Paper ID #36849Cultivating technical writing skills through a scaffold peerreview-approach of lab reports in a junior-level laboratory courseDr. Yan Wu, University of Wisconsin - Platteville Yan Wu graduated from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1996 with a bachelorˆa C™s degree in Precision Instruments and a minor in Electronics and Computer Technology. She received her M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alaba ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Cultivating technical writing skills through a scaffold peer review of lab reports in a junior
collaborators attracted close to $1M in research grants to study writing transfer of engineering undergraduates. For technical research, he has a long-standing involvement in research concerned with the manufacturing of advanced composite materials (CFRP/titanium stack, GFRP, nanocomposites, etc.) for marine and aerospace applications. His recent research efforts have also included the fatigue behavior of manufactured products, with a focus on fatigue strength improvement of aerospace, automotive, and rail structures. He has been the author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers in these areas.Dr. Charles Riley P.E., Oregon Institute of Technology Dr. Riley has been teaching mechanics concepts for over 10 years and
Paper ID #38620Investigating Engineering Laboratory Course Assignments and Assessmentsacross Four Institutions and a Case Study on Their Impact on Students’Lab Report WritingDr. Dave Kim, Washington State University-Vancouver Dr. Dave Kim is Professor and Mechanical Engineering Program Coordinator in the School of Engineer- ing and Computer Science at Washington State University Vancouver. His teaching and research have been in the areas of engineering materials, fracture mechanics, and manufacturing processes. In par- ticular, he has been very active in pedagogical research in the area of writing pedagogy in engineering
Paper ID #39484Lab Safety Awareness in Incident and Near-miss Reporting by StudentsParticipating in Engineering Societies: A Case StudyAudrey Erin ConcepcionRyan HekkerDr. Ean H. Ng, Oregon State University Ean H. Ng is an assistant professor of Industrial Engineering at Oregon State University. She received her Ph.D. in Systems and Engineering Management from Texas Tech University. Her research interests include engineering economic analysis, high reliability organization, safety engineering, peer effects in workplace safety, and performance measurement.Chukwudiebube AtagbuziaThomas L Doyle, Oregon State UniversityJenette K
heterogeneous microelectronics for high-density systems, nanoman- ufacturing for extreme machines, in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM) at the point of need, and biomanufacturing for lab-made food proteins and food equity. Malshe has trained more than 1400 graduate and undergraduate students and mentored numerous younger engineers in academia and industries. He has published over 225 peer-reviewed manuscripts. He has received over 27 patents and his patent/product conversion rate is more than 70% resulting in more than 20 award-winning engi- neered products applied by leading corporations in energy, defense and aerospace, transportation, EV, die casting, high-performance racing, and other key industrial
hourLearning Outcome AssessmentThe assessment methods for this comprehensive bridge project encompasses two primaryassessment methods: performance-based assessment and technical writing. The assessmentframework is structured to ensure a multifaceted analysis of each team's output, focusing on bothquantitative and qualitative metrics.The performance of the student-designed bridges is appraised according to two main criteria:data comparison, which accounts for 70% of the overall assessment, and peer reviews, whichcontribute the remaining 30%. The quantitative assessment hinges on the comparison of themaximum force sustained by structural members in both the original and the redesigned bridges.This comparison is determined by Equation (1), which
Mechanics classes in a traditional lecture hall setting." In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2023.[11] B. R. Munson, D. F. Young, and T. H. E. Okiishi. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th ed. New York: Wiley. 2004.[12] R. L. Street, G. Z. Watters, and J. K. Vennard. Elementary Fluid Mechanics, 7th ed. New York: Wiley. 1996.[13] F. M. White. Fluid Mechanics, 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2003.[14] M. C. Potter, and D. C. Wiggert. Mechanics of fluids, 3rd ed. CL Engineering. 2001.[15] Y. Wu. "Cultivating technical writing skills through a scaffold peer review-approach of lab reports in a junior-level laboratory course." In 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2023.[16] A. Paul, M. J. I. Moran, R
towards independent study through a questionnairesurvey via Qualtrics. The survey questions were strategically designed to explore the benefits oflearning, the long-term retention of acquired knowledge, and the overall learning processes.Analysis of the data demonstrated a positive student perception and attitude towards a fewcrucial skills, such as teamwork and time management, technical writing and subject matterproficiency, Excel uses, data analytics, communications, and organizational timeline skills.Students expressed a preference for the hands-on aspect and freedom associated with theundergraduate research. Furthermore, students acknowledged the significant influence ofundergraduate research on their academic careers, citing improved
with their faculty mentors toinvestigate new UAV applications as well as to create new UAVs. Students’ work resulted in anumber of internal posters and PowerPoint presentations at university-wide STEM researchsymposia, four senior project reports with posters and presentations, and one MS thesis. Students’designs involving a novel octocopter with overlapping propellers were also used in writing anexternal grant application. Furthermore, all students engaged in this vertically integrated project(VIP) were retained or graduated. In addition, 20% of the students obtained MS degrees. It is hopedthat this work will add to the VIP body of knowledge and will inspire readers to implement similarprojects in their own institutions.Introduction
providing accessibleeducation to all [2]. It recognizes the need to make systemic and structural changes to theframework of a particular course, making it more engaging for all students while not tailored to aspecific individual [2]. UDL can be integrated into teaching in several ways, includingencouraging peer-to-peer learning with informal/formal discussions, using different instructionmethods such as interactive tools and visual aids, and being inclusive in assessment techniqueslike giving opportunities for do-overs [3].Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) is defined as “the inclination to discover, evaluate, and exploitopportunities” [4]. One can include EM in their instruction by focusing on integrating the threeCs of EML: curiosity about how
