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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 137 in total
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Understanding Issues Faced by Graduate Students and Faculty
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Constanza Miranda, Johns Hopkins University; Rachel McClam, Johns Hopkins University
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related to the student’s educational journey. During the participatory workshop, staff felt that they could voiceconcerns and ideas of how to improve the existing system.Preliminary conclusionsThis work in progress shows there is an opportunity to use participatory design methods to improve themultivocality of the design of a mentoring experience in an engineering school. There has been acceptance and eveninterest in participating, overall, from the students and teaching faculty. Interviews with faculty and the workshopwith advisors might have served as a reflective practice, in line with what [56] showcased in their study oncollaborative course reflection. We believe that this participative process might be the first step toward building
Conference Session
Student Assessments and Tests
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kai Jun Chew, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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test usage in engineering courses. Tests and exams are typically heavily usedin FECs like statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, and other courses in various engineeringdisciplines. Understanding why engineering instructors heavily rely on tests to assess studentlearning in these courses can be crucial in promoting the use of more diverse types ofassessments, such as portfolios, concept inventory, reflection-based practices, project-basedpractices, and intentionality in terms of designing, administering, and interpreting tests, butresearch has been scarce on documenting research on this topic. Conversations around why instructors make certain course decisions typically involve thecontexts these instructors are situated in, emphasizing how
Conference Session
Student Experiences and Development – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natalie Evans, University of Virginia; Jessica Scoville, University of Virginia; Jamie J. Jirout, University of Virginia; Caitlin Donahue Wylie, University of Virginia; Elizabeth Opila
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around making researchopportunities accessible and also suggest what can be done in class instruction to provide similarbenefits to student curiosity. In the current study, we found that students reported that classesencouraged their curiosity when the students encountered uncertainty that led to informationseeking, were able to see connections to real world applications and when they had engaginginstructors. Redundant content, overwhelming classes, time constraints, motivation to get the“right” answer, and critical professors were described as obstacles to students’ curiosity inclasses. Students also reflected on how their experiences of curiosity in research compared totheir classes in ways that aligned with the identified supports for and
Conference Session
Student Experiences and Development – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madeline Roth, Bucknell University; Elif Miskioglu, Bucknell University; Adam R. Carberry, Arizona State University; Kaela M. Martin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott
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]. Inter-rater reliabilitywas not calculated numerically due to a focus on consensus [21], [27]-[30].Results & DiscussionPractitioners' definition of engineering intuition did not vary by level of experience but did varyby gender. Men more frequently defined the concept in terms that reflected Innate whereaswomen leaned on Experience in their definitions. Despite these differences in how engineeringintuition was defined, there was largely consensus in participants’ responses to how engineeringintuition is developed. All participants attributed the development of intuition either completelyor in part to Experience, underscoring the notion that intuition develops alongside expertise, asexpertise is largely developed through experience [8]-[12
Conference Session
Student Performance and Learning & Open-ended problems
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Huihui Qi, University of California San Diego; Minju Kim, University of California San Diego; Yu Li, University of California San Diego; Carolyn L. Sandoval, University of California, San Diego; Curt Schurgers, University of California San Diego; Marko V. Lubarda, University of California San Diego; Xuan Emily Gedney; Saharnaz Baghdadchi, University of California San Diego; Alex Phan, University of California San Diego
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learning activities to promote students’ deep learning.Cognitive psychology literature shows that students do not necessarily learn concepts deeply bysolving problems, unless they monitor their thinking and decision-making process before andduring problem solving, and reflect on the process after will help to conditionalize theirknowledge, i.e., when to use what knowledge to solve the problem.In this paper, we present a study on a multidimensional approach to enhancing students'reasoning skills by integrating a variety of explanatory learning activities, namely oral exams,written guidance prompts for homework which asks students to justify their problem-solvingprocess, and video assignment in which students perform group-explanation on
Conference Session
Student Experiences and Development – Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Reeping, University of Cincinnati; Sushant Makarand Padhye, University of Cincinnati; Nahal Rashedi
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inaccurate or may nothave been appropriately maintained by the appropriate institutional office. As CurricularAnalytics is applied more broadly, reflecting on current practices and considering how thisframework can be expanded to capture more nuanced curricular representations is valuable. Research AimThis paper recounts the obstacles encountered during the data collection process for alongitudinal multi-institution project employing Curricular Analytics and offers the dataconventions we developed to overcome those obstacles. We outline these procedures not onlyfor transparency, but also to assist other researchers and practitioners who want to use theCurricular Analytics framework at scale. Given the lack of
