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Displaying results 241 - 270 of 708 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS) Technical Session _ Monday June 26, 1:30 - 3:00
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary P. Halada, Stony Brook University
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Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
group, selected to better ensure that content on diversity andinclusivity is well-integrated into the course in a meaningful and effective manner. This contentincludes interviews with industry professionals who themselves can effectively represent diverseperspectives; readings selected from texts on engineering failures resulting from a lack ofinclusivity (“missing voices”) in design, and case studies on the impact of locating high risktechnologies and facilities in socio-economically disadvantaged areas (often correlated with largeminority populations). Students are asked to reflect on factors which impact their own values aswell as those of engineers who design, site and implement technologies. DIV learning outcomesto be achieved via the
Conference Session
Computer Science Education and AI research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amari N. Lewis, University of California San Diego ; Mia Minnes, University of California, San Diego; Kristen Vaccaro, University of California San Diego; Joe Gibbs Politz, University of California San Diego
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
know”. Some codes appear both in theFacilitators and the Barriers data, with different interpretation: for example, prep coded a response to thebarriers question when a student said they didn’t feel adequately prepared to succeed in their next class,and it coded a response to the confidence question when the student reflect on the extent to which thepreparation that they do have equips them for success.A. Most frequent categories for facilitators and barriersWhen coding responses of CSE majors in the eight participating classes to the question: What makes youfeel good about your plans to take the next course in this sequence?, the most frequently seen category wasKnowledge, which includes the codes prep and cs-skills. Students feel confident
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey D. Radloff, SUNY Cortland; Allison Antink-Meyer, Illinois State University; Ryan Brown, Illinois State University; Ibrahim H. Yeter, Nanyang Technological University; Dominick Fantacone
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Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
then develop original multi-day engineering design-based lessons for enactment in their classrooms over the following two semesters. Following theirNUWC visit, teachers participate in ongoing professional learning workshops (i.e., fall andspring) where they learn to use the 7E model of STEM instruction (Eisenkraft, 2003) to guidetheir lesson planning and implementation and reflect on their lesson development with theirpeers. Aligned with our framework, engineering design-based instruction is at the core of thismodel. Teachers self-identify their Naval STEM lesson topics and form teams of 3-5 teachers(based on these interests) to develop their lessons. “Naval STEM” tasks are those contextualizedusing Naval research that include NUWC-based
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session #3: Student Perspectives
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Ifeoluwa Adeniranye, Florida International University; Bruk T. Berhane, Florida International University
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International Division (INTL)
freely and unconditionally through stories[60], that can convey the intended messages [58], such that stakeholders can fully understand hislived experiences both at home and abroad over time [61]. The narrative inquiry approach has afluid nature and is flexible, to capture distinct and reflective narratives [59], [62] of the lived andeducational experiences [47] of Apex through various data collection methods (e.g., interviews,participant observation, and focus groups), and from that creating experiences for theengineering education community, that is tension-free, calm and relaxing storytelling [58], [63]–[65]. This way, the research team will be able to gather extensive and triangulated data whoseconstructs, themes, and interpretations [66
Conference Session
Inclusive Leadership: A Panel Discussion
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Lewis Caulfield; Daniel Ivan Castaneda, James Madison University; Melissa Wood Aleman, James Madison University; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University & Carthage College
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Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD)
Carthage College, Dr. Nagel is leading development of two new degree programs: a Bachelor of Arts in Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Learning from an Omnidirectional Mentorship Program: Identifying Themes and Outcomes through a Qualitative LensAbstractMentorship has many benefits which may include sharing, reflection, and empathy. Mentoringfosters understanding of others and their perspectives. Being mentored increases one’s potentialfor success and satisfaction, opening doors for new opportunities in personal and professionalgrowth. Omnidirectional mentorship is a type of organizational structure that emphasizes
Conference Session
Values in Engineering: Ethics and Justice-Oriented Engineering
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert P. Dalka, University of Maryland, College Park; Chandra Anne Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park; Devyn Shafer; Brianne Gutmann, San José State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
