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Conference Session
Research Experiences at Two-year Colleges
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lea K Marlor, University of California, Berkeley; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech
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Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
confidence andknowledge about the research process. These are two areas where interns made significant,substantial self-reported gains. Ability to conduct research in terms of understanding the processof research and how to find information that is unknown were skills interns felt they gained.They also indicated that they developed additional communication skills such as presentationskills and the ability to write technical papers.Comparison of Short Term Impacts on Research Skills Among TTE REU Students (N=43) Please rate yourself in comparison to peers in the Pre Std. Post following areas: (Rating scale of 1=Well Below Mean Deviation Mean Std. Average to 5=Well Above Average) (SD
Conference Session
Approaches to K -12 Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ayyana Chakravartula, University of California-Berkeley; Barbara Ando, Lawrence Hall of Science; Cheng Li, University of California-Berkeley; Shikha Gupta, University of California-Berkeley; Lisa Pruitt, University of California-Berkeley
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
which paired medical implants with design considerations, forexample, “total hip replacement/wear” or “heart valve/fatigue”. These medical implant/designconsideration pairings were developed so that each engineering concept would be taught with arelevant application, as shown in Table 2. Another element of successful group work is having a highly structured project7,12. Tothis end, various benchmarks were described which assisted students in developing their projectover the course of the semester. These were: - A write-up which included the history of the device and the current state-of-the-art configuration - A lesson plan in a specified format - A two-minute “elevator speech” demonstration for their peers, teachers and
Conference Session
Use of Technology in Teaching Mathematics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melinda Z. Kalainoff, U.S. Military Academy; Dawn E. Riegner, U.S. Military Academy; Matthew Deloia, U.S. Military Academy; Russ Lachance, U.S. Military Academy; Andrew Biaglow, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
test sections seem to beperforming the same as or slightly above their peers in the standard sections.Introduction General chemistry is an important foundational course for engineering studies.This is particularly true for chemical, environmental, and mechanical engineering, but alldisciplines rely on general chemistry to varying degrees. Certainly, all four-yearengineering programs begin with general chemistry in the freshman year. An importantarea of study within general chemistry focuses on the concept of chemical equilibrium.Weak aqueous acids and bases, precipitation equilibria, and gas-phase equilibria arestandard topics. Students are taught to calculate equilibrium concentrations given totalconcentrations and equilibrium
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Eduaction - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Pezeshki, Washington State University; Kelley Racicot, Washington State University
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Design in Engineering Education
. Aproject management tool, Basecamp, is used to manage everyday planning and communication.A knowledge management tool, WSU Wiki, is used for long-term knowledge sharing beyond thecourse of a single semester.2. BackgroundThe Design Clinic, as it is called by participants, is a project-based, ABET-certified program.Students work on industry-sponsored projects for one semester. They are responsible for everyaspect of project management, from specification writing to product delivery. In the fallsemester of 2005, two new technologies were made available to students, one for projectmanagement (PM) and the other for long-term knowledge sharing, or knowledge management(KM). From the beginning, students participated in a research project that analyzes
Conference Session
High School Students Thinking and Performance
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew D. Lammi, North Carolina State University; Theodore J. Branoff, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
basic interpretive research strategies, with a strong flavorof grounded theory. The purpose of the study was to understand how high school students makesense of engineering design as an educational activity. Hence, we employed a process informedby constant comparative techniques – the simultaneous collection and analysis of data. Wedeviated from grounded theory by not making the production of a substantive-level theory arequisite to the study. Rather, themes and findings in high school engineering design werederived and explained. Peer debriefing became an ongoing process following the analyses. Inaddition to peer debriefing, the credibility of this study was established through triangulation ofthe themes and findings from the design challenge
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hong Huang, Wright State University; Steven R. Higgins, Department of Chemistry, Wright State University; Aaron Joseph Blake, Wright State University, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering; Jason Allen Deibel, Wright State University; Ioana Sizemore, Wright State University, Department of Chemistry
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Paper ID #8842Experimental Nanomaterials and Nanoscience - An Interdisciplinary Labo-ratory CourseProf. Hong Huang, Wright State University Dr. Huang is an associate professor at the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Wright State University. She has over 15 years of research experience in nano-structured materials for electro- chemical energy conversion systems covering lithium ion batteries, supercapacitors, and thin film solid oxide fuel cells. She is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed research publications and invited book chap- ters. She received her PhD at Delft University of Technology, The
