Paper ID #20934Student Descriptions of Self-Regulated Learning: A Qualitative Investigationof Students’ Reflections on Their First Semester in EngineeringKayla Nicole ArnsdorffMs. Ashley Tingting ChenDr. Rachel McCord, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Rachel McCord is a a Lecturer and Research Assistant Professor in the Engineering Fundamentals Divi- sion at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. She received her Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech. Her research interests include the impact of metacognitive and self-regulated learning development on engineering student success, particularly in the first
the instruction to discuss the goals of the course and identifyencourage both reflection and shared-vision of any feedback for which they are specifically looking. Theinstruction that can lead to lasting institutional change colleague will then attend the class, taking notes throughout,within the cohort and the adoption of evidence-based and then meeting afterwards to review the notes. A primaryinstructional practices. This workshop illustrates the use limitation to this approach is that issues or recommendationsof a video-annotated peer review (VAPR) process that made can be vague or misunderstood due to a lack ofcan help facilitate any faculty cohort to implement the
pedagogy, reflective learn- ing and critical thinking as aids to enhanced student learning. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 You Might (or Might Not) Know More Than You Thought: Student Self-Perception vs. Performance in First Year Engineering Graphics and Computer Programming Natalie Van Tyne Virginia Polytechnic Institute, nvantyne@vt.eduAbstract - The results of a beginning of semester survey of efficacy, namely performance accomplishment,students’ current abilities in engineering graphics and
first graduates in 2018, with class reflective writings serve to instill and reinforce theABET accreditation to follow. Civil Engineering is attributes of a master learner into the engineeringtentatively planned for startup in the 2018-19 school year. students.Incoming freshman class size has grown steadily, reaching a • Addition of the ‘Design Your Own Plan’ project:peak enrollment of 249 declared engineering majors in the Development of an individual success plan serves as the2015-2016 school year. culminating student development activity in Introduction From its inception, the entry point for the engineering to Engineering course
in recognizing the importance of working with people with Average Ranking 4 complementary skillsets, specifically, outcomes m – q from 3 Table I. 2 In general, the survey results indicate the need to 1 include elements in the project that encourage students to reflect on scalability of their discoveries as well as to gain a 0
week, and includes assignments related to skills-reflection and skills-building exercises. The course is facilitated by College of Engineering Academic Affairs staff and issupported by guest lecturers from on-campus content experts in the areas of stress management,counseling resources, academic and tutoring resources, etc. The course is required for two populationsof students; those on Academic Warning after their first semester and those who failed to successfullycomplete the required introductory engineering course taught in the fall semester.IntroductionThe College of Engineering is the largest college within NC State University with over 10,000undergraduate and graduate students. All undergraduate students begin in the Engineering First
academic year from 87professional ethics requirements), fostered in-class separate events. Given the large number of events and thediscussion of key points, and required students to reflect on wide variety, not all events had a strong engineering focus,their response and personal connection to the given topic. but a majority of events did.This seminar also supported the cross-cutting themes as As part of the large year-end outcomes survey, studentsdiscussed below. Overall, this seminar was intended to help responded to the prompt “Professional Development eventsstudents dispel misconceptions of engineering and make made me feel more like an engineer” on a Likert scale. Of
between PCE and FYE. We will facilitate the discussionscategories of description shown in Figure 1. using the Think-Pair-Share [13] active learning technique, where we will encourage participants to reflect on a particular topic, share with a neighbor or in small groups at tables, and end with the opportunity to share small group discussions with the entire group. The first half of the
feel more confident in the amount of time I was spending 4.01 0.66 on my robot project.2 Completing the timesheets impacted how much time I spent on the robot project. 3.95 0.683 The timesheets were useful to analyzing the work put into the robot project. 4.17 0.704 The timesheets were beneficial to how we worked together as a robot team. 3.75 0.685 The timesheets and MATLAB analysis provided me with an opportunity to reflect 4.00 0.72 on the work I’ve completed this semester.6 The expectations for the timesheets were
students by using students’ focused only on the lecture portion of the course.LMS usage to trigger early alerts to struggling students.Students use of LMS-hosted digital resources were EGG 101 students reflect a broad spectrum of preparation.observed using Splunk software, and data mining Only about 30% of the students take calculus concurrent withmethods were also to produce a prediction algorithm EGG 101 with a similar number in remedial math (i.e., unablebased on digital course material usage. Students’ usage of to qualify for pre-calculus). Only 42% of the students had acourse resources were found to correlate to performance
a specific discipline [2]. Inoften struggle with teaching specialized concepts, Engineering courses, this refers to training students to think,formula, and technical terminologies, because of the communicate, represent, and apply content knowledge likelack of strategies to engage students in active reading expert engineers. As described in the ABET competencies,and learning. this literacy is translated into a range of skills and practicesIn this paper, the challenges students face in reading to that reflect the current requirements in the engineering field.learn in EMT 1255 and the strategies used to overcome At New York City College of Technology
