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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 208 in total
Conference Session
Design and Research in BME
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John P. Puccinelli, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Matthew S. Bollom
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Award in 2012.Mr. Matthew S Bollom Matthew Bollom is a 2013 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Biomedical Engineering. He currently works for National Instruments in Austin, Texas. Page 26.457.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Design and Implementation of Web-based System for Client-based Design Project ManagementIntroductionBiomedical engineering (BME) students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison participate inhands-on, client-based, real-world, team-based design projects for six semesters (sophomore-senior year
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeannie S Stephens, University of Delaware; Sarah Ilkhanipour Rooney, University of Delaware; Elisa S. Arch, University of Delaware; Jill Higginson, University of Delaware
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Paper ID #17041Bridging Courses: Unmet Clinical Needs to Capstone Design (Work in Progress)Prof. Jeannie S Stephens, University of Delaware Jeannie Stephens received her doctoral degree in materials science and engineering from the University of Delaware in 2004. Since then, she has been a National Research Council fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a post doctoral fellow at Rice University, and a research scientist at DePuy Synthes (companies of Johnson & Johnson). Stephens first joined BME in September 2013 as temporary faculty and is now an assistant professor of instruction and
Conference Session
First- and Second-year Design and Professional Development in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emma K. Frow, Arizona State University; Barbara S. Smith, Arizona State University; Casey Jane Ankeny, Arizona State University
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extracurricular teaching with engineers and scientists has been geared towards encouraging them to think about the broader social, ethical and political dimensions of their research and training.Prof. Barbara S. Smith, Arizona State University Barbara S. Smith is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Biological and Health Systems En- gineering at Arizona State University. Dr. Smith has 14 years of educational and professional experiences as an engineer, having worked in various engineering fields with diverse populations for over a decade. Her research expertise includes: point-of-care diagnostics, tissue engineering, and nanotechnology.Dr. Smith gained expertise during her postdoctoral research training under the
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William H. Guilford, University of Virginia; Anna S. Blazier, University of Virginia; Alyssa B. Becker, University of Virginia
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Molecular Biophysics at the University of Vermont under David Warshaw. His research interests include novel assessments of educational efficacy, the molecular basis of cell movement, and the mitigation of infectious diseases.Miss Anna S. Blazier, University of VirginiaAlyssa B. Becker, University of Virginia c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Work in Progress: The Effect of Immersive Design-Build Experiences on Knowledge of the Engineering Design ProcessKnowledge of the engineering design process is integral to all engineering fields. Explicitdidactic approaches exist for instilling students with this knowledge (see an excellent review byDym, et al. 1), and project-based
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey A. LaMack, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Charles S. Tritt, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Biology Scholars Program of the American Society of Microbiology. Prior to becoming focused on en- gineering education, his research interests included hemodynamics and the study of how vascular cells respond to fluid forces and its implications in vascular pathologies.Dr. Charles S. Tritt, Milwaukee School of Engineering Dr. Tritt has been the director of the Biomedical Engineering program at the Milwaukee School of En- gineering (MSOE) since 2009. He has been teaching at MSOE since 1990. His Ph.D. is in Chemical Engineering from the Ohio State University as is his B.S. degree. He holds an M.S. in Biomedical Engi- neering, also from Ohio State. His research interests include biomedical applications of mass, heat and
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Langman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M. Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Judith S. Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology
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the Armour College of Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology.Dr. Judith S Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology Dr. Zawojewski received her B.S. Ed. from Northwestern University, M.S. Ed. from National Col- lege of Education (now National-Louis University) and her Ph.D. from Northwestern University. She recently retired as Associate Professor Emerita from Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, and in semi-retirement has joined the University of Chicago Center for Elementary Science and Mathematics Education as a Senior Curriculum Developer. She recently served on the Board of Directors for the Na- tional Council of Teachers of Mathematics and on the Editorial Panel for Mathematics
Conference Session
Innovations in Pedagogy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Langman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M. Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Judith S. Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology
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, Illinois Institute of Technology Professor Eric Brey is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and co-Director of Distinctive Education in the Armour College of Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology.Dr. Judith S Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology Dr. Zawojewski received her B.S. Ed. from Northwestern University, M.S. Ed. from National College of Education (now National-Louis University) and her Ph.D. from Northwestern University. She recently retired as Associate Professor Emerita from Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, and in semi- retirement joined the University of Chicago Center for Elementary Science and Mathematics Education as a Senior Curriculum Developer. She recently
Conference Session
Design in the Curriculum
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amit Janardhan Nimunkar, University of Wisconsin, Madison; John P. Puccinelli, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Matthew S. Bollom; Willis J. Tompkins, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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Biomedical Engineering. He began here as student near the start of the UW-BME program and earned his BS, MS, and PhD in BME. He is interested in hands-on instruction – teaching and developing courses related to biomaterials and tissue engineering, as well as design. He was awarded the BMES Student Chapter Teaching Award in 2011 and 2013 and the Polygon Outstanding BME Instructor Award in 2012.Mr. Matthew S BollomDr. Willis J. Tompkins P.E., University of Wisconsin, Madison Willis J. Tompkins received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Maine at Orono in 1963 and 1965, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical electronic engineer- ing from the University of Pennsylvania in 1973
Conference Session
Laboratories and Projects in BME
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John D. Gassert, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Jeffrey A. Lamack, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Olga Imas, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Larry Fennigkoh, Milwaukee School of Engineering; NE Schlick, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Charles S. Tritt, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Ron Gerrits, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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imaging in stroke and brain trauma.Larry Fennigkoh, Milwaukee School of EngineeringNE Schlick, Milwaukee School of EngineeringCharles S. Tritt, Ph.D., Milwaukee School of Engineering Dr. Tritt is an Associate Professor and the director of the Biomedical Engineering program at the Mil- waukee School of Engineering. His professional interests include biomedical applications of mass, heat and momentum transfer; biomaterials, medical device and process modeling; medical device design; the FDA Quality System (also known as the current GMP) regulation (particularly design controls); and en- trepreneurship.Ron Gerrits, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Conference Session
Design in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anastasia Katharine Ostrowski, University of Michigan; Jin Woo Lee, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan
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concepts in a team report.Data AnalysisThe design concepts were examined to identify the presence of Design Heuristics in individualdesign concepts and team design concepts3. Students indicated the title(s) of Design Heuristic(s)incorporated into their concepts during the idea generation session. For example, a directapplication of Provide sensory feedback in a design concept would be to add lights to indicatehow much force a doctor is exerting while using a medical device. For each individual concept,we documented students’ reported use of heuristics as well as how they applied the heuristic(s)they reported.Subsequently, we analyzed the extent to which heuristic-driven ideas from individuals werepresent in team-selected ideas. We used this
Conference Session
Design in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University; Annmarie Mullen, Bucknell University
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bringing the entrepreneurial mindset to engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 The rise of rapid prototyping in a biomedical engineering design sequenceIntroductionPrototyping has always played an important role in the design process as way to determineconceptual viability and iterate upon an idea. Over the last decade, the decreasing costs,improved accuracy, and wide-spread availability of rapid prototyping (RP) technology haslowered the barriers to early-stage prototyping. At universities, the result has been the rise ofmaker’s spaces, skill-based pop-up classes and rapid design challenges. In this paper, we explorethe history of rapid prototyping throughout the 1990’s and 2000
Conference Session
Instructional Methods and Tools in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Roselli, Vanderbilt University; Stephen B. Gilbert, Clearsighted, Inc.; Stephen B. Blessing, University of Tampa; Larry Howard, Vanderbilt University; Aditya Raut, Vanderbilt University; Puvi Pandian, Iowa State University