compared to men. Conversely, while Pell-eligible students also respondedfavorably to the module, they expressed significantly less agreement that the experiencesolidified their choice of studying engineering as compared to their non-Pell-eligible peers. Allgroups indicated that “interesting work” was most important to them in career selection and that“doing something impactful that helps others” was their favorite part of toy adaptation.Interestingly, we observed statistically significant connections between career interests andlaboratory interests, wherein students who selected the technical, hands-on aspects of toyadaptation as most enjoyable were more likely to select “interesting work” as their mostimportant career consideration. Ultimately
- this data would be later used by them to write a laboratory report.The experimental group of students was exposed to an experiential learning approach for threesemesters. The curriculum design incorporated real-world scenarios, laboratory work, andinteractive experiences to enhance their understanding of biological concepts.Pre- and post-surveys were given to the undergraduates to assess student engagement. Thesesurveys captured 'students' perceptions of their learning experiences, motivation, and interest inthe subject matter. Additionally, we observed their active participation during experientiallearning sessions.1.1 Pre-Survey: A survey was administered to students enrolled in a university biology course tomeasure their motivation level
DE1-SoC Terasic FPGA boards through the RemoteHub Lab (RHLab) [12] . Figure 1 illustrates the setup of the remote lab, which features 36 FPGAboards accessible remotely via a web browser. This lab is integrated into the LabsLand globalnetwork of remote laboratories [27]. The students had also participated in a prior survey [26].The study was approved as an exempt study under IRB ID MOD00017662. (a) Structures that house DE1-SoC boards.Focus Groups DetailsFive focus group sessions were organized online via Zoom to explore topics related to equitableaccess. Each session followed a structured format, with the same set of questions posed to (b) Web-based Code editor where students write and synthesize their
such as LOPUS and COPUS [4].However, unlike manual observations, this study’s AI model will use computer vision and deeplearning techniques to automatically analyze the classroom videos and provide objective andtimely data on the learning process.Figure 2: Experimental-centric Learning cycle. 2. Social Constructivism and Collaborative Learning: Idaresit’s work [25] emphasizes the essential role of social interaction in constructing knowledge . Building on this, the study adopts the theory of social constructivism, acknowledging the significant role of collaboration and peer learning within experiment-centric classrooms [26]. Therefore, this study’s AI model will therefore go beyond individual analyses, utilizing graph
of hands-onactivities and experiments in the classroom, as well as the use of digital resources (Azumio - InstantHeart Rate App) to complement the Traditional lecture-based instruction of the course. Thestudents were shown in class how to download Azumio app on the cellphone and use it to correctlymeasure their heart rate and it was explained to them the reason for the difference in resultsobserved in each set (especially after performing a 5-minute exercise) which included 6measurements of heart rate. Students were later given the assignment to work on 5 more sets ofthis experiment and were taught how to analyze and interpret the data collected - this data wouldbe later used by them to write a Lab report.1.3 Post-Test: A second survey was
a professional educationcomponent consistent with the institution's mission and the program's educational objectives andpromotes diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness for career success [3]. "The need to feelbelongingness and linked with others" is how relatedness is defined (Baumeister and Leary [8]).According to studies, learning environments that provide a sense of connectedness to peers,parents, and instructors can enhance motivation and improve academic results (Ryan, et al. [9]).Self-efficacy, engagement, interest in school, higher grades, and retention have all beenconnected to feelings of relatedness, which are measured in terms of "school environment" andinstructor-student connections (Inkelas, et al. [10]). Research on
undergraduates summarize thedetails of the team’s past progress and their future plans in a short write up which gets sent to theM.Eng. student(s). These informative reports help the M.Eng. students stay fully aware ofdetailed progress. The M.Eng. students then pass along the information along with theirconsiderations for timeline and resources to the project sponsors. Faculty are copied on theseregular communications, and students are given credit for completing and sending these reportson time. The undergraduate teams meet with a course instructor every two weeks for a 30-minutecheck-in meeting, which serves to monitor team progress and help students stay on track as thesemester progresses.M.Eng. Roles Throughout the course, M.Eng. students
“Collabora on”, “Project Management”, and “Reflec on”. Some of the criteria proposed by HQPBL are70 similar to the ones proposed by Thomas [28] and others [30, 31]. Based on HQPBL, a PBL experience71 requires mul ple-answer, complex problems that engage students in cri cal thinking. The problems need72 to be authen c, meaning they could have a real-life impact on people and communi es outside the73 school se ng. Students need to share the results of their projects with their peers and present them to74 the public. Public may include experts and people outside the classroom. Teamwork skills are a necessity75 in a professional workplace; therefore, projects should be collabora ve. Collabora on is not only limited76 to students’ team
challenge §1: evidence that boundary layers exist Create a physical demonstration to be conducted by the student themselves to see first-hand the existence of boundary layers.When the existence of boundary layers is clear, they can be analysed, which requiresapproximation of the equations of motion. It is convention to write the equations of motion andstate the order of magnitude of each term to highlight which can be neglected. A summary of theanalysis is in Appendix B.The ‘order of magnitude’ analysis lacks meaning to the uninitiated learner. Further, the commonassumption δ /L ≪ 1, where δ is the boundary layer thickness and L is its characteristic length, isnot always true and it is not clear to the student that this assumption is