Conference Session
Mentoring Graduate Students
2005 Annual Conference
Diane Hickey; Raluca Rosca
Engineers, Gainesville Student branch and supported by the Dean ofGraduate Studies in the College of Engineering. The first offering of ETP-UF took place duringthe last half of the Fall 2004 semester, and a second offering is advertised for Spring 2005.IntroductionThe general objectives of the Engineering Teaching Portfolio Program (ETP), as well as theoutcomes of the first offering were presented at the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference 1 by itsdesigners at the NSF-funded Center for Advancement of Engineering Education at University ofWashington. In short the program strives to better prepare graduate students in engineering forthe teaching component of an academic career, by offering an eight week, step-by-step approachto writing a teaching statement
2001 Annual Conference
Chris Lorenz; Trevor Harding; Jennifer Kadlowec; Kurt DeGoede
that theevents and experiences had on them as graduate students and as faculty in their teaching careerswill be discussed.UM-ASEE Student Chapter EventsThe UM-ASEE Student Chapter provides a variety of avenues for meeting the purpose of theorganization. Since its inception, the main events hosted by UM-ASEE Student Chapter arepanel discussions and brown-bag lunches on topics related to academic careers. Topics that havefueled panel discussions that are pertinent to the graduate students are: finding an academic job,curriculum vitas, grant proposal writing, interviewing, starting a research program, the state ofteaching at various types of universities and patents and intellectual property. The format for
Conference Session
Faculty & Program Exchanges: Internationalizing, Collaborations, Interactions
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeed Foroudastan, Middle Tennessee State University; Sandi Hyde, Middle Tennessee State University
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impediments. AsAllan Goodman, president and CEO at the International Education Institute aptly stated in aspeech delivered at Chatham University, “Languages convey much more than facts. Since theyare the repositories of culture, knowing them enables us to gain perspective” (Allan, 2009, pg.368).5 Therefore, interaction among students with differing native tongues provides invaluableopportunities to improve their language skills and cultural awareness simultaneously. Studentsfrom varying backgrounds, enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University, are exposed to peer-led-team-learning environments through the Experimental Vehicles Program (EVP), aninterdisciplinary collaboration in engineering projects. Figures 1 – 4 show examples of thevehicles built
Conference Session
Materials Selection & Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Olshefsky, ASTM International
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important.Educators can show how a specific standard relates to a practical outcome through hands-onactivities in the laboratory. The steps may include calibration and set-up of a testing apparatus,preparation of test specimens, recording the results of the test, performing any necessarycalculations, writing a test report, and interpreting the results. A student who is being introducedto the language of standards for the first time may find interpreting the actual language ofstandards difficult to follow. Therefore, it may be necessary to prepare a simplified outline ofthe necessary steps to perform a complete test. Any simplification of a method should remainconsistent with the original technical standard. In addition, some testing standards may take too
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade Inside the Classroom
2002 Annual Conference
Kenneth Reid
who will record the answer, put all names on the paper, andopen the floor for discussion among the groups. Groups may ask questions of me or other nearbygroups. Rather than stopping the work at a certain time, I will typically wait a few minutes then,while the groups are still working, I’ll begin to write the correct solution on the board. Groupswho are progressing well can continue and check their answer at the end, while groups that arestuck resort to what they would have done in the first place: getting the solution from the board.The quizzes may be turned in or left with the students. If turned in, I choose to give allparticipants full credit for the quiz rather than grading their answer, since the answer was availablebefore they were
Conference Session
Building Bridges with Community Colleges
2004 Annual Conference
Gordy Skattum; Clifford Mirman
Differential Equations • Sciences - Chemistry I with lab, Calculus-based Physics with lab (Both I and II) • Computer Programming - Fortran or C (C++) depending on the specialty IAI General Education Requirements (9 to 18 credit hours - recommended) • Communications - two-course writing sequence and one-course in oral communications • Humanities and Fine arts - Select one course in each area and one additional from either area. • Social and Behavioral Sciences - Select 3 courses from at least 2 different disciplines as specified Mechanical Engineering Specialty Courses (7 to 16 credit hours) • Engineering Graphics/CAD • Engineering Statics • Engineering Dynamics • Strength of Materials/Mechanics of Solids
Conference Session
Improving Teaching & Learning
2004 Annual Conference
Anita Gandolfo; Ken Alford
Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Educationthe Army, specifically. Civilian faculty members also learn military rank insignia, basic Armycommand structure, and how the Military Academy is different from other universities.Teaching programs typically discuss the courses offered in their program, standard teachingloads, job appraisals, vacation policies, additional duties (outside of teaching), scheduledmeetings, and other related topics.The Academy, department, and teaching program information is extremely useful, but themajority of time during the summer teaching workshops is spent on developing and practicingteaching skills. New faculty members learn how to prepare lesson plans, write course objectives,create a course syllabus
Conference Session
How We Teach Problem Solving?
