Paper ID #37844From Grant to Graduates: The Development of a Regionally Unique SiemensLevel-3 Mechatronics Engineering Technology ProgramProf. Matthew S. Anderson, Austin Peay State University Professor Matthew S. Anderson is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Technology department at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN. Professor Anderson’s academic interests are in the field of Mechatronics, and he has completed up through Level 3 SMSCP training with Siemens. He has been a full-time faculty member at Austin Peay State University since 2016 and is currently working towards obtaining tenure while serving
Paper ID #36884Education and Training Program to Improve Preparedness and IncreasedAccess to Energy Workforce for Engineering Technology GraduatesDr. Kuldeep S. Rawat, Elizabeth City State University KULDEEP S. RAWAT is currently the Thorpe Endowed Professor and Dean for the School of Science, Aviation, Health, and Technology at Elizabeth City State University (ECSU). He has earned an M.S. in Computer Science, 2001, an M.S. in Computer Engineering, 2003; and, a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, 2005, from the Center for Advanced Computer Studies (CACS) at University of Louisiana-Lafayette. He also serves as the Chief Research
Paper ID #38805Implementing the Engineering for One Planet Framework in a CivilEngineering Technology ProgramDr. Yewande S. Abraham, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET) Yewande Abraham Ph.D., LEED AP O+M, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engi- neering Technology Environmental Management and Safety at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Civil Engineering from Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom and her PhD from The Pennsylvania State University.Dr. Amanda Bao, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET) Amanda Bao is an Associate Professor and
C C C C N C A A A C A C C C Student 2 C C C C C C C C C C C C A C A A Student 3 C C C C C C C C C C C C A A C A Student 4 N S C C C C A C C C C C C C S A Student 5 N C A A C C C C C C C C C C C A Student 6 C C C C C C C C C C C C A A C A Student 7 C C C C C C C C C C C C A C A A Student 8 C S C C C C N C A C C A A A A A Student 9 C C C C C C C C C C C C S C C A Student 10
Concepts and Selection (Individual Work) Week 12 - Risk and Critical Thinking (Individual Work) Weeks 13-15 Project Work (Group Work)Students were introduced to the Python language with an online tutorial guide supported by asimulator [16]. Given that the objective was not to teach a programming language, but to havethem deploy design functionality, they were allowed to access other resources and even usesource code from websites. They were given assignments for a number guess game to providethe concepts of loops and if statements. A following assignment had them write a program toflash the S-O-S pattern in Morse code on an LED. Surprisingly, many of the students providedunique and functional solutions, even though they were allowed to
by National Science Foundation Experiential Learning for Emergingand Novel Technologies (ExLENT), Award No. ITE- 2322532. References:1. Teaching Critical Skills in Robotic Automation: iR-Vision 2D Course in Robotic Vision Development and Implementation, A. Sergeyev, S. Parmar, N. Alaraje, Technology Interface International Journal, 013-T-16, V17, #2, p. 13, 2017.2. Robotics and Automation Professional Development Workshop for Faculty, A. Sergeyev, N. Alaraje, Technology Interface International Journal, V17, #1, p.99, 2016.3. University, Community College and Industry Partnership: Revamping Robotics Education to Meet 21st Century Workforce Needs, A. Sergeyev, N. Alaraje, S. Kuhl
yearly competitions such as IIDA, AIA,Solar Decathlon, etc. These institutions, and many others sponsor both annual competitionsReferencesPooley, Alison and Wanigarathna, Nadeeshani (2016) Integrating students through amultidisciplinary design project. In: Integrated Design Conference id@50, 29 June - 1 July2016, University of Bath.Gerber, D. J., & Lin, S. H. E. (2014). Designing in complexity: Simulation, integration, andmultidisciplinary design optimization for architecture. Simulation, 90(8), 936-959.Flager, F., & Haymaker, J. (2007, June). A comparison of multidisciplinary design, analysis andoptimization processes in the building construction and aerospace industries. In 24thinternational conference on information technology in
outlook," 2023. [Online]. Available:[5] A. Kodey, J. Bedard, J. Nipper, N. Post, S. Lovett and A. Negreros, "The US Needs More Engineers. What’s the Solution?," Boston Consulting Group, Boston, MA, 2023.[6] T. Robinson, A. Kirn, J. Amos and I. Chatterjee, "The Effects of Engineering Summer Camps on Middle and High School Students’ Engineering Interest and Identity Formation: A Multi-methods Study," Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J- PEER), vol. 13, p. 6, 2023.[7] L. Chu, V. Sampson, T. L. Hutner, S. Rivale, R. H. Crawford, C. L. Baze and H. S. Brooks, "Argument-Driven Engineering in Middle School Science: An Exploratory Study of Changes in