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-basedapplication. Using Clearsighted, Inc.’s tools, an ITS was constructed that required nomodification to the original authoring tool. The resulting ITS provides immediate feedback in atutorial setting, offering help when requested and adaptive just-in-time messages, as well asnoting incorrect actions. All of this feedback, from the user’s point of view, seemingly comesfrom the authoring tool. A series of tutorials have been developed that will provide guidance tonew users as they develop online homework assignments. Evaluation of the system is done bycomparing authoring tasks performed by groups who learned to author without using theintegrated system to groups performing the same tasks with the ITS.IntroductionMost activities related to engineering
Conference Session
Women in Biomedical Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Naomi Chesler, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Rice University; Sangeeta Bhatia, MIT; Gilda Barabino, Georgia Institute of Technology
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diversity are substantial – both forstudents in BME and society at large. Actively pursuing strategies to remove or reduce thebarriers to women’s success in BME will promote a more diverse workforce in BME disciplines,which may in turn create a more productive workforce.Bibliography1 Lane, N., Why are there so few women in science? Nature Debates, 1999.2 Nemeth, C., Dissent, group process, and creativity: The contribution of minority influence. Advances in Group Processes, 1985. 2(57).3 McLeod, P., S. Lobel, and T. Cox Jr, Ethnic diversity and creativity in small groups. Small Group Research, 1996. 27(2): p. 248-264.4 Hong, L. and S.E. Page, Groups of diverse problem solvers can outperform groups of high-ability
Conference Session
Bioengineering laboratories: Bringing research into the classroom
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daphne Rainey, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute; Bruce Mutter, Bluefield State College; Lionel Craddock, Bluefield State College; Susan Faulkner, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute; Frank Hart, Bluefield State College; Martha Eborall, Bluefield State College; Lewis Foster, Bluefield State College; Stephen Cammer, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute; Betsy Tretola, Virginia Tech; Bruno Sobral, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute; Oswald Crasta, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute
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) Bioinformatics in the post-sequence era. Nat Genet 33 Suppl:305-10. 4. Our cultural commonwealth: The Report of the ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, July 18, 2006 5. Buetow, K (2005) Cyberinfrastructure: empowering a “third way” in biomedical research. Science 308(5723): 821-824. 6. Greene, K. and S., Donovan. (2005) Ramping Up to the Biology Workbench: A Multi-Stage Approach to Bioinformatics Education. Bioscene 31(1): 3-11. 7. Rainey, D., Faulkner, S., Craddock, L., Cammer, S., Tretola, B., Sobral, B.W., and O., Crasta. 2007. A project-centric approach to cyberinfrastructure education. TeraGrid 2007. 8. He, Y., R. R. Vines, A. R. Wattam, G
Conference Session
BME Course and Curriculum Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Sweeney, Florida Gulf Coast University
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) explain how both intracellular and extracellular biopotentials ariseand are recorded; (4) explain how electric fields and currents can be used to stimulate cells andto defibrillate the heart; and (5) record and analyze common biopotential signals arising from theheart, nerves, and muscles.Books & ResourcesBy far the most popular textbook for courses in Bioelectricity is Plonsey and Barr‟sBioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach (now in its 3rd edition)3. In our course we use Plonseyand Barr as the required text, and also refer to the free on-line text Malmivuo and Plonsey‟sBioelectromagnetism4. Other texts in use in Bioelectricity courses listed in the onlineBiomedical Engineering Curriculum Database (see above) include J. Patrick Reilly‟s
Conference Session
Research in Biomedical Pedagogy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margo Cousins, The University of Texas at Austin; Mia K. Markey, The University of Texas at Austin; Henry Grady Rylander III P.E.
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Response % Trainee 0 0% Trainee's primary advisor(s) 0 0% Host institution 4 57% Graduate program 0 0% T32 grant 4 57% Other: 1 14% Figure 6. Question #21 results for stipend source during experience. Page 24.650.7 Most commonly, programs do not assign an off-campus training experience, but ratherallow trainees to self
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carrie A. Francis, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Rachel L Lenhart, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Jason R. Franz, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University; Jarred Kaiser, Boston University; Joseph Towles PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison
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. Our goal is to build an online repository of well-tested, education standards-compliant biomechanics activities that are both educational and inspirational to a diverse groupof middle grade students.Bibliography 1. Brophy S, S Klein, M Portsmore, C Rogers. Advancing Engineering Education in P-12 Classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education 97(3): 369-387, 2008. 2. Douglas J, E Iversen, C Kalyandurg. Engineering in the K-12 Classroom: An Analysis of Current Practices and Guidelines for the Furture. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education., 2004. 3. Pearson G and T Young (Ed.). Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know
Conference Session
