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Displaying results 241 - 270 of 1202 in total
Conference Session
The Nature of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
between having a family member who is an entrepreneur and intent tominor in entrepreneurship [X2(1, n=694)=6.77, p=0.009].An independent t-test was conducted to examine the second part of this hypothesis, which wasexamining the differences on the Entrepreneurship as Career variable for those with a familymember as an entrepreneur versus those without. The average score for students with a familymember as an entrepreneur was M=11.28 with a standard deviation of s=4.15. The averagescore for students without a family member as an entrepreneur was M=9.64 with a standarddeviation of s=3.73. Students with a family member as an entrepreneur score had significantlyhigher scores on the Entrepreneurship as Career [t(692)=4.672, p<0.000].Table 5: Cross
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anton E. Bowden, Brigham Young University; Gregg Morris Warnick, Brigham Young University; Spencer P. Magleby, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
, annually. Junior and senior level experiences have proven to be most effective whenthey are tailored to the needs of the respective departments. Inclusion of a regularly scheduled,premiere engineering leadership seminar series has proven to be invaluable in maintainingstudent and faculty excitement regarding the inclusion of leadership topics in the curriculum. Page 24.874.9Bibliography1 Hawks, V., Harb, J., Parkinson, A., & Magleby, S. A college-wide program for teaching leadership: Framework,model, and outcomes. Proceedings of 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. AC 2009-1287, Austin, TX:ASEE.2 R. J. Bennet and E. R. Millam
Conference Session
Data Analytics in Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Conrad Tucker, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Barton K. Pursel, The Pennsylvania State University; Anna Divinsky
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
/IT.NET.USER.P2. Accessed December 12, 2013.2. MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials. Available at: Accessed December 12, 2013.3. Online Schools, Classes, Degree Programs - University of Phoenix. Available at: Accessed December 12, 2013.4. Clow D. MOOCs and the funnel of participation. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. LAK ’13. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2013:185–189. doi:10.1145/2460296.2460332.5. Green K. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Other Digital Initiatives. J Collect Bargain Acad. 2013;(8). Available at: Yuan L, Powell S. MOOCs and Open Education
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
F.T. Fisher; R.S. Besser; K. Sheppard; C.H. Choi; E.H. Yang
1 An Approach for Introducing Concepts of Nanotechnology within the Undergraduate Curriculum F.T. Fisher, R. S. Besser, K. Sheppard, C.-H. Choi, and E.H. Yang Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ 07030 Abstract - While developing countries such as India and China than 20% from 1983 to 1999, and according to the Scienceare producing unprecedented numbers of engineers and and Engineering Indicators this
Conference Session
Projects in ECE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ying Yu, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
recommendation P.800. Agreat reading material for students to understand the procedures and requirements of the mostimportant subjective and objective speech quality measurements is the paper “speech qualityassessment” by Loizou [17].Speech intelligibility is best measured subjectively by a panel of listeners, who will try toidentify words, phrases or sentences. One of the traditional tests is the modified rhyme test(MRT). It is designed by linguistic specialists in 1960’s and still used by audio and speechresearchers today [18]. MRT asks listeners to listen and select one of six words, half of whichdiffering by the initial consonants, and another half differing by the final initial consonants. Theoverall averaged recognition rate, the total number of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ravi P. Ramachandran, Rowan University; Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University; Richard J. Kozick, Bucknell University; Robert M Nickel, Bucknell University; Sachin Shetty, Tennessee State University; Robi Polikar, Rowan University; Ying Tang, Rowan University; Steven H. Chin, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. Figure 2 – Non-inverting Amplifier CircuitStudents accomplish a simple design and do the following: 1. Derive the input-output relation: Vo = f(Vg,Rs,Rf,Rg). 2. Use VCC = 15 V, Vg = 1 V and Rg = 1 kΩ. Design a non-inverting amplifier (choose values of R s and Rf) with an output voltage of V o = 3 V such that the power dissipated in R s and Rf is less than or equal to 0.003 W. Measure Vo and verify that the input-output relation is satisfied. Show all your calculations.DIFFERENTIATORFigure 3 shows a differentiator circuit. Students derive the input-output relation using Page 24.132.6Laplace transforms and explain why input noise is
Conference Session
Program and Curriculum Design Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaby Mohammed, The Petroleum Institute
