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Displaying all 24 results
2019 CIEC
Auta Hernandez; Guadalupe Mendez; John Lindsey; Joshua Rivers; Bailey Walker; Jason Church; Mary Striegel; Jafar Al-Sharab
. Without a primer or an equivalent primer substitute,paint systems will be less effective and durable towards the protection of the historic exteriorwood.ResultsGlossmeter: Table 1. Pre-QUV Table 2. Post-QUV (2800hrs) Pre- QUV Post QUV- 2800 hrs. Highest Lowest Highest Lowest S-1-d 14.9 Z-5-d 3.7 P-2-d 10.2 Z-5-c 2.6 P-3-c 11.8 S-5-c 4.3 Z-1-c 5.5 S-5-b 2.6 Z-2-b 9.1 P-5-c 5.4 S-2-b
2019 CIEC
Joseph Sanson
Session ETD 455 Drone Use in the Construction Industry Leads to Integration into the Current Civil and Construction Engineering Technology Curriculum Joseph S. Sanson Youngstown State UniversityAbstract:The last few decades Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-systems (UAVs) or Drones have becomerelevant in the Construction and Engineering Industry. Drones are being used in the Constructionand Engineering industry in many aspects, such as project development, project management,construction surveying, construction safety, construction inspection
2019 CIEC
Tolulope Awojana; Te-Shun Chou
various categories have adequately explained the different game based learning systems in existencetill date highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each of the classes. The gaming applicationthat stood out amongst all that was reviewed are the InCTF and GenCyber application. Theseapplications are self-explanatory as they involved walkthroughs which made it easier for the learner tograsp the basics of cybersecurity before proceeding to carry out the assessment test. Also, theassessment test was very interactive with of the involvement of the attacker and defender. Thisinteractive medium of learning enables the learner(s) to adequately understand what is required in theworld of cybersecurity with the test carried out in a virtual and
2019 CIEC
Patricia Fox; Charles McIntyre
significantly develop or improve students’ intercultural skills,flexibility and adaptability, self-awareness, curiosity, and confidence.14 Moreover, study abroadimproves interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills to some degree.18The Institute of International Education, Gaining an Employment Edge: The Impact of StudyAbroad on 21st Century Skills and Career Perspectives, found that, “study abroad has an overallpositive impact on the development of a wide range of 21st century skills, expands careerpossibilities, and has a long-term impact on career progression and promotion.”14 This studysurveyed over 4,500 alumni of U. S. colleges and universities that took part in some form ofstudy abroad between the years 1999 and 2017, 70% of the
2019 CIEC
Mingli He; Debora Gilliard; Rebecca Trammell
least half of the responding companies was Proceedings of the 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2019 American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 525included in the table. Table 2 shows the top 10 areas that are considered as critical for degreedposition(s). Figure 3. Survey response: How likely would you be to pursue the CPM DegreeIn the tables, TR stands for total number of responses. Columns marked 3 in table 1 and 4 intable 2 reported numbers of company who check the fields, where 3 stands for Required forManagerial (or higher) Positions that Require a Degree and 4 for
2019 CIEC
Marylin Dyrud
“realities” of anethical situation. Coined by Pat Werhane of the Darden School of Business, the term “moralimagination” refers to an ability to examine a situation from multiple points of view. Anautomobile accident, for example, may involve several people: the person(s) who caused thecrash, the person(s) in the other vehicle, bystanders, perhaps even nearby law enforcement.Authorities attempting to reconstruct the incident must take into consideration the observationsof participants and bystanders, each of whom “saw” something slightly different and each takingon different social roles, according to their proximity to the incident and as defined by an overall“framing narrative” that allows us to organize perception.20Werhane and Moriarty use the