incorporated into MET courses,where a research study will be conducted to collect data regarding the students’ learning to test themodule’s effectiveness in improving students’ learning.References[1] L. D. Feisel and A. J. Rosa, “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 121–130, Jan. 2005, doi: 10.1002/J.2168- 9830.2005.TB00833.X.[2] G. A. Hazelrigg, “A Framework for Decision-Based Engineering Design,” J. Mech. Des., vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 653–658, Dec. 1998, doi: 10.1115/1.2829328.[3] D. Gürdür Broo, O. Kaynak, and S. M. Sait, “Rethinking engineering education at the age of industry 5.0,” J. Ind. Inf. Integr., vol. 25, p. 100311, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1016/J.JII
begins to investigate different first-year engineering (FYE) programmethods and teaching pedagogies to apply to an introduction to engineering technology course ata regional campus that has a 47% first-generation college student demographic. The overall goalof this study is to turn an introduction to engineering technology course into a first-yearengineering technology (FYET) program. A first-year program is being described as acurriculum that requires a majority of the students to take the same college specific course(s)within the first year of their college career regardless of what their major is.Literature ReviewFYE programs are common in engineering schools across the United States with a large portionof universities restructuring their
, belts, and chains, and other components. 7. Perform work in accordance with safety rules and procedures.3.3 Data Collection Instrument(s)Data collection instruments are detailed by Bosman and Shirey [33]. Upon completion of themodule, students submitted photovoice metacognitive reflection. Prompts are provided in insert2: Photovoice Reflection Prompt A (Entrepreneurial Mindset): The entrepreneurial mindset is defined as “the inclination to discover, evaluate, and exploit opportunities.” Explain how participating in the newly developed curriculum incorporated the entrepreneurial mindset, and lessons learned relevant to the entrepreneurial mindset. Photovoice Reflection Prompt B (STEAM): STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) goes
. By incorporating these elements, an enjoyable andinformative experience for underrepresented minority students can be attained and encourage themto pursue careers in STEMReferences[1] E. O. McGee, Black, brown, bruised: How racialized STEM education stifles innovation. Harvard Education Press, 2021.[2] M. Elam, B. Donham, and S. R. Soloman, "An engineering summer camp for underrepresented students from rural school districts," Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, vol. 13, no. 2, 2012.[3] K. Kricorian, M. Seu, D. Lopez, E. Ureta, and O. Equils, "Factors influencing participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields: matched mentors and mindsets," International Journal of STEM
programs, and mentors. For FGS in engineering majors, many of the studies thatwere conducted looked at the barriers for FGS and posed the research in a deficit model. We aimto reframe this mindset and look at the capital and assets that FGS possess and how they navigatestructures of engineering. We also want to understand what culture and support leads to successin engineering. Martin et al. [13] began the turn in questioning the “deficit” framing of thisgroup. We aim to build on this research with our study. We will use mixed methods tounderstand their experiences and the capital, beyond networks, that they used to persist inengineering. Building off of Martin et al.’s [13], [14], [40] work, this project focuses on identitydevelopment alongside
“Computer Science Principlesand Cybersecurity Pathway for Career and Technical Education”.References[1] E. Lally, At home with computers. Routledge, 2020.[2] M. Javaid, A. Haleem, S. Rab, R. P. Singh, and R. Suman, “Smart performance of virtual simulation experiments through Arduino tinkercad circuits,” Sensors International, vol. 2, no. 100121, pp. 1–10, 2021.[3] D. Morley and C. S. Parker, Understanding computers: Today and tomorrow, comprehensive. Cengage Learning, 2014.[4] H.M.D. Toong, Microprocessors. Scientific American, 237(3), pp.146-161, 1977[5] L. D. Wittie, “Microprocessors and microcomputers,” Encyclopedia of Computer Science, vol. January, no. 2003, pp. 1161–1169, 2003.[6] J. H. Davies, MSP430
. Monika Herrmann, University of Wisconsin, Stout About the Author Monika Herrmann is an assistant professor in the Engineering and Technology department at the University of Wisconsin Stout. She holds professional licenses in Architecture and Interior Architecture in Germany and the USA and is practicinDr. Ahmet Turkmen, Ahmet Turkmen, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Engineering and Technology Department at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Dr. Turkmenˆa C™s fields of expertise include medical instrumentation, processing of physiological signals, and modeling of physi ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Electrical Engineering