Tagged Divisions
. Mosst of the studdents go throough afounddation prograam before thhey are enrollled as a fresshmen student in PI. Thee foundationnprogrram is designned to help students s develop knowleedge, study sskills, techniical,analy ytical, and co ommunicatio on skills whiich are necesssary to meeet the PI’s enntrancerequiirements andd assist them m in their futu ure studies att the Petroleeum Institutee. Thefounddation prograam at the PI is called as the Advanceed Universitty Placementt program.Courrse framewo orkOncee the student reaches the freshmen leevel there aree core coursees that have to completeirresp
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Techniques in the Classroom
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Goli Nossoni, Manhattan College
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
years. Although some of the students focused on thecreative aspect of the project more than the civil engineering aspects, they nevertheless createdsomething new, understood the concept of concrete design better through hands-on activities,experimented with new materials, and found the experience interesting.References1. Crofton, F. S. “Educating for Sustainability: Opportunities in Undergraduate Engineering.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2000: 397-405.2. Woodruff, P. H. “Educating Engineers to Create a Sustainable Future.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, April 2006: 434-444.3. Davidson, C. I., Matthews, H. S, Hendrickson, C. T, Bridges, M. W., Allenby, B. R., Crittenden, J. C., Chen, Y., Williams, E., Allen, D. T., Murphy, C
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
draw after about 28 minutes. Figure 3 shows hisdrawing. It is intended to be a carousel-type layout, but he had difficulty drawing a circle, so hedrew a rectangle instead, with blocks indicating the stations. The design is intended to includenine stations arranged in a circle, with the 1st station adjacent to the 9th station. He used the pinkstar to point to which part(s) would be assembled at each station as he talked. The designincludes five robot stations (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9) and four manual stations (1, 2, 7, 8).Figure 4 shows his typed cost estimates (the text overlap on the first line is due to a videosynching issue). He also listed items that would normally be included in a proposal, such as aschedule
Conference Session
Innovations in Electrical Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole P. Pitterson, Purdue University; Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Education, 55(1), 16-21. 3. Metioui, A., Brassard, C., LeVasseur, J., & Lavoie, M. (1996). The persistence of students' unfounded beliefs about electrical circuits: The case of ohm's law. International Journal of Science Education, 18(2), 193-212. 4. Bernhard, J., & Carstensen, A.-K. (2002). Learning and teaching electrical circuit theory. Paper presented at the Phyics Teaching in Engineering Education, Leuven. 5. Ainsworth, S. (2008). The educational value of multiple-representations when learning complex scientific concepts. In J. K. Gilbert, M. Reiner & M. Nakhleh (Eds.), Visualization: Theory and Practice in Science Education (pp. 191 - 208). Surrey, UK: Springer. 6. Holton, D., Verma, A., &
Conference Session
Models of community engagement practices
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill B. Elmore, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
using LEGO® NXT Robotics, Chemical Engineering Education, Spring 2011, 45:2, pp. 86-92 12. Johnson, S. H., Luyben, W. L. and Talhelm, D.L., “Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Controls Laboratory”, Journal of Engineering Education, 84, (2), pp.133-136, (April 1995). 13. Hmelo, C. E.; Problem-based Learning: Development of knowledge and reasoning strategies, in Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society; Pittsburgh, PA; 1995; pp. 404-408. Page 24.769.1014. Yu, Chung Y. and David T. Shaw; Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Engineering Students; 2006 International
Conference Session
Impact of Community Engagement on Communities
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerardo J. Pinzon PE, Texas A&M International University; Jaime Rene Huerta
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
spent anentire weekend learning about STEM fields and participating in prepared exercises whilebonding in the experience of post-secondary life as they stayed in the university dormitories. This program was funded by the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for UndergraduatePrograms (GEAR UP), a federal discretionary grant awarded by the U. S. Department ofEducation. It was designed to increase the enrollment of low-income students — simultaneouslypreparing them for success in post-secondary education — through a partnership grant betweenTexas A&M International University (TAMIU) and 19 school districts throughout the southernpart of Texas, covering approximately 14,972 square miles. To enhance skills, motivation, and preparation, the
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Robert W Fuessle, Bradley University; Amir W Al-Khafaji, Bradley University
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