2004 Annual Conference
Amy Miller; Maher Murad; Robert Martinazzi
exercise was conducted in the second semester of the freshman year. The exercise wasnot implemented during the first term in order for students to obtain an understanding of what isexpected of them in a college atmosphere.The exercise, conducted in the context of student teams consisting of three (3) freshmanEngineering Technology students, begins with a simple statement of personal academicaspiration of each student for the semester. Students are given the freedom to write anyscholastic goal that they have. The process of formulating and writing a goal often is a benefit inand of itself. The student will be far more aware of it. The specific goal itself is not important tothe process. The goals will vary per the individual; one student may be
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Computer ET
2005 Annual Conference
Ronald Krahe
discussed the need for using formal design methods in engineering courses.However, simply using such methods do not particularly facilitate students buying into acomplex problem. Experience has shown that it is not uncommon for students to misinterpret anassignment, to solve the wrong problem, to write programs that contain errors and give theincorrect answers, and then blame everything and everyone other than themselves for themistakes.This condition is not unique to the education environment. Numerous examples could be givenof lengthy product development projects that yielded defective products; products that didn'tmeet the customer need, and worse yet, programs that performed a miscalculation and causeddamage to equipment, and resulted in human
Conference Session
BME Course and Curriculum Development
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alisha L. Sarang-Sieminski, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Debbie Chachra, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
literature. In many courses, students areexpected to critically read and discuss journal articles provided by the instructor, as well as tofind their own articles for presentation or use in projects. The ability to fully utilize the primaryliterature is a skill that is not typically taught until graduate school, if at all. By providing ourstudents with these tools, they are equipped with the tools to learn new technical material ontheir own.Finally, communication skills are extensively developed through seminar-style discussion,formal and informal presentations and writing assignments, and poster presentations. Technicalpapers, such as literature reviews or a project reports, are common deliverables in BioE courses.A key component of teaching
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marilyn Barger, FLATE (Florida Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence); Marie A. Boyette, FLATE; Nina C. Stokes, Florida Advanced Technological Education Center
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
needs to be compared with the number of students who actually completed the program and successfully entered the workforce or enrolled in a post-secondary STEM program.”Overall, there was evidence of a lack of consistency among participants as far as being aware ofreliable resources for data tracking. This is a potential area district administration may wish toaddress. Data about local female enrollment could be made more accessible through websites,and information about data mining is a topic of interest for professional development workshopsor teacher work days. Teachers indicated their willingness to collaborate with other teachers (94%): “I would use my peers (the female science teachers at my school) and also find women
Conference Session
Intersections of Identity and Student Experiences: Equity, Culture & Social Justice Technical Session 10
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kaylla Cantilina, University of Michigan; Robert Loweth, University of Michigan
, we collected personal memory data, archival data,conversational data, and reflection data. We analyzed these data using intersectionality as ananalytic framework to identify specific ways that structural, disciplinary, hegemonic, andinterpersonal domains of power operated within the authors’ experiences and impacted theirpathways to graduate school. The two authors possessed similar and comparable engineeringexperiences in addition to extensive interests outside of engineering. However, while RL wasoften viewed as credible and competent as an engineer by peers and faculty, KC consistentlystruggled to receive similar recognition as an engineer. The authors' different experiences reflectintersectional inequities that impacted the authors
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session #4: Global DEI
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose Carlos Quadrado, ENTER Network; Kseniya Zaitseva, ENTER Network
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International Division (INTL)
Engineering EducatorRegistered).Applying to become a registered International Professional Engineering Educator is acomprehensive and quite rigorous process. Potential educators are required to digitally submitthe necessary evidence of the competencies they possess in all the domains as an educator,fill out an application form, submit their portfolio, and evidence of their professionaldevelopment achievements.Each application is reviewed by three international experts (members of the Evaluation andMonitoring Committee) necessarily from other countries and preferentially from othercontinents, to verify that it meets the criteria of the ENTER Registry.Once the peer review is complete, the educators will be notified whether they are eligible