. A productive student-instructor relationship has resulted in a collaborative effort to address student challenges as evidenced through student feedback and reflections. One instructor suggested hiring initiatives take place prior to the beginning of a semester to facilitate course preparations with the potential contributions of the ESEPs in mind
: Newly formed small groups will be organized in the same manner as the first storytelling groups. The facilitators may further formalize the order or timing for participants’I. Welcome – Introductions to Facilitators, Participants, storytelling within the first 20 minutes based on theirand Workshop Goals (5 minutes) experience with the first groups. The last five minutes willAll of the facilitators will briefly introduce themselves by be again for more summative and reflective discussion.sharing
domain identity reflects theTech First Year Experience course designed to equip extent to which a person believes that domain is anstudents with problem solving skills, inquiry skills, and important part of who they are [3].integration of learning skills necessary for navigating The model of domain identification by Osborne andcollege level curricula [1]. Jones explains the process by which a set of social and A series of surveys are administered to GE students academic background factors can affect one's domainat three times over the course of their first year: in August at identification and motivation beliefs, and thus, affectthe beginning of the
motivating related to leadership) were mapped to it. Typical of outlinesprinciples behind the redesign involved integrally from older, introductory texts, the course was structured toconnecting the presentation and practice of both technical present a great breadth of topics. When reflecting andand professional engineering skills, introducing exercises commenting on the course, students expressed frustrationperceived as real-world and relevant, and refocusing the with a “lack of accomplishment” and “jumping around”—course on skills and principles common to engineers of all indicators of low self-efficacy beliefs. Further analysisdisciplines. This paper details a restructured curricular revealed that although many
, - The a-k outcomes established by Accreditation All Engineering programs have shared Mathematics andBoard for Engineering and Technology (ABET) for Basic Sciences subjects such as: Differential Calculus,Engineering students in their self-assessment framework, Integral Calculus, Algebra, Vector Calculus, Differentialshould be reflected in the different subjects that taught to Equations, Electricity and Magnetism, Physics, Chemistrythe students of the first two years of the various and other courses of academic areas of humanities andengineering programs. On the other hand, in those first businesses.semesters, the vocation of the students
) (10 Minutes) opinions expressed in this project are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the National ScienceWorkshop presenters will discuss the challenges and Foundation's views. The authors would also like toopportunities associated with SLA course implementation, acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Li Ding, Ms. Caroline,upcoming steps in project development, and Liron, and Dr. Matthew Verleger, who assisted in conductingrecommendations for future SLA course integration. the project in their classes, Dr. James Pembridge, who offeredV. Project Materials (20 Minutes
2000” Technical Communication Quarterly, 10(2), 2001, pp. 149-soft skill information would have been better served earlier their engineering coursework, and that they did not see a [12] Burrows, A. C., & Harkness, S. S. “Experiencing action evaluation’sreason for it so late in the graduation requirements. The first cyclic process: partnering conflict, reflection, andauthor was discouraged that the student group did not make action” Educational Action Research, 24(4), 2016, pp. 460-478.a connection with future engineering positions and projects
to the national“going rate” of 28 would have several implications, mostlywhich would have consequences for enrollment numbers.However, to reflect current issues of many students havingto repeat Calculus I in their second semester of theirfreshman year, because they received a D, F grade or theyvoluntarily withdrew (W) during their first semester, thisseems to be the first step in solving the problem. Conceptsof mathematics and engineering are not easy to comprehendand the standards of engineering professional societies donot bend based on which school the engineering studentgraduated from. It would be interesting to continue thisstudy after making such curriculum change and comparingthe before and after.The author would like to thank the
present their OME presentation only using the Biographyat North Carolina State University has been used to help the option and comparing those students' recall and awareness ofstudents improve the effectiveness of their study time. [7] engineers to that of a control group of students who wereStudents take an online assessment that is evaluated and gives assigned the OME presentation in its original format with alla score on four different learning scales, visual/verbal, four options. The authors found that there was an increase insequential/global, active/reflective, sensing/intuitive. Felder awareness of famous engineers, however the students had aincludes numerous practical suggestions for how to adjust
data of first year students in college of identified community needs and (b) reflect on the serviceengineering. Considering the result of the study, the activity in such a way as to gain further understanding ofprinciple goal of this program is to increase the retention course content, a broader application of the discipline and anstatistics for engineering students. Each of these fellows enhanced sense of civic responsibility” [1]. Consideringhas been assigned to one engineering department. Using society’s needs, students are led in solving real-worldthe help of this graduate fellow in the Civil and engineering problems using the concepts of their engineeringEnvironmental Engineering