creatingchange in the education system. In 2011, after reviewing the literature on change in highereducation, Henderson et al. proposed a change model for “Facilitating Change in UndergraduateSTEM”. This model identified four strategies that facilitate change in safety education: 1.“Disseminating curriculum and pedagogy”, 2. “Developing reflective teachers”, 3. “Enactingpolicy”, and 4. “Developing shared vision” [14].Following the 2017 ASEE Chemical Engineering Summer School, the authors of this paperformed a collaboration with the shared vision of investigating safety education in UOlaboratories across their respective institutions. The authors’ universities are diverse in terms ofsize, public vs. private, and research focus, and are also
’ designalternatives and matrices. Studies show that student learning improves when they are exposed tothe ideas of others, when they respond to the questions and critique of peers, when they formmore substantial justifications for their views, and when they evaluate competing ideas throughargumentation [24, 25]. Following the gallery walk student teams are given time to reflect oncritical feedback and revise their own work. Effective reflection includes keeping a record ofchanges made and justification of those changes. During stage five, prototypes of the bestdesigns – as determined through matrix scoringand argumentation in the previous stages – arebuilt and tested (Fig. 3). Importantly, this is afluid, iterative process; iterative design
. Prior to arriving at Purdue Univer- sity, he earned a master’s degree in the department of mathematics at the University of Cincinnati in the USA. He is currently writing a dissertation on the pre-service teachers’ understanding of geometric re- flections in the USA. His dissertation explores pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ motion and mapping views and contributes to current research by offering insights into the development of an under- standing of geometric reflection. He is also working as a research assistant in Engineering Education. His work is focused on student learning and interest engineering design to teach engineering, science, and mathematics.Peter Wesley Odom, Purdue University, West
core curriculum, satisfying theobjective for scientific literacy in natural sciences. It is the first general education offering fromengineering faculty.Challenges in the development of this course included attaining the right balance betweenqualitative and quantitative material and tempering faculty’s enthusiasm for rigorousmathematical analysis in deference to a nontechnical audience that largely reflects the region’sdiversity. The overriding goals were to inform students about energy production andconsumption patterns, various technologies and their environmental consequences, and the prosand cons of renewable and nonrenewable energy systems. Other objectives were to provide astraightforward yet sophisticated appreciation of the negative
reflection on the technical, social, and ethical contexts of their work. Weexplain how the Habits of Mind structured our pedagogy from the problem identification phasethrough project completion. We describe the phases of the team’s engagement with stakeholdersat Punta Leona Hotel and Club Beach Resort, including: early problem identification regardingenergy conservation and saving concerns; project development, in which students developed asolution centered around remote, app-based control of large energy consuming devices (e.g., airconditioning units) using Internet of Things (IoT); execution and implementation of the projectover a three week period during a study abroad trip in Costa Rica; and remote follow up withstakeholders after project
verbal;active to reflective; and sequential to global. Notably, the Felder-Soloman Index does notencompass personality traits, e.g. introversion/extroversion. Roy and colleagues [7] assessed best practices in administering Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs, e.g. Coursera), and endeavored to analyze learner patterns that emerge from the“tremendous amount of data” originating from the amount and quality of participation inMOOCs. The authors assert that data often considered demographic—such as socioeconomicstatus, race, or gender—constitute essential components of building an effective tool forexamining learner patterns. Roy et al. [7] propose the following MOOC learner patterns basedupon clustering, supported by statistically significant T-tests
. Studentsfrom across the globe developed action plans to potentially address problems within theircommunities. Students were encouraged to consider real-life scenarios of their choice that couldbe further refined and potentially implemented upon return to their home countries. The structureof the small group sessions allowed students to be members of international teams, agree upon aproblem to tackle, conduct early research, and propose a concrete path towards addressing one ofthe SDGs. Semi-structured qualitative data collection was used for the project, to uncover trendsthat connect humanitarian engineering activities at international conferences to the GCs and theSDGs. Data collection through crowdsourcing, utilized pre-and post activity reflections