First- and Second-year Design and Professional Development in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen Billiar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kaitlyn A Marengo, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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question was asked on homework in these offerings as well. The homework assignments were provided to the students in the current offering but not assigned for credit. “What major assumption(s) did you make in problem 2 [holding the shank of the leg in the air] to make the problem tractable (able to calculate the muscle force) and describe in one sentence why this is/these are valid?” Essentially the same question regarding simplifications (single muscle acting at a point, frictionless joint) was asked in the four previous offerings. “The way our bodies are structured, the forces in the muscles and bones are very high for relatively low external forces (e.g., the 5 lb. weight I held out at arm’s length in class resulted in tens of
Conference Session
Pedagogical Developments in BME
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Somerton, Michigan State University
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Expansion Coefficient 1  ÷τ(η, T)  -1 δ =-   in K τ(η, T)  ÷T  P Page 14.838.4 Table 1 Transport Properties for Blood at 310 K and 101 kPa η∀ µ π k χ∀ Pr ∀ (Nt s/m2) (m2/s) (W/m K) (m2/s) 0.00 8.3040E-04 8.3603E-07 0.2907 7.2500E-08 11.53 0.06 9.7694E-04 9.8180E-07 0.3420 8.5568E-08 11.47 0.12 1.0742E-03 1.0776E-06 0.3760 9.4391E-08 11.42
Conference Session
Development of Technical and Soft Skills in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Dominique Okon, The Ohio State University; Tanya M. Nocera, The Ohio State University, Department of Biomedical Engineering
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: Student feedback rubric for laboratory notebooks PointsSection Requirements PossibleTitle & Objective Clearly captures the daily goal(s) of the lab 3Materials & Methods Descriptions of experiments & materials clearly provided 4Results & Discussion All data, graphs, & relevant discussion is documented 4Observations, Notes Observations, errors, & future improvements are detailed 3Presentation Notebook is neat, organized, & has labeled tables/figures
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Dominique Okon, The Ohio State University ; Tanya M. Nocera Ph.D., The Ohio State University
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laboratory motivation,documentation and technical communication skills. We are currently analyzing preliminaryresults from an anonymous online survey (Qualtrics) administered to all current junior andsenior-level BME students who were enrolled in one or more domain laboratory courses duringthe 2015-2016 academic year when paper-based notebooks were required, and/or during 2016-2017 academic year when ELNs were introduced. The survey responses placed the students intoone of two sub-categories, those who 1) had completed at least one domain lab course usingpaper-based notebooks and at least one domain lab course using electronic-based notebookkeeping methods; and 2) had completed domain lab course(s) with electronic-based notebookkeeping methods only
Conference Session
Clinical, Patient, and Innovation Experiences in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Huffstickler, Pennsylvania State University; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Keefe B. Manning, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Margaret J. Slattery, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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your REU student(s)? 2. Do you feel that the REU’s emphasis of the creative process impacted the REU student’s experiences? 3. Did the REU’s emphasis of the creative process impact your personal view of the research process?ProceduresThe pre-survey was administered to the students the week prior to the start of the REU, and thepost-survey was administered at the conclusion of the program. Surveys were administeredonline using the Qualtrics program.Student interviews were held within the span of one week towards the end of the program.Interviews of the faculty took place over a two-week period of time following the conclusion ofthe REU. Each interview lasted no longer than one hour. The interviews were conducted by
Conference Session
BME Curriculum Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Harris, Vanderbilt University; Sean Brophy, Purdue University; Robert Linsenmeier, Northwestern University; Alene Harris, Purdue University
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Cycle format used in lesson module design. • Leaders and participants worked through an abbreviated Legacy Cycle module to experience the process, including using technology for formative feedback and for lesson development. • Leaders examined other examples of Legacy Cycle modules. • Participants applied HPL to the participants' own selected course(s) Revisited course objectives to determine acceptable evidence and plan the assessment(s) to be used (formative and summative) Designed effective challenges to engage students with the content Identified appropriate learning activities
Conference Session
BME Laboratory and Project Experiences
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Estefania Alvarez, Clemson University; Steven Saville, Clemson University; O. Thompson Mefford, Clemson University; John DesJardins, Clemson University
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With oversight, guidance and assessment from the instructors, one teaching assistant wasdedicated to teach each of the 7 laboratories for the entire semester. Each TA was responsiblefor developing the laboratory procedures, administering a pre-laboratory quiz, providing the pre-laboratory instructions and monitoring the progress of the students during the laboratory. Theinstructors and the TA‟s all had office hours during the week to assist the students withquestions. All materials for all labs were available via a dedicated BlackBoard internet site, andstudents were able to use this online site to communicate with labmates, instructors and TA‟s,check their grades, and upload their assignments. All students within a section met as a class
