Paper ID #45008Threat Modeling for Optimal Enterprise Protections Against KnownCybersecurity ThreatsMr. Branko S. Bokan, The George Washington University Branko Bokan is a PhD candidate at the School of Engineering and Applied Science, George Washington University under professor Joost Santos. Branko is a Cybersecurity expert at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In his professional role he is responsible for defending the Federal Civilian Executive Branch of the U.S. government against cyber threats and building a cyber resilient federal enterprise.Dr
validated via internal team member checking (Creswell & Miller, 2020), andare further explored herein.Results and DiscussionAs of the writing of this paper, the professional ethics micro-credential is nearing completion. Inthis section, we dwell on how the micro-credential creation process itself went. Mindful ofMercer-Mapstone et al.’s (2017) observation that partnership challenges are likely underreportedin the literature, we do not shy away from discussing both challenges and advantages. Weindividually examine our views as participants in the co-creation experience before turning ourcollective attention back towards anticipated future work.Student PerspectiveThe micro-credential creation process has been a thrilling experience for me
dimensions defined above. Measuring AE levels across variouspopulations, e.g. engineering students vs. working professionals, could provide insight into howadaptiveness progresses over time and eventually how targeted activities can be designed todevelop these types of cognitive skills in our engineering students.Currently there is very limited data on AE measurements of any population. In this study, we aimto establish baseline measurements of these dimensions by collecting and analyzing survey datafrom first-year students in STEM fields over multiple years. This research is conducted inconjunction with an NSF S-STEM program aimed to support our limited income studentsthrough scholarship, mentorship, and workshops centered around AE. Accordingly
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such as GPAs, scores in prior courses from which the knowledge is to betransferred, etc. To date however, this has not been done. Finally, the think aloud methodologyused in this study has been shown in the past to positively influence student performance suchthat this activity may overestimate actual student performance “in the field” (Gagne et al., 1962;Davis et al., 1968).4. Presentation of DataThis paper presents data taken from the analysis of a single interview from this study. In this casea faculty member in a mechanical engineering department was the participant. Two main themesemerged in the analysis of the data; (1) the extensive use of reflection by the participant inevaluating their problem solving approach and solution(s); (2) the
aboveinformation? Assume an effective interest rate of 10% per year.(b) If the service of the Pickup Truck will no longer be required in the future, at what price the PickupTruck must be sold now to recover the remaining invested capital?(c) Comment on the resale value of the Truck. What percentage is it compared to the original price?You must show your work with a cash flow diagram(s).”The problem aimed to assess the students’ work through the following three performanceindicators (PI): 1. Draw a cash flow diagram by interpreting the time of references. 2. Recognize and apply the appropriate time-money relationship to estimate the equivalent annual cost for the investment. 3. Apply appropriate analysis to calculate the
Introductory Biomedical Engineering Course Meera R. Bhat*, Gyeongtae S. Moon*, Angela J. Sadlowski*, Eileen Haase* 1. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, *Co-Primary Authors Abstract Methodology Result Observations & Future PlansThe Effective Teaching and Management of Engineering Teams (ETMET) course Rationale of Each Module s
-maker for their preferred load balancing metrics asdescribed above and in Table 1. Then, it displays the list of “adequate” HCFs in the order of thespecified metric(s).A second key aspect of GUI development is usability testing—ensuring potential end-users findit both accurate and functionally useful. To assess this prototype’s GUI usability, three medicalexperts operated the GUI to assign a cohort of patients and then report their satisfaction level,using a short survey, for both ease-of-use and perceived decision accuracy.Results:The developed algorithm and GUI were tested for accuracy and usability. Using the previouslydefined tests, the algorithm correctly matched each patient to their “adequate” HCF(s). For theGUI, its accuracy and
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that can improve GPT-4's code-generationaccuracy and randomness with changes to the model’s temperature and system prompts. Weassess the optimal temperature for GPT-4 to better enable its code-generation capabilities andobserve the change in code correctness based on the personality provided to GPT-4. We proposea pipeline built upon GPT-4 that can generate accurate python code for complex questions incompetitive programming contests. The result is a robust framework that utilizes dynamicsystem prompts to generate code and modify the solution. It includes a feedback loop with GPT-4 that will iteratively remove syntactical errors present in the generated code. In addition, weexplore its capabilities in generating sample test cases to check the
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the USV's Sciences, vol. 42, 2017.associated with manned vessels, crucial for preserving communication network, control and provides 2. C. Specht, E. S´witalski, and M. Specht,delicate ecosystems. Moreover, USVs navigate close to the operator with real-time information about
their own company. Timmons (Timmons, J. &Spinelli, S., 2004)[19], asserts that formal education has limited capacity to instillentrepreneurial drive in students, primarily due to schools offering minimal courses onbusiness knowledge and preparation. However, with programs like TYE which are scalableand replicable, students find it easier to move into entrepreneurship.Conclusion & Implications for Further ResearchIn conclusion, the responses collected from TYE participants demonstrate that TYE-supported entrepreneurial education and training positively influences students to pursue acareer in STEM and/or start their own company. Moreover, the student-led startups werefocused on value creation for other people. Engaging with programs such
in a simple equation shown in equation (1) [41]. These variables are laser power,scan speed, hatching distance and layer thickness. The relationship between energy density, laserpower, scan speed, hatching distance and layer thickness can be expressed as, 𝑃𝐿 𝐸=𝑣 (1) 𝑠 ×ℎ𝑠 ×𝑠Where, E is Energy Density J/mm3, PL is the laser power, vs the scan speed, hs the hatching distance and s the layer thickness. The governing equation shown in Equation (1) can guide us to systematically control theparameters in metal 3D printing process. One of the issues that need to be controlled in metal AMis porosity
can be evaluated using quantifiable and/or measurable attributes. Students may choose to formulate and evaluate policies, standards, infrastructure system components, projects with which they have had past or other experience, small-scale integrated infrastructure systems (such as low-impact development projects), or small-scale interdependent networked infrastructure systems (such as campus-wide roadway networks). • To use benefit-cost analysis or multi-criteria decision analysis to justify infrastructure system actions and/or recommendations. • To explore the robustness of the proposed action(s) or recommendation(s) to uncertainties in the decision context using sensitivity
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. Table 1: Listed are the Prompts Provided for Students before each Quiz. Assessment Prompt(s) Quiz 1 “Can you give me some examples problems to prepare for a quiz on spring- mass-damper systems?” Quiz 2 “Can you give me some examples problems to prepare for a quiz on harmonic forcing in spring-mass-damper systems?” Follow-up: “Yes, please solve problem 3.” Quiz 3 “Can you form example equations of motion using second order ODEs that can be solved via the Laplace transform? Please use specific initial conditions and external forcing functions.”Besides the prompts for the exam topics, students were provided ChatGPT-generated solutions tohomework
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