students develop a sense of agency,deeper relationality, and inclusive leadership practices. We present how these outcomes arehighly important for effecting change both as a part of Access and in other spaces studentsoccupy.In this paper, we begin by introducing background information on both Access and put the workof the NF team in conversation with other educational change initiatives. We then describe themethods we have used in this work. Next, we present the results of our analysis and reflect onthese results in the discussion section. Finally, we use the conclusion section of this paper todiscuss implications for other practitioners and motivate future research possibilities.II. BackgroundIn this section, we first describe how Access is
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. McAlister, The State University of New York, Buffalo; Sarah Catherine Lilly, California State University, Channel Islands
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Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
students across both iterations, along with students’ final projects andwritten reflections on the awareness events [8].There was some shift in students’ perceptions of the issue of homelessness. Pre- and post-responses revealed that the deficit perspective that homelessness is the result of inherentindividual characteristics was mostly present in pre-surveys and decreased but did not disappearafter the project [8]. Students' written reflections demonstrated their surprise that their previousnotions of the causes of homelessness and the demographics of individuals experiencinghomelessness were inaccurate or incomplete [31]. However, several students did present acritical and systemic view of social injustices, mostly in their post-responses [8
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Technical Session 2: Understanding Our Users
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Parker, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
necessarily adisciplinary norm but could be seen because of lack of policy that provides clear guidelines onwhat is required of the individual researcher or research team.Considering the Tri-Agency’s Research Data Management policy and as [18] concludes in hisreport based on the 2015 UBC survey, “understanding the particular needs or habits withinspecific research areas can provide insight into how disciplines think about and work with data[18, p. 14].” This study’s focus on engineering is intended to consider the research data sharingpractices since the 2015 UBC study and provide further insight to assist the subject librarian’sunderstanding of the data sharing behaviour of engineers while reflecting on what supports couldbe adopted into their
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 11
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Boni Frances Yraguen, Georgia Institute of Technology; Adam Steinberg; Carol Subiño Sullivan, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lance Matthew Crawford
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Faculty Development Division (FDD)
student reflections, authentic learning assignments, ad the use of technology in the classroom. Boni hopes to pursue a career in academia with a focus on teaching and engineering education.Adam Steinberg ˜ Sullivan, Georgia Institute of TechnologyDr. Carol Subino Carol Subi˜no Sullivan is the assistant director of faculty teaching and learning initiatives for the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). In this role she supports educators through workshops, short courses, consultations, faculty learning communities and fellows groups, special events, scholarship of teaching and learning, digital resources awards and recognitions, and partnerships. In all of her efforts, her goal is to support educators in
Conference Session
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L. Hess, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Andrew Katz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Isil Anakok, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brent K. Jesiek, Cornell University; Andrew Whitehead; Sowmya Panuganti, Purdue Engineering Education
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
, p. 3] Firstly, we chose to conduct single two-hour longinterviews (rather than employing quantitative or psychometric instrumentation or collectingother forms of qualitative data). We iterated on the interview protocol by developing an initialdraft of a protocol, having one interviewer practice it with another, revising the protocol,implementing pilot interviews with three graduate students with workforce experiences, revisingthe protocol again, soliciting feedback from our advisory board (who brings expertise in ethicsand DEI), revising yet again, implementing initial interviews, writing reflective memos aftereach interview, and continuously asking which aspects of the interview process were workingwell or needed revision. We were thus
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Pillars of Our Curriculum
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
topics of ethics and sustainability, as well as being a stand-alonetopic in 2020-2022. Each of these three topics had an associated individual homeworkassignment supported by readings and/or online videos. The specific prompts and readings/videos changed over time. The DEI teaching practices aligned with self-determination theory(e.g., autonomy). Evidence of the effectiveness of the DEI integration approaches is provided viacontent analysis of a homework assignment and the final reflective essay. In addition, there wasno evidence of student resistance to DEI topics in the course. The results provide specificexamples that can support civil engineering programs in fulfilling the new proposed ABET civilengineering program criterion related to
Conference Session
Student Experiences and Development – Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon M. Clancy, University of Michigan; Berenice Alejandra Cabrera, University of Michigan; Sarah Jane (SJ) Bork, University of Michigan; Kayleigh Merz, University of Michigan; Erika Mosyjowski, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Lisa R. Lattuca, University of Michigan; Joi-Lynn Mondisa, University of Michigan