develop a better understanding of the technical content, societal andeconomic impact of the proposed solution, while supporting the students’ preparedness andreadiness for the workforce.IntroductionThere are numerous recent scholarly works examined the way in which the Kern EntrepreneurialEngineering Network (KEEN)’s mindset is enhancing the students’ engagement and skills invarious engineering courses, like Material Science [1], or Mechanical Design or StructuralAnalysis [2, 3, 4], or Fluid Mechanics [5, 6, 7, 8] or across engineering curriculum [9, 10, 11, 12,13].In all instances, the authors found that the inclusion of an entrepreneurship education, aspromoted by KEEN, and further support the engineering students’ readiness for the
Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)program can stimulate engineering identity development among students, particularly thoseunder financial constraints [15]. The role of academic institutions in this process has also beendemonstrated in the literature by highlighting the potential of STEM enrichment programs insteering students toward graduate programs in science [16]. The literature underscores that theseprograms are not merely avenues for academic support but can significantly influence studentperformance, degree completion, and even graduate enrollment. Laanan et al. focused on thedimension of “transfer student capital” and presented a nuanced viewpoint on the experiences ofstudents transitioning from
graduate degree. In the future, I hope to obtain a masterˆa C™s deLaura E. Cruz, The Pennylvania State University Laura Cruz (Ph.D, UC Berkeley 2001) is an Associate Research Professor for Teaching & Learning Schol- arship with the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence at Penn State. She previously served as the director of two Centers for Teaching and Learni ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Hands-Off: Perceptions of Biomedical Engineering Technology Internships under a Global PandemicAbstractInternships are an integral component of bio-medical engineering programs, as they providestudents with hands-on experience working in real-world settings. To fully
refer to the culminative findings for all students on a givenassessment as it relates to the course learning outcome(s) which are a critical tool in evaluatinghow well the necessary material within a course is being delivered to and received by thestudents. Both student and course level assessments should be considered when evaluating theimpact of changes made within a course. These types of assessments will be the focus of thispaper as a means to measuring students’ ability to consciously assess their competence in realtime during exams. Instructor level assessments refer to those performed by students at the endof the semester. While these are vital to course improvement they do not always reflect studentunderstanding and for that reason are
universities,” Ubiquitous Learning:An International Journal, vol. 3, no. 4, 173-184, 2011.[2] R. White-Clark, S. Robertson, and A. Lovett, “Using technology to bridge the interculturalgap in the classrooms of K-8 ENL students,” in Intercultural Responsiveness in the SecondLanguage Learning Classroom, IG Global, 2017, pp. 222-237.[3] J. Rizk and S. Davies, “Can digital technology bridge the classroom engagement gap?Findings from a qualitative study of k-8 classrooms in 10 ontario school boards,” SocialSciences, vol. 10, no. 1, 2021.[4] N. Bitner and J.O.E. Bitner, “Integrating technology into the classroom: Eight keys tosuccess,” Journal of technology and teacher education, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 95-100, 2002.[5] R.G. Muir-Herzig, “Technology and its
equipment [1, 9-11]. The outcomes of these capstoneprojects can lead to tangible enhancements in laboratory equipment, improving functionality,accuracy, and overall effectiveness. Consequently, this contributes to the continuousimprovement of educational resources within engineering programs, fostering a more robust andmodern teaching environment, and providing engineering students with cutting-edge resources.Through the integration of capstone projects centered on equipment improvements, and guidedby faculty teaching respective courses, students engage in a comprehensive learning experiencethat goes beyond theoretical understanding. They are required to conduct in-depth research of theexisting laboratory setup(s) identifying inefficiencies
in SoTL.References[1] A. M. Lucietto, and L. A. Russell, “STEM Educators: How They Teach,” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, no. Summer 2018, 2018.[2] C. R. Thomas, “Personality in Engineering Technology,” Journal of Engineering Technology, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 16-20, Fall2014, 2014.[3] E. R. Kahu, and K. Nelson, “Student engagement in the educational interface: understanding the mechanisms of student success,” Higher education research & development, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 58-71, 2018.[4] R. M. Felder, and R. Brent, “Understanding student differences,” Journal of engineering education, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 57-72, 2005.[5] J. A. Gasiewski, M. K. Eagan, G. A. Garcia, S. Hurtado
