Queens University Belfast. Dr. Haut Donahue has more than 65 peer-reviewed publicationsand is current Associate Department Head for Undergraduate Studies for the Mechanical EngineeringDepartment at CSU. Dr. Haut Donahue was awarded the Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russell Johnson Jr.Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award from the American Society of Engineering Education forexceptional contributions to mechanics education. Dr. Haut Donahue is a fellow of the American Societyof Mechanical
published by the National Science Foundation, How People Learn [1]effectively communicates the characteristics of an ideal learning environment as (a) knowledge-centered, (b) learner-centered, (c) assessment-centered, and (d) community-centered. “Briefly, alearner-centered approach attempts to expose students' prior conceptions and connect newlearning to them; a knowledge-centered approach promotes conceptual understanding andorganization of the knowledge; an assessment-centered approach gives frequent opportunities forformative feedback; and a community centered approach uses students' peers in the learning andalso attempts to connect students to the way professionals might work” [11]. Active learning,cooperative learning, peer-led team learning
) program to support courses implementing significant active learningexperiences [10]; implementation of curricular peer mentoring and hiring of a PostdoctoralTeaching Fellow into the School of Engineering to serve as an embedded expert. While theseinterventions are all highly synergistic with each other and with broader university-levelinterventions, the introduction of a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the School of Engineeringserved as a keystone to the Engaged Learning Initiative. The first engineering Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow was present in the school fromAugust 2014 – May 2015 (PDTF A), and the second from August 2016 - present (PDTF B).Both PDTFs were hired through an open external search process, with the explicit goal that
Professor NegotiationsCase 1: Starting offer at a top-ten engineering research programDr. Taylor Smith, having completed a two-year international post-doctoral experience at a majorinternational laboratory – and having proved worth by already having several externally fundedgrants in addition to numerous peer-reviewed papers, applied for two top-ten engineeringprogram assistant professor positions. The candidate was selected for campus interviews at eachplace, and the interview experiences consisted of the typical two full days of interview, includingbreakfasts, lunches and dinners, with various combinations of faculty, graduate students and staff– rigorous interviews designed to vet future colleagues for their ability to take on the research
Nancy. At Rice, was awarded six campus-wide teach- ing awards, served as College Master for 10 years, served as founding Director of the Rice Center for Teaching Excellence, as founding Director of BrainSTEM (a weekly outreach program that pairs Uni- versity Neuroscience student mentors with High School Apprentices) and as founding Director of the Gulf Coast Consortium for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience. Has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals in Mathematics, Engineering and Science. Coauthored the text, Mathematics for Neuroscientists, with Fabrizio Gabbiani. Joined the Engineering Faculty at Northern New Mexico College in 2016, intent on recruiting, mentoring, teaching, challenging and
spatialability has been shown to be a predictor of student success in first-year engineering students [12].The students are also trained to develop metacognitive skills and work to develop growth mindsets,both of which have been linked to success in STEM courses [13–15]. Importantly, this seminar isalso serving as the launch point for peer and faculty mentoring.Engaged engineering projects: As part of this project, Scholars are invited to participate inEngaged Engineering projects which focus on enabling our Scholars to tackle real-world/authenticdesign challenges [16] with the goals of improving sense of belonging [17, 18], and gainingengineering skills that are required for upper level capstone senior projects, and, more broadly, theworkplace [19]. We
discipline), and anarticle published in 2013 or later. The sources consulted to find the peer review articles for thismapping review were the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) PEER DocumentRepository and the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). In the remaining of thisarticle, we will refer to students with physical and sensory disabilities as students withdisabilities.Among the exclusion criteria, we chose to exclude studies that focused on students’ experiencesin online education, settings and accessibility in online or learning systems. K-12 and graduateeducation-focused students were also excluded for this review. Studies that focused on theperceptions and experiences of engineering educators, instructors or teachers