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
interests inengineering, (4) students’ choices and intentions to persist, (5) final reflection, and (6) end/signoff. Interviews were conducted via Zoom and audio recorded. Interviews ranged in length from30-to-90 minutes.The four graduate students (SMC, SJB, BAC, KM) were responsible for conducting theinterviews. Their positionalities, identities, and lived-experiences influenced how they interactedwith the participants. Each interviewer was first interviewed by another member of the team tobetter understand the personal experiences and biases that were elicited by the interviewprotocol. This provided insight into the experiences the interviewer would be likely to try andconfirm in the data collection process, and could therefore be mindful of
Conference Session
Student Mental Health and Communities of Care
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Robert, University of Denver; Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
4Dignity and well-being: Narratives of modifying the culture of engineering education to improve mental health among underrepresented STEM studentsown individual findings and how they were interpreted to form the study’s overall findings, but they alsoreviewed and approved this conference paper. The framework also required deep ongoing self-reflectivity by the primary investigator about how her own myriad identities, including being an adjunctfaculty member, affected her perception and interpretation of the participants’ own emerging newknowledge about their experiences in engineering education (Nodelman, 2013). Arts-based research(ABR) methods (Leavy, 2017) use creative practices in social research because of their
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy Vanantwerp, Calvin University; Julie Anne Field Wildschut, Calvin University; Matthew Heun, Calvin University
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Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON)
. That systems thinking perspective can be applied to anything, really, including social problems.”The first offering of introduction to sustainability challenges course was in the Fall 2015semester. Metrics for the engineering sustainability designation as a whole, such as participationand placement, indicated some positive results (for example, see above) but assessments of thelearning outcomes for the introductory seminar class (see Table 2 below for learning outcomesand current assessment plan) also indicated some areas where we fell short of learning targets inthe initial years of the designation. For instance, students’ ability to describe sustainability wasrather anemic.For example, D.T. (2018) wrote in a final reflection paper (see
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Camila Olivero-Araya, The Ohio State University; Julie P. Martin, The Ohio State University; Micah Organ
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Faculty Development Division (FDD)
relationshipswith these students and enhance the quality of education for everyone. 3. Theoretical Framework: Intercultural communication competenceICC is a crucial skill that researchers have been exploring for the last two decades. A review ofthe literature reveals a multitude of definitions of ICC [14]. This variability in the content ofICC models and dimensions presents several challenges. For this reason, Griffith and others[14] propose a framework and operational definition to serve as the basis for the developmentof the concept of ICC in higher education research. This operational definition is based onprior research and states that ICC “reflects a person’s capability to gather, interpret, and actupon these radically different cues to function
Conference Session
Reviewing Methods for Educational Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Mary Jackson, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
the data" (p.56). However, engineers are often more familiar with quantitative methods and summarizingtheir findings using numbers [2], which substantially limits the use of qualitative methods.According to Jackson, Drummond, & Camara [3], the goal of qualitative research involves"understanding human beings' richly textured experiences and reflections about thoseexperiences" (p. 22). As engineers have become familiar with qualitative methodologies [1-2],researchers have begun to explore different types of approaches to illuminate the humanexperience. It is clear that different engineers, engineering students, and engineering facultyexperience their education and careers differently, which modern studies have only begun todescribe [4-6
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sever Thomas Gilbertson; Micah Lande, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
begun modifyingexisting project spaces and creating new makerspaces to reflect the developing pushes ineducation [3,4]. However, the ongoing initiatives to reflect the more creative and less rigidlydesigned nature of making can be challenging to implement since many ideas are, or seem to be,counterintuitive to existing organizational structures within traditional academia. This difficultyis especially true in engineering-focused entities where the parties that have historically managedexisting workspaces and their resources may not be as familiar with the pedological approachesand philosophies behind these areas. In addition, by the very nature of making, many commontrends in makerspaces present unique challenges for the management; often, they
Conference Session
Session 6 - Track 3: The only difference is now it counts: Exploring the Role of a Summer Bridge Program in Shaping Student Expectations of Engineering
2023 Collaborative Network for Computing and Engineering Diversity (CoNECD)
Taylor Y. Johnson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Malini Josiam, Virginia Tech; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