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division Technical Session 4
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Warter-Perez, California State University, Los Angeles; Daniel Galvan, California State University, Los Angeles; Jose Mijares, California State University, Los Angeles; Corin Bowen, California State University, Los Angeles; Gustavo Menezes, California State University, Los Angeles; Lizabeth Thompson, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
teaching and learning (1) creating a safe space,2) multiple entry points, 3) cognitive conflict, 4) passive vs. engaged learning, and 5) intrinsicmotivation); a critically reflective dialogue on which ideas from the “The Heart of a Teacher”[16] (assigned in the Inclusive Teaching Program [11]) they agreed or disagreed with and howtheir identity and their awareness of their identity influence their teaching.Cultural Wealth: This session focuses on Yosso’s framework of community cultural wealth [7]and includes: a short reflective writing exercise on how fellows connect with students and helpstudents connect with the material; a small group discussion on Yosso’s description of deficitthinking and Freire’s banking model of education [17]; a journal
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ricky Castles, East Carolina University; Chris Venters, East Carolina University; Charles Goodman, Pitt Community College
living-learning community, expansion of university tutoringinitiatives to allow access for community college students, and promoting a new peer mentoringinitiative. The program emphasizes career opportunities including promoting on-campus careerfairs, promoting internship and co-op opportunities, and bringing in guest speakers from variousindustry partners. A goal of the program was to allow community college students to buildrelationships with university students and faculty so they can more easily assimilate into thestudent body at the university upon transfer. This paper presents the challenges presented to theproject in the first year and the pivoting that occurred due the pandemic. Data is presentedregarding recruitment of scholars in both
Conference Session
Engineering Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chadia A. Aji, Tuskegee University; M. Javed Khan, Tuskegee University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
-level math and aerospace engineering courses during the Spring and Fall 2020 semesters.The major change was a move from face-to-face to remote learning during the mid of the Springsemester (March) and the fall semester. The face-to face in-class active learning (peer-to-peer,white board activities, team projects/presentations etc.) had to be aligned with the virtualdelivery/interaction modality. To encourage students prepare for the virtual lesson and watch thepre-class preparatory videos and other learning materials, graded short pre-class online quizzesusing the learning management system and virtual in-class quizzes were administered. Theauthors had provided several professional development workshops to the faculty on thesestrategies prior
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alexander James Carroll, Vanderbilt University; Joshua Daniel Borycz, Vanderbilt University; Julianne Vernon, Vanderbilt University
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First-Year Programs
presenting their projects to their classmates via an oral presentation, eachteam is given approximately one month to conduct background research on their challenge and toreceive peer feedback from other groups. Student groups are asked to create slides to accompanytheir presentation and are required to include a reference slide listing the resources theyconsulted during this process.Project-based learning assignments like this one, in which students develop their own questionsand propose potential solutions to real-world problems, often benefit from information literacyinstruction (ILI) [4], [5]. Successful ILI interventions empower students to explore the contextssurrounding a problem and to synthesize the information they find in order to identify
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eduardo Santillan-Jimenez, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research; William Henderson III, University of Kentucky
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
educational initiatives designed to increase and broaden participation in STEM fields.Mr. William Henderson III, University of Kentucky Mr. William Henderson III is the co-director of the mentoring program as well as the Director for Di- versity Programs and Diversity/Out-of State recruitment for the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Engineering. Originally from Lexington, Kentucky, William obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Math Education and Secondary Math Education, respectively, from UK. He has performed a number of functions at UK including: grant writing, strategic planning for the university in general and for diversity in particular, coordinating student affairs, advising, and outreach programming
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin G. Tuchscherer, Northern Arizona University; Ron Gray, Northern Arizona University; Christine Allison Gray, Northern Arizona University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