,these processes are determined by external processes, i.e. environmental and behavioralinfluences, such as the learning climate (the environmental factors), and encouragementfrom a teacher or peer and positive outcomes from previous learning (the socialconversion factors); and third these three processes are reciprocal. Reciprocality does notequal symmetrical or bidirectional influences. Rather, it stresses: (1) one can use personalprocesses to ‘strategically regulate behavior and the immediate learning environment’,where the feedback can in turn influence the person’s covert process[14]; (2) theinfluences of externally social experiences and environments are important to internallypersonal processes[15]; and (3) ‘Behavior is, therefore, a
students performinvolve such topics as standing waves on strings, determination of the speed of sound,electrostatics, electric circuit design, motor building, and a variety of activities related to lightand color.In lieu of a final exam, students experience all aspects of writing a professional conferencepaper. This includes submission of an abstract, a first draft for instructor review, a second draftfor peer review, and a final camera-ready paper. On the last day of class, students present theirpapers at an in-class conference. Developed by one of the authors, this course has become ananchor for students pursuing an applied physics minor. Because the course has no prerequisitesother than a Q1 math prerequisite, for most of the students, this
, while advancing her career goals.Even beyond the selected author examples, student leadership experiences correlate well with offaculty service roles. Student government organizations discuss topics such as allocation offunds, campus policies, and academic procedures [42]. They often build proposals for theinstitution’s administration regarding these topics and may host campus services within theirframework (e.g. grant programs, food pantries, peer mentorship programs). Fundingmanagement knowledge directly translates to management of research funds or faculty advisoroversight of student organization budgets. Proposal or report writing experience can aid researchefforts, but more directly provides insight for faculty members when attempting to
]. Theability to self-direct learning was found to be a predictor for adult learners’ MOOC completion rate[9]. Aspects of self-regulated learning also affected students’ online learning attitudes [13]. Thosestudents who better self-regulate their studies by managing their time properly, being conscious oftheir learning and social behavior, being critical in examining course content, and persevering inunderstanding the learning material are most likely to better perform online [19]. On the other hand,research reveals that an online environment presents multiple barriers to self-directed learning. Theinstruction and peer interactions available in a traditional classroom setting are limited, thus leadingto non-engagement of learners [20]. A qualitative
collaboration and communitybuilding around an issue among researchers who are also participants [13]. As Ellis, Adams, andBochner [14] describe, community autoethnography enables researchers to study “the personalexperience of researchers-in-collaboration to illustrate how a community manifests particularsocial/cultural issues” (p. 279). In our case, the issues that emerged in our writings anddiscussions centered on the challenges of the gender gap, underrepresented minority status,international identities, and first generation students.The data was generative, embracing the researcher's subjectivity in the spirit of autoethnography.The data emerged from the dynamic communication as we discussed the class readings, relatedentries in our journals, and
interactions among students, peers and faculty; and 4. to improve motivation and commitment to career and academic goals.BackgroundIn May 2012, Allan Hancock College (AHC), a community college in Santa Maria, California,received a five-year, $599,929 award to fund a scholarship program for STEM students:Scholarships in Engineering, Science, Mathematics and Computer Science (SESMC,“Seismic”). SESMC is a competitive need-based and merit-based scholarship sponsored by theNational Science Foundation (NSF), open to continuing AHC students in the following STEMfields: Biology, Chemistry, Geological Sciences, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, andMathematics. The intent of the project is to aid academically talented but financially challengedAHC
) fields.Students are offered a variety of training experiences and opportunities to prepare them foracademic careers.At the UF, seventy-four students in 22 STEM departments have been directly served throughmonetary awards to support their studies and research, travel to professional conferences,professional development seminars, mentoring, and peer support. These students include 41African American, 31 Hispanic, and 2 Native American students. At the end of the fifth year ofthe grant, the program had an 86% retention rate. To date, program participants have earned 12Ph. D. and 7 Master’s degrees, and an additional 47 are currently enrolled and making progresstowards their degrees. Minority graduate enrollments in STEM departments have increased 56%over