all SBP participants were asked to complete and a majority of the participants (n =54) submitted a response. The purpose of the questions we analyzed from the exit survey was touncover how students anticipate the SBP experience will compare to a school semester ofengineering and students’ interpretation of what the SBP prepared them for. As we created theexit survey after interviewing SBP participants, we were specifically interested in understandingmore about how students thought the SBP prepared them, which are reflected in the questions weasked them, provided in the next section. We thematically analyzed the responses to the exitsurvey. 5.1.1. Workshops Response We hosted a workshop with students during their
Conference Session
Session 1 - Track 3 : Exploring Experiences of Black Engineering Students Transitioning into Predominately White Institutions for Graduate Studies
2023 Collaborative Network for Computing and Engineering Diversity (CoNECD)
Michael Lorenzo Greene, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Brooke Charae Coley, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
demographics. This lens will allow the research team to dive deeper into the phenomenon that is the transition itself, and the contexts in which they occur provide invaluable knowledge on how institutions can better prepare for students of color, rather than applying a monolithic, “one-size-fits-all” mentality towards it. As a part of the utilizing the phenomenological lens, each student transcript was initially read through looking for instances of the participant reflecting on their transition to their graduate institution. Structural coding was utilized for the first-cycle coding method. Structural coding applies a content-based or conceptual phrase representing a topic or inquiry to a segment of data that
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fatima Glovena Fairfax, Duke University; Elyse McFalls, Duke University; Alex Rogers, Duke University; Jabari Kwesi, Duke University; Alicia Nicki Washington, Duke University; Shaundra Bryant Daily, Duke University; Crystal E. Peoples, Duke University; Helen Xiao, Duke University; Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
the only person in a computing class who has my racial identity.3. *I am comfortable discussing topics related to race and racial discrimination with computing department faculty and/or staff who: a. *Have the same racial identity as me b. *Do not have the same racial identity as me4. *I feel like people assume my performance in class reflects my racial group.5. *I feel like I must suppress aspects of myself to be successful in my computing department.Construct 4: Perceptions of Race1. *I consider myself very knowledgeable about topics related to race.2. *Black, Native/Indigenous, and Latinx people are underrepresented in computing majors. Depending on who you ask, some people think it is because of one or more of the
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Swetha Nittala, Uber Technologies; Sheri D. Sheppard, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University
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Faculty Development Division (FDD)
Lab [DEL] at Stanford University. The participant group had a diverse set of educational and professional backgrounds and included undergraduates (N=3), graduate students and postdoctoral scholars (N=4), visiting student researchers (N=5), academic staff (N=1), and experienced faculty members (N=3). As a part of the session, the participants were asked to reflect and respond to two questions: 1) As an instructor, what is a teaching strategy or practice that you use to create a more inclusive and equitable classroom (i.e., to help students feel like they belong and are supported)? 2) As a student, what is a teaching strategy or practice that you wish your instructors used to create a better
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitra Varun Anand, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ahmet Can Sabuncu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Curtis Abel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
students feel valued and respected. This includes active learning style classroom activities to foster open and respectful discussions [16 - 18], encouraging active participation from all students, and being mindful of cultural sensitivity and bias in engineering classrooms. • Curriculum Development: Ensuring that the course curriculum is inclusive and reflects the diverse perspectives and experiences of all students [19] through incorporating diverse case studies, examples, and readings into course materials including lectures and design challenges. • Student Recruitment: Active recruitment of a diverse student body to participate in the course, including students from underrepresented groups in
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Krystal Corbett Cruse, Louisiana Tech University; Carl Boyet; Levi Savercool; Hylie Jane Holloway
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Mathematics Division (MATH)
those who would have struggled more in their absence.Following the Fall 2022 quarter, a survey was given to the SS students to provide feedback ontheir perception of the SI sessions. Nineteen of the twenty-four responded. While a more in depthlook at the survey is planned for the future, an initial review of the feedback indicates allrespondents viewed the SI sessions as beneficial to their overall course grades in math andengineering. They also had unanimous positive reflections on the community building aspects ofthe SI sessions. Some sample responses to the prompt “Do you think the community buildingaspect of the SUCCESS Scholars Program helped your performance in the math and engineeringclasses? Explain” are: “I do because it helps me
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 8: Skill Building
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Huizar, Center for Research in Engineering and Technology Education (CREATE); Diane Elisa Golding, University of Texas at El Paso; Victor Manuel Garcia Jr.