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Instructional Practices
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oluwafemi Johnson Ajeigbe, Washington State University; Prashanta Dutta, Washington State University; David B. Thiessen, Washington State University; Jacqueline Gartner Ph.D., Campbell University; Kitana Kaiphanliam, Washington State University; Olusola Adesope, Washington State University; Bernard J. Van Wie, Washington State University
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fluidmechanics concepts. Participants were provided with a worksheet to guide them during theexperiment. The worksheet contained steps for the participants to perform during the experiment.The worksheet allowed the participants to think and reflect on the concepts being taught.Afterward, each participant was given a post-test to examine how much they had learned duringthe instruction. They were then required to respond to the motivational/engagement survey.Participants received links to the online motivational survey administered via Qualtrics© at theend of the LCDLMs sessions. The survey prompts asked participants to reflect on their LCDLM-facilitated instructions and report how well they believed experiencing LCDLMs instructionhelped them to engage in
Conference Session
Disciplinary Engineering Education Research – Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nisha Raghunath M.S., Oregon State University; Karl R. Haapala, Oregon State University; Christopher A. Sanchez, Oregon State University
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EngineeringFundamentals, and might be reflective of the more restricted focus of such degree programs. Assuch, there are several disparities between industry expectations and educational programs.Considering the industry expectations as a baseline, this enables the identification of broad wayscurrent programs might adjust their curriculum to better prepare future technicians or engineersto enter the workforce, or to help current workers upskill for new positions in emergingautomation, robotics, and mechatronics fields as efficiently as possible. This study has several limitations that should be recognized. For instance, the sample ofindustry professionals is limited in many ways and does not encompass the entire range ofprofessions within the field of
Conference Session
Supporting Students with Disabilities and Understanding Spatial Ability and Accessibility
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Searle, Utah State University; Daniel Kane, Utah State University; Natalie L. Shaheen; Wade H. Goodridge, Utah State University
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abilities are affected byfactors such as lack of access to training facilities, increased stress levels and burnout, andreduction of urban navigation.Limitations There are some potential limitations to the work. One involves the potential of seasonaleffects as the tests which were administered during spring for both groups. Additionally theparticipants reflect a convenience sample that was drawn from the BLV population. Theparticipant population spans a large range of ages and due to the population size in thepre-COVID and post-COVID groups the research was unable to be segregated into smaller ageranges. Finally, there are different levels of vision within low vision participants and even thoughparticipants wore blindfolds this does bring a
Conference Session
Instrument Design and Development
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Euan Lindsay, Aalborg University; Mohammad Naser Sabet Jahromi, Visual Analysis of People Laboratory (VAP), Aalborg University
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. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 The development of an artificial intelligence classifier to automate assessment in large class settings: preliminary resultsAbstractThis evidence based practice paper presents preliminary results in using an artificialintelligence classifier to mark student assignments in a large class setting. The assessmenttask consists of an approximately 2000 word reflective essay that is produced underexamination conditions and submitted electronically. The marking is a simple pass/faildetermination, and no explicit feedback beyond the pass/fail grade is provided to the students.Each year around 1500 students complete this assignment, which places a significant andtime-constrained marking load
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Supporting Students To, Through, and Beyond Transitions
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cassandra Sue Ellen Jamison, Rowan University; Jeffrey Stransky, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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Jared Markunas who assisted in the development of the survey that will inform the engagementguide prototype.References[1] D. R. Fisher, A. Bagiati, and S. Sarma, “Developing Professional Skills in Undergraduate Engineering Students Through Cocurricular Involvement,” J. Stud. Aff. Res. Pract., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 286–302, Jul. 2017, doi: 10.1080/19496591.2017.1289097.[2] G. Young, D. B. Knight, and D. R. Simmons, “Co-curricular experiences link to nontechnical skill development for African-American engineers: Communication, teamwork, professionalism, lifelong learning, and reflective behavior skills,” in 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 2014, pp. 1–7. doi: 10.1109/FIE
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Supporting Students To, Through, and Beyond Transitions
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cassandra Sue Ellen Jamison, Rowan University; Justin Charles Major, Rowan University ; Alexandra Mary Jackson, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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adjacent activities context. Kirn & Bensonfound that students’ choices in the present, including how they solved engineering problems, wereconnected to how they thought about their futures. In our study, we wonder whether students’engineering-adjacent participation may also be connected to their FTP development. We anticipatethat a majority of Kirn & Benson’s interview questions [5], some of which we adapted to ourcurrent context while others were added or removed, will help us explore connections betweenstudents' current actions and their future goals. To better capture students’ actions, we havedeveloped interview questions to guide participants to reflect on their future goals, share theirpresent actions related to involvement in
