through research and find more feasible and Chinese-characteristic practicalimplementation plans, upgrading and restructuring teaching methods and ideologies.The research status of STEM education also reflects the level of importance thatcolleges and universities attach to it. According to the attention-based views[26],focusing research efforts on STEM education helps to allocate relevant resourcestowards STEM education. Given that the ultimate goal of STEM education is toenhance practical innovation ability, theoretically speaking, strengthening the researchof STEM education is beneficial for improving the performance of cultivatinginnovative talent in colleges and universities. Based on the above analysis, this paperputs forward the following
dimension that can best reflect the quality of higherengineering education. It is an important bridge and link connecting external programaccreditation and internal quality improvement, and can be the core and focus of thequality improvement of higher engineering education. If there is no specialexplanation, the governance object of higher engineering education quality will bepositioned in the narrow sense of higher engineering education quality, that is, theengineering education quality at the program level.2.3 GovernanceThe broad concept of governance has always existed in history. For a long time, it hasbeen used interchangeably with the term “government”, which is mainly used in themanagement and political activities of public affairs related
en r vo Le Kn Po Im gr. n of En K ow p. In Kn p. ImFigure 1: Pre (grey) and post (purple) survey results of student opinions on class topics.Midterm ExamFor their midterm exam, students were required to answer question 1 and either question 2 orquestion 3 from the following three questions. These questions were designed to assess theirability to discern and reflect upon the tensions surrounding the technical/technological, economicand ethical imperatives relating to several
from 30,320 to 149,360, and the proportion of totalstudents in higher education institutions increased from 26.0% to 37.0% (See Table 2).These changes reflected the efforts to align the higher education system with thenational industrialization development strategy.Table 2 Changes in the Proportion of Engineering and Industrial Students before and after the Adjustment of the Faculties (1949-1956) Total Number of Total Number of Number of Industrial Proportion Number Proportion Year Higher Engineering
. 159, pp. 267-271, 2016. 13. D.B. Oerther, “Using science-in-diplomacy to develop COAST: The Caribbean Ocean and Aquaculture Sustainability faciltTy, and reflections on pandemic insurance inspired by COVID- 19,” Science & Diplomacy, vol. 9, no. 1, 2020. [Online] Available: 14. D.B. Oerther, “A case study of community engaged design: Creating parametric insurance to meet the safety needs of fisherfolk in the Caribbean,” J Environ. Eng., vol. 148, no. 05021008, 2022. 15. D.B. Oerther and S.E. Oerther, “From Interprofessional to Convergence: Nurses Educating V- Shaped Professionals,” Nurse Educ. Prac
]. Eudaimonic well-being refers to self-realization, choosing to engage inchallenging activities and continuously seeking opportunities for personal growth [5]. Thesethree forms of well-being have been shown to correlate highly with one another [8] and clusteronto a higher order latent construct. Based on the literature, this study considers the full extent ofwellbeing by creating a composite measure that consists of constructs such as satisfaction withlife, positive affect, and self-efficacy-resilience.PISA evaluation considers wellbeing as a multidimensional construct consisting of subjective aswell as material components that should reflect students’ lifestyle and quality of life [9]. Thisstudy specifically focuses on three main elements in PISA
distinct purposes, our research revealed significant interrelatedness andsimilarity between the two types of centers vis-à-vis students’ lived experiences. In this paper, wetherefore discuss them holistically in order to reflect the grounded theory data rather than a prioriprofessional or organizational distinctions.1. Services tied to academic performanceSome students encountered challenges accessing services if their GPA was too high. They reportedthat there is a policy at their university that if a student’s GPA is above a certain threshold, theycannot seek help from the disability services center. This policy prevented them from getting helpthey believed they needed. As one student explained: At the university, I did really well