researchers, “the results suggest that academics are less ofa reason for leaving engineering than the less tangible feelings and beliefs side of the equation”.While the tendency is to relate a sense of lack of belonging to underrepresented students, the datasuggest lack of belonging may be the strongest factor for all students [12], irrespective of socialgroup. Strategies for creating a welcoming and inclusive climate within the academic settinginclude: 1) directing student-peer interactions; 2) broadening the scope of early course work; and3) providing students with authentic learning experiences.Reshaping Engineering Classroom NormsAt the heart of student identity formation is students’ sense of belonging. Students’ sense ofthemselves as engineers
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Murphy; Michael Dyrenfurth, Purdue University
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detailed in Boyer’s articulate and visionary review 14 ofscholarship in a post-war, modern environment.As a general rule, definitions of scholarship and research are characterised by Page 12.795.5originality, have investigation as a primary objective, have the potential to produceresults that add to humanity’s stock of knowledge (theoretical or practical) and aredeemed so by public scrutiny via peer appraisal. Yet they are also sufficiently broadand flexible to be useful in a TTOC environment.Research MetricsResearch metrics should be defined for a transition period as research activity growswithin the TTOC, and then final metrics can be implemented
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jianyu Dong, California State University, Los Angeles; Nancy Warter-Perez, California State University, Los Angeles
. Worksheets included step-by-step instructions for implementing the projects. Using the Tablet PCs, students were required to illustrate their designs, capture and paste their Verilog code and simulation waveforms, and write their observations. At the end of each worksheet more in-depth questions were provided to probe the students understanding of the project and their knowledge of the underlying digital design fundamentals. The class projects were designed to be completed within one 100-minute class period. Afterwards students had one week to submit their worksheets. During the five class periods, students worked on their designs independently but received help from the professor and their peers. If students needed
Conference Session
Improving Presentation Skills Through Summer Research and Ambassador Programs
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth L. Miller, Pennsylvania State University; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
professionals,asking questions in a fashion that encouraged the interviewees to volunteer information. Thesesurveys, which followed the customer discovery approach used in lean design [11], were thenanalyzed to understand how AE is received outside of the classroom. Participants in the survey showed that once they learned the AE style, they preferred to useit for presentations in industry and research. Since the style is not widespread, though, participantsdescribed facing resistance from superiors and peers because of uncertainty about the style andopposition to deviating from company standards and traditional methods. Defying this resistance,many participants who attempted to incorporate elements of the AE style found that they had
Conference Session
Let’s Get Pumped: Innovative Approaches for Better Student Engagement
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
instructor goes around answering students questions, providing guidance and/orcorrecting their mistakes as needed. Thereafter, the faculty continue with the succeeding part ofthe lesson. Throughout the years, students have positively evaluated this format emphasizing thatinstantaneous correction of errors by the instructor or the students’ peers is of a tremendousbenefit to the students and helps them understand the subsequent professor’s explanation withinthe same lecture.Students rarely use their graded exams to study and many just quickly go over their gradedassignments without giving the necessary attention to their errors, let alone discoveringalternative solution methods to the same problems. The reality is that many students seldom usethe
Conference Session
Student Division Development of Professional Skills Technical Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zahra Shahbazi, Manhattan College; Mary Ann Jacobs Ed.D., Manhattan College; Alexandra Emma Lehnes, Manhattan College; Kathleen Christal Mancuso, Manhattan College; Anthony Scotti, Manhattan College
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering UndergraduatesAbstract:When engineers enter the workforce they are expected to have professional skills and thetechnical background. However, beside some isolated presentation and writing trainingsincorporated in courses such as senior design, usually there is no official training for suchprofessional skills in engineering curriculum. With the support from National ScienceFoundation, we have developed a program where students have the opportunity to receivetraining on professional skills and practice them in a non-threatening environment. In thisprogram students prepare engineering related lesson plans and present them to local middle andhigh school students. The program offers special workshops on leadership, teamwork,presentation