Page 20.26.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Internationalization and Civil Engineering Program InnovationAbstractIn the early 1990’s, the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction (CEC) at BradleyUniversity developed strategic objectives to introduce internationalization to our students andcurriculum. Initially, four objectives for the CEC Global Explorer Program were outlined: 1) tosend students abroad for study either for a short mini-semester or full semester; 2) persuadeinternational students to come to Bradley; 3) embark on a faculty exchange; and 4) to fosterinternational research exchange between the CEC department and
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara T. Scharf, University of Toronto; Jason A. Foster P.Eng., University of Toronto; Kamran Behdinan, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
improvement in student experience, but also to cultural enrichment at this criticalpoint in students’ lives [9].Making friends with and developing trust in students fromother cultures is important for students who plan on spending the rest of theirundergraduate years in Canada – being able to bridge cultural divides will help studentscope with culture shock and get them accustomed to dealing with people different fromthemselves, both in terms of their experiences at university and, we hope, in their lives asautonomous adults [10].MethodsAn online language proficiency survey developed by S. Scharf for this study (seeAppendix) was administered to the 259 students in the Fall term prerequisite course to theWinter term engineering design course being
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nikunja Swain P.E., South Carolina State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
and research training opportunities – Provideopportunities for students to participate in periodical seminars (once a month) to enhance theirpresentation, thinking, and research skills; introduce the students to Simulation-Based Engineering andScience (SBE&S) concepts; and time management skills. These activities will enhance students’knowledge and competiveness in the market place.(4) Enhance the educational experience of students through workshops/seminars, K-12 and communityoutreach opportunities – Encourage the students to participate in STEM student chapter activities (ACM,IEEE, UPE, STARS, NSBE, and others); guest seminars (Medical Physics and Computer Science);travel to local and regional conferences; workshops; graduate schools
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Moses Kwame Tefe, Norwich University; Edwin R. Schmeckpeper, Norwich University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
classrooms for the sake of research so as to have classes with balancedstrengths, without unduly inconveniencing students. It is also recommended that there should beresearch into finding ways of factoring student native abilities into the results of researchfindings that use class comparisons.References:1. Felder, R.M. & Silverman, L.K., Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 78, No. 7, pp. 674-681, (1988).2. Michel, N., Cater III, J.J.& Varela, O. (2009). Active Versus Passive TeachingStyles: An Empirical Study of Student Learning Outcomes. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20(4).3. Stewart-Wingfield, S., & Black, G. S. (2005). Active versus passive course designs
Conference Session
Topics Enhancing ET Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University; Jorge L Alvarado, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
energy conservation and use of renewable energy in buildings. He received his BS degree in mechanical engi- neering (1991) from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayag¨uez; MS (2000) and PhD (2004) degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has worked and collaborated with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the University of Wis- consin at Madison, among others. Recent work involves characterization of microencapsulated phase change material slurry and nanoparticles in heat transfer fluids, as well as the study of spray cooling using nanostructured surfaces. Dr. Alvarado has done substantial work in the area of biofuel characterization in the last few years. He has
Conference Session
Teaching Communication I
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brad Jerald Henderson, University of California, Davis
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
engineering student learns how language code translates into math code, the studentcan further develop his or her sentence-level skill set, learning how to combine, invert,manipulate basic sentence units into advanced sentences.The following is an illustration of sentence algebra being taught using engineeringcontent/context: Consider the sentence-algebra equation for a basic sentence (B2) … B2 = (Ns * Mn) + (Vt) + (No * Mn) where: Ns = subject noun word(s) Vt = transfer action verb word(s) No = object noun word(s) Mn = noun modifier word(s) Now, as complement to
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Opening General Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Qu Jin, Stanford University; Shannon Katherine Gilmartin, Stanford University; Sheri D. Sheppard, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