2019 CIEC
Mason Caubarreaux; Cory Franklin; Luz Arrieta-Jimenez; Linda Strauss; Jason Church; Mary Striegel; Jafar Al-Sharab; Adeal Sobhe Matuk
] Hasan, Sirwan, “XRF Theory and Application”. University of Dicle, June 01, 2015.[16] RTI Laboratories, “FTIR Analysis”,, 2015.[17] Ahmad S., Iqbal Y., Ghani F, “Phase and Microstructure of Brick-Clay Soil and Fired Clay-Bricks From SomeAreas in Peshawar Pakistan”, J Pak Mater Soc 2008.[18] Coates, J., "Interpretation of Infrared Spectra, A Practical Approach", Coates Consulting, Newton, MA, USA.2006.[19] D. Dodoo-Arhin, D. S Konadu, E. Annan, F. P Buabeng, A. Yaya, B. Agyei-Tuffour, "Fabricationand Characterization of Ghanaian Bauxite Red Mud-Clay Composite Bricks for Construction Applications",American Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 3 No. 5, 2013, pp. 110-119.[20] “Introduction to
2019 CIEC
Afshin Zahraee; Lakshman Mapa
received their training outside the facility, therefore avoiding any distraction that could have been caused by being on the plant and getting a call to attend a work-related matter • Since part of the contract was to provide a student help during the (minimum) forty- weeks training, students were employed in the laboratory to help the instructor(s). This provides a minimum of 1600 hours of internship, every year, for students in the COT, where they are working, learning, and helping industry folks with their daily tasks. Proceedings of the 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2019 American Society for Engineering Education
2019 CIEC
Saeed Foroudastan; Carey Snowden
knowledge of the board, the program has been able to expand theopportunities for internships for its students and for industry collaborations with its faculty.In this paper, we discuss the roles of the Engineering Management internship class and of theAdvisory Board in improving student success, particularly in internship and job placement.IntroductionProfessional Science Master’s Degrees (PSMs) were started in the late 1990’s to bridge the gapbetween science and industry and educate students in both advanced Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) topics and business management. These degree programsare dependent on regional industries for both curricula input–to make sure the students arelearning the leading-edge technology that
2019 CIEC
Elizabeth Dell; Anne Lucietto; Elaine Cooney; Liza Russell; Emily Schott
number of women andminorities pursuing higher education, little progress has been made in recruiting and retainingthese students in engineering programs. 5 The percentage of engineering degrees going to Proceedings of the 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2019, American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 335African, Latino and Native Americans has increased steadily from 3% in the early 1970’s to justover 10% in 2016. 6, 7 This is still less than half of the combined representation of theseunderrepresented minorities in the U.S.6Compounding the problem of low enrollment of
2019 CIEC
Christopher LeBlanc
role in the history of the integratedcircuits industries. It is commonly known that the first transistor was invented at BellLaboratories in 1945 in New Jersey1. What is lesser known is the presence of several importantsemiconductor manufactures that invested billions of dollars in silicon fabrication facilitiesacross New York and New England. Two of the largest facilities were built by InternationalBusiness Machines (IBM) in Fishkill New York and Essex Junction Vermont. At the height ofthe microprocessor and memory wars in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s IBM employed tens ofthousands of people in the microelectronics industry. Digital Equipment (DEC) had a largesemiconductor processing facility in Hudson Massachusetts. Fairchild
2019 CIEC
Te-Shun Chou