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
comment shows an example of an aspect of financial literacy that our undergraduate students may need help to improve their personal finance and money management skills. • When students were asked about cash flow and net worth from a business perspective for Learning Module 2, students were able to identify strategies that could result in greater income in a particular scenario. For example, a student proposed a low interest loan to improve the security system of the business after merchandise was stolen. Another student reflected that it was better to look for lower cost options or to rent another studio for the business instead of lowering the quality of the product being sold. Another
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 4: Mentoring Programs in Graduate Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clay Gloster Jr., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (TGC); Matthew Bonner Aurelius McCullough, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (TCG); Grace Gowdy; Shea Bigsby; Dawayne Whittington; Juanda Johnson-Taylor
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Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
integrates culturally reflective mentoring and professional development specificallydesigned for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Ph.D. students. This holistic graduate studentdevelopment model includes academic and professional skill-building for STEM careersalongside targeted support for pursuing fellowship opportunities, including the NSF GraduateResearch Fellowship.The theoretical framework for our model is based on social cognitive career theory (Lent et al.,1986). This is foundational to our program because it builds on the idea that the higher theperceived self-efficacy to fulfill educational requirements and occupational roles, the wider thecareer options people will seriously consider pursuing (Lent et al., 2004; Lent et al., 2010). Thegreater
Conference Session
Towards a Participatory Action, Retention of Black Students, and Exploring Black Engineering Student Success
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hermine Vedogbeton, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Crystal Brown; Gbetonmasse B Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Robert Krueger, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
Science and Policy Studies at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in economics and a Master’s in statistics. His research interests are in applied econometrics, technology and development, program evaluation, and higher education. In teaching and learning, he is interested in student motivation, experiential learning, and critical reflection to promote active and more intentional learning. Previously, Somasse was a senior economist statistician at the Central Bank of West African States.Dr. Robert Krueger, Worcester Polytechnic Institute ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Improving the Experiences and Retention of Black Students in STEM
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hui Ma, University of Virginia
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Mathematics Division (MATH)
, instructors and researchers found that students feel lessstress or anxiety during timed assessments [7], and they appreciate the opportunities to reattemptthe concepts, without being penalized for early mistakes. Instructors also feel that their gradesare a better reflection of students' actual learning [1].Purpose and research questionsIn light of the importance of helping students succeed in this class, which sets the foundation forfuture courses, and the benefit that alternative grading systems can help students reduce theirstress levels and focus on learning, the author has implemented the mastery grading approach inher Calculus I class, described below. The following questions guided this pilot study: 1. How, if at all, do student
Conference Session
Research Methodologies – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Debalina Maitra, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus; Brooke Charae Coley, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus; Diego Reyes
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
National Science Foundation (NSF). Asthe most diverse representation across Black engineering graduate students was desired, snowballsampling was followed. In total, 33 Community Members representing 11 institutions and diverse types(PWIs, HBCUs, International) were represented. Community members were compensated with a $100Amazon gift card. Narrative interviews composed of a narration and conversational phase were conductedand ranged from 1.5-2 hours in duration. Interviews prompted Community Members to reflect on theirexperiences navigating engineering paying special attention to any aspects uniquely correlated with theiridentity. Interview Protocol The initial prompt used was, “We are hoping
Conference Session
Biological & Agricultural Division Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heydi Han, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Hector Palala, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Jennifer Keshwani, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Deepak R. Keshwani, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
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Biological and Agricultural Engineering Division (BAE)
workplace. Figure 2.d. shows that students considered that working in thelaboratory helped them the most to develop teamwork skills. Responses included the followingcomments: “We fell into our natural group roles”, “My work was valued”, “I have been able towork with peers who have different strengths, and we learned to use our strengths to completethe lab.”Figure 2.e, shows that challenges this semester were tied to academics and life balance. Asignificant number of responses reflected on the difficulties of developing healthy study habits.Students usually have to balance their academic load, roles in other social clubs, work, personallife, etc. However, although challenges pointed to the academic topics, figure 2.f. shows thatstudents felt they
Conference Session
Keeping It Real: Real World Examples and Systems Thinking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Mary Rupe, Western Washington University; Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Lee Singleton, Whatcom Community College; Rebecca S. Borowski
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
their thinking using a variety of representations(mathematical, symbolic, pictorial, and concrete). This study adds to the empirical research onthe role of representations and tools used in learning and practice in engineering, an area of needin the field [12].MethodologyThis study used semi-structured interviews with statics students in their last week of a 10-weekquarter. Ten students engaged in hour-long interviews that included reflective prompts abouttheir experiences in the statics course and STEM more broadly, as well as a series of three tasksfocused on spherical angles, coordinate direction angles, and angles between 3D vectors. In eachtask the relevant calculations were provided, and the prompts asked students to consider how onevalue