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Molly Y. Mollica, University of Washington; Heather A. Feldner, University of Washington; Anat Caspi P.E., University of Washington ; Katherine M. Steele, University of Washington; Dianne Grayce Hendricks, University of Washington
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and do not necessarily reflect the views of the federal government.References[1] Oakes, W., Duffy, J., Jacobius, T., Linos, P., Lord, S., Schultz, W. W., & Smith, A. (2002). Service-learning inengineering. In Frontiers in Education, 2002. FIE 2002. 32nd Annual (Vol. 2, pp. F3A-F3A). IEEE.[2] Duffy, J., Tsang, E., & Lord, S. Service-learning in engineering: What why and how? ASEE Annual Conference 2000.[3] Eyler, J., & Giles Jr, D. E. (1999). Where's the Learning in Service-Learning? Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult EducationSeries.[4] Sax, L. J., Astin, A. W., & Avalos, J. (1999). Long-term effects of volunteerism during the undergraduate years. Thereview of higher education, 22(2), 187-202.[5] National Academy of Engineering
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bradley P. Sutton, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Jennifer R Amos, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Manuel Alejandro Ramirez Garcia, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Jennifer Lynne DUPE Bailey
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is generated in the QAorepeating sequence block in the model, which provides flow as a predetermined function of time.This function takes a user-defined heart rate and stroke volume to calculate a time waveform ofblood flow out of the heart. This blood from the heart flows into an “Add” block that subtractsoff the flow of blood leaving the artery into the systemic circulation. The output of the “Add”block is the net flow of blood into the systemic artery. This is then fed into an integration block,indicated by “1/s.” Integration of the flow gives the volume of blood in the artery, indicated byV. This volume of blood results in stretching the walls of the artery to create pressure. Theconversion of volume to pressure is done through the
Conference Session
Laboratories and Computer Simulation in BME
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Thompson, Kansas State University; Steve Warren, Kansas State University
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for the starter circuitry that heoffered for the previous version of the pulse oximeter.10 Opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the NSF. Page 12.115.13References[1] R. Brinkman and W. G. Zijlstra. "Determination and Continuous Registration of the Percentage Oxygen Saturation in Clinical Conditions," Arch. Chir. Neurol., vol. 1, pp. 177-183, 1949.[2] Design of Pulse Oximeters. Bristol, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing, 0-7503-0467-7, 1997.[3] J. Yao and S. Warren. "Stimulating Student Learning with a Novel 'In House
Conference Session
New Tools in Teaching and Learning Biomedical Engineering Concepts
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Crockett, California Polytechnic State University; Jon Whited, St. Jude Medical; Daniel Walsh, California Polytechnic State University
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) R Knowledge of designing tests, approaches for execution 1008 Test Constructor Project CE,CS 1009 Lead flex fatigue tester BMED, IME C3a Eclipse - from User perspective (3.x, 4.x) D Work experience with Eclipse / Basic knowledge of Eclipse. 1010 Mechanical Properties of the Heart BMED M Knowledge of Eclipse and various plugins in Eclipse (e.g. C3b Plugins 1011 Automated Medical Adhesive Dispenser ME S
Conference Session
"Best" of BED
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan F. Campanile, Illinois Institute of Technology; Frederick Doe, illinois institute of technology; Elana Rose Jacobs, Illinois Institute of Technology; Norman G Lederman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology
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, S., Kuh, G. D. & Gayles, J. G. Engaging Undergraduate Students in Research Activities: Are Research Universities Doing a Better Job? Innovative Higher Education 32, 167-177, doi:10.1007/s10755-007-9043- y (2007).2 Kinkead, J. Learning Through Inquiry: An Overview of Undergraduate Research. New Directions for Teaching and Learning 2003, 5-18, doi:10.1002/tl.85 (2003).3 University, B. C. o. E. U. i. t. R. Reinventing undergraduate education: a blueprint for America’s research Page 23.626.11 universities., (State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1998).4 Hunter, A.-B., Laursen, S. L
Conference Session
Integrating Design into the BME Curriculum
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amit Nimunkar, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Silas Bernardoni, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Tyler Lark, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Willis Tompkins, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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BME Department forproviding their continuous support, resources and encouragement. We would also like to thankfaculty members affiliated with the DELTA program, the College of Engineering and theCIRTL11 group at our university for their continued support (NSF Grant No. 0227592).References1.Biomedical Engineering Design, K. Sanders, P. V. Farrell, and S. K. A. Pfatteicher, "Curriculum Innovation Using Job Design Theory," HumanFactors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings, vol. 50, pp. 779-783, 2006.3. Introduction to Engineering, Bernardoni S., Nimunkar A. J., Murphy J. and Courter S., “Student-initiated design and