was measured on a five-point Likert scale with responses rangingfrom 1 (not at all important) to 5 (extremely important). On the survey instrument, participants self-reported their “sex” (female and male), whichiidenotes biological and physical differences between the two groups. However, we refer to“gender” (women and men) in our discussion of results, as we propose that the characteristics Page 24.295.5measured in this study are more related to the social roles of the two groups 9 Scutt, H. I.,Gilmartin, S. K., Sheppard, S. & Brunhaver, S. in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition..Career ValuesCareer values are defined as the
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay Patrick McCormack, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Steven W. Beyerlein, University of Idaho, Moscow; Ashley Ater Kranov, Washington State University; Patrick D. Pedrow P.E., Washington State University; Edwin R. Schmeckpeper, Norwich University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
current by referencing something recentlyin the news, and (3) add novelty to the prompt through unexpected information or an ethicaldilemma. These principles lie at the heart of EPSA scenario construction. EPSA scenario designis further scaffolded by the EPSA discussion instructions given in Table 2. The instructions inTable 2 are given to student groups along with a scenario in preparation for an EPSA discussion.From the discussion instructions, questions 1, 2, and 3 relate to ABET 3f, question 4 relates toABET 3h, and questions 5 and 6 relate to both ABET 3i and 3j.Table 2. EPSA discussion instructionsImagine that you are a team of engineers working together for a company or organization on theproblem/s raised in the scenario. 1. Identify the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ning Gong, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Temple University ; Brian P. Butz, Temple University; Li Bai, Temple University; Saroj Biswas, Temple University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
inSection 3. The paper is concluded in Section 4 with discussions on plans for extending thedeveloped prototype to a complete intelligent tutoring system for electrical machines.2. Virtual Education Environment Computer-aided instruction (CAI) systems [5] were introduced as early as 1960's as a meansof assisting students outside the classroom. The first CAI programs were either computerizedversions of textbooks, or drill and practice monitors [6] that presented a student with problems andcompared the student’s responses to the pre-scored answers, and if necessary, provided the student withcanned remedial responses. Improvements were continuously made until computer-aidedinstruction systems evolved into intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) [7, 8
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yue Bi, University of Virginia; Reid Bailey, University of Virginia; Michael C. Smith, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
Smith (2013). The mean andstandard deviation of the ratings were reported and observations were made. In general,students gave higher ratings on encouraging the future use of Piazza than Praze and Panopto.Students also thought Piazza was easier to use than Praze and Praze was easier to use thanPanopto. When asked to compare SYS 2001 to other courses, students agreed the most withthe statement that ―Compared to other courses, this course used technology to allow moreface-to-face interaction with the instructor(s) and other students.‖ 97% students agreed orstrongly agreed that they received more feedback in SYS 2001 than other courses and 67%agreed or strongly agreed that the structure of the course and the technologies used helpedstudents
Conference Session
K-12 Engineering Resources: Best Practices in Curriculum Design, Part 2 of 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aran W Glancy, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Tamara J Moore, Purdue University; Siddika Selcen Guzey, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Corey A Mathis, Purdue University; Kristina Maruyama Tank, Iowa State University; Emilie A. Siverling, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 3(3), 185–189.7. Roehrig, G. H., Wang, H., Moore, T. J., & Park, M. S. (2012). Is adding the “E” enough? Investigating the impact of K-12 engineering standards on the implementation of STEM integration. School Science and Mathematics, 112(1), 31–44.8. Stohlmann, M., Moore, T., & Roehrig, G. (2012). Considerations for teaching integrated STEM education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 2(1), 28–34.9. Morrison, J. S. (2006). Attributes of STEM education: The student, the academy, the classroom. TIES STEM Education Monograph Series, (August).10. Brophy, S., Klein, S. S., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2008
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Education Session 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Elizabeth C. Kisenwether, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University; Jacob Dean Wheadon, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