, student andfaculty reflections and data received automatically by the game programs. Preliminary analysis ofstudent feedback and faculty reflections indicates increased learner motivation, enhanced reviewof technical content and an upbeat atmosphere to the classroom. Faculty reflections also notedthat the use of games that allow learners to answer the questions individually helped facultyidentify those students who had successfully mastered the concepts, which allowed the instructorto structure peer-to-peer active learning opportunities during class more effectively. Future workincludes analyzing test scores, and other measures of long-term retention of concepts. Overall,use of these gamification tools was found to be a significant addition to
currently working with Dr. Stolk on an NSF-supported project to understand students’ motivational attitudes in a variety of educational environments with the goal of improving learning opportunities for students and equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to create such opportunities. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from sci- ence to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creating curricular and pedagogical structures as well
and focused motivational strategies [10]. These validated instructionaltheories and their assessment techniques offer a means to frame this project in the broadercontext of the student experience in University of Virginia, while delving more deeply into theclassroom setting.2.1 Background: Course Context The course that is the object of study at University of Virginia is a non-technical, introductorycourse, required for graduation by all undergraduate engineers. The course’s learning objectivesinclude, “To be true professionals, engineers need to have a sense of how people design andinvent technology, how intentions reflect the needs and wishes of a society, and how inventionsdiffuse through a culture. Without a thoughtful sense of
. be further enhanced if a portion of the marks are assigned • Peer assessment can allow students to build mutual trust towards participation.[28] To promote student engagement, it and confidence in one another. was decided that a small portion of the marks will be assigned • Course review and content selection can help students towards student participation; assignment of marks will be improve on their judgment and critical reflection skills. dictated by: (i) quality of questions asked during Q&A ses- • Reciprocal peer teaching can extend students’ learn- sion; and (ii) usefulness of
into ourseminars. Though it was a relatively new practice for Virtus students in the seminars, we sought 4to focus on facilitating class discussion and dialogue around each topic, encouraging students toengage in reflection and critical thinking. Through this piloting process we were able to strengthen our partnerships across campusand our exposure and access to relevant resources. This contributed to our building foundationalresources in the content area of diversity and inclusion in engineering and beginning toimplement this content into our class seminars. Throughout the semester, the instructors of theFlexus and Virtus seminars worked
Office representatives came over to meet with the students and parents to explain them the admission procedure and the financial aid opportunities for eligible students. Program Evaluation, Effectiveness, and Survey Results Daily and program surveys were conducted to assess the effectiveness of miniGEMS 2016. An overall understanding of the skills needed to be an engineer were reflected in the answers on the daily surveys, the lab notebooks, the final essay and presentation, miniGEMS summative survey, and results from the post-survey data. The daily surveys provided quality control daily and allowed immediate corrective actions, if necessary. An interesting outcome from the daily surveys was the importance of having
siteprovided students with ADHD an opportunity to engage in research outside the confines of thetraditional engineering curriculum and interact with other students facing similar challenges. Thispaper presents quantitative and qualitative findings from a semi-structured interview and post-program survey of the students’ experiences. Overall, the major findings suggest that participatingin the program enhanced students’ 1) interest in engineering research, 2) interest in pursuinggraduate studies in engineering, and 3) feelings of belonging in engineering. For instance, allparticipants (N=10) responded either “agree” or “strongly agree” to statements reflecting thatattending the REU site increased their interest in research and in pursuing graduate
modules also provided students opportunities to practice new strategies for learning andself-monitoring, receive feedback, and reflect on outcomes. We focused on student self-monitoring because it is a key element of metacognition as it is instrumental in directing learningbehaviors (Zimmerman 2005; Winne, 2005). The accuracy of self-monitoring is particularlyimportant for successful learning (Schraw & Gutierres, 2014).MethodsOur overall study is a quasi-experimental study with a pre/posttest design with an intervention(Krathwohl, 2009). We did not have a control group. All students participated in theintervention and they were invited to self-select into the research.Site and Intervention DescriptionOur research site was a small engineering