Session ETD 475the attack and prevention were successful or not. Proper action should be immediately takenwhen the message shows an attack is happening. The student should implement the defensemechanism against that attack at once because s/he will keep losing points if other studentslaunch the same attacks. Figure 2. Score and Message Board3.3. Graphic user interface (GUI)A graphic user interface (GUI) application is designed for each student to log into his/herlearning environment. The main menu of the application includes a set of InfoSec activities andeach includes two labs: attack and defense. Each lab features a series of actions that requirestudents to complete their attack (defense) task. Each defense lab in
2019 CIEC
Charles Feldhaus; John Buckwalter; Elizabeth Wager
2019 CIEC
Sanjida Haque; Seth Nowak; Robyn Callaghan; Ashim Mukerjee; Rahul Prasad; Mosfequr Rahman; Aniruddha Mitra
, 6.78 × 105 (𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝 20𝑜 𝐶) will becomeapproximately, 𝑆𝑡 = 0.3.Taking, 𝑈0 = 120 mph = 53.64 m/s, the Vortex Shedding Frequency, 𝑆𝑡 𝑈0 0.3×53.64 𝑚𝑠−1 𝑓𝑠 = = = 10.56 𝐻𝑧 𝐷 1.524 𝑚Natural Frequency Analysis of the Pressure Vessel Proceeding of the 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright © 2019, American Society for Engineering Education Session CIEC 421The natural frequency analysis of the pressure vessel with the provided
2019 CIEC
Peter Rogers; Clinton Martin
1970s. This technologyallowed companies to train their employees through video networks, empowering them toexpand their training programs since the instructor no longer had to physically be on site. One ofthe most successful satellite-based training case studies is the Stanford University Interactive TVnetwork. Stanford devoted resources to their video network in the 70’s and 80’s so thatprofessors could hold classes in multiple locations throughout SF at once3. As technologycontinued to evolve, CD-ROMs emerged in the 1990’s as a dominant form of distance learningtechnology. CD-ROMs had two major advantages: they were easily distributed via mail andthey could hold could hold large quantities of information. However, the limitation with CD-ROMs
2019 CIEC
Sophia Armstrong; Te-Shun Chou; John ones
Technology Systems in the College of Engineering andTechnology at East Carolina University.References[1] S, McLean and S. Deane-Johns, "Demystifying Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology - Hype or Hero?" Computer Law Review International, vol. 17, (4), pp. 97-102, 2016. Available: ProQuest, [Accessed: Jun. 9, 2018]. Proceedings of the 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2019, American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 475[2] R. D. Camino, R. State, L. Montero and P. Valtchev, "Finding Suspicious Activities in Financial Transactions
2019 CIEC
Paul McPherson; Margaret Phillips; Kyle Reiter
and P. McPherson, “What do employers want in terms of employee knowledge of technical standards and the process of standardization?,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2010.[4] A. S. Khan, A. Karim, and J. A. McClain, “The State of the Use of Standards in Engineering and Technology Education,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2013.[5] D. Katusic, P. Skocir, M. Kusek, G. Jezic, C. Ratti, and I. Bojic, “Hands-On Education about Standardization: Is That What Industry Expects?,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 133–144, May 2017.[6] M. G. Ivanovich, “Why can’t Johnny engineer? Infuse engineering education with reality.,” HPAC Engineering, vol. 73, no. 4, p. 7, 2001.[7] C.-G
2019 CIEC
Immanuel Edinbarough; Anabel Pineda-Briseño; Jesus Alberto Gonzalez-Rodriguez; Adriana Rios Santiago
://[2]. Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto Tecnologico de Matamoros[3]. Tee P.L.K., Goh S.K., Cheah K.S.J. (2015) Cross-Cultural Challenges and Synergies Working in anInternational Collaboration Project. In: Tang S., Logonnathan L. (eds) Taylor’s 7th Teaching and LearningConference 2014 Proceedings. Springer, Singapore[4]. Zhou, Z. (2014, January). Managing engineering capstone design teams: A review of critical issues and successfactors. In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (p. 3006). Institute of Industrial Engineers-Publisher.Biographical InformationIMMANUEL A. EDINBAROUGH, received his B.Sc. degree from PSG College of Technology
2019 CIEC
Gregory Lyman; Jeffery Wilcox; Rowdy Sanford