Conference Session
Promoting Well-Being in Engineering Education: Strategies and Perspectives
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Haleh Barmaki Brotherton, Clemson University; Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University
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useful subscales that associate with SRMDM. The revised instrument which wasdeveloped through several iterations (Orr, Martin, Ehlert, Brotherton, & Manning, 2021) (Ehlert,et al., 2019) is called the Multidimensional Inventory of Decision-Making Competency (MIDC)(Ehlert, et al., 2019).MIDC is based on four factors: Impulsivity, Avoidance, learning, and Information Gathering.Impulsivity encompasses making a decision without considering the consequences; Avoidancetargets refraining from making decisions for oneself and allowing other people (i.e. parents orfriends) to make decisions on their behalf; Learning focuses on reflecting on past decisions andInformation Gathering, which includes collecting information, assessing strategies
Conference Session
Student Experiences and Development – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Qin Liu, University of Toronto; Greg Evans P.Eng., University of Toronto; Yunze Wei, University of Toronto; Milad Moghaddas, University of Toronto; Kashish Mistry, University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering; Tamara Kecman, University of Toronto
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, andthe application of knowledge and skills to problems that are representative of those faced bypracticing engineers” (p. 124) [8]. As such, learning effectiveness is first and foremostunderstood as relating to certain outcomes.However, measures of learning effectiveness go well beyond learning outcomes. Other measurescan be attitudes such as motivation [9, 10], satisfaction [9, 11], and initiative [7]. Some studiesmeasured learning effectiveness based on resources, teaching activities, and services provided[12], or instruction, curriculum management, and technological media [2]. As these measuresbetter reflect aspects of teaching practices, they may better represent teaching effectiveness thanlearning effectiveness. Notably, learning
Conference Session
Reviewing Emergent Topics and Theory in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander V. Struck Jannini, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Muhsin Menekse, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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withreflection behaviors and academic performance. The results indicated a mastery approachsignificantly affected exam scores and the total number of reflections, while a performance-approach only affected exam scores [56]. The findings suggest that mastery-approach studentswould adopt self-reflection strategies at higher rates than performance-approach students. Asimilar pattern was found in a study of motivational orientations in pharmacy students and theirexam scores on multiple-choice and short-essay exams [57]. Findings indicated that the mastery-approach orientation correlates with higher scores on essay exams, while performance-avoidanceorientations correlate with lower scores on either exam type. These results align well with theliterature, as
Conference Session
Research Methodologies – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neha Kardam, University of Washington; Shruti Misra, University of Washington; Denise Wilson, University of Washington
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quantitatively analyze how such reflection related to achievementgoals. In another example of NLP-in-the-loop, Zhang et al. [22] used NLP to identify bias,unseen relationships, and missed coding opportunities among teachers’ responses regardingquestions related to the digital divide. The authors first used traditional methods of qualitativeanalysis to arrive at a set of thematic codes, then they used NLP techniques to cluster the surveyresponses and examined the semantic content captured by these techniques. They compared thethemes resulting from the traditional approach to those arrived at through NLP to identifyincongruities associated with errors and inconsistencies among human coders.Our study focuses primarily on the fourth broad category of using
Conference Session
Exploration of Written and Team Communication
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristin L. Schaefer P.E., UH; Jorge Rosales; Jerrod A. Henderson, University of Houston
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and thinking styles, whereas higher analytical thinking scoresindicate more logical, rigid writing and thinking styles [9]. Lower clout scores indicate more of aself-focus, a “follower” not caring as much about relative social status, whereas higher cloutscores indicate a “leader” with more focus on dominating the others in a group [10]. While lowerauthenticity scores can reflect a measure of deception, they also indicate a prepared or sociallycautious response, whereas higher authenticity scores indicate more spontaneous, complex,honest, and unfiltered conversations [11], [12]. Lower emotional tone scores indicate a morenegative attitude, whereas higher emotional tone scores indicate a more positive outlook in thetext [13]. LIWC provides
Conference Session
Investigating Student Pathways to and through Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Collette Patricia Higgins; Melissa Wood Aleman, James Madison University; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University & Carthage College