recent alumnus who has a vision impairment. Reflections: After completing the low vision simulation, students were asked to write a reflection of their experience in the course online discussion forum. Participants were asked to post a response to the prompt below and also post two replies to their classmate’s posts. “Describe your experience today wearing the low vision simulation goggles/ blindfolds. What did you learn about living with a vision impairment? Did this activity help you break any misconceptions that you held in the past?” The qualitative analysis of their primary
that of thestudents’ perceptions of engineering in regard to their own engineering identity and abilities. In a study by M. Besterfield-Sacre in 1997, incoming engineering students were surveyed ontheir perceptions of engineering as a field, their own abilities as engineers, and their confidencein their success [1]. The performance and retention of the students were then tracked for thefollowing three years and related back to their initial attitudes. Students who left engineering ingood academic standing had significantly different attitudes about themselves and engineeringcompared to students who stayed in engineering, or who left in poor academic standing. Theinitial attitudes of students who left in good standing reflected significantly
. Unfortunately, manyaspects professionalism elude quantitative measurement—consider cooperation withmanagement or maintaining ethical standards. Consequently, objective measures can be quiterestricted in scope. In contrast, subjective ratings allow raters to consider a broad range ofreference points before making their assessment. This requires, however, a careful considerationto sources of rater error that contaminate subjective ratings. After considering both approaches,we determined subjective measures were most fitting and carefully considered the sources ofrater-error detailed below.Sources of Rater ErrorIf rater measurements were perfect, the scores provided by each rater would reflect only theratee’s degree of competence. In reality, ratings are
toconduct tasks. Similarly, competence describes a student’s belief in their ability tounderstand content. Performance and competence are closely linked. In later quantitativestudies of identity, these factors were combined into one performance/competence factor,thus reflecting student’s self-perception of performance as linked to their actualperformance. Recognition describes how parents, relatives, friends, and instructors seethe student in a given context. This framework was expanded by Hazari, Sonnert, Sadler,and Shanahan (2010) in their quantitative analysis of physics identity with the addition ofinterest to the framework. Interest describes one’s enjoyment in learning or interest inlearning about engineering. The PCIR framework refers to the
/board notes, demonstrations and visual components of concepts, and group hands-onactivities. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Developing/Using Learning Objectives Board Work/Color/Lecture Notes Group/Hand-on Activities (connecting to Concepts) Illustration of Concepts/Demos/Visual Incorporating Music Ongoing Instructor Reflection/Self-Assessment Instructor Movement Learning Names/Building Rapport Provide More Feedback/Peer Review Dynamic Classroom Spaces
accessed. Flood attacks happen when a system receives too much traffic forthe server to buffer, causing them to slow down to the point of stopping.Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks occur when multiple devices are leveraged into abotnet and used to target a single system. Flooding attack methods are used in DDoS strikes toincrease the volume of traffic aimed at the target. DDoS attacks can also be reflected andamplified to further increase the volume of traffic generated.Generally speaking, reflected DDoS attacks are any attack where the attacker spoofs the sourceIP address to be the address of the intended target and amplified attacks are any attack where theoriginal attack is enhanced by use of another protocol, redirection, or spoofed
ateither end. In addition to other outcomes, the mindset that a person has determines how theyinterpret mistakes they make; while someone with a fixed mindset thinks mistakes are failuresand result from their innate lack of ability, someone with a growth mindset views mistakes asopportunities to reflect and learn more.The two different mindsets grew out of the earlier work of Dweck et al. who considered howchildren deal with failure [2, 3]. They found that students who placed more emphasis on the roleof effort were more likely to persist during challenging tasks. As a result, Dweck and Legett [4]went on to describe two different forms of self-concept, one following an entity theory and thesecond following an incremental theory; these would later
promotestudents’ critical thinking through a series of newly-designed troubleshooting exercisesembedded in fundamental DC electric circuits labs for engineering technology first-yearstudents.Three circuit troubleshooting sessions were purposefully designed and embedded throughout thecourse of the semester. For each session, students investigated several different scenarios inwhich the given circuits were not working. The complexity of the given circuits increased as thesemester progressed with the increasing theoretical knowledge of the students. Each scenariochallenged students to identify and solve one or more unknown faults in the circuit. After eachsession, instructors used students’ troubleshooting plan, reflective discussions, and conclusionsin