elements of this courseinclude:1. Training as mentors for the freshman/sophomore projects, providing peer advisement and feedback.2. A structure that provides a forum for students to learn professional development skills (including advanced presentation, proposal writing, and scientific publication skills), assist in the mentoring process, and network with members of the professional scientific and industrial communities. These activities will help to further develop the research projects students have been involved in as part of the minor program, and will provide strong preparation for successful careers in science and engineering. As part of this effort, students will prepare a journal quality manuscript on their work and a NSF
an important consideration in qualitative research efforts, as itserves as evidence of the integrity of research findings19, 20. There are various ways to establishtrustworthiness, and Creswell (2012)15 recommends using at least two in each study. We usedtriangulation (multiple investigators/coders analyzed the data) and peer examination (a peer whowas not involved in coding examined the meanings and interpretations that were applied to andemerged from the data) to establish trustworthiness19.Results and DiscussionThe primary purpose of this study was to describe the learning experience in a large Mechanicscourse from the students’ point of view, and to see how it aligns with perceptions expressed byfaculty who taught some of the courses
ideation was twofold: deter procrastination and encouragecomfort in writing and drawing in front of each other. These methods also encouraged mini-critiques as a way of further exploring each other’s ideas.The first was a simple brainstorm of potential areas of problem solving for their centraldesign question. Each team sat around a table covered on one large sheet of newsprint paper.The students were given 10 minutes to write out key words and thoughts. After 10 minutes,they moved clockwise to review, critique, and expand on the ideas written by their teammate. The process was repeated until all original thoughts had been thoroughly expandedupon. These was presented to the students as the catalyst for designing their solutions.Before they could
covered in FYS 101-eng, these topics directly related toteaching the three major process points of SRL (forethought, performance, and self-reflection). The primary mode of instruction for FYS 101-eng was active learning. Most classmeetings started with a short lecture introduction by the instructor (5-10 minutes) and the rest ofthe class meeting was spent in small group discussions where students would answer discussionquestions and report themes of discussion back to the larger group. At the end of each classsession, several reflection questions were assigned based on the topic of the day and studentswere required to write a one page reflection on how they could apply the day’s topic personally.These reflections were collected and graded
” programs and “first yearseminars”, international first year experience conferences (see, for example, the EuropeanFirst Year Experience 2015,, centers such as the NationalResource Center for First Year Experience and Students in Transition (, andan international journal on the first year experience ( ). In SouthAfrica about a third of students drop out or fail their first year of university study4 .Some of the things first year students typically struggle with are: choosing a career direction,managing their time, mastering academic skills such as effective study methods and academicreading and writing, assessing their own understanding of their work, coping with the fastpace and
knowledgestudents have assimilated through various courses in their major for professional success. ProjBLpedagogy has been adopted and implemented in ME425. This engaged pedagogy aims to helpstudents enhance their cognitive, non-cognitive and critical thinking skills through engineeringdesign tasks.CMG250 has been identified as one of the most critical courses in the Construction Managementmajor. ProjBL has been adopted and implemented for CMG250 course. In this course anindependent project is assigned to each student to calculate the estimation of a building project.The students work on the project with their peers with necessary guidance from the instructor.The project aims to improve students’ study habits, and enhance their abilities for
Construction (ASC)competition. The ASC competition then serves as the model for the culminating event, in whichthese 12 students leverage their experience to assume a leadership role among their peers. Nearthe end of the second semester, students transition from their traditional capstone coursesequence to a culminating design event. During this transition, the 12 students who participatedin the ASC competition form teams of 12-15 students each, which they will lead as they competeacademically to “win” a design-build contract for a real project. Teams integrate students’experiences from four sub-disciplines represented in the major: construction, environmental,geotechnical, and structural engineering. Additionally, both faculty members and