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-identified as part of a racial or ethnic minority; the remainder identified as White.Each of these seven students participated in one 60–90-minute semi-structured interview [54-55].Interviews were designed to create a space for the participants to reflect on their K-12experiences and how those K-12 experiences influenced their decision to major in engineering.The first three student participants were interviewed in-person in a private office on theuniversity campus. The remaining four students were interviewed via Zoom. As a first step to theinterview, all participants were asked to develop a timeline of their formative experiencesleading to becoming an engineering major. Timelines were developed initially by students at thebeginning of the
Conference Session
Promoting Well-Being in Engineering Education: Strategies and Perspectives
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matilde Luz Sánchez-Peña, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Anne M. McAlister, University at Buffalo; Nichole Ramirez, Purdue University; Douglas B. Samuel; Syed Ali Kamal, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Xinrui Xu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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consensus existing around certain categories. Negative identities tend to reflect elements that do not comply with societal expectations. Because of the multiple spaces where we develop identities, we have multiple social identities and they differ in their nature and strength [70]. An engineering
Conference Session
Investigating Student Pathways to and through Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samantha Splendido, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University
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each academic year, including their last yearbecause literature indicates graduate engineering students consider departing their degree programat many different points in their graduate school journey, including their last year [30]. To properly characterize the impacts of our variables, we developed our ranges of modifiervalues to reflect on the weight of each factor shown in literature on student experiences [21]. Theranges were developed to reflect the weight of each variable on the students. A larger range withlarger values indicates a greater weight of that variable and potential for that variable to impactmotivation more than others. One example is that literature indicates that one of the most impactfulvariables that impacts a
Conference Session
Reviewing Methods for Educational Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alfa Satya Putra, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Jason Morphew, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Li Tan, Arizona State University
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which an operational measure reflects the concept being investigated (Netemeyer etal., 2003). Articles using standard quantitative research methods were further coded into 12 broadcategories and 73 subcategories. The list of categories, including types of quantitative research,quantitative study design, data source, data type, and quantitative methods used, are summarizedin Table 1. These standard quantitative research articles were further coded for study design, datasource, data type, and quantitative methods used to analyze the data. Study designs includerandomized control trials (RCT), quasi-experimental, assessment validation, and correlational.RCT is defined as an experiment under controlled conditions to demonstrate a known truth
Conference Session
Instrument Design and Development
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yashin Brijmohan, University of Nebraska Lincoln; Grace Panther, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
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design and implementation of learning objective-based grading for transparent and fair assessment; and the integration of reflection to develop self-directed learners. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Response Process Validity of the CBE Adaptability Instrument When Used With Engineering InstructorsI. IntroductionThere have been several calls of action to change undergraduate engineering education with onefocus being on the adoption of research-based instructional practices [1]. Adoption of research-based instructional practices have been shown to contribute to attracting and retainingundergraduate STEM students [2]. This is particularly important given that more than
Conference Session
Work-in-Progress Session: Exploring Learning and Development in Engineering Courses
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Lorna Treffert, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Alexis Gillmore, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Isabel A. Boyd, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Chulin Chen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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as a case study because our N is so small, so there’s no real noise that can happen within a case study. So I’m not as worried about that. My question that I keep coming back to is what is the added value of collecting data on the classroom observations? Are we actually going to analyze them? And if we do, what are we doing that for? I’d rather capture all of that in the interviews than I would in a classroom observation and just kind of take them for granted that it’s reflective of what they actually did.” Lucas: ”Yeah. And again... there’s plenty of time to do other classroom observations, presumably someday go back to bricks and mortar face-to-face delivery. That you know, even though the
Conference Session
Research Methodologies – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd M. Fernandez, Georgia Institute of Technology; David S. Ancalle, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kennesaw State University
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self-efficacy with engineering students1 IntroductionIn this research paper, we re-evaluate structural aspects of validity for two instruments, the CurrentStatistics Self-Efficacy (CSSE) scale and the Statistical Reasoning Assessment (SRA) [1, 2]. The CSSE isa self-report measure of statistics self-efficacy while the SRA is a scored and criterion-based assessment ofstatistical reasoning skills and misconceptions. Both instruments were developed by statistics educationresearchers and have been consistently used to measure learning and interventions in collegiate statisticseducation. Our re-evaluation is part of a broader study of the effect of using a reflection-based homeworkgrading system in a biomedical engineering statistics course [3, 4