project, is the Page 24.948.3problem definition phase characterized by asking relevant questions and attempting to findplausible/ realistic answers. No sooner has a client or professor defined a series of objectives fora design project than the designer- whether in a consulting office or in a classroom- want to findout what the customer really wants. Questions such as: what is an economic project? How doyou define the best design? What is a safe design? What are the factor(s) that will affect thedesign the most? Phrasing it differently, knowledge resides in the questions that can be asked andthe answers that can be provided. (2, 3) A sequence
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ang Liu, University of Southern California; Stephen Y. Lu, University of Southern California
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09), Vol. 2 (pp. 441-452).[17] Atman, C. J., Chimka, J. R., Bursic, K. M., & Nachtmann, H. L. (1999). A comparison of freshman and senior engineering design processes. Design Studies, 20(2), 131-152.[18] Shabani, K., Khatib, M., & Ebadi, S. (2010). Vygotsky's zone of proximal development: Instructional implications and teachers' professional development.English language teaching, 3(4), p237.[19] Akao, Y. (1990). Quality function deployment: integrating customer requirements into product design. Productivity Press.[20] Sauerwein, E., Bailom, F., Matzler, K., & Hinterhuber, H. H. (1996). The Kano model: How to delight your customers. In International Working Seminar on
Conference Session
Choice and Persistence in Engineering Education and Careers
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alana Unfried, North Carolina State University; Malinda Faber, North Carolina State University; Eric N. Wiebe, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
instructional interventions. Theinterventions were either school-wide or part of smaller, in-school academies. The 2012-13school-year was the launch of the Urban Initiative.As part of a larger research project, a set of surveys were developed to measure student attitudestoward STEM and interest in STEM careers. Two versions of the “Student Attitudes towardSTEM (S-STEM) Survey” were created, one for upper elementary students (4th and 5th grade)and another for middle and high school students (6-12th grade). To measure student interest inSTEM careers the final section of the S-STEM Survey contained twelve items, each with adefinition of a STEM career pathway and titles of related occupations. One item read, forexample, “Medical science involves
Conference Session
Engaging Minority Pre-College and Transfer Students in Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stacie LeSure, Utah State University; Nathan Mentzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kurt Henry Becker, Utah State University - Engineering Education
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
1990’s, design thinking gained popularity as a way to foster and sustain innovation by Page 24.146.2having work environments that focused on the customer while simultaneously supportingemployee’s experimentation 16. Design thinking is used in all industries from mechanical 1engineering, business, and healthcare to education, art, and design(, design thinking is defined as a human-centered design process to solving ill-structured problems using an organized method of defining the problem by observing andempathizing with the people who are
Conference Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Emelina Coso, Georgia Institute of Technology; Amy Pritchett, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
differently during the different stages of the design process. As such,the rubric divides the design process into three stages (i.e., Requirements/Problem Definition,Concept Generation/Development, and Technology Integration), which can be modifieddepending upon the design project, and a fourth category for the overall design.Each design stage is examined more closely using questions about the incorporation ofstakeholder considerations at that stage, 1. Did the student(s) state an intention to incorporate stakeholder concerns at this phase? 2. Did the student(s) apply a design process at this stage that could include stakeholder concerns? 3. Was the student(s) successful in integrating stakeholder concerns?These
Conference Session
Design Realization
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Lewis Hamon, The University of Texas, Austin; Matthew G. Green, LeTourneau University; Brock Dunlap, University of Texas, Austin; Bradley Adam Camburn, University of Texas, Austin; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin; Daniel D. Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
. This paper describes the newprototype strategy planning tool, the pilot experiment, and results and conclusions. The veryencouraging pilot results provide a template and strong motivation for conducting a larger scaleexperiment for generic prototyping applications.1 IntroductionAn engineering prototype (physical or virtual) is an initial manifestation of a design concept,either a scale or full-size model of a structure or piece of equipment, which can be used toevaluate performance, form, and/or fit. Prototyping is the process of generating prototype(s),usually between concept generation and design verification stages. Prototypes provide designengineers the opportunity to determine if a concept is technically feasible, optimize