is to spur interest Proceedings of the 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2019, American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 415for other institutions that may find value in retrofitting outdated robots to newer technologies aspart of their robotics/mechatronics curriculum.Bibliography[1] N. K. D. F.-S. Maja J Mataric, "Materials for Enabling Hands-On Robotics and STEM Education," in AAAI Spring Symposia, Palo Alto, CA, 2007.[2] M. T. L. H. a. P. O. John Attia, "Hands-on Learning in Multiple Courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering," in ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section
2019 CIEC
Nicholas Hempenius; Te-Shun Chou; Lee Toderick
[11] Joreome Buvat, Ramya Puttur, Mike Turner, and Marisa Slatter. 2017. Cybersecurity Talent the Big Gap in Cyber Protection Eight Recommendations for How Organizations Can Bridge the Cybersecurity Talent Gab. (July 2017). Retrieved June 7, 2018 from cybersecurity-talent-gap-v8_web.pdf[12] Masas, S., Hallaq, B., and Maennel, O. 2017. Obtaining Better Metrics for Complex Serious Games Within Virtualised Simulation Environments. In European Conference on Games Based Learning. Academic Conferences International Limited, United Kingdom, Reading, 428-434.[13] National Cyber Foundation. 2016. Secure and Trustworth Cyberspace (SaTC) FY 2016 NSF Budget Request to
2019 CIEC
Immanuel Edinbarough; Jesus Alberto Gonzalez-Rodriguez; Adriana Rios Santiago
Approach for Integrated CAD and Computer-Aided Inspection Planning”, Springer-Verlag London, 2014.[5] Cliff Mirman, “Pathways for Integrating Industry into an Engineering Technology Program”, Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, San Antonio, TX.[6] Fornaro, R.J., Heil, M.R, and Alan L. Tharp, A. L., 2006, “Reflections on 10 years of sponsored senior design projects: Students win–clients win!,” The Journal of Systems and Software 80 (2007) 1209–1216.[7] Kornecki, A.J., Khajenoori, S., Gluch, D., Kameli, N., 2003. “On a partnership between software industry and academia.” Proc. of the 16th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Madrid, Spain, pp. 60–69
2019 CIEC
Niaz Latif; Mohammad Zahraee; Deborah Blades; Mont Handley
Business Research Center (2016). Retrieved June 17, 2017, from Gann, Carolyn, et al. “Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates: 2016.” Current Population Reports, Nov. 2017,pp. 1–17.5 Wiseman, P. (2016, September 25). WHY IT MATTERS: Foreign trade impact on U.S. economy. NorthwestIndiana Times. Retrieved June 20, 2017, from Bradley, B. (Writer). (2017, June 6). The Border War: How Illinois is losing out to surrounding states [Video file].Retrieved June 20, 2017, from http
2019 CIEC
Mohammad Uddin; Keith Johnson
guidance that students need to navigate what often can be viewed as acomplex maze.ReferencesBloom, J. L., Hutson, B. L., & He, Y. (2008). The appreciative advising revolution. Stipes: Champaign, IL.Cairncross, C., VanDeGrift, T., Jones, S., & Chelton, L. (2015). Best Practices for Advising At-Risk First-Year Engineering Students. 7th First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference. Roanoke, VA.Corts, D., Lounsbury, J., Saudargas, R., & Tatum, H. (2000). Assessing undergraduate satisfaction with an academic department: A method and case study. College Student Journal, 399-409.Earl, W. (1987). Intrusive advising of freshmen in academic difficulty. NACADA Journal, 8, 27-33.Gerdes, H., & Mallinckrodt, B. (1994
2019 CIEC
Sean Tavares; Shawn Banker; Christopher LeBlanc; Jonathan Ferguson
thispaper would not have been possible:Nancy A. Cherim, Analytical Instrumentation Scientist (SEM), UNH University InstrumentationCenterMark A. Townley, Ph.D., Analytical Instrumentation Scientist, UNH University InstrumentationCenterJohn S. Wilderman, Manager, UNH University Instrumentation CenterBenjamin T. Wood, Bachelor of Science, UNH Engineering Technology ProgramReferences 1. 2017-2018 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, ABET, Baltimore MD, 2017. 2. Autodesk ReCap, Autodesk 2018. Accessed at, September 1, 2018. 3. Compucentric Stage, TESCAN Corp., Accessed at us/technology/accessories/compucentric-stage, Accessed