Conference Session
Investigating Student Pathways to and through Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emma Treadway, Trinity University; Kailey Tubbs, Trinity University; Melissa Joan Caserto, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Michelle Lee, Trinity University; Jessica E. S. Swenson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
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Spring and Fall 2022 data followed asimilar trend to the Fall 2021 data in several ways: there were marked similarities in the most-used emotions, the overall breakdown of pathway directions, and even the patterns in the finaltwo words (with accomplishment to satisfaction being the most common pairing). This reflects asimilar pattern as Goldin’s idealized positive pathway where elation leads to satisfaction,although students completing our survey were hesitant to describe their positive emotions withelation, tending instead towards accomplishment, confidence, etc.The least commonly used words in Spring 2022 were elation, despair, and fear; all three of thesewords were new in the Spring 2022 version of the survey, which suggests that their
Conference Session
Reviewing Emergent Topics and Theory in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rubaina Khan, University of Toronto; Adetoun Yeaman, Wake Forest University; Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Tech
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). These experiences embedded inthe curriculum and engineering design courses allows engineering students to develop anempathic formation compass required to flourish in co-design processes (Smeenk et al., 2019).In engineering education, especially in programs tending towards engineering science, teachingempathy needs careful pedagogical consideration. As such the need for empathy in engineeringneeds to be more visible to students to make meaningful and purposeful connections with priorassumptions and foster epistemic attitudes toward the construct (Walther et al., 2020). Thisembodiment of empathy in professional education allows students to recognize and reflect on theservice nature of the engineering profession and its potential connections to
Conference Session
Formation and Development of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corin L. Bowen, California State University, Los Angeles; Michael W. Ibrahim; Gustavo B. Menezes, California State University, Los Angeles
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theuniversity is to serve the local population of the region in which it is located. 95% of students arecommuters [2], and over a third of the student body are transfer students, predominantly from thelarge network of community colleges serving the East side of Los Angeles. A very highHispanic-enrolling Minority Serving Institution (MSI), 70% of students identify atHispanic/Latinx [1], which is also consistent with the regional population.Student demographic characteristics at Cal State LA are also reflective of the systemicoppression broadly experienced by Communities of Color on the East side of Los Angeles. Themedian family income of students at Cal State LA is $40,300 per year [3], and 60% qualify forfederal Pell Grants [4]. While exact data is not
Conference Session
Self-Regulation and Learning
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Md Abu Shohag, University of North Alabama
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students consider that the ‘Fling the Teacher’ quiz is more engaging andhelps them to learn more effectively. Students strongly recommend the ‘Fling the Teacher’ quizmore frequently in course and in future iterations. The gamified tool helps to increase studentengagement and effective learning in course activities as in line with other research [9]. Whilethese surveys are valuable, they only reflect the students' perspectives. Eventually, some form ofassessment of student learning must be performed to determine if there is a significantimprovement when gamification is employed.AcknowledgmentThe author wishes to acknowledge the support of the University of North Alabama.References[1] E. Meşe and Ç. Sevilen, "Factors influencing EFL students
Conference Session
Disciplinary Engineering Education Research – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nourhan E. Elatky, Rowan University; Jenny Nguyen Hoang; Mason Elwell; Ronan Connor Harkins; Juan M. Cruz, Rowan University; Jie Li, Rowan University
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to communicate with others. This objective was addressedin all eight interviews and reflected the importance of the student's understanding of the powersystem process operation.Objective 2: By the end of the B.S. in ECE, students should acquire hands-on capability andexperience to work in teams and design smart grid solutions.Interviewees claimed that the ultimate focus of schools is on theories rather than hands-onexperiences and design projects. Therefore, students lack hands-on capability when joining theworkforce. Students need to know how to integrate the whole system together, besidesexperiencing that in school before joining the workforce. They think most training and basicskills must be covered in undergraduate courses instead of
Conference Session
Promoting Well-Being in Engineering Education: Strategies and Perspectives
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Muhammad Asghar, Utah State University; Daniel Kane, Utah State University; Angela Minichiello P.E., Utah State University; Wade H Goodridge, Utah State University
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courses have beenadvised by researchers for student success [28], 2) such interventions are desired by engineering 4undergraduates, and 3) MHW and personal learning reflections have been received positively byboth engineering undergraduates and their faculty [29].3. CONCEPTUAL UNDERPINNINGSOur proposed first-year engineering happiness and wellbeing course finds its foundations in threeliterary works. The backward design model [30] approach provides an overall framework of howthis course is structured and functions. The seven factors analytical framework conceptualized bythe authors in our previous work [31, 33] helps develop goals for the course. The