leadership within the civil engineering field.Using this approach this study sought to identify characteristics of leadership and leadershipeducation within the Civil Engineering discipline and then reflect on how this method could beused in a larger study across engineering disciplines. This section outlines the findings from theliterature related to leadership within the Civil Engineering discipline. 1. How has engineering leadership been operationalized or assessed in the discipline of civil engineering? 2. What methods have been used to teach or train leadership within the civil engineering discipline?The following sections will address the findings associated with each of the research questions.Operationalizing and
. Moreover, knowledge of fundamental business functions is increasingly importantfor civil engineers.To address these needs, the authors developed a course, Leadership for Engineers, and usedan interactive and highly engaging business simulation, ScrimmageSimTM, to create anactive learning environment where students are placed in leadership positions and arerequired to develop basic business operating plans; execute these plans in the simulation;and reflect on their team’s successes, failures and missed opportunities. The authorspiloted the course during summer 2017 with students majoring in both engineering andbusiness.This paper addresses the development, execution and assessment of this course. Thedevelopment of the course included sequencing
willdemonstrate an ability to apply engineering concepts to an area of concentrated study, chosenfrom biomedical engineering, bioprocess engineering, electrical engineering, environmentalengineering industrial and systems engineering, or mechanical engineering.” This outcome isheavily assessed in Machine Design using the final exam as the assessment instrument. ECUalso assesses outcomes f and h using reflective writings on readings and research.Outcomes Most Important to the InstructorsIn the survey, instructors were asked to list the five student outcomes that they considered mostimportant. The responses to this question are shown in Table 3. These responses provide asomewhat different picture of course priorities than the course coverage shown in Table
visualizations of teams’ design process across several metrics.More specifically, actions were clustered into three categories: construction, optimization, andnumerical analysis. Design teams’ actions were further contextualized in terms their designtimeline and the sites they explored.Results from design team analytics have implications not only for teams’ design process, butmay be re-deployed as reflection tools for students’ or progress indicators for teachers or designmentors.In the next section the paper reviews research in learning analytics and visualization for dataanalysis. Following this, the context of the study and design challenge are outlined. Energy3D isdiscussed briefly before reviewing the data collected and participants for the study
Students used a variety of means (models, drawings, graphs, concrete materials, manipulatives, etc.) to 0 1 2 3 4 11 represent phenomena. 12 Students made predictions, estimations and/or hypotheses and devised means for testing them. 0 1 2 3 4 Students were actively engaged in thought-provoking activity that often involved the critical 0 1 2 3 4 13 assessment of procedures. 14 Students were reflective about their learning. 0 1 2 3 4 15 Intellectual rigor, constructive criticism, and the challenging of ideas were valued. 0 1 2 3 4 CLASSROOM
material and in-class activities, a cognitivist approach. The final four semesters (n=152) were structured with aflipped classroom approach. Students accessed course material through weekly online modulesand class time was spent in reflective discussion and experiences based on the material offeredonline, a constructivist approach. The survey included 55 items that covered seven sub-scales:understanding of ethical issues, global awareness (world view), communication skills,organization/leadership skills, self-knowledge, creativity, and teamwork. Only student paired(pre and post) data were used in the analyses in this study. Most survey items had a significantincrease from pre to post course survey response in the desired direction. To evaluate
], Engineering and Science IssuesTest [10], and Reflective Judgment Model [11]. However, assessment using these instrumentshas traditionally occurred after students start college and thus do not provide information abouttheir levels of ethical development in relation to previous experiences [12]. Other studies haveexamined how volunteering, community service, participation in student government, studyabroad, and/or family have influenced students’ decisions to continue in engineering [13],[14].But again, these studies did not examine how those influences specifically shaped engineeringstudents’ ethical reasoning.Work outside the field of engineering has also shed light on students’ understanding of ethicsand social responsibility. Perry’s four-year