involved over the years teaching Mechanical, Industrial,Manufacturing, and Mechatronics Engineering Technology capstone courses at PNW.In the 1980’s and 1990’s, capstone projects were typically associated with a student’s workplaceat this university which was, at that time, focused on part-time adult learners. In the past twodecades the student body has shifted to younger, full-time students and senior capstone projecttopics, execution and outcomes have changed with the changing student body. With the shiftaway from part-time students, there are fewer adult learners in the classroom who are currentlyworking in the field. This results in a larger population of students who do not have existingaccess to industrial project experiences.Prior to this
V, 500 mV, oscilloscope differential inputs 200 mV, 100 mV, (1MΩ, ±25V, 50 mV, 20 mV, differential, 14- 10 mV bit, 100MS/s, 30MHz+ bandwidth - with the Analog Discovery BNC Adapter Board) Oscilloscope 200 ms to 5 μs. NA NA 100 kSPS Time Base DC outputs ± 15 V, +5V 0…+5V, 0…-5V Two 5 V (200 mA) Max Power 500 700 mA
study. There are likely learning opportunities availableregarding the reach and impact of the podcast for student creators possible with these tools.Nevertheless, this work has shown success in asynchronously delivering a nature-inspiredpodcast creation curriculum. The project will continue to be included as an asynchronousenrichment component to the Industrial Controls course used in this study.6. References• [1] S. Protopsaltis and S. Baum, "Does online education live up to its promise? A look at the evidence and implications for federal policy," Center for Educational Policy Evaluation, pp. 1-50, 2019.• [2] D. T. Altindag, E. S. Filiz, and E. Tekin, "Is online education working?," National Bureau of
experience was developed. The work described here is basedlargely on local experience. More needs to be done in drawing from the experiences reported byothers to improve this model of operation.ConclusionsTo meet a specific need for our department and our students, the author piloted a program toallow one instructor to teach groups of students simultaneously on two campuses. This programwas started prior to the COVID pandemic. After it became possible to return to the classroom,development work continued. At this time, this method of instruction has been brought to a levelwhere courses can be reliably offered at two or more locations simultaneously by a singleinstructor.Bibliography[1] Nozaki, S., & Clippinger, D., & Liao, Y., & Study
orproject. Average student performance measured by the associated learning objective in thecourse syllabus also improved.References[1] Kern Family Foundation. “Entrepreneurial Mindset.” (accessed Feb. 8, 2024)[2] Bekki, J. M., Huerta, M., London, J. S., Melton, D., Vigeant, M., & Williams, J. M. “Opinion: Why EM? The Potential Benefits of Instilling an Entrepreneurial Mindset,” Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 7, no. 1, 2018.[3] Rae, D. and Melton, D.E. “Developing an entrepreneurial mindset in US engineering education: an international view of the KEEN project,” The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship, vol. 7, no. 3, 2017 ISSN 2159-6948
the articles andthe design of the comment template. We believed that the reading assignments have helpedimprove students’ reading comprehension, writing techniques, and critical thinking skills.References1. S. A. Lei, K. A. Bartlett, S. E. Gorney, and T. R. Herschbach, “Resistance to reading compliance among college students: Instructors’ perspectives,” College Student Journal, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 219- 229. 2010.2. D. Pecorari, P. Shaw, A. Irvine, H. Malstrom, and S. Mezek, “Reading in tertiary education: Undergraduate student practices and attitudes,” Quality in Higher Education, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 235- 256, 2012.3. C. M. Burchfield and J. Sappinton, “Compliance with required reading assignments,” Teaching of Psychology, vol. 27
supply case must be 8 inches in width, 8 inches in length, and 5 inches in height or the power supply will not properly fit. 6. The potential quality of materials could affect the desired outcome. 7. There was no set budget for the project, so this leaves the possibility of a lack or abundance of supplies. 8. Due to Covid-19, there is a lot of uncertainties in whether we will have access to 10 resources to successfully complete the project. In conclusion: The practical project in linear design course, w a s i ntended to be a challenging, practical and exposure them to real-world projects, demands and expectations. It provided
Management Systems (EDMMS) at Western Michigan University’s (WMU). Co-Director of the Center for Integrated Design (CID), and currently the college representative to the Presidentˆa C™s U ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Real-Time Evaluation of Energy Efficiency of Hydraulic SystemsAbstractThe importance of real-time monitoring and evaluation of any system has become increasinglysignificant due to the trend towards full automation of systems, which is part of the Industry 4.0concepts. A real-time data analysis system was developed as part of a class project on the energyefficiency of an industrial hydraulic system. Using a system-level experimental methodology,this system implements